Naughty Neighbors

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Naughty Neighbors Page 5

by Jordan Silver

  I pulled her ass up a little so I could lick her from her asshole to her cunt, teasing her pussy hole with the tip of my tongue. She was shaking already and the low growls started in her throat.

  I teased her ass hole with the finger that I’d dipped inside her pussy to get it wet. She sucked my digit in and pushed back for more.

  “That feels so good, but don’t you think we should try something smaller in my ass first, before you try to stuff your big fat cock in there?” what the fuck was she talking about?

  If she said anything about a threesome with one of her boneheaded boyfriends I’m gonna wail her ass until she can’t sit for a month of Sundays.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I stopped all movement as I waited for her answer. She looked over her shoulder at me having no idea of the danger she was in if she said the wrong fucking thing to me right now.

  “Well, don’t you have one of those toys, you know, a vibrator? That way we can get it nice and prepped.” I felt myself relax and went back to teasing her pussy with the palm of my hand.

  “No, the only thing going inside you is me; don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re nice and primed for it.”

  She was humping my hand for all she was worth now and I was enjoying eating out her pussy in between taking bites of her ass. Her pussy truly was a thing of beauty, all pink and soft and wet with her body’s juices.

  I teased all around her clit but refused to touch it; that’s when the cussing started up again. I flipped over onto my back and pulled her cunt down onto my tongue holding onto her ass tight so she couldn’t bounce off with her wild thrashing.

  She filled my mouth until I had pussy juice running down my chin. She ground her pussy into my face over and over as I stiffened my tongue and fucked her with it.

  “Oh fuck Greg, that feels so good, eat my pussy make me cum.” She sure makes a habit of stating the obvious. I pulled my tongue out of her hot little twat and slid out from under her.

  I knelt behind her and ran my cock over her puckered ass hole, but each time she kept shifting so that I slipped into her pussy. The second time she did that, she pushed back hard enough to get the head in her hot pussy and I thought, ‘what the fuck, I’m here already might as well’.

  I sank balls deep into her pussy and it was better than the first time. “Oh damn that’s some good fucking pussy.”

  I went wild in her cunt, digging in deep, flexing my cock and hitting her at the right angle to rub against that rough patch of flesh deep inside her.

  I didn’t hold back this time, just let go and fucked her like I meant it. She threw that pussy back at me every time like a champ.

  There was no fear of tearing her, no virgin blood to worry about, just nice sweet pussy. Fool that I am I’d forgotten about the birth control thing again, but I’d already flooded her pussy already so what’s the harm right?

  In the back of my mind I think I knew what I was doing. I fucked little Chrissie until she cried and begged me to take it easy on her pussy.

  I had her doggie style, then, I flipped her over and had her ride my cock as best she could. Each time she cried that she couldn’t fit it all I’d make sure she did.

  We ended up with me on top of her with my face buried in her neck as I fucked in and out of her slowly while holding her close. I think she liked that one best. It was best that she understood what she was getting herself into.

  You see, my cock can go for hours, but he has to go buck wild before he can slow down some. If you try to get him to go at any other speed than turbo out the gate, he’ll buck and rebel on you. Now she knows that she has to take at least three or four rounds of hard fucking before she can get her girlie shit.

  I held her close and whispered in her ear as we cuddled. I hadn’t cuddled with anyone since I was on the tit. Something you should know about me, I’m a bit of a bastard. I wasn’t born that way but circumstances made me what I am.

  When I was a young boy my old man split with his secretary, leaving mom and me damn near destitute.

  He could’ve easily provided for us, but the twat he married didn’t want that, so mom and I found ourselves out on the street moving from relative to relative.

  When I left college and made my own way, I set her up first and then went after the bastard.

  To this day he still doesn’t get why I destroyed his company and set up someone else to seduce his bitch of a wife. I destroyed him and stepped over his carcass and never looked back.

  That’s when I learned my hate and distrust of women. I’ve kept them at arms length since then the deceitful fucks. Now this one was trying to fuck with my program.

  She was wiped out next to me, her long lashes resting on her high cheekbones as she snored gently. I kissed her lips softly before drawing her in close and inhaling the scent of her hair.

  Well Greg you’re well and truly fucked, you couldn’t help yourself could you? You just had to do and do ‘til you ended up plowing your neighbor’s teenage daughter and filling her belly with your seed.

  I smiled secretly to myself. As much as she’d been trying her best to get my attention in the last few weeks, I’d had my eye on her long before this.

  I was just waiting ‘til the clock struck twelve on Saturday, making her legal. Now all I had to do was convince her dad that I was the right man for his little girl.

  I don’t know how she knew though, I’d kept my feelings very well hidden, always on my best behavior when she was around, never letting on that I was falling for the sweet, shy, little innocent.

  But now she’d been the one to make the first move. I looked down at my dick and shook my head. We could’ve at least tried to put up a good fight.

  I’d planned to approach her dad first, do things right. There was no guarantee that he would go for it, but I’m not the type to sneak around like that.

  Either way I intended to have her, but now the deed was done, I hope he doesn’t see it as a betrayal.

  For her sake I would like things to be smooth, now I have to come up with a plan, the sooner the better. I snuggled back down beside her and drew her into my arms, after a kiss to her soft lips I dropped into sleep with her held close and secure in my arms.

  Chapter III


  I can’t believe I actually got Greg to fuck me. I thought for sure it would take a lot more than that; he’s been so aloof and standoffish lately.

  I knew the first moment I saw him a little over a year ago that he was the man for me. I remember that day so vividly now.

  I’d been in the hammock in the backyard reading as usual. It was a hot summer day and my only friend Jennifer had gone to the local pool with her boyfriend. Growing tired of always being the fifth wheel I begged off and decided to just hang around the house.

  I saw the big moving truck pull into the driveway next door and put my book down on the grass, my interest now on the goings on next door.

  The Millers had moved away months ago, a foreclosure I think. The place had been on the market so long we’d all despaired of it ever selling.

  It was a big old Victorian in excellent shape because of the upkeep of the past few years.

  I always liked that place, it was the nicest one on the block and I knew it went for a couple million at minimum.

  The reason I was so interested though was because I was hoping for a teenage girl my age. Someone I could befriend since Jenny had become more and more scarce since hooking up with her boyfriend.

  It wasn’t that I couldn’t find a boyfriend of my own if I wanted to, it’s just that the kids at my high school were so immature.

  The boys were always talking about what they did to the girls the night before. Something I found rather distasteful, and so I stayed away from them. But boy do I wish I could find somebody to touch me sometimes so I didn’t have to do it myself.

  Another problem I had was my size; my tits were still really small back then for a seventeen year old, compared to the other girls in my grade. There wer
e even some younger ones who had more than I did up top.

  My ass was nice I guess, at least I’ve heard plenty compliments about it. And my hair was beautiful the way it fell like a waterfall down my back to the top of my ass.

  I had a pretty enough face I guess, but I wasn’t too jazzed about my eyes. I’d even fooled around with the idea of getting contacts at one point but gave it up when they irritated my eyes.

  I was a little shy but not overly so, though to hear the jocks at school tell it, I was the ice princess. It was more that I was wary of their roving hands and wagging tongues than anything else.

  I was also just a little bit sheltered truth be known, but inside beat the heart and pulse of your average teenager with raging hormones just waiting to explode over the least suspecting male.

  I was also growing very tired of my damn virginity, I think I was the only one left of that dying breed in the whole school, probably the whole stupid town.

  I knew freshmen who were getting more action than I was, then again even a simple finger fuck was more than I had ever scored.

  So there I was with bated breath, waiting for the new family to arrive. This hot little sports car pulled in beside the truck and out stepped the hottest guy I’d ever seen in my life.

  He was movie star gorgeous and I could tell from the way he stood as he spoke to the movers that he was one of those take control types.

  My girly bits and taken notice and my breathing had never been the same since.

  I’d used every excuse in the book since then to get close to him, to get him to notice me.

  That first day I’d overcome some of my shyness to walk over with a welcome basket, since mom wasn’t home to do it.

  I’d worn my shortest skirt and my tightest top, but he’d barely noticed. He kept moving around the room while we talked, not even looking at me.

  I’d grown despondent and left after a half an hour or so, my nipples hard and between my legs wet. I went home and rubbed my kitty ‘til she was raw.

  After that day I would watch him coming and going like a lovesick puppy. Then he and dad became friends and he’d spend lots of time at the house.

  I loved those nights when he’d come over for dinner, I could just sit and stare at him for hours, or until mom asked me what as ailing me.

  You see, I couldn’t let them know what I was up to or I would’ve been on the first bus to nana’s house a few states over.

  My parents were pretty adamant that I was going to die a virgin. Anyway, all this time Greg was ignoring me except when he was treating me like a child. Asking me about school and what colleges I was applying to and stuff that I didn’t want to discuss with him.

  At night I’d lay in my bed and pretend it was him touching me. I’d make up these scenarios in my head where he’d fall madly in love with me and we’d get married and have a family.

  But Greg was not interested. To add insult to injury he started dating. I didn’t speak to him for two weeks after the first time I saw him kissing some woman as he helped her into her car early in the morning, after she’d obviously spent the night. I was pissed and he knew it, though he didn’t know why.

  But then something happened. Out of nowhere my body changed and so did those feelings inside. I was horny all the time and even my clothes were too much sometimes the way they rubbed against my skin.

  Mom and dad freaked and acted like they wanted to hide me away somewhere, but that’s maybe because the boys started coming around more often.

  I also noticed that Greg would give me these looks when he thought I wasn’t looking, though I didn’t let on, I started hatching a plan.

  I flirted with the boys at school who I had no interest in whatsoever, but I noticed that each time my parents would complain to him about how wild I was getting, he would get a tic in his jaw.

  So then I started complaining to him about how I wanted to do all those things that kids my age were doing, and my parents wouldn’t let me do.

  I knew I had him though, when he started running off every boy I brought home.

  Oh he wasn’t very obvious about it, but I’d get it out of them by the end of the night. It helped to keep their grubby paws off me too, because I always convinced them that he meant business.

  It didn’t make for many repeat dates but it got the job done if today was any indication.

  He had sent me home after my nap he said, before my parents got suspicious. But I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was back over there. As sore as I was, I wasn’t nearly close to being done with him.

  I rolled around on my bed and hugged my pillow, dreaming about what else he was gonna do to me, I can’t wait.

  Chapter IV


  Shit, I had to call her dad over here under the pretense of having a problem. My conscience was bothering the shit outta me and I needed to take care of this shit before I gave myself an ulcer.

  I’d sent her home so I could think clearly about how I was going to handle this. Can’t think straight with that pussy around, which spelt trouble for any future we might have if her old man didn’t shoot me dead.

  How the fuck do you tell a man who trusted you that you’d defiled his only daughter? No I couldn’t leave it like this, besides I wasn’t sure that I could be without her for that long anyway, she’d hooked my ass.

  “Hey Sam I need to see you over here a minute there’s a little something I need to discuss.” Yep I had made up my mind to take the bull by the horn.

  Now usually I wouldn’t give a fuck about boning some guy’s kid as long as she was legal. But Sam and Donna had been nice to me and I feel kinda bad about plucking their daughter’s cherry.

  “Hey Greg I was about to come see you before you called I’ll be right over.” He had a laugh in his voice and that made me feel even worse. I was about to fuck up his day.

  He came to the door not five minutes later. “Hey Sam wanna grab a brew?” I led him back to the kitchen hoping that I didn’t end up having to kick my friend’s ass when he lost his shit.

  I’m not real big on being hit and I’m pretty sure that that’s a possibility. The other thing is her being hit, which ain’t gonna fucking happen, so I have to be more than prepared for any eventuality.

  “So which one was she?”

  “Huh?” I had reached into the bar for a beer when he asked the question behind me with a grin.

  “Last night, though I didn’t know you had a live one until this morning. You don’t usually let them stay that late, she must’ve been special.”

  Oh fuck. “You saw her?” That can’t be, he would’ve recognized Chrissie for sure.

  “Nope heard her.” He rocked back and forth on his heels with his hands shoved into the pockets of his Dockers and the dumbest grin on his face.

  This is bad this is so fucking bad.

  “What do you mean you heard her? Had she really been that loud?

  “Like I said, I was about to come see you. I walked over earlier but from the sound of things I figured you were busy. Screamer huh? I remember those days, now with the kid in the house the wife and I have to be quiet.”

  I’m going to be sick. I’m going to upchuck whatever the fuck is in my stomach right fucking here and now.

  “So what was it you needed?”

  “Oh you know, it will keep, you said you were coming to see me, what’s up?”

  “Oh Donna and I need to go to her parents for the next few days. Her mom needs to go have some test and stuff done and the old man isn’t doing too well so it’s our turn since Donna’s sister did it when the old man had his stroke.

  Crystal refuses to go, and since she’s eighteen we don’t want to force her, but, we don’t want her over there on her own, so we want you to keep an eye on her while we’re gone.

  It’ll just be until Thursday, if it changes we’ll let you know, but you know school is out and I don’t want her getting into trouble. She already knows no boys allowed over, I know you can’t have eyes on her twenty-four se
ven but...”

  He was rambling on and on about something, but my mind had gone blank. Just what the fuck is this, is this whole family trying to drive me nuts?

  My dick the fuck was thumping in my pants already, trying to break out the gate; Sunday to Thursday? He’s thinking about all the pussy he could eat.

  I tried talking some sense into his dumb ass but he wasn’t hearing shit. I don’t know what all Sam said, but the last words out of his mouth convinced me that I was caught in some sort of cosmic farce.

  “So I think it would be better if she stayed over here with you.”

  What the fuck? My dick was doing some kind of stretches and flexes in preparation.

  I opened my mouth to object, not because I wouldn’t love to fuck the pink off my little princess’ pussy for the next three or four days, but because I needed to square things with her dad first. This was all kinds of fucked up.

  After he left I had a stern talking to with my dick. ‘Now listen you, we are not touching her until we take care of matters. No matter what she does we are not giving in.’ He turned his nose up at me and sniffed; perverted fuck.

  I tried more than once to talk him down, but he was making his way down my thigh like he was trying to escape that way. An hour later she came bounding through the door with her overnight bag and loose tits.

  Andre Bocelli could see she wasn’t wearing a bra and that fucker is blind. I swallowed hard and tried to stand my ground, looking at anything but her magnificent tits.

  “Hi Greg, guess what?” Did she have to sound like a teenager? She pushed those things up to my face like they were on offer.

  “Ah, Crystal, we can’t do anything until I talk to your dad.” Out came the pout.

  “Talk to my dad about what?”

  “About us, what we did this morning.” My cock was talking shit but I ignored him.

  “I’m an adult I don’t need my daddy’s permission to do anything.”

  “This is different and you know it, now while you’re here for the next few days I want you to...” she turned and walked away from me and headed towards the bedrooms.


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