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His Winter Princess (Blushing Books 12 Days of Christmas 7)

Page 4

by Adaline Raine

  Dozens of butterflies suddenly swarmed through her stomach, but the soft touch of his hand and the gentle dominance in his tone combined in an unexpected way. She wanted to take the leap right now! It scared her just a little, like you would feel jumping off a cliff into the water below, but it also felt exhilarating.

  "Yes, I want to see where this can go." Her mouth widened into a grin. "I'm not sure where you'll lead us, but I think it will be an amazing journey."

  "I'm delighted to hear you say that." He let go of her face, then slid her off his lap. "Shall we call it a night or—"

  "May I pick whatever you say after 'or'?" Audra interrupted with a wicked smile.

  "That's a dangerous choice." Clay held his hand out to her and she placed hers in his. "I almost had my way with you in the kitchen."

  "Almost? You could have continued…" Audra shivered and lost her train of thought as his free hand traced over the curves of her body, "or something."

  "I'd much rather ravage you in my bedroom." He chuckled when she let out a soft moan. "Do you like the idea?"

  "The idea of you ravaging me?" Audra giggled. "I thought you were very proper in all things."

  "Yes, but tonight that means I'm going to properly fuck you."

  With those words he scooped her up completely into his arms and carried her up the stairs. She couldn't think of a comeback for that! He’d silenced her into awe from the boldness of his statement. He was still wearing his suit and the combination instantly aroused her. What other surprises did he have in store?

  Audra gave up on an intelligent remark and instead dipped her head down to lick along his neck. She licked downwards, then undid the top buttons on his shirt. "May I remove your tie?"

  "Only if you want me to reply by tying your lovely hands behind your back."

  She titled her head up and scanned his face for a hint of amusement but found none. She decided he was serious and left the tie alone. For now.

  A wicked idea suddenly filtered through her mind and she carefully loosened the knot. Satisfied with her work-a-round she undid the next two buttons. Audra trailed kisses over his collarbone then nipped playfully.

  He responded with a low growl against her ear. "Do you normally skate around the rules, Audra?"

  "Sometimes," she admitted as she looked around. They were in the hallway just outside of his room.

  "Most of the time?" Clay opened the door and stepped inside. He shut the door softly behind them, then moved towards the huge four-poster bed in the center of the room. It had piqued her interest before, but now the sight gave her a thrill of anticipation.

  "Maybe?" she offered sincerely. A curiosity she had to explore pushed her one step further. Audra took the knot in one hand and the long tail in the other.

  "We may not have rules yet, but I'm warning you once more. I will bind your hands."

  Her deep desire to find out if he would follow through on such a threat trumped her want to listen. She completely undid the knot and slowly slid the tie off his neck and into her hands. She gave a mock exclamation of surprise. "Uh-oh. It just fell off your neck."

  "Imagine that." Clay set her down on the bed. He gave her a look which promised in no uncertain terms that he would do exactly what he promised. His fingers reached down to the top of her button-down shirt and quickly undid the entire line in a flurry of movement.

  He slipped the garment down her shoulders and tugged it off her arms. Clay pulled the tie firmly out of her grasp, took her right hand in his, and then knelt on the bed behind her. He looped the tie around her wrist twice, then pulled the other end through.

  "I expected you to push against the boundaries." He took her other hand and swiftly but gently bound it to the other with the silky cloth. "But understand that as much I encourage you to do so, I will always follow through when it comes to my word."

  "I'm not used to anyone giving me this much attention. I heard what you said, but I also needed to see what would happen if I pushed. I'm sorry, and I do believe you. Can you untie me please?"

  "It doesn't work that way." He licked a long line up her neck and nipped at her earlobe. "I accept your apology, truly there isn't a reason for you to be sorry, but we've only just begun."

  "Oh." She twisted her head to see his handsome face. "I almost forgot. I insist on protection, every time."

  "Of course." He kissed her lips, then brushed his thumb across them. "It is very responsible for you to ask. Is there anything else I should be aware of? Like any places on your body you wouldn't want me to touch or is injured?"

  Audra shook her head.

  "When I ask you a question, especially in here, I am seeking a verbal reply. Let's try it again." Clay snaked his fingers into hair, flush against her scalp, and gradually inched her head back until her body pressed completely into him. She let out a soft gasp when he tugged once. "Is there anything else I should be aware of?"

  "My toes go numb sometimes on my left side if my leg is in an awkward position. It's worse than pins and needles."

  He rewarded her by releasing his hold. Seconds later he scooted her up the bed then laid her down on her back.

  "Very good. If that happens just say 'pins' and I'll know to adjust." Clay gave her a sly smile. He undid the rest of the buttons on his shirt, then removed it. He wore a gray vee neck shirt underneath which he stripped off as well. He sat on the edge of his bed and removed his socks and shoes.

  Everything about him seemed so formal and practiced! It hinted that he would be rather unbridled in bed, or so she hoped. The tie around her wrists certainly pointed in such a direction.

  "Will do." Audra fought to stay still as he stood, unbuckled his belt, and yanked it through the loops with a snap. "Your belt sounds like a whip."

  "Don't worry, it's not part of the fun tonight." He winked as he unzipped his pants and slid them down and off his legs.

  Clay returned to the bed and climbed on top of her. He set a leg on either side of her body, then leaned down to capture her nipple in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it, then sucked it hard. His teeth scraped gently across it. The action tore a loud moan from her throat and she bucked. Clay trailed his tongue across her chest until he reached the other nipple, then repeated his actions. She yelped this time as he increased the pressure so he slowly let it escape his lips. Clay moved his hands to her waist. He set a finger just inside the top of her panties and edged them down her hips, along her legs, and finally off her body.

  "I want to touch you!" She huffed with exasperation as he painstakingly dragged his fingertips along the same path in reverse. He scratched lightly when he reached her thighs and she moaned. "Please, Clay. Undo my hands?"

  "Hmm? I recall telling a very determined woman to leave my tie alone. Twice. The repercussions for not listening would be her hands bound behind her back. In a twist of delicious irony, the same tie would be used." He furrowed his brows. "Does that sound familiar to you?"

  "Ugh!" Audra pouted, but nodded in reply. "Yes, I was there."

  "I'll release you when we're done. Do not ask again." He drummed his fingers on top of each thigh and shifted his gaze to stare there. "Open for me."

  Audra parted her legs to allow him access to her most intimate parts. "You've got a very suggestive smile on your face." She opened her mouth to make another smart comment, but he dipped his head down in between her legs to plant one well-placed kiss just over her clit. She no longer had anything funny to say. He simultaneously slid two fingers inside her pussy and pumped them in and out. "Oooh!" She longed to hold on to him while he pleasured her, but could do little more than tighten her legs when he hit a sweet spot.

  One hand tapped the inside of her thigh and she loosened her muscles. It was so hard for her to relax even when an incredibly handsome man devoured her pussy. She seldom let anyone go down on her at all but he blew any hesitations out of the water. She tried to stay still but failed. "Oh... oh..." Audra tapped her feet up and down. "Oh my gosh."

  Clay lifted his head
up and kissed her hip. He smirked evilly as he withdrew his fingers. "Oh my gosh? That's your response?"

  "I figured if I kicked out my feet and said, 'Hell fucking yeah,' you might take offense."

  "Hell fucking yeah?" He shifted his body upwards until his face hovered over hers. "Really?"

  "Ye-yeah." Audra pursed her lips since she could not grab his head. He smirked again. "Please kiss me?"

  "You're so cute this way." Clay kissed her hard, so hard she figured he’d just claimed her with his tongue. She delved her own tongue in and out of his mouth just as fast as he met hers. "I like to hear you beg for what you want." He dug his fingers into her blonde tresses and freed her hair from its elastic band. It tumbled loosely over her shoulders and down to the top of her nipples. "What do you want now?"

  "I-I-I..." she tried, but could not make the right string of words come out of her mouth.

  "Tell me." Clay untangled his hand from her long hair and pinched her left nipple. Hard. He repeated the gesture on her right and she felt a gush between her thighs.

  "I want to be properly... oh!" Audra moaned when he nipped the sweet hollow of her neck. Every single touch truly drove her mad with desire. "Properly fucked!" she finished without shame.

  "Good and properly fucked, I suppose?"

  "Yes! Yes. Please!" Audra nearly cried. "I swear I will listen next time."

  Clay chuckled, "Already making promises? My, my, my. What a sweet little thing you are." He moved off the bed to his dresser, then reached his hand in to grab something. He slid off his silky boxer briefs, then rolled on a condom.

  "I try," she replied as she tried not to stare at his cock as he returned to his position. He was more well endowed than she’d imagined. Her tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, the only part of his body she could reach.

  It had been a while since she'd been in bed with anyone, so if he didn't take her soon she might lose her nerve! She didn't have to urge him on, as soon as the thought left her mind, Clay sank his cock into her heat. She groaned with pleasure and he wrapped his arms around her.

  "You feel so good," he growled under his breath. "Does that feel good?"

  "Yes, yes," she agreed while he plunged in and out of her pussy, hard and fast, over and over again while working up a good rhythm. "I love the way you feel inside me."

  "Good to know," he mused, then kissed her passionately. He trailed kisses down her neck and over both breasts and back up again to her mouth.

  "Harder," she whined. "Please?" Audra added as an afterthought.

  "No whining," he admonished and tapped his finger on her nose. The gesture seemed absurd, but his tone made her clench around his cock in a good way. "Though I intend to give you exactly what you want."

  Clay made good on his promise. He shifted her legs to wrap completely around his waist, then increased the speed of his hips while he kept her in place.

  "Oh!" Audra could scarcely remember any other letters of the alphabet while he took her faster and higher than anyone else in her life. She came hard while she screamed his name again and again when the powerful orgasm rolled over her. Clay hit his climax and she joined him, and then came once more when he pulled out of her. "Oh, wow."

  She heard him chuckle somewhere over her head as he reached across her to dispose of the condom. He then slid his hands down her arms until he reached the tie. Clay carefully undid the binding, then released both hands.

  "Don't try to move them yet," he warned as he rubbed her right hand and wrist lightly. "You need to let the blood flow back." Clay also picked up her left hand and rubbed it, being careful not to massage too forcefully. He sure knew his stuff and it made her wonder what other tricks he knew.

  "Mmm hmm," she mumbled while she basked in a lovely afterglow moment. Soon enough, she could wiggle her fingers and rotate her wrists freely. "Thank you."

  "Would you like to stay here tonight?"

  "Here in your bed or here in your house?" Audra questioned, her voice thick from a sudden feeling of exhaustion. "I like the first choice."

  "So be it." Clay turned down the covers around her and she giggled as she awkwardly raised herself up to get under them. He joined her and wrapped his arms around her.

  She shimmied her body closer and laid her head on his chest.

  "I'm so happy you decided to knock on the door tonight."

  "It took a lot of nerve." She giggled again. "Like a lot of nerve."

  "More nerve than stealing my tie?"

  "Uh, maybe not. It was easier to stand outside in twenty-five degree weather in a coat and no gloves rather than risk your potential consequences." Audra nuzzled against him. "Seriously, though, I'm happy I knocked too."

  "Well, good. I hope that thought stays with you." He planted one more kiss against her cheek. "Goodnight my winter princess. Sweet dreams."

  "Goodnight. You too," she mumbled as she fell into a deep sleep. It was filled with amazing moments from the day with the man who held her close to him like she was something precious. Whatever happened could only be the start of something wonderful.

  The End

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