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Seductively Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 3)

Page 5

by Cassandra Lawson

  “Save me from idiot males,” she muttered before turning her back on us and walking away. “I hope you have food. We can talk over dinner,” she called out on her way to the kitchen.

  “Who does she think she’s talking to?” I asked Oliver.

  Oliver gazed in the direction she’d disappeared before looking back up at me, and I easily caught the meaning in his stare.

  “Of course, I have food,” I told him. “I’m a werewolf. I eat six meals a day. Do I have food?” I muttered to myself. “You feel like ribs?”

  I assumed from Oliver’s excited yip that ribs sounded good to him.

  Chapter 8


  As much as I tried to deny it, I loved seeing Gryph and Oliver getting along. My familiar didn’t make friends easily. He was close to Mr. Whiskers, but he didn’t care for most of the other familiars. Even his relationship with Mr. Whiskers had been strained at first because he didn’t like the way the condor smelled at times. I didn’t blame him. I’d watched Mr. Whiskers a couple times without making sure Mel had packed his breath fresheners. That condor ate some foul things, and on occasion, his breath got bad enough that I couldn’t handle being in the same room with him.

  Before meeting Gryph, Oliver had hated all werewolves, claiming they were too arrogant and smelled funny. Smell plays a big role in how Oliver interacts with those around him. Gryph, Oliver had liked from day one. Had he not liked Gryph, Oliver never would have accepted his dominance. He wasn’t afraid of Gryph, like some might assume. My familiar had complete faith in me to protect him from any threats.

  “Did you find your room?” Gryph asked as he walked into the kitchen, with Oliver by his side.

  “Yes,” I replied before shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “Thank you again for letting us stay here.”

  A strange look passed over Gryph’s face as he regarded me. His mouth opened, but then he closed it and shook his head.

  “What were you going to say?” I asked.

  “That this is my job and you don’t have to thank me,” he began. I nodded, oddly hurt by that sentiment before he continued. “Then I realized what a lie that is. You aren’t a job. I don’t have to do this. In fact, I shouldn’t do this. Having you here will create a whole mess of problems for me.”

  “Then why are you doing this?” I asked softly. I wanted to walk toward him and rub my hand along his beard. I’d always preferred my partners softer and more refined. Gryph was rough and raw, and I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anyone.

  “You know why I’m doing this,” he murmured. “You already know you’re mine, even if you don’t like hearing it.”

  Those words were enough to break the temporary spell I’d been under. “I don’t belong to anyone.”

  Gryph looked amused by my statement. “So you’ve said,” he remarked with a smirk.

  “I keep saying it because it’s true,” I insisted.

  “You keep saying it because you think that’s what you’re supposed to feel. You think belonging to anyone, man or woman, makes you weak. This isn’t about me being too possessive. You’re not afraid that I think I own you or have the right to run your life. You’re afraid that if you give your heart to me, you’ll be vulnerable. For some reason, you’re a cynic when it comes to love,” he told me.

  “I’m not a cynic,” I assured him. “I grew up with parents who are a perfect match. They love each other more today than they did when they first took their affinity test. I believe it’s possible to find true love.” I didn’t add that love wasn’t enough since Gryph would only see it as proof I was a cynic.

  “But you’ve also seen failed relationships,” he added. “You’ve been trained to perform the affinity tests and bonding ceremonies for witches. You’ve been told compatible magic is the key to a successful long-term relationship.”

  “My poor father is still disappointed I’ve chosen not to follow in his footsteps,” I admitted. He’d always said I had more natural talent than any young witch he’d ever seen. Natural talent or not, having people put their entire future—their very happiness—in my hands was exhausting. I’d even had Bliss clients ask me to tell them if I thought their magic was compatible. It was impossible to give a completely accurate reading without doing an actual test in a controlled environment. That made it easier to avoid giving them a response they wouldn’t like. Most who asked if they were compatible, didn’t believe they were to begin with. I was certain some had made their own assumptions based on my reactions, but there was no getting around that.

  “Why’d you decide to partner with Allie?” he asked, squatting to rub Oliver’s belly as soon as my familiar rolled over.

  “I needed a change. Sometimes, facilitating an affinity test is beautiful and rewarding,” I began. “Mostly, it involves witches arguing about the results or trying to get you to give them a different answer. The results are obvious, and there’s no way to misread them. In some cases, the family insists that the test is wrong. Then, the poor couple is often badgered into breaking up because their families don’t agree with the match. In some cases, they’re pressured into continuing with a bonding ceremony, even though they aren’t compatible. Witches live under some very archaic rules. According to the laws of our council, my parents could select a warlock and demand a bonding ceremony be performed. Luckily, my parents disagree with that practice, but many families are strong supporters of it. In the end, it’s stressful, and I began to hate the whole process. When Allie mentioned her idea for Bliss, it sounded fun and exciting, so I suggested being partners. It was a good decision, one I don’t regret. I don’t miss having witches trying to push me to give them the answer they want.”

  “I can see why this would be a much less stressful career choice,” Gryph stated. “It would be hard being pushed around by witches.”

  I laughed at the thought of Gryph being pushed around by witches. “You wouldn’t have any problems dealing with them,” I told him. “You’re not the type to let anyone push you around.”

  “Neither are you,” he insisted, standing and walking toward me. “Why don’t I fix us something to eat?”

  “I’m not really hungry yet,” I admitted. “This was just an excuse to check out your kitchen.”

  “What do you think?” he asked, as he gestured to the room with the center island, double oven, enormous fridge, and eight burner range.

  “I’m curious why a house in a vampire subdivision needs this kind of kitchen,” I admitted.

  “They have humans living here,” he reminded me.

  “Good point,” I agreed. “This still might be overkill.”

  Oliver said something about going to take a nap and scurried up the stairs to find a place he liked.

  “Even if you aren’t going to eat, I am,” Gryph announced. It had only been about an hour since we’d eaten, but werewolves had a much higher metabolism rate, so I wasn’t surprised Gryph was hungry again. His last meal had also been small by werewolf standards.

  “I’m surprised Oliver didn’t stick around to beg for food, even though he ate while I was packing up my stuff,” I remarked. “That’s usually what he does the second we get home, regardless of when he last ate.”

  “He’s tired,” Gryph pointed out as he pulled out a container and set it on the center island. “This has been a stressful day for him. Not only is he dealing with a new place with disturbing smells, he’s also worried about you.”

  “I guess you’re right,” I agreed.

  Gryph opened the container and began eating the leftover ribs cold.

  Nothing was said, giving me time to think about the many things that had been bothering me. “Why’d you shut me out?” I finally asked. “If you really thought I was yours, why run away?”

  “I didn’t run away,” he argued. “I just left.”

  “Call it whatever you want,” I told him. “You left and refused to return my calls. I wouldn’t do things your way, and you weren’t willing to discuss any other optio

  “It’s not that simple, Sass,” he stated without looking at me.

  “It’s seems pretty damn simple to me,” I argued. We’d danced around the issue for hours. It was probably best if we didn’t discuss it, but I seemed incapable of stopping myself.

  Setting a rib bone down, he shook his head before responding. “I left because it was the right thing to do.”

  “That is a complete load of bullshit,” I accused.

  Chapter 9


  My eyes widened at Julia’s use of profanity. She’d gotten in my face about things many times, but she rarely cursed. That was my first clue she was really angry with me for leaving. I got it. I could see how, from her perspective, I’d told her it was my way or nothing. There were reasons she couldn’t fully understand for me acting that way. Logic told me I should insist we discuss this later, but I’d never been the most logical man around Julia.

  “Why don’t you tell me why I left, Sass,” I suggested as I wiped my hand and prowled toward her. Something else was suddenly much more appetizing. The little witch didn’t seem to realize how precarious my self-control was.

  “I already told you why you left,” she snapped.

  “Tell me again,” I coaxed as I closed in on her.

  “You decided I’m your mate,” she began, pointing an accusing finger at me. Her other hand was on her hip. “You figured if you couldn’t have things exactly the way you wanted them, then you’d leave. Forget what I want. There is no compromising with you.”

  My eyebrows rose at her accusation. “I don’t recall you trying to compromise with me. You were just as stubborn as I was on this issue.”

  “I don’t recall you giving me any choice,” she shot back. “You said we were a couple and promised my brother you’d take care of me. When I didn’t jump in your arms and thank you for deciding my life for me, you ran.”

  “To protect you,” I insisted.

  “To protect yourself,” she argued.

  “That too,” I agreed. “Mostly, it was to protect you. Whether you like it or not, you are my mate. My first obligation is always to see to your needs. What you needed was for me to leave. It was the only way to keep you safe.”

  “I needed sex,” she spat out before blushing when she realized what she’d said. “That sounded horrible.”

  “Is that what you need?” I asked softly. Standing directly in front of her, my body was assaulted with her enticing scent. Much like other times we’d argued, Julia was turned on. If I slid my fingers into her panties, I’d find her wet and ready for me. I needed to resist that temptation, but I was beginning to doubt my resolve to do so. “Do you need me to make you come? Make you scream and beg for more?”

  Julia’s response was a needy whimper.

  “Tell me,” I commanded.

  “I need you,” she breathed out. “I can’t stop wanting you and only you. I’m tired of pretending I can forget you.”

  Her admission stripped away the last of my restraint. With a growl, I pulled her against my body and kissed her. My hand tangled in her hair to hold her in place as I thrust my tongue into her mouth. I wasn’t gentle, and based on the keening sounds coming from the back of Julia’s throat, this was exactly what she wanted. Her taste was intoxicating. Julia’s hands slid under my shirt, moving along the planes of my abdomen and up to my chest. Tearing my mouth from hers, I took a deep shuddering breath to try to get myself under control. Things couldn’t go as far as I wanted them to. I had to protect my mate from myself, but I also had to take care of her needs. My mate would be satisfied.

  “Sit down,” I ordered, gesturing to the chairs at the table.

  Julia made no sassy reply as she moved across the kitchen, pulled out a chair, and sat down. Her eyes moved to the front of my jeans where my dick was trying to break free from the fabric. I wanted to bury my cock deep inside her so much, I ached everywhere. It wouldn’t be today, I reminded myself. I needed to wait until Julia was ready for more. Still, I’d get to enjoy her. Today, I would get to do one of the many things I’d been fantasizing about for months.

  Chapter 10


  Gryph’s gaze was so hot, it practically burned me from the inside out. Seeing the outline of his erection under his jeans reminded me of just how big he was. I couldn’t wait to feel every inch of him inside of me.

  “I’ve missed you,” I admitted shyly.

  “I’ve missed you, too, Sass,” he murmured as he dropped to his knees in front of me. I scooted to the edge of the chair, needing to get closer. His hand moved up my thigh, pushing my dress up as he leaned in to kiss me. This time, his kiss was softer and more deliberate. His lips moved along mine gently. Occasionally, his sharp teeth would nip my lower lip. I’d never been into biting, but I was tempted to beg Gryph to bite me more. The slight sting only added to my arousal.

  He kissed along my jaw line, taking one earlobe between his teeth and biting down until I moaned with pleasure. Gryph’s breathing became more labored when he reached my throat. His mouth hovered there, and I held my breath, caught between fear and arousal. Tilting my head back, I exposed my throat to him, even as I was tempted to shrink away.

  “Not yet,” Gryph growled as he moved down my body.

  When I looked down, I saw my dress had been pushed all the way up, exposing my thong to him. Leaning in, Gryph ran his nose along the jade green lace, inhaling deeply. A shudder ran through his body. When we’d first met, Gryph’s need to breathe in my scent, as if savoring it, had made me uncomfortable. Now, it only added to my arousal.

  “You smell so damn good,” he said on a groan. “I want to drown in your scent, Sass.”

  “Oh, Goddess,” I breathed out.

  His rough hand slid between my legs, starting at my knee and moving up to push my leg out. I immediately moved my other leg. When he brought his face closer to my panties this time, he ran his tongue along the fabric. The pressure was light, a promise of what was to come.

  My eyes closed, and I allowed my head to drop back at the sensation of his tongue stroking my panties. I wanted more. “Let me take them off,” I uttered. “I don’t want anything between us.”

  “Soon,” Gryph crooned. “First, I want you to enjoy the way this lace feels against your pussy.”

  His strokes started out slow and light, but soon increased in speed and pressure as he focused more on my swollen clit. The sensation of his tongue stroking me through the rough lace made me whimper and writhe in the chair. It wasn’t enough with the panties on, but it still felt incredible. His tongue began to make long strokes from my opening to my clit. Each time his tongue left my clit, I nearly cried out in frustration. Gripping the chair, I lifted my hips to try to get more pressure with Gryph’s mouth.

  As his tongue worked its magic between my legs, Gryph reached up to tug the top of my dress down so he cup one of my breasts. My already hard nipple rubbed against the lace as Gryph’s thumb stroked the fabric. My back arched, pushing my breasts out toward him. Gryph responded by pinching my nipple.

  “Please,” I whimpered. “I need more.”

  Gryph’s tongue continued to tease me through my thong as he looked up at me. His eyes held a primal need that had me sucking in a sharp breath. When he released my breast and his tongue left my clit, I whimpered in protest. He couldn’t stop. I couldn’t take the teasing.

  “You can’t stop,” I whimpered.

  Gryph’s teeth bit down gently on my inner thigh, drawing a ragged moan from the back of my throat just before he tore off my panties in one swift move. His mouth hovered close to my clit, but he didn’t touch me.

  I watched as Gryph’s nostrils flared. His jaw clenched with the effort to control himself. When I began to reach for him, he shook his head and spoke in a rough, commanding voice. “Hold on to the chair. Don’t move your hands or I’ll stop pleasuring you.”

  I nodded and gripped the chair. A voice in the back of my mind told me I should protest being ordered around b
y Gryph. The needy sex-crazed witch in my head told the other voice to shut up. We liked it when Gryph ordered us around during sex.

  Gryph’s growl vibrated against my sensitive flesh as his mouth closed over my clit, suckling it gently. One finger circled my opening, teasing me. I needed him to fill the aching void inside of me.

  Releasing my clit, Gryph’s eyes locked on his finger as it penetrated me. “You like this, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I breathed out. “I can’t wait to feel all of you in me.” I moaned loudly when he slid a second finger into my body, stretching me in a delicious way.

  “You have no idea how much I wish I could slide into your tight body right now,” he uttered, watching his fingers thrust in and out as I clamped down around them. “You’re so hot and wet. Your pussy is perfection, Sass. I’ve never tasted anything so incredible.”

  Before I could utter a response, Gryph’s tongue returned to my clit as his fingers continued to move in my body. I gripped the chair tightly as he devoured me. His mouth and fingers moved more urgently against me. My moans soon turned to screams as he worked my body closer to the edge. When my body began to tighten around his fingers, I called out his name and begged for more. Gryph sucked my clit in again while his fingers moved against the front of my channel, and my orgasm finally hit. I screamed and thrashed as much as I could in the chair. My legs tensed while my body pulsed with wave after wave of ecstasy. It was the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced. I couldn’t wait to see what it would be like when Gryph was buried deep inside my body.

  “We need to go upstairs,” I uttered with a sated sigh. Gryph was watching me, his fingers still moving slowly in my body.

  “Why’s that, Sass?” he asked. “Are you ready for a nap?”

  “Unless you keep condoms down here, we should go upstairs,” I told him. “I have some in my suitcase.”

  “You brought condoms?” he asked, sounding genuinely surprised.


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