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Cassandra (Scruples Book 2)

Page 16

by Ditter Kellen

  One of his arms slid beneath her knee. He lifted it up and out, thrust deep, and rolled his hips, grinding against her in a slow, sensual slide.

  Cassie sailed headlong into oblivion, her inner walls gripping him in a vise tight enough that it forced a hiss from him.

  A growl started in his chest, rose into his throat, and released in a roar of completion as he emptied his seed inside her.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Malik couldn’t seem to move. His vampire heart pounded in his chest, keeping time with his throbbing erection.

  In all the years he’d been on this earth, he’d never experienced heart palpitations before. He had to wonder at their origin.

  “Malik?” Cassie’s soft voice interrupted his confusion.

  “Mmmm?” he responded without lifting his head.

  “I love you.”

  The pounding in his heart increased as did the pulse in his shaft.

  He raised his head and met her gaze. “Say it again.”

  “I love you more than I ever thought I could.”

  “Marry me.”

  There was no hesitation in her answer. “Yes.”

  “You make me happier than I ever thought possible, Cassandra Blanchard. My heart beats out of time for you.”

  He took hold of her hand and brought it to his chest. “Feel what you do to me? I have run for miles and never felt this sensation before.”

  Tears of joy sparkled in her eyes. “You saved me, Malik. Not just from your uncle or my stepfather, but you saved me from myself. I learned at a young age to hide my loneliness behind laughter and false bravado, but deep down inside I was always afraid.”

  “You don’t ever have to be afraid with me, Cassandra.”

  “I know. I’ve never felt more safe with anyone. Ever.”

  The sound of the front door opening jerked Malik out of his contentment. He eased from Cassie’s warm body and jumped from the bed. “Stay here.”

  “What is it?” she whispered, looking for her robe.

  He put a finger to his lips for silence, jerked on his jeans, and blurred his way out the bedroom door, down the hall, and into the living room.

  Kyle was perched on the couch with the small blanket from the porch wrapped around his waist.

  “Make yourself at home,” Malik rumbled, pissed that the familiar had entered Cassandra’s house unannounced.

  “This is my home, vampire. In case you forgot, I have lived here as long as Cassie has.”

  “Don’t you have a mouse you can chase or something? Cassandra and I are busy at the moment.”

  “So I heard. All the way out on the porch. As for mouse chasing, Ben is with Carly and Logan at the moment. Besides, I have news about our caller.”

  That got Malik’s attention. “Well, who was it?”

  “They don’t know.”

  Malik ground his teeth in frustration. “You’re not making sense, familiar.”

  Cassie stepped into the room, looking from one man to the other. “What’s going on?”

  A faint purring sound erupted in Kyle’s chest as Cassandra moved to sit next to him on the couch.

  Malik’s fangs itched to rip out the familiar’s throat and wipe the smug look off his exotic face once and for all.

  Kyle sent Malik a smile before turning his attention to Cassandra. “Someone called the sheriff’s office about the fire at the Shueller farm, stating they saw a woman fitting your description leaving the scene, along with a dark-haired man wearing nothing but shorts.”

  “Who called it in?” Cassie asked in a strained voice.

  “The call came in to the 911 center. Cherokee took the call and passed it on to the deputies. The caller didn’t leave a name, and from what I found out, there’s no recording of the caller or the number.”

  “Then why would they think it was me at the fire?”

  “They don’t know it was you,” Kyle soothed, patting her hand. “They only have a description, and they’re following up on leads. At this point, they’ll probably let it go. No witness, no crime.”

  Malik couldn’t prevent his fangs from descending or the heat from forming behind his eyes. If Kyle put his hands on Cassandra once more, Malik intended to slice them off at the wrists.

  “Easy there, vampire. Perhaps you should take a pill and a hot bath. I’ve heard that it does wonders for the nerves.”

  Cassie stood and moved to Malik’s side, wrapping her arm around his waist. “Come. The sun will be up soon, and I’m exhausted too.”

  She gestured toward Kyle with her hand. “Would you mind keeping an eye out while we sleep?”

  Malik hated like hell for her to ask the familiar for anything. But things being up in the air as they were with someone out there recognizing Cassie from that fire, Malik had to concede.

  “I’ll have Ben keep an eye on the perimeter. Rest easy, my friend,” Kyle murmured, glancing down at himself. “Would you happen to have a pair of shorts I can borrow? I’ll stash them where I can get to them easily if I have to shift.”

  “Logan has several pair in the spare room that Mom’s in. Help yourself.”

  “Much obliged.” Kyle strolled off toward the hall, softly whistling a catchy tune.

  It was hard not to like the guy, Malik silently admitted. Even though he strode around half dressed in front of Cassie.

  Malik took hold of her hand and guided her back toward the bedroom. To spend the day sleeping in her arms would be heaven, and he wanted every day from now to eternity to be as such.

  He watched as she closed the curtains and crawled into bed, pulling back the covers for him to join her.

  Life had never felt as right as it did in this moment. The two of them would deal with whatever obstacles stood in their way and emerge victorious.

  “I can’t wait to have you as my bride,” Malik announced, climbing in next to her.

  “And I can’t wait to be Mrs. Cassandra Devain.” She curled up next to him, throwing an arm over his chest.

  “Take as long as you need to decide where you want to reside, but the wedding will take place immediately.”

  Cassie laughed, snuggling up tighter against him. “Yes, sir.”

  Malik could feel the sun making its ascent, pulling him down into a blissful slumber. He took a deep breath, inhaling Cassandra’s sweet scent, and let his eyes drift shut.

  Life was never going to be simple for the two of them. But they had an eternity ahead of them, and as long as they were together, that was good enough for Malik.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Cassandra stretched and yawned as she rolled onto her side to face Malik, only to find him gone.

  She quickly sat up and scanned the room, noticing the curtains had been pulled back and the moon’s glow reflected off the dresser mirror.

  Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she got to her feet and donned her robe. Her mother should be waking soon, and Cassie wanted to be there for support.

  With a quick cinch of the robe’s sash, she padded barefoot down the hall toward the room her mother occupied. The murmur of voices could be heard before she reached the doorway.

  “Mama?” Cassie whispered, stepping inside the room to find Vivian sitting up in bed, holding Malik’s hand.

  Tears filled her mother’s eyes the moment she met her daughter’s gaze. “Come here, baby.”

  Cassandra practically ran across the room and threw herself into her mother’s arms.

  “You’re alive,” Cassie sobbed, pressing her face against Vivian’s neck, inhaling her sweet scent.

  “Shhhh,” Vivian soothed, enfolding Cassie in her arms. “It’s okay, honey.”

  With a sniffle, Cassie pulled back to study her mother’s face. She’d never looked more beautiful than she did in this moment.

  “You look different,” Cassie breathed, taking in the miraculous changes in stunned disbelief.

  Vivian’s smile was radiant. “I feel different. In fact, I can’t remember ever feeling this good.”
/>   Cassandra straightened and glanced at Malik before returning her gaze to her mother. “Do you know… I mean, did he—”

  “I know what I am,” Vivian interrupted. “I knew last night when it happened.”

  “But I don’t understand.” Cassie sat on the edge of the bed and took hold of her mother’s hand. “I was told that you would die…” She couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Malik stood and rounded the foot of the bed, stroking Cassandra’s hair as he spoke. “I came in here hoping to explain things to Vivian before you awoke, Cassandra. But it seems that it wasn’t necessary.”

  Vivian reached up and touched Cassandra’s cheek. “I remember the moment I heard you say the word vampire. Though, I couldn’t respond, it terrified me, but not nearly as much as dying without telling my only child how much I love her and how sorry I am for what Harvey did to you.”

  Cassie’s stomach lurched. “You knew?”

  “Not until last night when he told me.” Tears welled up and spilled down Vivian’s cheeks. “I found the gun he had in his truck and tried to kill him, but he took it from me and…” She ran her fingertips down her chest where she’d been shot.

  “It’s okay, Mama.” Cassie wiped at the tears tracking down her mother’s face. “It’s not your fault. It’s over now… He can never hurt either one of us again.”

  Cassie studied her mother’s beautiful face. The fine lines around her eyes and mouth were gone, and her skin appeared youthful and healthy. At forty-six years old, she would be able to enjoy life to its fullest.

  “Where is Harvey’s body?” Vivian asked, glancing from Cassandra to Malik.

  “In the bay,” Malik assured her. “It would seem that he fell asleep behind the wheel and drove his truck off the Bay Bridge. He suffered a broken neck from the impact.”

  “So, there’s no way for his accident to come back on Cassandra?” Vivian squeezed Cassie’s hand as she spoke.

  Malik shook his head. “The house has been cleaned of any evidence of a crime. Even though it was done in self-defense, we couldn’t have called the police. It had to be done this way, or you would have died.”

  “Thank you, Malik. Most of this hasn’t registered with me yet, and I don’t know what to expect, but I am forever in your debt for giving me a second chance at life. A second chance with my daughter…”

  Malik lifted the corner of his mouth. “Don’t thank me yet. There is a lot to get used to.”

  A sad look appeared in Vivian’s eyes. “My biggest fear is the blood. I’m Catholic by faith, and you mentioned drinking blood?”

  “You don’t actually drink it, Mrs. Cohen. It enters through the fangs, which is basically a direct line to a main artery. The blood keeps you alive. You will have no need to ingest food again. Not that you can’t; only that you do not have to.”

  Vivian softly smiled. “I am looking forward to Alaska and meeting your mother, Farah. I’ve never been outside of Florida. What an adventure it will be.”

  Cassandra understood the need for Vivian to leave town. Her appearance alone would bring about too much suspicion, and with Harvey’s recent death, all eyes would definitely be on her.

  “How are we going to get around you being seen at the funeral?” Cassie asked, worry settling in her gut.

  Vivian raised an eyebrow. “What funeral? He will be cremated. His ashes will be buried behind the church, so that he is forced to hear, every Sunday, what he deprived me of for too many years.” She reached up and cupped Cassie’s face. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too, Mama.”

  Cassie gripped Malik’s hand and turned her face against her mother’s palm, planting a kiss on her soft skin. For the first time in her life, she knew contentment…she was whole.


  Cassie sat at the bar, sipping on a Bloody Mary and listened to Michelle give Malik hell about having the wedding so soon.

  “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” Michelle directed the question to Cassie.

  “No, I’m not pregnant. We just want to marry as soon as possible.”

  “What about your mama. Will she be back in time for the wedding?”

  A smile touched Cassie’s lips as she pictured her mother’s laughing face. Vivian had surprised everyone when she’d awoken in good spirits, claiming she had been aware of everything that was happening around her after being shot by Harvey.

  She’d heard Cassandra’s plea for Malik to save her life, felt the moment that he’d drained her and stopped her heart, heard voices during her “death sleep” as Malik had called it, and arose a new person.

  Her mother’s mind had returned, her vision had sharpened, and her body had the strength of ten men.

  “Earth to Cassie.” Michelle’s words brought her out of her silent reflecting.

  “Sorry,” Cassie said. “I was just thinking about mom. I doubt she will make the wedding.”

  “That’s understandable with everything that’s happened. I’m truly sorry to hear about your stepdad.”

  Cassandra’s stomach turned at the mention of Harvey. She wanted to stand up and tell the room what a piece of shit he’d been all her life.

  Instead she said, “Thank you for your kind words.”

  “Did they ever find out who burned down the Shueller place?” Malik inquired after taking a healthy drink of his Bloody Mary.

  Michelle’s brow furrowed. “No. The fire marshal has deemed it an accident. Said there was a gas leak. The Shuellers must have left the gas on when they went on vacation. Thank God they had insurance.”

  Relief poured through Cassandra with the knowledge of the Shueller’s insurance coverage. They would be able to rebuild. “That is great news. Any ideas on who called in about the blonde woman and the dark-haired guy leaving the scene?”

  Finishing off her beer, Michelle shook her head. “None. And it’s the strangest thing. I took the 911 call. I heard the guy’s voice, took down his information and everything. But when I went to log it into the CAD, there was no evidence of the call. It was as if it never came in.”

  Chills peppered Cassie’s arms. “Aren’t the calls supposed to be recorded?”

  “They are. It recorded my voice, just not his.”

  Cassie met Malik’s gaze. The suspicion in his eyes made the hair stand up on her arms. She changed the subject. “I saw where another girl came up missing from Bay County. Do you think there’s a tie to the one that disappeared from Holmes County last year? I mean, they were about the same age, and both had long, blonde hair.”

  “I don’t know.” Michelle’s eyes reflected her sadness. “But my dad said that the FBI has been called in to investigate it.”

  “So, they think it’s the West Coast Strangler then?”

  “He didn’t say, but with elections being so close, he’s been a bear to be around, snapping at Mom and biting my head off over every little thing. I’ll be glad when he’s out of politics.”

  Cassie knew all too well what Michelle referred to. She’d watched Logan deal with the same thing when it came to his father.

  Albert had eventually returned home after his run-in with the vampires. He hadn’t been to see his grandson yet for fear of running into Cassandra. According to Logan, Albert hadn’t showered in days, and bourbon had become his daily companion.

  Even with everything around her in chaos, Cassie couldn’t imagine her life any other way. If not for the suspicions constantly surrounding her and her knack for finding herself in trouble, she would have never met Malik.

  Blinking back tears of happiness, she stood to excuse herself. “I must use the ladies’ room.”

  Weaving through the crowd, she made her way to the restroom and turned on the water before splashing some of the cool liquid onto her flushed cheeks.

  She pulled a handful of paper towels from the wall dispenser and dried her face.

  “Are you all right?”

  Cassie gasped, jerking her gaze to the mirror to find Malik staring back at her.

he turned to face him. “You scared the crap out of me.”

  “I apologize. I only wanted to make sure that you were okay.”

  Wrapping her arms around his waist, she stood on tiptoes and softly kissed his lips. “I’m better than okay. I’m actually overwhelmed with happiness, and I don’t know how to process that emotion yet.”

  He kissed her back. “One day at a time.”

  “Who do you think called 911 about the Shueller fire?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing it’s not human.”

  “You mean like a ghost?”

  “Perhaps. But I highly doubt it had anything to do with you. Maybe Michelle has her own demons to contend with.”

  “Or Kyle,” Cassie whispered.

  Malik slowly licked her lower lip. “Damn it. I want you.”

  She pulled back to peer into his beautiful eyes. “I never knew love could feel like this.”

  He backed her against the sink and locked the door behind him. “You ain’t seen nothing yet…”

  Fully Engulfed

  Book Three in the Scruples Series

  Coming Soon!

  Michelle Collins keyed in her four-digit code on the security pad outside dispatch and waited for the familiar click before rushing inside. “I heard about Chief Anderson’s chest pain call on the scanner. Is he going to be okay?”

  “No news yet,” Kristin responded, snatching up a phone without looking away from her computer screen. “Will you call animal control about the kittens behind Murphy’s gas station? The caller stated that two of them have wandered out near the road and were almost hit by a car. I have to call Okaloosa County for a standby.”

  Michelle picked up her headset. “Of course. Why the standby?”

  “Two houses, fully engulfed inside Westwind subdivision,” Lisa Nelson, another co-worker, answered for Kris.

  “Damn. We’ll be lucky if the entire subdivision doesn’t burn to the ground.” Donning her headset, Michelle called animal control and filled them in on the kitten situation while logging on to the 911 system.


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