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New Roots (Fate's Intent Book 8)

Page 20

by Bowles, April

  “Not something that has to burn a hole in your conscious and neither does that dream. I mean, look at him. How could he possibly be mine? He doesn’t look anything like me.”

  “I’m over it. It wasn’t a big deal.”

  I looked at Darius and he sat without a word.

  “He’s over it too.” Trever smiled. “But he still thinks it’s a big deal that you could even possibly think that.”

  “Get out of my head.”

  “She deserves to know what goes on in there. Protective yet jealousy seems to arrive whenever I’m around and you’re really just—”

  Darius got up and started walking towards him. “What is it going to take to get you out of my life?”

  “Not much, actually. I only really came up here to say good-bye.”

  “Well, good-bye! There’s the door.”

  “Stop it, Darius.” I said. “Trever, you can’t leave already. I only just woke up.”

  He smiled and stepped closer to the bed without the slightest glance at Darius’s hateful stare. “I know but I have to. You won’t even notice, remember?”

  I sighed and closed the front of my shirt with my free hand and carried Dirk over to him. “Fine but you have to come see us when you get back.”

  He laughed and hugged me gently. “I will as long as you don’t count the days. A year is a long time.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “So, I guess that’s how long it’ll be till I see you again.” Trever had this cute playful tone while he took Dirk in his hands. “By then you’ll probably be running all over the place.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  He laughed. “Babies grow up you know, Red. It’d be wise of you to not fight it.”

  “I will as long as I can.”

  “Think that’s bad then just wait until he’s taller than you.”

  “Okay! I think I’ll have him back now.” I took Dirk back and kept my eyes down on him while I pulled him close. “I don’t even want to think about that.”

  “Well, I better get going. They’re probably wondering where I am.”

  “Okay. See you in a year, I guess.”

  Trever smiled and kissed my cheek then turned, taking notice to Darius’s continuous glare. “Darius. I do hope you take better care of her this time. I’ve heard some pretty naughty things.”

  “Just leave.”

  Trever kept his smile. “Bye, Red.”

  Chapter 46


  I was glad he was gone and would be for a year. I’d enjoy it.

  “Could you relax, please?”

  “I am relaxed.”

  Ruby sighed and came to me, touching my arm. “I know you’re not but I told you it wasn’t a big deal. Dirk is your son and I don’t doubt it. I’d like for you to not too.”

  My eyes moved down to the baby in her hands and I slowly began to take him. “Of course I don’t. He was at least right about that. He doesn’t look like him at all.”

  “No. I think he looks like you. I see it more every time I look at him.”

  “I’m sorry about how I reacted.”

  “It’s okay. I knew you would. I know how much you hate him but he’ll be gone for a while. It’ll be just us.”

  “You say that like he’ll be joining us when he gets back.”

  “Not joining us but he’ll be around. Not a great deal more because by then we’ll be back home and he’ll be needed in Dorlin.”

  “Let’s just hope father calls me away during those visits.”

  Ruby smiled and leaned into me with a sarcastic tone. “You mean you’re going to let him be alone with me?”

  “You know what I mean. Let’s just forget about it. How long do you think we have before Jaylyn comes knocking?”

  “Not long if Trever told them we’re awake. I know we said we’d come down but she’s been pretty impatient with us.”

  I smiled and looked down at Dirk. “Sorry, pal. There’s just nowhere to hide you.”

  “Stop. He’s going to love his Aunty Jaylyn. He won’t remember what she’s like now. As soon as Bryce is born, she’ll calm down. Wow, that sounds weird to say, doesn’t it?”

  “What? Bryce?”

  “Yeah. You probably don’t think so but I do. I guess it’s just different when I knew him.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get used to it. Come on. We should get dressed and get down there before they all come barging in here.”

  “That’s a good idea. Keep him for a bit while I do it first?”

  “Take all the time you want. I don’t care about going down like this. I’m used to it.”

  “Okay, I just want to see if I can sneak into Zayden’s bathhouse. I need to shower.”

  “You sure you’ll be all right alone?”

  Ruby smiled and lifted herself on her tiptoes to kiss me. “I’m in full health, Muscles. I’ll be fine.”

  “I somehow can’t stop smiling when you call me that.”

  “Mmm. Because you like it.”

  “You know I do. It’s just rare that you use it these days.”

  “I guess but these days haven’t exactly been easy or happy for us, now have they?”

  “That’s all going to change.”

  I looked down at Dirk and Ruby did too, gently placing her hand on his head. “Yeah. It is. Well, let’s get going. I’m already starting to miss him.”

  I smiled as we walked towards the door. “All right. Hurry then. We’ll be waiting for you.”

  We parted ways out in the hall and I brought my son downstairs into the dining hall. It was quiet while I walked in but everyone was sitting around the table.

  “There you are.” Zayden said.

  I looked right at Jaylyn and noticed her still mood. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “What do you think?” Troy answered. “Trever left again.”

  “Oh, well, I know I’m not the right person to try and comfort you about that but I brought someone else that might be able to.”

  Jaylyn looked up, seeing Dirk in my arm and immediately smiled. “Okay but I have to hold him.”

  “Of course.”

  I handed him off and Jaylyn’s smile stayed while she held him in her arms. “This is better.”

  “Don’t waste your time worrying about what Trever’s doing. He’ll be back before you know it and you’ll have a baby of your own by then to share your time.”

  “Thanks, Darius. That’s sweet.”

  I smiled back and kissed her cheek as an instant reaction then sat in the chair next to her. “You’re welcome.”

  “Hey!” Troy cut in. “Keep your lips off my wife.”

  “Relax.” Jaylyn replied. “He’s just being nice.”

  “That’s what you need to watch out for.”

  I laughed. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

  “So, where’s Ruby?” Adele asked.

  I knew she was just trying to cut into the conversation but I answered her. “She’s showering. She should be down in a few minutes.”

  “How was the first night?”

  I paused for a moment, taking a bite of food. “She was up with him a few times. He had a nice awake period just before dawn.”

  “And you were coherent to all of this?” Zayden asked sarcastically.

  I laughed to his tone. “I was surprised myself but I do actually wake up from him.”

  “You’ll probably regret that soon.” Jaylyn said.

  “Why would I?”

  “He wakes up at night for one reason, to eat. You couldn’t help.”

  “I do, actually. I change him before he eats.”

  “Really?” Jaylyn expressed extreme surprise.

  “Don’t sound so amazed.”

  “I didn’t mean to. It’s just weird. Normal men don’t usually get involved with that kind of stuff as it is and then there’s you.”

  “Can everyone jump onboard at the same time here and get used to it? I’ve changed and he—” I looked down at Dirk still
being peaceful in Jaylyn’s arms. “He’s my future and I don’t want to mess this up.”

  “You won’t.” Adele said. “And we like this new you. It’s refreshing and hopefully, they’ll learn a thing or two before they’re sons are born.”

  “Hey!” Zayden and Troy bellowed at the same time.

  “Shh!” Jaylyn whispered. “You’ll scare the baby.”

  I laughed. “We still have a little while but we could schedule something when you’re busy with a meditation session.”

  “Great idea!” Adele smiled, moving her eyes towards Zayden. “They’d love to!”

  “Okay.” Zayden sighed, getting up to his feet. “But right now, I think I could go for a workout. You coming?”

  “I will.” Troy said while he got up after him. “Darius will probably be busy.”

  “I can go. I trust Jaylyn to be completely responsible with Dirk for a few minutes until Ruby comes down.”

  “Well, all right then.” Zayden said. “Come on.”

  “Maybe you can work on some manners first.” Adele whispered as I stood up to follow.

  I laughed. “I’ll try that. You’re in charge.”


  I walked away with my smile and joined Zayden and Troy outside on this sunny winter’s morning.

  “Maybe I should get more clothes on.” I said, feeling the cold air on my bare skin.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it.” Zayden laughed. “You get sick and Jaylyn can just heal you. Besides, it’s nice out today. Soon you won’t even notice the chill.”

  “Fine. Let’s start quick then.”

  Zayden smiled and used his speed to grab a stick and attacked me without warning.

  “Hey!” I put up my hand to grab it from him.

  “Well, you said quick!” Troy laughed. “About time you learned!”

  “I’d much rather teach something to you instead!” I pulled the stick fully from Zayden and spun it around towards Troy.

  “Troy!” Zayden quickly tossed him a stick and he caught it just in time to block my coming hit.

  “Oh, I see how it is.” I said. “Two against one? All right. I can take both of you.”

  Zayden smiled and immediately appeared inches in front of me. “Really want to test that?”

  “Well, it wasn’t a threat.”

  I shoved him back and Zayden slid on the ground a couple of feet from the sudden force.

  “I guess it’s on then.” Troy smiled. He spun around and swung his stick at me, starting the morning.

  I spun myself around as well and held up my stick to block. Zayden effortlessly jumped back to his feet, eager to get into the game.

  They were now both attacking me but I was doing well, dodging and blocking dual sticks from each side. Zayden used his speed only when it was necessary to get out of the way from the occasional swing and Troy had his natural agility to try and run me tired.

  It wasn’t working and I had to laugh from their effort. “You know, ever since I’ve been with Ruby my endurance is limitless.”

  “And I seriously doubt that’s the only reason.” Troy replied, continuing with his attacks.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I said casually, not showing an ounce of tiredness at all. “My strength might have something to do with it. Nothing seems to phase me anymore.”

  “Would you please at least fight back?!” Zayden asked, aggravated by my confidence.

  I smiled and swung my stick towards both of them. Zayden and Troy acted naturally and swiftly. They used their sticks as one and was able to spin mine out of my hands, holding theirs both out to me like they won.

  “I don’t think so.” I grabbed the ends that were just inches from touching me and swung them around to my left.

  They failed to let go and were swung several feet up in the air and came crashing down after slamming into the side of the palace wall.

  “Ooh!” I muttered. “That had to hurt.” I started walking over to them, hearing the groaning signs of pain.

  “Shit, Darius.” Troy mumbled while rotating his left shoulder. “Was that necessary?”

  “You’re the one that held on.”

  Troy got up to his feet but Zayden was still on the ground seeming quiet and still. “Hey, Zayden, are you all right?” He rolled him over and he coughed out a breath of blood. “Oh no.” I looked lower to where Zayden’s hands were and saw more blood pouring out of a large laceration just under his left ribs. “Darius, go get Jaylyn!” Troy tried to keep Zayden’s hands out of the way so he could put pressure on it.



  I quickly turned and ran inside. Jaylyn was still in the dining hall where we left her with Dirk in her arms.

  “Jaylyn, hand off the baby!” I said, taking deep panting breaths.

  “But why? It hasn’t been that long.”

  “Just do it! We need your help!”

  “What happened?” Ruby asked, slowly taking Dirk back from Jaylyn.

  “Zayden’s hurt!”

  Adele’s eyes widened and she immediately got up. “What?!”

  “Just come on!”

  Ruby and Jaylyn got up too and they came as fast as they could behind me back outside.

  “Zayden!” Adele saw him on the ground with Troy and quickly went over, seeing all the blood. “What happened?!”

  “Darius tried to kill us.” Troy sighed.

  “I did not!”

  “You threw us into a wall!”


  “All right!” Jaylyn cut in. “It’s okay. I can fix it. Zayden, can you hear me?” His eyes moved to her but he couldn’t say anything. “Stay with us. You won’t feel it in a minute.” Her eyes started to glow while her hands were both on him tightly and the blood from around his mouth started to disappear.

  Adele sat with Zayden’s head in her lap, anxiously watching, hoping he’d be all right. We all were.

  Zayden’s eyes moved to hers and I noticed she didn’t blink like she didn’t want to miss a second of not seeing his eyes. Zayden brought his hand up and stroked her cheek.

  Adele smiled to seeing more movement out of him and brought his hand into her lips, kissing them and the blood that covered his skin. Then she looked down and everything changed. She had his blood on her lips from kissing him and pressed them together, probably tasting it.

  Her eyes blackened and it scared her enough that she moved back.

  “Love?” Zayden was able to keep his own head up and Jaylyn pulled her hands away.

  My eyes were still on Adele. She sat on the ground, her eyes still black with visible signs of blood on her lips.

  “Adele, are you okay?” Ruby asked.

  We couldn’t have been sure what or who she was looking at but I’m sure Adele knew and I think Zayden did too.

  “Love?” Zayden reached his hand out towards her but she kept close to herself and backed away.

  “What’s wrong with her?” I asked.

  Zayden sighed and tried wiping the blood off his hand on his pants. “This.”

  Adele backed away even more to the point that she was able to stand up and started to rush back inside.

  “Love, wait!” Zayden got up to his feet after her. “Thanks, Jaylyn!”

  “No need to thank me. We wouldn’t have let you die.”

  Zayden didn’t respond. He started running after Adele and that’s when I realized it. She wanted his blood and it probably wasn’t going to go away until she got some.

  Chapter 47


  I was scared for her as I chased after her. It was clear she had my other gift too because she was already gone. I knew where she would go and went right into our room but she wasn’t anywhere in sight. I walked around more slowly and saw her curled up beside the bed in the corner.

  I approached her and knelt down to her level. “Love?”

  She lifted her head quickly and her eyes were still black. “Please go away.”

  “No. I�
��m not. You need to—”

  “I know!” Her voice was strong but worried. “But I can’t! I don’t want—”

  “Hey, it’s okay. You won’t need to use Jaylyn like I did. You can do it on me.”

  Adele calmed down and was looking in my eyes with her black ones. “I don’t want to bite anyone.”

  “I know but you’ll need to. The control doesn’t take that long to gain and I’ll be here for you.”


  She trailed off like she was still worried and I laughed. “What? Afraid to get sexual with me? Come on, Love. You can’t fight it. Believe me.”

  She sat still, looking at the floor in front of her. I knew she didn’t want to. She probably thought of what it was like every time she saw me like that. It was scary for her.

  “All right.” She agreed sooner than I expected. “But I don’t want to tell anyone. I want—”

  “It’s okay, Love. They know how this works and I’m sure none of them want to see it. They don’t have to. This is just for you.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “I know. Come here.” I took Adele in my arms and she nestled her face by my neck. “Go ahead when you’re ready.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “But you have to unless you want to get like this with Jaylyn.”


  “Then when you’re ready. This won’t kill me. I’ve done it on myself before.”

  Adele kept her head close to my body and her lips brushed against the meaty muscle over my right shoulder. She kissed me as she gripped her arms around me then bit down.

  I tensed for a moment, trying to remain still and quiet so she wouldn’t freak out that it was hurting me. I knew she needed this and let her have it.

  The pain soon faded but unlike with Jaylyn, it was different. This time I wasn’t the one doing the biting. I was feeling it from the other end, getting a better sense of how Jaylyn felt when I had to use her to gain control. It relaxed me and I no longer felt the pain of the bite but a pleasure filled every thought in my mind.

  I held Adele close to me, rubbing my hands along her body, wanting her even more. I hoped she was enjoying it but I couldn’t tell. She wasn’t showing any kinds of signs. The sign she did show was not what I would have guessed.


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