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Trigger's Salvation: Hellfire Dogs MC #1 (Hellfire Dogs MC Series)

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by Crystal Miller

  Trigger’s Salvation


  Crystal Miller

  No part of this production may be reproduced, stored for distribution, or shared without consent from the author, herself. Doing so without permission can result in legal action.

  Copyright year: 2017

  Copyright author: Crystal Miller


  There is explicit sexual content in this book, so this story is not appropriate for anyone under the age of 18. None of these characters are real, copied, imitate or are based off any real-life events. This is all the Authors imagination and is fictionalized both in story, events, names and characters.

  “Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one who inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.”

  ~Mark Twain


  “To turn a human is against Lycan law, you are aware of this, are you not Sedric?” Boris Thibodeaux questioned the rogue wolf. Boris was the first Lycan in Louisiana, many believe, and the oldest. And with that came great responsibility. Boris first came here from a small town in France in the late 1500s. Soon after many followed in belief that they would not be hunted by the French government.

  For the most part, the Lycans were able to hide in the swamps of Louisiana, or what is known today as the bayous. There were not too many people who lived on these lands, and it was still another hundred or so years before the Louisiana Purchase would happen, which would bring a growing number of settlers from the east to colonize everywhere west of the Mississippi River, including Louisiana. The lycans learned to survive on the meat of wild animal that they had like any other human and in the unfortunate case that a human did happen to explore the lands, the laws stated they were to be scared off, never turned. Even in that time, Boris knew how dangerous it could be, not just to them but to the human population that sat just several hundred miles away.

  Boris turns his attention back to Sedric, who’s laughing hysterically. He must have completely lost his mind. Sedric’s trial is a swift one. With many of the Lycan council member gathered around the camp to bear witness to his crime, very few have witnessed a crime of this magnitude before. Sedric’s charge: trying to turn a human resulting in the death of the young woman. The woods are silent expect for the crackling of the fire in the middle of the circle. Even the council members aren’t talking. They are standing in their red robes with their hoods up, awaiting their orders from Boris. It’ll be Boris who determines this man’s fate.

  “I have sired many a sons, My lord.” Sedric says mockingly as he circles himself to speak to every council member that is there. “You can kill me if you’d like but know this and hear me well. There will come a day when one of my sons will carry on my legacy. You cannot stop it. You cannot track all of my sons, they are well hidden outside this god forsaken place. And one day, your family will come to end and my family will reign. I promise you this.” A sinister smile slinks onto his face before he turns back and faces Boris. Boris’ expression, however, doesn’t change. He will not stand for the crime that Sedric committed. He will have peace or there will be death.

  That was Sedric’s last words before Boris withdrew his sword and took his head. Boris knew the value of those words and knew his people would look to him for his guidance and his leadership. He will make sure that his family is protected. He called upon his longtime friend on a tiny island not far from this new country.

  Two months later, a tiny Haitian woman would be making her first impression on this terrority and would swear an oath to protect the Thibodeaux name for all of time. And as each one dies, the next child takes the oath to protect the family.

  Groups of lycans were formed to protect Boris’ people. As the Louisiana Purchase came to be territories, people from the original thirteen colonies started venturing west into their territories, Boris had one of two options; he could stand his ground and destroy the invaders trying to stake claim to his land or they can go into hiding. Even though destroying them seemed to be a tempting idea; going into hiding wasn’t any better. What was he to do to protect his people? It was declared then that his people would stay in human formation unless it was absolutely necessary.

  For the next 450 years, this is how the family lived, in fear yet protected. And after Boris’ death in the 1700s, it was son’s, William, duty to protect the people. As the centuries turned and new technologies were founded, so were new ways to protect his people. William not only thought that protecting his people was essential but also protecting the people of Louisiana as well, which meant during his time, the Confederate Army until the Civil War was over. After the Civil War though, came the Reconstruction era and William took advantage of putting his own men into the police and fire departments. He knew that the lycans were not the only unhuman things in Louisiana and felt that it was his duty to protect the people to keep another war from starting.

  As William’s reign came to end his daughter’s, Sierra, began. Sierra being young and beautiful was pursued by many but never married like her father or grandfather and had no desire to provide an heir. At the turn of the twentieth century, the industrial age was growing at a rapid pace. And it didn’t take long for Sierra to develop territories for an Alpha from each family to take. New Orleans, Lake Charles, Monroe, Shreveport, Lafayette, Baton Rouge were all created into territories for these Alphas with Morgan City acting as neutral ground and their capital. And in the 1940s, Sierra and the Alphas came together and created the Hellfire Dogs MC; their duties: to maintain the businesses that have been set to maintain the cities and the protection of the people.

  One of Sedric’s descendants, however, have taken it upon himself to follow in his ancestor’s footsteps. Only this time, it’s personal. He will get what he wants, one way or another.


  Pulling up to the dress shop with Bridget, I can already tell that this is going to be a long day. This is not how I like spending them. I would rather be at the shop working or out at the camp training. However, when it comes to my sister, I’m there for her no matter what. We are at Magasin de Robe Victorienne, which in my opinion could have used some more imagination but hey it’s not my store. It’s tucked away in the French Quarter and for it being at the beginning of the week it’s still rather crowded.

  “How long is this going to take?” I ask as I help my sister off my bike. We’re here for her final fitting for her dress for her best friend’s wedding this weekend. Again, not where I want to be.

  “As long as it takes. Why? Got somewhere else to be?” Bridget asks as she fixes her hair in the window from the helmet. She’s been peppy about the wedding for months now but she wasn’t too happy when she was told she had to have an escort go with her to every fitting she had. She has put up her fair share of fights about needing an escort but Rush and myself both agree, New Orleans is not a place for a female to be walking around by herself, no matter the time of day.

  “Yea, not here.” I quip pulling the door open and wait for Bridget to walk in.

  The dress shop is small and smells of old people but when it comes to these southern Victorian weddings in New Orleans, this is the place to go. As I’m looking around I see dresses hanging on mannequins with those unnaturally big hats that somehow are still the fashion. There are two dressing rooms towards the back as well as another door that I’m assuming leads to an office. In the center of all this was the ugliest chair I have ever seen, with its floral fabric with a small matching pillow but it looked comfy as hell.

  “Trig?” I hear my sister’s irritated voice behind me.

  “Uh yea,” I snap at her causing her and the girl behind the counter to jump. Shit, I didn’t mean to scare them. “What’s up?” I say in a calmer voice.

  “So, Evelyn, like I was saying, we are here to shop for Trigger’s next ex-wife’s dress.” Bridget snaps back. My sister can’t help by laugh at her fucking joke and this chick, Evelyn, doesn’t hide her amusement very well either. I look at Evelyn and damn she’s fucking gorgeous. Her body is shaped like a damn hour glass and proportioned perfectly in everywhere that matters. Her long brunette hair looks like silk and contrasts with her tan skin. The smell of old people is heavy in the air, but there is a faint scent of her as she walks past me. Fuck if I knew the scent but damn did it smell good. Fuck, those eyes. They are almost like sapphire blue and before I know it, I’m lost in them. I shake thoughts from my head, I can’t have her. This lifestyle was chosen for me and I wouldn’t ask for anyone to tag along for the ride. Plus, she would never accept me for what I am or what I do. I head over to one of those big chairs one would find in an old home, sit down and pull out my phone. I scroll through my Facebook, still trying to figure out why I even created one of these damn things, but I keep my eye on Bridget and this Evelyn chick at the same time.

  As I’m studying Evelyn, I notice that her and Bridget might be more than just client and retailer. They are fucking friends. They are standing there talking about some bar that they went to last Saturday night. Seriously? Bridget went to a bar with someone none of us know. Does she know that even though her intentions may be innocent in her mind, they could be detrimental to the club? I swear, sometimes she doesn’t think before she acts and that is what causes a lot of shit to go down. I’m not saying all of us are innocent. We have had our fair share of fuck ups. This just must stop. How hard is it to let someone know what is going on? What if something had happened to her or this friend of hers. Then we are to blame because we didn’t protect Bridget. There are more than one MC in this town and any one of them would love to get their hands on the French Quarter District. Why can’t she be more careful. Shit rolls downhill, right? So why was Bridget keeping her secret from us? What is the big deal about Evelyn?

  Evelyn handed Bridget what looks like a dress bag, more like a body bag if you ask me, and Bridget disappeared into the back where the dressing rooms are. This is my chance to find out why I haven’t been told about her. I turn and see that ugly chair and start towards it. When I’m finally sitting down, I analyze the room to make sure no one else can hear me.

  “Evelyn, huh?” I ask as I put my hands together with my index fingers together and place them over my mouth.

  “Just Eve.” She responds as she continues to look through paperwork. She could at least make eye contact, isn’t that the polite thing to do when someone talks to you?

  “Funny, Bridget has never mentioned you before.” I growl.

  She shoves her paperwork aside and glares at me. “Well, I didn’t know that she had to share all of her friends. I wasn’t aware she was on a leash.”

  Did this bitch seriously just say that? Who the fuck does she think she is? I’m trying to figure out who the fuck she is, not have a sarcastic answer every time I ask a question. “It’s called respect and loyalty, I need to know that she is safe at all times.”

  “I think she can handle herself and if you think she can’t maybe you shouldn’t be with her.” She immediately snaps back. She returns to her paperwork thinking the conversation is over. It’s far from over. She doesn’t get to talk to me like that and get away with it. I’m at the counter in less than five seconds, ready to chew her up and spit her out.

  “Listen here, I’m not her ol’ man! I’m her fucking brother! Get your facts fucking straight.” I didn’t even realize I was yelling at her until Bridget came storming out of the dressing room with her dress not on completely.

  “Anthony Robert Hebert! I know you’re not yelling at Evelyn! I know that you would not be that stupid to yell at one of my friends!” Bridget spits out. FUCK! I’m not going to hear the end of this. When it comes to Bridget’s friends, she is quick to their defense whether they are in the right or not. For her sake, she better be right about this one.

  “What do you want from me? You didn’t even tell me about her.” I growl out.

  “Seriously? You’re pissed because she’s my friend. It’s not like I’m sleeping with her, Tony. Don’t you dare treat her like my boyfriends. I’m allowed to have friends so shut the fuck up.” She screams at me. I know for a fact, she could have ripped me a new one but I think she was holding back for her friend’s sake.

  “Whatever, do what you want,” I let the fight go for now. My sister’s temper is worse than mine. I know if we both lose it in front of Bridget’s new friend, could not only get them both hurt but it could lead to some unnecessary attention that the club doesn’t need. I just hope Bridget doesn’t think that this talk is over.

  Bridget turns to Eve; the fitting is still going on. Fuck! I wish this shit would hurry the hell up.

  “How does it look?” Bridget asks Eve. Eve does a 360 around her and goes to the counter looking for something. She comes back with a shoebox and measuring tape.

  “Looks amazing, but let’s put the shoes on and see if there is anymore that I need to take up,” Eve responds as she kneels in front of Bridget and pulls the shoes out of the box. She helps her put the shoes on, which don’t look bad with the dress. This also means extra work for me on Saturday because of the number of guys that are going to try to get with her. The dress is a light pink and is touching the floor even with the shoes on, the dress still touches the floor. Apparently, that is a big no-no with women and their dresses. Eve begins pinning the dress by sight, she already knew how much she had to take up. Damn, that’s impressive!

  “It needs to be taken up about another quarter inch. Don’t worry, I’ll have it done by the wedding on Saturday.” Eve says as she looks up at Bridget giving her a reassuring smile. Bridget nods her head and steps out of her shoes while makes her way back to the dressing room. Either she hasn’t cooled off from before or she is pissed that she has to wait another couple days for her dress to be done.

  While Bridget is in the dressing room, I figure this is my time to apologize to Eve. It’s not in my nature but if it makes Bridget happy, I’ll do it. I need to know more about this friend of hers, not for my sake but for Bridget’s. I’m not going to be able to do that if Eve and I keep going back and forth with this shit. It’s been a long time since Bridget has even had a female friend, so maybe taking the initiative and gaining her trust is the way to go. I need to know that my baby sister is safe, that the club is safe.

  I get up from the chair and make my way back to the counter. She has Bridget’s shoes back in the box and is writing something on a Post-It note. As I come up to the counter, she’s already got her back to me bent over putting the shoes back where she got them. I can’t take my eyes off that ass. She doesn’t exactly have small hips but the way that her hips and ass look in those jeans makes me want to bend her over the counter now and not care who sees us. When she turns around she catches me off guard. I didn’t expect her to even make eye contact with me.

  “Can I help you?” she asks with definite attitude in her voice. This sass of hers is going to get her into trouble but damn it is sexy.

  “Yea. I, uh, wanted to apologize for how I acted towards you. I’m protective over my baby sister. She’s had a lot of heartache and you’re the first ‘girl’ friend she has had in a while, that I know of.” I say as I lean over the counter just to be closer to her and I can hear her let out a breath.

  “Well, I can tell you that she is right about one thing, we aren’t sleeping together. But you don’t need to hover over her like you do. She’s her own person, let her make her own decisions.” Her answer seems genuine and there is even a hint of a smile there. That smile there made every sense in my body go off. Her smile is her best feature, besides that ass.

  “Look, I get it. You�
��re protective over her. I would be too with a sister like that. However, that doesn’t mean you can get in my face like that and act like some sort of animal. You weren’t raised by wolves from what I can tell and there are better ways to get your point across.” She says as she comes around the counter to hand me Bridget’s appointment card. There is a sense of vulnerability that I can feel around her but she’s guarded at the same time. I don’t get the sense that she knows who we are and what we actually do. Maybe this one isn’t so bad, but for me to make that final decision I need her to open up to me. As she walks back around the store counter, I can’t help but notice the way she walks. She has this sort of confidence about her when she walks but she hangs her head at the same time. If it is one thing I learned from my past, it’s that when someone does that it shows signs of insecurities, as if someone constantly put them down. Was this something she experienced? I hope not.

  “I think we have established I’m an asshole, so why don’t we go and talk it over drinks or something?” I’m still standing there with a smile plastered on my face. I want to see that smile again. I need to know who my sister is hanging around and if this poses a threat to our club.

  “I don’t think so,” she shakes her head as she answers my question but I could definitely see a blush forming on her cheeks. When she bends over to put paper in the printer, I see the reason why tattooed the top of her left breast. No wonder she has such attitude with me, she doesn’t want to piss off her ol’ man. I shouldn’t even give a shit but my jealousy overrides my logical thinking.

  “That’s cool. Wouldn’t want to piss off your ol’ man anyways,” I growl. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why do I even care? She’s just some bitch.

  “What are you talking about?” she looks confused. “Look, I’m not sure what your deal is but I think it’s time for you leave,” she says in a quivering voice. Is this bitch seriously about to cry? Fuck, women are too hormonal.


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