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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret

Page 24

by Kathleen Hill

  “I’m cumming,” Jack choked. “Swallow me,” he ordered when she tried to move her head away. Her eyes shone and she took up the challenge.

  I was close, thrusting harder and harder. I gushed, my seed flowing into her. Jack spurted into her mouth.

  We were all panting and I moved my hand up and untied her wrists.

  Chapter 10


  After a few seconds, I gasped out, “My turn.”

  Olivia closed her legs, denying me, and whispered out, “I can’t take anymore.”

  Reese and I switched positions and I forced her legs apart. “You will.”

  “I’m too sore. I’m used up.” She probably thought her body can’t handle another one. But, she’s wrong. I won’t stop until my cock is deep in her cunt. I need that pleasure of her pussy clenching around my cock.

  I cupped her leaking cunt juiced mixed with Reese’s seed. “This is never off-limits to us.” I viciously thrusted into her. She was slick and my cock slid all the fuck way home.

  She was still tight. And I went brutally fast her pussy clenched around me.

  Olivia grabbed my head and pulled my hair. “Harder!”

  My arms were threatening to give out with how hard I drilled into her soaking, wet cunt. I bent her knees and continued my furious thrusts. She was my kryptonite. The bed vibrated against the wood floor with each frenzied thrust.

  Reese cock sprung up again wanting to play again. I lay across the bed with her, still thrusting. I was face to face with her and I reached behind and spread her ass cheeks. Fingering her there to loosen her up, while Reese stroked his cock and entered her.

  She tensed and stop moving with me. I grabbed her hips, pulled my legs over and moved her, while Reese thrusted into her asshole. I placed my finger near her clit and gave it one flick.

  She came and Reese and I followed. With our faces flushed and our bodies sweaty, Reese dropped down next to her and wrapped her in his arms.

  It was fucking amazing every single time. She was perfect for us. When it came to her, we acted like Neanderthals rather than powerful men who rule with utter control. All that control slips away when it came to her. It was frustrating and exhilarating as hell. We couldn't get any work done when she’s around and when she's not around we, still, can't get any work done.

  It was an odd mix.

  I glanced at Reese over her head and he nodded. We were on the same page.

  “Olivia,” I began.

  “Hmm…” she said, lazily trailing her fingers across my chest.

  “We’re serious. Move in with us.”

  “What do we tell everyone?” She was worried.

  I scoffed, “Fuck everyone.”

  Unfortunately, Reese was more pragmatic. “If Olivia wants to be accepted and make friends, that won’t work. Society is filled with norms and traditions. We announce she’s going out with one of us and, slowly, when she’s integrated with the employees, we tell them she’s ours. Completely.”

  She thought about it and shocked us when she said, “okay.” She agreed with us.

  I smiled and kissed her. “God, I love you.”

  She froze in my arms.

  I froze.

  She was supposed to say it back. Did I misread her intentions?

  She looked over at Reese and he whispered it to her also.

  After the longest seconds of our lives, she said, “I love you, too.”

  Then she took both of our hands and placed it on her stomach. Leaving it there. That could only mean one thing.

  Shouts and exclaims filled the room. Her stomach soon became inundated with kisses. I cradled her in my arms and placed her under the shower with four jets on each wall.

  “Sit here on the bench, babe, and we’ll clean you up.”

  “Prop up your feet. Let us clean all of you.”

  Reese soaped her body. She, wordlessly, allows us to tend to her and leaned her back against my shoulder as the steam surrounded us. I gently washed her pussy with my fingers.

  He breath hitched and she arched her back. “Easy there, love. We’ve got the rest of our lives.” It gave me a pure male satisfaction that we could turn her on with a simple touch.

  We had to be careful now that she was pregnant.

  Reese filled the bath and we moved into the jacuzzi. I sat behind her, pulling her between my legs. Her legs wrapped around Reese’s as she faced him. We were all connected and joined.


  She completed us and made us happy. Forever.


  I never felt more deliriously happy than now in that moment wrapped up in my men’s arms in the jacuzzi.

  I felt loved and cherished. My every desire was their goal to fulfill. I never found myself lacking for anything.

  When I found out I was pregnant two weeks ago, I was scared. I didn’t know whose baby it was. But when I looked at them, I didn’t need to know whose baby it was. All I knew was I loved them both, equally. Irrevocably.

  I knew they would love this baby as their own. It didn’t matter anymore whose baby it was. All that mattered was that this baby was loved by all of his parents.

  I couldn't wait for the laughs and cackles that would surround us.


  “You’ve made me so happy,” I murmured, placing soft kisses on her lips. Tendrils of her fair framed her face and she looked gorgeous as fuck.

  More so now because she was glowing with her afterglow and pregnancy. It gave me immense pleasure to know we’ve had our seed growing inside her.

  She was bred with our baby.

  The bond between us kept growing stronger and the love more fierce.

  This was wild, insane, and crazy but it worked for us.

  Fuck what everyone else said.

  We worshipped her body slowly in the bathtub, giving her everything she wants, fulfilling her every need.


  Bonus 8 of 20

  A Dragon’s Desire


  Could they be star crossed lovers? When a fierce dragon shifter meets a fiery vixen, flames erupt between the two of them. Once they’re together the hot romance can only get hotter!

  Trevor is an age-old dragon shifter that had looks far behind his years. He saves his words for the trees and flowers out in the wild, which isn’t much to say about his social life. Being one of the rarest shifters is rough on Trevor. It almost seems like he’s lost all hope.

  That’s when she arrives…

  Brenda gives Trevor the shock of his life. She’s adventurous, sensuous and might be the only woman to ever accept his true nature. But when the chips are down and there’s no one there to help him pick them up, he can’t help questioning himself. Did Trevor make a mistake or is Brenda really the woman for him?

  Chapter 1

  A dragon’s den is quiet. The cold walls and slumbering dragon within them did little to disturb that fine silence. Rising and falling with each gentle breath, scales the color of the night’s sky itself and claws sharper than its jagged fangs was Trevor. It’d been a long time since he’d felt the need to leave his sacred den. His home.

  Far too long.

  Time seemed to pass differently for Trevor when he was in dragon form. The hundreds of years he’d lived did little to make him feel the shift between human and beast. He knew deep in his heart that because of his half-form it would be hard enough to find a lover. It was only a matter of time before that love had to be whisked away by the cold hands of death.

  “Grr…” Trevor grumbled, smoke rising from his nostrils. “God…” he groaned as he batted at the air with his powerful claws. The swipes shook the cave and brought stalactites crashing down all around the dragon.

  Trevor woke suddenly. Startled. He couldn’t catch his breath in time. Cautiously he looked around his den, swinging his tail around and wings in front of him as defense. It didn’t take long for him to realize what had woke him as he looked up at the ceiling and then all around him. The small shards of
minerals reflected the light trickling in from the sunrise right outside his cave.

  It was as if the fragments had been dripping in sunlight from the way they twinkled in Trevor’s eyes. He took a deep breath and lay back, bringing a piece into his claws to fiddle with. It dawned on him, slowly, that it was another full day he’d spent on his other form. Trevor, as he was so called, hadn’t even attempted to change into his human form for the longest time.

  Excuse after excuse came up in his mind. Why do I need to change anyway? Being a dragon is so much easier. He scoffed at the thought of having to deal with people again. With being rejected again.

  A thought that’d been nagging him came up. You’re not worth her time... The fear of rejection for his true self, mixed with the need of mate, drove Trevor to a painful self-induced confliction. He wanted nothing more than to share his life with someone. His fears and his desires while they could spend all they could with him. In the deepest parts of his heart, though aching, he missed the feeling of warmth, being with someone regardless of how it ended.

  Growing frustrated with himself, Trevor got up and lumbered out of his den. As his tail trailed behind him out of the cave’s mouth, the sun greeted Trevor’s scales with warmth all over. He sighed, taking in the sounds of the birds in the trees just waking up, and the fresh air full of moisture from the nearby river. This… this is home… he thought.

  The lush forest going on for miles, far from his home in the bustling city was the one place Trevor could breathe. He walked around self-made walkways and paths though the tall oak trees and evergreens lovingly sprinkled all over. Birds flew overhead just above his horns. The ground beneath him shook with every step and Trevor swore that he could feel every animal in the forest moving in time with his footsteps.

  “So lovely,” he cooed to the patches of flowers scattered about. His claw swept a few up and carried them to the tops of the trees just to watch all the petals fall. “Delicate and desirable. Shame I wasn’t born half flower…”

  He couldn’t take his words wholly seriously and coughed up a chuckle. Taking a stroll through the forest, naked in the morning’s wake, he couldn’t help feeling like something was missing. He mused upon himself while conversing with the trees and the squirrels, but the thought still stirred him. These thoughts aren’t going to go away are they? He wondered, taking a spot by the rushing rover.

  Trevor clawed at the ground as he thought. Damn. If I can’t even enjoy myself here what’s the point? There’s not even a chance trying with people anymore either… He fought against the mixed feelings welling up in his chest and making him shift around.

  There was that one girl though… In flashes the memories came back to him. First meeting on a computer screen and then meeting in real life. He knew he had a chance with this girl. He’d already gotten the first part done.

  He didn’t know how long it’d been since the last time he’d spoken to her—to anyone. What was her name again…? The image of a petite girl with auburn hair came to mind, but not a name. Trevor shook his head. Probably not that important. If she can even remember me.

  A snort of fire singed the thin grass at Trevor’s claws. His tail thumped behind him in contemplation. If I do this, this could change everything. Might as well take a chance, right?

  No reason not to…

  With a sigh, acknowledging that he’d given in, he spread his wings and took to the sky. It didn’t take long for him to feel his heart race and his claws shake.

  It was finally time to go on a date.

  Chapter 2

  Dressed in a shabby dress shirt and matching dark pants, Trevor walked out of the parking lot and up to the restaurant. A few others walked alongside him. Several pairs, each a man with a divinely dressed woman clinging to his arm. Seeing them from the corners of his eyes as he made his way to the front door of the small, but classy looking black and red building made him feel uneasy.

  The feeling of unknowing mixed with numerous doubts started to creep up in the back of his mind. He nearly choked on his own words as he walked in and went up to the hostess to ask about his reservation. “Excuse me, sir. May I help you?” she asked with a kind smile. The petite brunette waited patiently as Trevor checked the time on his watch again. It’s 7:30 on the dot. There is no way that she wouldn’t be here by now, Trevor thought as he forced himself to swallow the knot forming in his throat.

  “Yes, um, my name is Trevor Sull is there a Rebecca here?” The hostess sifted through her notes, but judging by the look on her face she was readying herself to give Trevor a negative answer. Starting to quietly panic a little, Trevor added: “Sorry, I’m a little later than I scheduled. I was hoping to meet someone here around 7 o’clock instead of 7:30.”

  The hostess shook her head and set her pen down to look at me. “No, it doesn’t look like anyone came through with that name. Are you sure you got the time right?”

  Trevor wanted to look away as his hands balled into fists. He could feel the dragon clawing at his heart in a flash of rage, but he swallowed it and stowed his dragon away. If he lost it here, he’d cause more than just a scene and it’d make his night all the more horrible. “I’m sure of it,” Trevor growled under his breath, traces of his dragon fighting against him.

  The hostess, not knowing what else to say, uncomfortably rubbed her hands together and said, “I’m sorry sir.”

  Just before she could say, “Is there anything else I can help you with?” Trevor cut her off with a sharp snarl.

  Trevor growled again, stuffing his hands into his pockets and turning away from her. “Don’t be.”


  Countless cars whisked by Trevor as he shuffled down the sidewalk on his own. Brisk winds found their ways into his dress coat, making him shiver. The man in him always hated the cold, but the dragon in him loved it. It was just another thing that he couldn’t agree with within himself. Another thing that drove his inner turmoil that seemed to slowly rip his humanity apart.

  He could feel the dragon biting at him and clawing at him—begging to get out. The anger he’d felt back at the restaurant was still of burning at his core, but the flames were starting to dim. The combination of the cold outside and the sadness took its toll on the man overtaking the beast.

  With no one around to blame but himself, Trevor couldn’t help but feel as though things were hopeless for him. Will I ever find the one? Could I ever find the one? The questions swirled around his head as he asked himself again and again. In the back of his mind he knew there had to be someone out there that would accept him for who he was, but he wasn’t lucky enough to find them.

  At least not yet.

  Not even his closest friends knew of his condition as much as he wanted to tell them. He just figured it’d end up the same as his relationships did: hardship and heartache. All for a brief moment of happiness. All was for not. Even in a city full of people he still hadn’t found her. Just knowing he had each and every opportunity helped keep the burning anger deeper inside of himself and made the sadness all the heavier.

  Most people would be frightened to walk this route alone in the middle the night. Especially since there was hardly a passerby. A few streetlamps had gone dim along the way, making it hard to see occasionally. Trevor had walked down this path so many times that the fear that once struck him as he trudged down the street now turned as cold as the air around him. Thanks to his dragon, he knew that nothing bad could happen to him. Even if it did, he’d only need to growl or snarl at his pursuer. He’d seen the looks in previous men’s eyes when they looked at him as a beast. No longer a man himself, he imagined that he looked at them the same way. He looked at them with a gaze that would sway the sturdiest of wills and lower any gun they dared to point at him.

  Trevor kept his eyes on the sidewalk watching the passing lines as if they’d help distract him from his thoughts. He knew there was no point in looking up. There was hardly anyone out at this time of night—at least on this block. The crowd he was used to passing by
would come around later, so he didn’t have to worry for a while. In a way, he almost wished that he would bump into someone who’d knock some sense into him.

  “Help!” shrieked a feminine voice to Trevor’s right.

  “Huh?” He froze and looked around, waiting to hear the sound again. Did I imagine that…?

  “Ah! Someone help me! Please!”

  The dragon in Trevor jumped at the voice and he immediately locked onto the sound, turning his attention to the sound and peering into the dark alley in front of him. He stared into it for a while, looking for any sign of movement as he took a step forward and then another. His movements were stiff—silent as he crept further down the alleyway.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  Trevor caught the low growl a few feet ahead of him. Without a second thought, the beast in him came out and he snarled, charging forth to see a man cornering a woman by a dumpster. Trevor towered over the man and shadows covered his face now looking more akin to a dragon than a man. The man slowly turned around asking, “What the hell…?” Before he could face Trevor, Trevor grasped the man at the sides and tossed him to the side.

  The woman gasped, and Trevor growled as the man’s knife fell to the ground and he crashed into a scrapheap nearby, creating a loud clamor. The man struggled to get up, trembling as Trevor turned his attention away from the woman and lumbered over to the man. Trevor growled lowly, leaning down to check on him. He didn’t move, but Trevor could hear him breathing—gasping for breaths. He’ll be fine, Trevor thought as he took a deep breath and started to revert back into his human form. When he stepped back into one of the lighter spots in the alley, his face came into view.

  She shivered as he came near as Trevor towered over her the same as he did the man who was threatening her before. “Are you all right?” Trevor asked softly, keeping a respectful distance from her.

  “I…I think I’m okay…” she replied just as quietly.

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “Y-yeah… I live another block or two from here, so I think I’ll be all right getting back.”


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