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Prince Charming

Page 9

by K. Webster

  “Boys, go to your rooms,” Manda bites out, her tone venomous.

  I’m not deluded into thinking she’s angry with them. I see it for what it is. To protect her young. Scout holds my stare for a moment, unspoken promises of retaliation dancing between us, before he storms off after his brothers.

  “As I said before, the boys aren’t used to having a girl in the house—” Manda’s words are cut off when Winston interrupts her.

  “They ruined her dress and saw to it that she was unable to go to my party.” Winston sips his wine. “Let’s call it what it is, Dr. Mannford. Assault.”

  I freeze, no longer able to look at my dad. Yesterday’s events come crashing down on me, making me shudder.

  “They mentioned she had an issue with her dress, but my boys didn’t assault her,” Manda says quickly. “Ash tends to exaggerate sometimes. Tell him, honey.”

  “Winston,” I mutter as I glance at my dad. “It’s fine. As long as they leave me alone, it’s fine.”

  Dad’s eyes narrow. Lying to him as a kid was something I couldn’t do. He always saw through it. Like now. I don’t even have to tell him what happened, and he knows. His jaw clenches, and then he drains his wineglass.

  “Well then,” Winston says, rising to his feet. “Seems like you all have it worked out. Ash, I’ll see you in the morning at the office. I’ll take your car home and have it brought back at dawn.” He ducks down and plants a kiss on my forehead before striding to the front door.

  “Let me walk you out.” Dad follows him out the door and closes it shut behind them.

  Silence fills the air as I wait for Manda to explode. Based on the way the vein on her forehead pulsates, I imagine it’ll be soon.

  “Filling that man’s head with lies,” she hisses. “To embarrass me—us. This won’t just affect me and my sons, it’ll affect your father too.”

  The threat has me clenching my fists. “They’re not lies. The triplets are cruel to me.”

  “Toughen up, Ash,” Manda snaps. “You’ll never make it in that man’s world if you don’t.”

  How does one toughen up against assault and threats to their reputation? She’s deluded if she thinks I’ll just get over what Scout and his brothers did to me. Smashing their cars feels like victory, even if I am a little sore from the impact. Completely worth it.

  “I’m going to bed,” I say as I rise to my feet.

  Manda stands as well and walks over to me, a sneer on her perfectly made-up face. “If you can’t toughen up enough to earn that spot beside a Constantine, another woman will.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. Surely she doesn’t mean her. She’s married to my dad. “You’re up for that job?”

  She lets out a derisive snort. “Don’t be silly, Ash, I’m a married woman.” She waves me off as though I’m trash. “He’s better suited for Meredith Baldridge.”

  “Who’s also a married woman,” I throw back, remembering what I’d learned last night. Anger and jealousy race through my veins like electricity.

  “But young enough to end a marriage that isn’t working to seek out one that will.”

  With those words, she leaves me gaping after her. I may not be the best match for Winston, but I’ll be damned if I let someone like Meredith Baldridge waltz back into his life and hurt him again.

  Winston belongs with someone who actually cares about him.

  He belongs with me.

  We may have our fucked-up games we play, but this thing between us keeps growing at an exponential rate. Soon, no matter how much he tries to deny his feelings for me, he won’t be able to. I won’t let him.

  He can take his stupid whore apartment and shove it.

  I’m not his whore.

  I’m just his.



  I drum my fingers on my desk, staring at my brother as he talks to someone on the phone. My mind is anywhere but at work. Mainly, I can’t stop thinking about last night. The way the fuckwits lurked in the living room, desperate to take Ash and shred her once more. I could see the dark, overwhelming thirst in their eyes. Just waiting for me to leave so they could pounce. But, later, I’d checked in with her and she was safely locked away in her room. It drives me insane that she’s unsafe in her own home and I don’t have any control.


  You have all the control.

  All you have to do is make that call.

  The thought of demanding Ash stay with me all the time, not just when I need her, is tempting. I’d love to have her at my fingertips all hours of every day and night. I crave to devour every part of her.

  But what happens when I’ve had enough?

  The thought sours my stomach, making the coffee Deborah brought me when I walked in churn in my gut. Unfortunately, as with everything, eventually I’ll grow tired of what we’re doing. It’ll be too difficult to end things cleanly if she’s moved in with me.

  Which is why giving her an apartment would be ideal. The stubborn brat, though, refuses to even acknowledge the idea. I know she’d rather me invite her to live with me, but that just isn’t going to happen. End of story.

  Plus, Mother would shit bricks if she knew I let my terrible maid live with me. She’d see it as weakness—because it fucking is—and do everything in her power to peel apart Ash’s life. Just like she did with Meredith. But, with Meredith, she deserved to be exposed for the traitorous witch she was. Ash, however, will not fare so well if Mother gets her talons in her life, because a lot of what she would find involves me and could be especially humiliating to me and Ash.

  My stomach grumbles again, and I realize I’m just hungry. I dig around in my laptop bag, fishing out the cherry gummy bears Ash bought me, shoving one into my mouth.

  Perry laughs, calls Keaton a dumbass, and then shakes his head. I’m curious as to what they’re talking about. It’s never bothered me before that my siblings talk to each other as if they truly enjoy each other’s presence. Being the eldest, I’ve prided myself on not needing to interact with my siblings. I thought I didn’t mind, at least. Something about the way Perry smiles, happy to be talking to our brother, doesn’t sit well with me. I feel as though I’ve missed out on something. An ache that feels much like when we lost Dad settles in my bones, making its home there.

  “Enough chit-chat,” I bark out, glaring at Perry.

  He flips me off, ignoring me. I bite back a smirk, secretly pleased with the balls he seems to have found since he started working with me. It takes another Constantine to be effectively able to handle the top Constantine.

  Ash handles you just fine.

  That thought has me faltering. My mind goes back to last night when her father tried to ward me off.

  “She’s too soft for you.”

  “Ash is just a kid.”

  “We want her to follow her dreams and go off to college.”

  I kindly—okay, so not kindly at all—told him if she was soft, she wouldn’t have picked herself up after those motherfuckers ruined her dress, found a way to my party, and danced the night away like she belonged there. He tried not to let it show, but he was shocked she’d been at the party and he didn’t see her. The triplets told him she had a wardrobe malfunction and wouldn’t be attending the party, which he took at face value. Let’s just say that after I vaguely revealed his stepsons are spawns of Satan, he wouldn’t be trusting them when it comes to Ash. It’s not much, but it’s better than her dealing with the triplets’ shit alone. At least if Baron Elliott knows what monsters his wife’s kids are, especially to his own daughter, he can act like the protector he thinks he is.

  The truth is, I’m the only one who can fully protect Ash.


  With my money, my means, and my motherfucking persistence.


  Speaking of persistence . . .

  I smile at the email on my phone from Deborah. She may have pissed me off where Perry and Ash are concerned, forgetting her place in this company, but I’m reminded why I keep he
r around and pay her so well. Her ability to dig information up is invaluable.

  Wes R. Hightower.

  Otherwise known as hot suited not gay guy.

  Thirty-one. Junior associate at a successful investment company, Hightower Financial Group, that his father, James Hightower, owns. It’d be a dick move to punish his father for the deeds of his son, but I think I’ve proven time and time again I’m a dick. I shoot a text to Harold asking him to move any and all investments that are with Hightower Financial Group. Then, I ask Deborah to see what she can learn about their clientele. Once she figures out the big spenders at Hightower Financial Group, I can make some calls. Whenever I mention moving my business or investing in something, all the other motherfuckers who want to be just like me follow suit. No questions asked. Hightower Financial Group will bleed from this monetary wound I’ll no doubt inflict on their company. And when they’re struggling to keep their doors open, I’ll send Wes R. Hightower a bouquet of expensive flowers with a card that says: You couldn’t afford her before, and you certainly can’t now.

  “You’re so fucking evil,” Perry says, as though he’s inside my mind.

  “Hmm?” Absently, I throw another addictive cherry gummy bear into my mouth, mildly annoyed that Ash got me hooked on this shit. For breakfast, no less.

  “That face.” He laughs. “It’s evil. Tell me we’re going to fuck up some Mannfords.”

  “Ash did a good job of that last night all by herself,” I reveal, smirking at him.

  “So I’ve been told,” Perry says, grinning. “Keaton called to tell me he heard through some mutual friends the triplets were pissed their cars got wrecked last night. Good for Ash. After what they did . . .” He trails off, his features darkening and his smile wiped off his face. “It’s the least of what they deserve.”

  I agree whole-fucking-heartedly.

  “Do you think Mother knows?” Perry asks with a frown.

  I throw another gummy bear into my mouth, frowning as I chew. “That Ash smashed her stepbrothers’ cars?”

  “No, smartass. Saturday night. That we duped her into thinking Tinsley was there all night rather than Ash.”

  “Why do you ask?”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “Because she called me yesterday asking me who Ash Elliott was and everything I knew about her.”

  For fuck’s sake, here we go.

  “And what did you tell her?” I lean forward over my desk, steepling my fingers.

  “Just that she’s a new employee here and assisting you with some things.” He reaches over, stealing a handful of gummy bears from my bag. “I didn’t rat out that you two were sleeping together.”

  I ignore his deduction about my sex life as I indulge in another gummy bear. Whatever they’re made up of is a thousand times more addictive than caffeine. “Why is she concerned about Ash? How in the hell did she even get on her trail?”

  “She’s fucking creepy like that, Winny. You know she is. Remember that one time I wrecked one of Dad’s sailboats? No one was around to tattle on me. There weren’t any cameras watching when it happened. I bottomed out on some rocks and nearly drowned, but I made it out of there. I’d barely made it into the house before she was all over me demanding to know what happened. My point is, she knows shit she shouldn’t before everyone else. Always.”

  It’s true.

  Mother’s tentacles are deep and far reaching in this city. She’s connected with the wealthy and has her fingers in the dirt too, just so she knows about every damn person that might try and threaten the Constantine name. It’s part of the reason I’m so ruthless. I have my mother’s blood running like ice through my veins.

  “She knew about the Baldridge building,” Perry throws out.

  “Because Anthony told her.”

  “Well, it’s beside the point. Someone told her about the sailboat. Someone told her about Ash Elliott.”

  “Speaking of the Baldridge building,” I say, changing the direction of our conversation from Mother’s super sleuth skills to something of importance. “I spoke to Duncan on Saturday.”

  “That guy is such an idiot.”

  “Agreed. But a loyal idiot when he feels threatened.” I lean back in my chair, thinking about the phone call I received first thing when I walked through the door at seven this morning. “Apparently there were eviction notices posted on every door, even to his office. He was pissed to say the least. Now, he’s bloodthirsty.”

  “Morelli didn’t waste time,” Perry marvels. “I wonder what they plan to do with that building.”

  “It doesn’t matter. They won’t have it long. I imagine Leo thought he could show his big brother how good at Monopoly he is, claiming the last piece on the board for their empire. But he forgot a very important detail.”

  “The Constantines own the board he’s playing on?”

  I flash my brother a sinister smile. “Precisely. You learn quick.”

  He preens at my praise, reminding me of Ash. It’s nearing eight-fifteen and she’s still not here. I should have negotiated something regarding her tardiness. A spanking for every minute late would have been something to look forward to. As it is, I’m just annoyed she’s not here.

  Those fuckfaces could have given her trouble this morning, and I wouldn’t even know about it because I’m already at work.

  This wouldn’t happen if she lived with you…

  Again, that’s not happening. Ever. I can keep her safe, but that doesn’t mean I have to do it under my own roof. I’m not meant to have a roommate, and I’m certainly not moving her into my bed. It’ll give her the wrong idea, and as much fun as we have and as much as I want to protect her from those lunatics, moving her into my place would have her thinking something we’re not.

  She’s my entertainment.

  A sexy toy.

  Expensive-as-shit whore if we’re being frank.

  I can keep her safe and available to me without upending my entire life to do it. An apartment near my place will have to do. Excellent security and a doorman. Someplace that allows pets so she can take her fucking bird away.

  She’ll have to accept it.

  I won’t allow her not to.

  With a quick email to Deborah, I ask her to secure me an apartment for one of my employees along with my requirements and that I’ll expect a set of keys in hand by the end of the day. Once that’s settled and out of the way, I glance at the clock.

  She’s still not here.

  I shoot her a text.

  Me: Your lateness makes me think your stepbrothers have accosted you again. Shall I send in a white knight? I’m busy doing villain work, but Prince Perry could come to your rescue again.

  Her sassy response is immediate.

  Ash: All I heard was, “Ash, I miss you and I’m worried about you.”

  Me: You heard wrong.

  Ash: It’s okay, Win, boyfriends are allowed to worry about their girlfriends. And to answer your question, boyfriend, I’m fine. I slipped out of the house without incident, though Dad was extra attentive. Not sure what you said to him last night, but he’s acting like the dad I remember before Manda tainted him.

  Me: Blah, blah, blah . . . I don’t care. I’m not your boyfriend. Why are you late?

  Ash: You do care, asshole, even if you can’t admit it. It’s called traffic and I’m still not good at driving Bruiser. Finding a spot in the garage was a nightmare too. I’m thankful for my armored car at the moment because the orange eyesore I parked next to might door ding me when the driver goes to leave.

  Me: You’d be doing mankind a favor if you’d take out Perry’s car too. Just saying. Also, who the fuck names their car?

  Ash: Your adorable girlfriend does.

  Me: Stop texting and get your ass to work, maid.

  She sends me back a bunch of middle finger emojis making me laugh. Perry snorts, drawing my attention from my phone to my brother.

  “What?” I demand.

  “You. Just never seen you act like this before.”
br />   “Act like what?”

  I know this asshole isn’t about to say what I think he is. That I’m in love. Love is the farthest thing from what Ash and I have. I’d fallen victim to love once, and it nearly ended me. Meredith selfishly took my trust and crushed it beneath her size six Louboutin. I learned a great deal from that time in my life, and I’m not looking to repeat it ever again. Ash may have girlish fantasies about what this is and what we are, and my brother might be just as naïve, but I wouldn’t be where I’m at today if I didn’t learn to harden my heart against everyone and everything.

  “In love.” Predictable bastard.

  “Oh, fuck right off, Perry.”

  He throws his head back, cracking up with laughter. “Maybe not yet, but mark my words, Ash is gonna be a Constantine one day. I’ll be a cool uncle. Teach your kid sailing and shit.”

  “You won’t teach my kid sailing and shit,” I growl, my eye twitching at the idea of Perry teaching anyone how to sail.

  “But you admit the hypothetical niece or nephew in this story belongs to you.”

  I flip him off, ignoring his taunts.

  “Will he look like Ash or you? I hope Ash. She’s cute. You’re fucking ugly.”

  His taunting doesn’t rile me up like he attempts to do. Instead, I send Duncan Baldridge an email to get me the details of anything he can regarding the local businesses and the Morelli’s involvement. Once I’ve sent the email, I wave Perry off.

  “Go bother Nate. I have work to do.”

  “Sure thing, Daddy,” he jokes. “I wonder what colors Ash will want for the wedding.”


  I don’t reward him with a verbal response, just a roll of my eyes which has him cackling all the way out of my office.

  Someone should fire his slacker ass.



  I’m grinning as I enter the lobby of the gorgeous building. Winston misses me and is worried about me. That shouldn’t elate me as much as it does. It’s not like I don’t know it to be truth. He stood up for me to Manda and Dad. Bought me a freaking car. Showers me with gifts.


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