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NEBULAR Collection 1 - The Triton Base: Episodes 1 - 5

Page 11

by Thomas Rabenstein

  Thirty men and women in the black combat gear of the Space Fleet, equipped with heavy weapons, looked at the new arrivals with nervous curiosity. Davis sized the group up skeptically.

  They must have been transferred to the Shenzhou in a hurry, Davis thought, as he saw their fear and confusion. Had none of them volunteered? Is this our commando unit for special extraterrestrial missions? World peace or not, we should have never neglected our military.

  Ivanova noticed Davis’ distant expression.

  »What are you thinking, Major?«

  Davis looked directly at the commander.

  Don’s right, she’s fascinating! Her long, black hair, her expressive eyes, her figure – breathtaking!

  »Major Davis … are you still with me?«

  Her lips formed a soft smile.

  She knows her effect on men, Davis thought.

  »Maya … uh … Commander,« Davis whispered, so the commandos couldn’t understand him. »Are these people really ready for this?«

  Ivanova frowned.

  »Of course not, Major, but these men and women are professionals. They’ve been trained for such a special mission.«

  »Bullshit! I wasn’t trained for what I’ve been through, and I’m out there every day. Nobody is!« Davis replied.

  Even she has her doubts, but she won’t voice them. She doesn’t want to soften the troops’ morale, he thought.

  The commander replied with a puzzled look, then he addressed the commandos, »I’m Major Bill Davis. Your unit has been assigned to the Shenzhou for a very special mission. I will personally select the soldiers who will accompany me. The Shenzhou will leave Triton orbit in twenty minutes and fly to Quaoar at maximum speed. Just before reaching Quaoar we will dispatch two Hawks. The Shenzhou will remain on station. Our task is to divert the planetoid from its current path. It’s entirely possible that we’ll encounter one or more of the Globuster aliens. Expect them to be extremely hostile.«

  Davis noticed the unrest and eyed the group carefully.

  »I’ve encountered one of them, and can say that I could’ve done without that particular pleasure.«

  A compactly built, athletic man stepped forward.

  »I have a question, Major.«

  »Go ahead, Specialist.«

  »Is it true that the alien attacked and nearly killed you … barehanded?«

  »You heard right, Specialist. We were lucky that help arrived, or my partner and I would have died on Quaoar. The Globuster … that’s what it calls itself … has the strength of at least ten men and a faster reaction time than a mongoose. We didn’t … wouldn’t, have had a chance.«

  »Didn’t you use your weapons, Sir?« inquired another commando.

  Davis looked at his boots briefly.

  »I had a standard issue rifle and my knife. I fired my entire clip at the Globuster when it charged me; I barely even scratched the thing.«

  The commandos glanced at each other, shuffling in place.

  »What’re you doing, Davis? You’re only upsetting them!« Ivanova whispered to him. Davis ignored her.

  »The Globuster appears protected by some kind of energy field that made everything we threw at it seem like marshmallows. I could only partially penetrate that energy field with my knife. I think fast moving objects are repelled, while slower ones pierce the field, but that’s only theory.«

  »Do you really believe that, Major?« Maya Ivanova asked in a calm voice.

  Davis shrugged, helplessly.

  »It’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it. It fits the facts as I see them,« he said noncommittally. Turning back to the troops, he added, »The Globuster has retreated from Quaoar. We may not even meet the creature. Maybe it’ll leave us alone. You have the right to know what could be waiting for you on this mission. I’m not going to blow sunshine up your asses. I won’t take it personally if anyone declines this mission. I need four volunteers; two to fly with me and the other two to fly with the commander. We’ll take two cargo-tractors with five bombs. The plan is to put them inside the Globuster installation. If time permits, we’ll look around and then leave. Our window of opportunity is very narrow. Everything must go flawlessly. I need people who can deal with pressure. I know most of you have never imagined a situation like this. I know I sure hadn’t!«

  Davis could see a mixture of skepticism and uncertainty in their faces. Then he said calmly, »Any of you who have a family, take two steps backward.«

  Twenty people stepped back. Davis lifted his hat briefly and ran his hand through his hair. »Who has a problem with meeting an alien?«

  There was a tense pause, then a few more men and women stepped back. Only four commandos remained.

  Davis slowly approached the four and stopped in front of the first specialist from the left.

  The dusky-skinned man was over two meters tall.

  »What’s your name, Specialist?« inquired Davis.

  »My name is Banoma Tanomo, Sir.«

  »You are from East Africa, Tanomo?«

  Davis was impressed by Tanomo’s appearance. He was slim and trim and made a powerful and confident impression.

  »I’m a Maasai, Sir. My family lives according to age old traditions of our East African ancestors. They breed cattle and lead a nomadic life. My family doesn’t care about the new, high-tech world. That simple lifestyle always draws me back to East Africa and I enjoy just being with them.«

  Davis could hear the commando’s pride.

  »Banoma, how do you see this mission?«

  Tanomo left no doubts with his reply.

  »Major, these Globusters came as intruders and attacked us. My grandfather once told me about free-roaming lions who entered our village and killed our cattle. He also told me how my great-grandfather once killed a lion with his spear. We’re facing a similar situation here, Major … at least I think so.«

  Davis looked up, startled.

  »You’re comparing the Globusters with lions?«

  »No,« said Tanomo. »I’m comparing the solar system with our village. We didn’t invite the Globusters.«

  Tanomo smiled.

  The major couldn’t resist and punched Tanomo on the shoulder.

  »Alright, you’re on!«

  A smaller, inconspicuous man stood next to Tanomo. This specialist was obviously not used to his own equipment. He looked like he’d collapse under the weight of his gear at any moment. Davis inspected the man with a frown.

  »Relax, Specialist.«

  The man dropped all his gear and looked thankfully at the major.

  »Thanks, Sir. This stuff is too damn heavy.«

  »He’s never even toted his own gear!« someone mocked from the background, followed by loud laughter.

  Davis couldn’t hold back a grin.

  »What’s your name, Specialist?«

  »Robert Necolett, Sir. I’m a nuclear weapons specialist. I’m trained to defuse these things. It seems, however, that my expertise in nuclear warhead disposal is not what’s required.«

  Davis grinned at the Frenchman.

  »You’re right, Robert, but it gives me warm fuzzies just having a specialist by my side who knows what to do with these warheads. Are you with me?«

  »Certainly, if … someone carries my gear?« Necolett replied dryly. The group was beginning to slowly adjust to the situation. Davis’ tactic’s seemed to be working.

  The major looked into Maya Ivanova’s face. She wasn’t in total agreement with his methods. She would have probably assigned the four most physically strong commandos and have done the job with them.

  Davis thought differently.

  The third commando was a muscular woman. She greeted Davis with a handshake that threatened to put him on his knees. Her grip was firm as a vise – despite her petite physique.

  »Anna Gonzales Infante, from Mexico,« she introduced herself.

  »Muy buenas tardes, Señora Gonzales. What’s your specialty?«

  »Señorita, por favor … uh …, please, Major. My specialt
y is hand-to-hand combat techniques and strategic action planning, Sir. I can also fly a Hawk.«

  »I hope you won’t need to demonstrate it. You’re part of the team if you want!«

  »¡Claro que si, Major! I’m listo!« she answered determinedly in Spanglish.

  An Asian, muscular man was the last. He had a shaven head and a large tattoo that went from his forehead to the back of his head and continued down from his neck.

  »Beautiful,« Davis complimented. »What’s your name, Specialist?«

  »Lai Pi, Sir, from Malaysia.«

  »Are you a Buddhist, Lai Pi?« David asked, referring to Lai Pi’s orange cape.

  »No, I’m Atheist. I simply like the color. My expertise is reverse-engineering. I want to learn more about Globuster technology and fly with you. I accept the risk.«

  Davis briefly looked at Maya Ivanova, who agreed with a barely perceptible nod.

  »Then we have a team! Tanomo, Necolett, Gonzales and Pi! We’ll meet in ten minutes. The remaining commandos can start loading the bombs into the Hawks!«

  World News Reports: Year 2066, excerpts

  Humanity has finally had to face facts: climatic catastrophe is inevitable. The world will have to live with the consequences of the unthinking deforestations of earlier generations. The Siberian tundra, sealed for thousands of years under permafrost, has begun to release large amounts of swamp gasses. The gasses are feeding a giant ozone hole that has spread rapidly over the northern hemisphere. Canada and Northern Europe will soon experience conditions similar to those devastating Australia. Humanity has responded by creating more alternative living spaces such as sub-sea habitats, shielded from ultra-violet rays. The tropical regions, especially the few remaining rainforests, are under strict conservation measures. Fossil-based raw materials are now completely exhausted and most of Humanity depends on alternative energies. Even mineral oil has become unaffordable.

  Aqua-City, in the Mediterranean Sea, near the ancient Greek island of Crete, has become a new underwater metropolis. This new, alternative lifestyle continues to attract more and more people. It is expected to become the largest European marine habitat.

  The ‘Storm of the Century’, formerly known as Tropical Storm Astaire, has devastated vast areas of the United States, Mexico, Cuba and the Central Americas. The refugees are being sheltered in inland storm bunkers and in submarine cities. Hail and powerful lightning storms continue to sweep across central Africa.

  In the ice-free areas of Antarctica UV-resistant plants have begun to grow and flourish. The seeds of these hardy plants had been preserved under the seemingly eternal icepack. Bio-engineers hope to genetically share this resistance to UV with other life forms. Environmentalists wonder what other surprises, such as unknown viruses, might have been locked up for millions of years under the Antarctic ice.


  Tanomo, Necolett, Gonzales, and Pi sat opposite Davis and listened attentively to the briefing.

  »It’s quite possible we’ll make enemy contact on our mission,« Major Davis explained. »You’ve read the report and watched the videos. Peaceful communication is no longer an option. If the Globuster shows its ugly head, I intend to use whatever force we have available. It’s already killed one of us. I won’t lose anyone else.«

  Ivanova watched him intensely.

  »Looking to be a martyr, Major?«

  Davis nodded firmly.

  »If the beast tries to stop us, I’ll ignite the bombs by hand if I have to! We’re not backing off again. It caught us by surprise last time. Now we know what we’re facing.«

  Ivanova displayed a self-satisfied smile.

  »I’ve been thinking about one aspect of this problem,« she added.

  Davis watched Maya take a big, long-barreled device from a nearby cradle.

  »Is that a weapon?«

  Maya looked around triumphantly, placing the heavy device on the table.

  »Got that right, Major. This is a special rifle which should get the Globuster’s attention. It started out as a riveting gun used in spaceship construction. The rivets are propelled by an electro-inductive force and reach such a velocity that they can easily penetrate the thickest steel plates.«

  Lai Pi laughed humorlessly.

  »You want to kill the Globuster with oversized hollow rivets?«

  »Not quite!« the commander answered, a touch of anger in her voice. »My chief tooling technician has replaced the rivets with five centimeter long, explosive bullets and redesigned it as a weapon so it can be fired horizontally – from the hip, so to speak.«

  Necolett looked confused.

  »So? We have heavy automatic weapons that can be used in space. If the Globuster shows, then it’s gonna get it. Our weapons are much more effective than the small hand weapons the Major used. Our artillery should be more than adequate this time.«

  »Maybe … maybe not,« the commander replied in a stronger tone. »I think that conventional weapons will be useless. The projectiles are too fast and probably will ricochet right off the Globuster’s shield. This specially constructed Globusterfist uses low-speed, explosive rounds. We can calibrate the inductive field to the required speeds. This is how it works …« The commander picked up the weapon and explained its functions and the use and adjustments of the modified laser target optics.

  Davis inspected the improvised weapon with interest.

  »Did you concoct this weapon during the flight?«

  The commander nodded.

  »My chief tooling technician is very talented. We analyzed your report very carefully, Major. If the Globuster appears and makes a hostile move, it’ll get a dose of this!«

  »Sounds good, Commander, but where’s the catch?« Specialist Tanomo asked calmly.

  Maya put the Globusterfist back on the table.

  »The catch is this clip. We had to make design adjustments to distribute the weight so it can be carried by a single person. It was designed for space. Wouldn’t be very useful in any kind of gravity if it had the size and mass of a cannon. We compromised and designed the clip to a capacity of only five rounds.«

  »Five rounds … that’s it?« Gonzales asked disbelievingly.

  »A single hit should be enough to make a lasting impression on the Globuster. The intruder is intelligent; it’ll base its actions on its past experience. If it feels safe behind its energy field, it won’t expect us to hit it with a surprise.«

  »Alright,« Davis butted in. »The Shenzhou is now underway and we’ll deploy the Hawks in two hours. The bombs are loaded. Robert, you will conduct final checks of the warheads and detonators before we leave.«

  Robert Necollet acknowledged his orders firmly.

  »The bombs must detonate simultaneously. I’d like to be as far away as possible when that occurs. The explosion could rip the planetoid apart!«

  Necolett nodded silently.

  »We won’t have much time to look around. Lai Pi, I hope you will have time to unravel some of the Globuster technological secrets.«

  Lai Pi seemed in deep thought.

  »I’ve read your report; I’m looking forward to seeing the place. We need to think in different ways when it comes to these creatures. Their technology is as alien as they are.«

  »One more thing,« Ivanova put in. »One of us will stay behind with the Hawks, to be able to escape in an emergency. Observing the surveillance radar is vital. If the alien ship returns, the team has to be warned immediately! The rest of us will be needed to transport and install the bombs. Since Major Davis and I will be with the bomb teams, Anna, you will stay behind. You said you can fly a Hawk?«

  »Affirmative,« Anna Gonzales replied. »I’ll watch the radar. You can count on me, Commander!«

  Maya received a short signal from the command central and alerted the teams. The Shenzhou would remain in this sector after the Hawks left. If the mission failed, the ship would return to Triton Base and assist in the evacuation.

  The mission will not fail, Maya Ivanova thought. I wo
n’t let it!

  World News Reports: Year 2073, excerpts

  The first Mars settlements had been established. An abundance of natural resources, as well as favorable living conditions, attracted many adventurers, private firms, and settlers.

  A permanent shuttle system between the Moon, Earth and Mars linked the old world with her colonies.

  The submarine cities on the ocean floors became population centers. During this time projects to restore the mistreated and neglected Earth showed their first successes.

  Large deposits of mineral oil were discovered underneath the depleted ice shield of Antarctica – but ignored. Humanity, having learned its lessons, had decided unanimously to forego exploiting these resources for safer alternative energy sources.

  Excerpt Encyclopedia of the Solar Union, 1st Edition, Vol. 12,

  Foundation of the Solar Union, Page 459:

  … the Union ID Card was introduced on the 1st of March 2073, replacing all national passports and local identification papers. The cantons, still sovereign and responsible for their own affairs, pooled their efforts in the fields of economy, technology, exploration and food supplies under the umbrella of the Solar Union. By establishing non-aligned settlements on Mars and the Moon, the foundation for the Solar Union was laid, replacing the United Nations. Travel restrictions no longer existed and all Human habitats shared a single economy with the introduction of the Solar Credit as Union currency on the 1st of May 2073.


  Donald Day, David Morgenstern, and the IRS scientists silently watched the holographic map of the solar system. It showed about 1,000 objects of the Kuiper Belt and listed pertinent data.

  »Reduce the projection to show only objects larger than one thousand meters in diameter,« the commander ordered.

  Immediately, the web of vector lines became less intricate.

  »Mark all objects identified as potential Globuster hideouts,« Day instructed.

  About one hundred objects were suddenly highlighted in red. A murmur went through the team of scientists.

  »We have no idea if that’s all of them,« added Morgenstern. »There’s already more than enough for my taste.«


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