Naughty Neighbors

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Naughty Neighbors Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  I had the presence of mind to go after her and make sure she went to one of the guest rooms, but nope.

  She flounced into my room. By the time I got there she was lying back on my bed and had her little skirt up around her waist with her fingers in her pussy. Fucking girl.


  “Don’t you want me, wasn’t I good enough?” she gave me the big puppy dog eyes, but I wasn’t that weak.

  “Fix yourself and get off my bed, you’ll take one of the guestrooms while you’re here and there will be no more of that.” I pointed to the finger- fucking buffet and turned to leave the room. There, my voice was precise and no nonsense I am a grown man dammit.

  “Oh I get it, I’m just like all the others right. You just fucked me like a weekend slut and now you’re done with me.”

  Oh damn. “Stop talking like that, you know that’s bullshit.” I looked back at her and her little face looked so sad.

  “Baby we can’t sneak around behind your parents’ backs, that’s wrong, I don’t operate that way...”

  “You don’t have to come up with any more excuses I get it, I’m just a silly little girl who thought you liked her more than you did.” She sat up and fixed her skirt with a tear running down her cheek.

  “Princess that’s just not true.” I made the tactical error of sitting on the bed next to her.

  “Look just let me talk to your dad first okay. I’m not going to ask him permission or anything like that.

  It’s not like he’s gonna say no you can’t see my daughter and I’m gonna slink away. But I need to do this out in the open it’s the only decent thing to do.”

  She sniffed and kept her head down. “Last year that Marcy girl was my age or just a year older, did you ask her dad?”

  How the fuck did she know about that shit? Marcy was indeed nineteen but Marcy was no Chrissie.

  Marcy knew her way around a dick and her dad could care less what she was doing on a Saturday night as long as it didn’t interfere with his drinking. Don’t judge me, I’m one of those try anything once types.

  “Babe it wasn’t like that...” oh for fuck sake, whatever happened to virtuous young ladies who waited to be asked.

  That bra burning shit just let loose a whole other breed of species and it’s poor saps like me who have to pay the price.

  “I understand, she was better, you don’t have to say anything else, I get it. You had your fill and now you don’t want me anymore.”

  She set her face up like she was about to cry and I cannot stand to see her cry, it fucks with my insides.

  “Baby of course I want you, look.” Tactical error number two, I took her hand and put it on my straining cock. He was doing his calisthenics in preparation for things to come.

  She squeezed my cock and I could’ve sworn I saw a sly grin on her face before she hid it. I didn’t stop her hand from stroking me through my jeans though; it felt too fucking good.

  “Are your parents still here?”

  “No they left.” She didn’t take her eyes off my crotch.

  “Dammit, I should’ve talked to your dad when I had the chance.” The tab of my zipper was eased down and fresh air hit my dick. That’s all she wrote.

  He bobbed into the air and saluted her with a little liquid offering on his tip. She licked her lips and went right to work.

  My hand went to her head, I was going to pull her off, really I was, but I got distracted by her mouth.

  Her tongue was trying to fit into my cock slit and she was making slurping noises as she sucked up my pre-cum.

  Okay just one more won’t hurt anybody. I was determined to go slow this time though, if it killed me.

  “Are you sore baby?” I was trying to find her pussy with my fingers under her skirt.

  “Uh-uh.” At least that’s what I think she said; the words were muffled by the dick in her mouth.

  I fingered her tight little pussy as she tried to suck the skin off my cock. “Turn around here let me get at you.”

  My mouth was watering as I flipped her over onto her back. Her pussy was pink and wet and so fucking beautiful I almost whimpered.

  I dove face first into her cunt and went to work. Between the two of us I don’t know who was making the most noise. I ate her pussy inside out until my jaw hurt and my face was covered in pussy cream.

  I sank my tongue into her heat over and over again while using two thick fingers to stretch her. Her clit was swollen and standing at attention when I pulled it into my mouth.

  She moaned and writhed against my mouth and begged me to fuck her and suddenly it dawned on me that this hot pussy was going to be mine for the next couple days at least.

  With that thought riding me hard I got to my knees between her spread thighs. She looked wanton and just fucking fuckable lying there spread out, waiting for me to feed her my cock.

  I decided to tease her and stroked my cock nice and slow while her eyes followed my every move. She licked her lips and whimpered and her fingers went to her cunt.

  “That’s right baby, fuck yourself with your fingers, I want to watch you bring yourself off.”

  She frigged herself vigorously as I sped up my strokes. Pretty soon the only sounds in the room was our breathing and the sloppy wet sounds her cunt made as she fucked herself with her fingers.

  Her juice was running down her fingers and the crack of her ass when I finally had enough and fell on her like a starving wolf.

  Taking both ankles in my hands I spread her open and sank my cock into her open pussy; going balls deep in one smooth move.

  She hissed and bucked as I pinned her to the bed with my cock. “I hope you’re not still sore babe because I’m about to fuck you hard as fuck.”

  Her eyes widened as if to say she thought that’s what I’d done earlier. Not even close. Now that her cherry was out of the way and she’d had a little time to rest up I was about to show her what she’d got herself into.

  I’d already made up my mind that I was keeping her, might as well introduce her to the dick that was going to be in and out of her pussy everyday for the rest of her life.

  I slammed my cock in and out of her as she moved beneath me, trying to keep up. Her body looked like I was splitting her in two each time I fed her pussy my dick, which was one angry looking fucker.

  Suddenly I got the bright idea that there was one way to ensure her dad’s approval and sped up my thrusts into her.

  “I’m going to breed you Crystal.” I could see from her response that she hadn’t given that one much thought, but she didn’t seem too put out by the idea.

  It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, it wasn’t the ideal way to do things, but the die was cast.


  I spent the next three days fucking her as often as I looked at her. Her pussy stayed tight no matter how hard I tried to stretch it to fit.

  And by Thursday morning when her parents were on their way back, I was pretty sure the deed was done. I’d emptied enough sperm in her to knock her up ten times over.

  In the end I ended up telling her father about us. He wasn’t too happy about it, but funnily enough his wife was all for it.

  She seemed to like the idea of her daughter being married to a more mature mate, who was in a position to take care of her.

  Our son was born exactly nine months, two weeks to the day I first took her, and our daughter followed one year later. Life is good.


  She’s Gonna Get It

  Chapter ONE

  There she goes again, up and down the sidewalk in her little short skirt and midriff-baring top. I know what she’s doing, but I wonder if she does.

  I told her already I wasn’t going there. She’s bold and overly confident I’d give her that, not to mention beautiful and sexy as hell.

  But she’s also only nineteen years old. When she told me two days ago what she wanted I hated like hell to do it, but I had to turn her down.

  I’m thirty-one, rich and single. I’ve he
ard enough horror stories to see the danger signs. I’m not interested in eye candy or whatever the new lingo is for them today.

  Neither do I need another trophy; I won enough of those during my days as a Pro NFL player. These days I’m all about settling down and seeing what I want to do with the rest of my life.

  “No way boy, I don’t care how hard you howl, you’re not going anywhere near that little pussy of hers.”

  My cock is a bit unruly, he sees a pretty girl with a tight ass and he wants in, he’s been ready to play with this one since we first clapped eyes on her.

  What he needs to learn, and what I’m trying to teach him, is that we’re no longer on the playing field.

  I moved here to this upscale, residential neighborhood to start over. My life of parties and wild nights are hopefully behind me.

  As soon as I’m settled into my new home I plan to put some serious thought into finding the right woman to settle down with and start a family.

  A career woman, preferably just a few years younger than myself, who’s ready to settle down and have a kid or two.

  Definitely not some barely legal hot to trot young girl who’s out to sow her oats, been there done that.

  But she sure doesn’t make it easy. I’d seen her the first day I moved in, standing on the lawn of the place next door.

  Our properties were separated by a lawn and a hedge in front, and a high security wall around the sides and back. The homes around here ran into the millions, so obviously her parents must be loaded.

  She had long, curly golden locks and that’s about all I could see. I couldn’t see the color of her eyes, but her body in the short halter-top dress was fucking mouth watering.

  Six months ago I would’ve approached her in a heartbeat, but after my last foray into the minefield that’s called relationships, I’ve learned to be more careful. Darlene had turned out to be a little unhinged if you know what I mean, totally schizo.

  I ended up having to get a restraining order and was even now in the middle of a very messy stalking case because of her.

  That experience had been a wake-up call. When a woman you’d fucked broke into your house because you’ve decided you’re not interested in an encore, and then proceeded to slash your shit to pieces, and spray paint threats on the walls, and threatens to do you next, you come to your senses real fucking quick.

  My dick will just have to suffer, because there’s no way I’m swimming in those waters again. She had been young and beautiful too, with no outward signs of the fucked up mentality that had led her to terrorize my ass for the last couple of months.

  Uh-uh, no more young pussy for me. Maybe I was paying for my past sins. I’ll be the first to admit I love to fuck and have enjoyed as much of it as I could in the past.

  These days, my appetites are on a tight leash though. Can’t fuck anything if your dick’s lopped off. That didn’t stop me from looking though; the girl was hot.

  I'd been here two months to the day when she came over with her parents, who I'd met three days after my move.

  Her father was some big shot land developer and her mom was an actress who’d starred in some high-profile movies in her younger days.

  The daughter looks like she could follow in her mother’s footsteps easy.

  I decided to have a barbecue for my neighbors, kind of like a welcome to the neighborhood only in reverse.

  Everyone RSVP’d because everyone wanted a look at the Heisman and Super Bowl star, who’d plopped down in the middle of them.

  I had chosen the area because it was more family-oriented than the others the realtor had shown me, plus I was looking ahead. I was preparing for my future with a wife and kids.

  There was no place here for the young hot Ashley.

  She got to her lawn and turned flirtatiously, as if she knew I was watching. It was hard not to; when someone who looks and smells like that tells you outright that they want to go to bed with you, it leaves an impression on you.

  I just said thanks but no thanks, though it killed me to do it. That had been the night of the barbecue party. She hadn’t seemed too disappointed then, just went back to the party like nobody’s business.

  But the damage had already been done. The seed had been planted and my cock stayed hard for the rest of the evening and pretty much every other time that I’d seen her since.

  Now here she was again, flaunting her ass at me. Maybe if I hit it just once... ‘No way Zachary, too close for comfort.’ I’ve been telling myself the same thing for weeks now, but it was getting harder and harder to follow my own advice.

  I decided to avoid temptation and headed out back to my pool area to look around at the property. It really was a nice plot of land.

  I had more land in the back of the house than most of my neighbors, and it was all well screened in by a protective wall.

  The pool led to steps that led down and embankment to a tennis court with a line of trees in between.

  There was a basketball court off to the side and still about two and half acres of open land, more than enough for little boys to run around in.

  “Hello Zachary.”

  “Fuck, how did you get in here?” I turned at the sound of her voice.

  “I used the gate, the people who lived here before used to let me use the pool when ours was being remodeled.”

  Please go away little girl, you can’t handle this dick and I don't need the headache.

  “What do you want Ashley? I don’t mean to be rude but I already told you, I’m not interested.” Lying fuck, why did she have to smell so damn good all the time?

  And how did she do that little innocent girl thing and still look like she was ready to fuck at a moment’s notice?

  I think it was that more than anything else that might land my ass in trouble. It wasn’t just that Ashley was hot; it was the whole package.

  She has this kinda Little Bo Peep shit going on, where she looks at me and I see innocence and uncertainty, like she’s just begging for approval.

  And then I look at her ass and I lose my train of thought. And don’t get me started on her tits, just fuck; the whole damn package is enough to make me sweat.

  “That’s okay, I can always change your mind.” She smiled knowingly at me.

  “What?” what the fuck, was she another one of those stalking nut jobs or some shit?

  “Not to worry, I’m not like your stalker and I’m not crazy. I just know what I want when I see it.”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “I read the gossip rags same as everybody else.”

  “Look Ashley, you’re a beautiful girl, and one day you’re gonna...”

  “Save it, it’s not gonna work on me I’m a psych major.”

  “You’re a what?”

  “Psych major, what, did you think I was just another stereo typical airheaded blonde? Shame on you.”

  She sat down on one of the lounge chairs and that headband she calls a skirt rode up even farther on her thighs, until I could see the crotch of her pale pink panties.

  What is this kid trying to do to me? “So you’re not interested in being an actress like your mom?”

  “Been there done that, I was a child star until I turned fifteen.” She turned those orbs of hers on me, like I wasn’t sweating enough as it is.

  Wow, she really is fucking gorgeous. Her eyes are some kind of turquoise color that I’d heard were real, but still couldn’t believe it.

  Her thirty-four D breasts on her tiny frame were spectacular. I wasn’t sure they weren’t store bought though, that’s how perfect they were.

  But her ass, fuck, her ass was fuckable as shit. It was a little rounded but not too much, and it curved just right with just a little bit of flare at her hips.

  Her legs were long and shapely and her whole body had that California all year round tan that looked like warm honey. In other words she was a stone fox and my dick wasn’t going to be able to withstand the assault much longer.

  We talke
d for the first time really since we’d met, and I found that a lot of what I thought about her wasn’t true after all.

  She seemed to have a good head on her shoulders and instead of the glitz and glamor I was sure she would be after, she seemed more interested in settling down to a much calmer life.

  Still, I wasn’t going there, she was still too young and there was just too much that could go wrong.

  “Aren’t you going to offer me something to drink Zachary?” she gave me a coy smile that had warning bells going off in my head.

  “Sure, what would you like?”

  “A wine cooler would be nice if you have one, if not then a beer is fine.”

  I didn’t keep wine coolers around since I was going through my dry spell with the ladies, and maybe that’s why she was able to catch me out there.

  Chapter TWO

  I came back outside to find her naked and doing laps in my pool. I watched her amazing body as she sliced through the water like an Olympian.

  Her body really was spectacular, all clean lines and those breasts, which came into view every time she raised her arms.

  She saw me standing there and made her way back to my end of the pool. She showed no reticence or shyness when she pulled herself up out of the water and made her way over to the little alcove where I kept the towels.

  Walking back over to the lounge, she started slowly drying her legs, looked like she was drying each individual drop of water one by one.

  My mouth was dry, but I figured I still had a shot. All I had to do was stay away from her; no touching and I will be fine.

  And then I saw the twinkle of the little jewel between her pussy lips, right where her clit was, just peeking out of its hood. Fuck me.

  She lifted her head and looked at me. The look in her eyes said she wasn’t leaving this backyard until we fucked.

  She held my eyes as she walked over and took the long forgotten beer from my hand. Her fucking nipples were pierced, my cock was gasping for breath like a dying man.


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