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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

Page 19

by Jessie Wolf

  Now there were a few things I could have said to this. One of which would have sent her running into the night screaming at the top of her lungs. For once though I engaged my brain before my mouth. “Um… Alice while I do find you to be attractive, to be honest I find you to be gorgeous. I won’t think that you would even give a kid like me a second look.” Yah I’m piling it on, and technically I’m old enough to be her great grandparent, but I really need to get her to come out of her shell here. Besides she is just too damned good looking to be a free agent for much longer.

  “You do. Wait, what do you mean by you being a kid, my Lady?”

  I need to get this down to a more personal level. “Please Alice call me Maiha when it’s just us ok. As for me being a kid. Well the last time I looked I’m only sixteen, and you’re what twenty-seven, twenty-eight tops. I mean I’m sure there are plenty of available young men or women closer to your own age out there.” I figure that if I can get her to talk about herself I just might learn a little more about my new home world.

  Giggling, Alice just shakes her head. It must have been the confused look on my face that promoted her to show mercy on my poor befuddled mind. “My Lady...” I interrupt her by reminding her to call me Maiha. “Very well, Maiha. Don’t you realize that over sixty percent of Hades population is between the ages of fourteen to eighteen and female?” I had actually forgotten that little tidbit of info. “I can see that you didn’t, so don’t worry about it. Oh, and if you think I’m in my late twenty’s you’re in for a big surprise. Hell most of the enlisted, myself included, are barely out of our teens. Maiha I just turned nineteen last month. So your only maybe four years younger than me at the most.” She had this silly little grin on her face. That along with that twinkle of mischief in her eyes just about did me in. this girl has no idea of what she is doing to me, then again maybe she does. Her next comment confirmed this. “So you see around here most of us usually date someone who is about three to four years younger.”

  I need a quick distraction from this topic. “Wait a minute, I have been meaning to ask, but just haven’t had the chance and you seem to know more about the population on Hades than most. So why is there so massive of an imbalance in the population. I mean over sixty percent of the people here are teenage girls. Why is that?”

  “Maiha it’s the schools.” At my very confused look she explains. “Maiha except for the weapons manufactures this planets number one export is educated and cultured young ladies.” I must have had a short somewhere in my brain because I still didn’t understand. “Maiha, there are a total of fifteen boarding schools for girls in this part of the planet alone.” I still didn’t get it. “Maiha, the boarding schools outnumber the regular schools three to one.”

  Oh wow! That would throw the whole scale out of whack. “You mean to tell me that the second largest industry for Hades is turning out stuck up high class bitches for the wealthy and politically powerful?”

  “You know Maiha you could be placed in that classification too.” Was her quick reply.

  PPPPPPHHHHHHTTTTTTTT! I blew her the biggest raspberry I could. Yah I know that I could very well be one of those people. Not that I’m going to be one. I figure I’ll play the game then get on with my life. If anything I’ll most likely be that ill-mannered little hussy everyone talks about.

  Seeing me give her a raspberry the young Sergeant busted out laughing. “You know Maiha you are definitely nothing like the High Families ladies we normally run into around here.”

  “You mean the fact that I act like I don’t have a stick up my ass?”

  I swear if they had not been attached to her head I believe that her eyeballs would have come out of their sockets. Oh yah! I am definitely not one of your typical High Families or wealthy business men Princesses. Most of them would never even think of making a comment like I just did. Then again behind my baby browns was the mind of a ninety-seven year old combat veteran who had no real problem with introducing someone to the joys of rectal exams by shoving their head up their own ass.

  About that time we were joined by my younger sisters. “Is something wrong, Maiha?” Fuyuko asked when she saw Alice talking to me.

  “Oh, no problems, little sister. Alice and I were just talking about a few things.”

  “What kind of things, sissy?” pops in Nanase.

  “Hey what kind of things?” Nanami put in while staring daggers at the young Sergeant.

  “Knock it off you two. Alice you remember my little sisters. Everyone this is Alice. Now I believe that you were about to ask me out on a date Alice?”

  “Well yes, I was just wondering if I need to talk to your mother first?” she was quick to recover.

  “That would be yes, Sergeant.” Came from behind me, I turned to see mama walking up with the Mountain Wolves First Sergeant. “However, I would suggest that we have that conversation back at the House Estate. Maiha have you taken care of your business yet?”

  “Um… no… ma’am.”

  “Then I suggest that you get to it, young lady. We don’t have all night.”

  Taking the hint I bowed and turned to Alice “Sergeant I’ll see you around. For now though it’s been a pleasure.” With that I headed off to find Col. Fujiyama and the rest of the military commanders. I got lucky and found the three of them inside the old dinner/bistro on the far side of the square.

  “Gentlemen, how are we set for the night?” I asked of them once I was next to their table.

  “Lady Nakatoma, I see that you and your family have gotten aquatinted with your new AP Suits.”

  “Yes Sir, Col. Fujiyama. I believe that they’ll be able to pilot those four Suits home with little or no problem. Oh and Col. Powel thank you for the use of the bio-suits. They made my family’s first time in harness very enjoyable. Why it was so much so that they were able to bond with their Suits.” By the time I’m done the smile on my face was a mile wide. The reason for this was his look of total shock. “Yes Powel, I know what type of pilot suit you sent over for my family to try on. Now there is one thing that I would like for you to know. I thought I had made myself clear on this, but seeing as how you still don’t have a clue as to who or what you’re dealing with I’ll spell it out for you.” Taking a deep breath and standing as tall as I can. “I am Maiha Mana Nakatoma, Head of House of House Nakatoma, granddaughter to James J. Owens First High Lord of the Death Dealer Divisions for the Delta Sector, and his only heir, making me the commander for those Divisions through the right of succession. In short, you pompous ass, your boss. Got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I think someone might have given him a heads up about my quicksilver temper.

  “Good because you pull another stunt like you did with those bio-feedback pilot suits or something else that endangers my family; you and I will be crossing blades on the field of Honor. Oh and it will not be to the first point. Do you understand that?!” I was pissed beyond belief over what he had tried to pull. The man must have figured out that he had stepped on his Johnson I think I’ll let Col. Fujiyama handle the matter from here on. “Col. Fujiyama, my mother along with the rest of my family would like to know if we are staying here tonight or are we heading back to the House compound?”

  “I had thought to leave that to your discretion, my Lady. However if you want my opinion then I would suggest that we wait till morning.” I could tell he really wanted to spend the night.

  “Is there a problem with us staying here for the night?”

  “What? Oh no ma’am. I just figured that you wanted to get your family back to the compound so they can be more comfortable.”

  “Col. Fujiyama if we have to my family can sleep in their A.P. Suits. If the roadway home is not safe for night travel then it’s not safe. That is not your fault sir. I understand the FOG of War.” I could tell that Col. Powel was shocked by the way I was talking and acting. Here I was more than willing to ream his ass for something stupid, but still listening to one of my subordinates who was presenting a valid reason for doi
ng something. “Now if you believe that we should stay the night then we stay the night.”

  Col. Fujiyama gave me a thoughtful look then nodded his head. “Maj. Howard setup a patrol area a half mile outside of town. I want a roving patrol sweep every twenty to thirty minutes at random intervals…”

  “Excuse me Col. I will leave you to your duty. I’ll find a place for my family and myself to bunk down for the night.” I tell him and turn to leave.

  “Lady Maiha if you please wait a moment.” Col. Fujiyama stopped me. “If I may make a suggestion?” When I nodded my head he continued. “I know that the Patton’s and Highlander each have a survival kit on board. There should be a tent and sleeping bag with each. If you wouldn’t find it too uncomfortable please set them up over with the rest of the House units?”

  Thinking about his request I find it not only intelligent, but tactically sound. By using the tents we’ll be hidden in plain sight as well as being comfortable. I’m not too sure how mama is going to take it, but my little sisters will think of it as some great adventure. “I’ll see what I can do Col. I’ll also check and see if my Mountain Lion has a survival kit as well. If not you’ll find me in its cockpit. Goodnight gentlemen.” And with that I left to go find my family.

  As I hunted them down I kept thinking about how to let mama know about the sleeping arrangements. When I do find them I’m surprised to see that they each have the survival kits already out and are setting up their tents over with the House Units. For some strange reason I have the sneaky feeling that mama sent me over to check in with our military commanders just to get me out of the way.

  From off to the side next to the other pilots I hear. “Over here, Maiha, you can crash with me.” Alice waved me over to her tent. “Your mama said it would be best since you don’t have a tent in your survival kit.” Yup just as I thought. Mama has been up to something.

  I just head on over to her tent. I figure I might as well go with the flow. “So Alice, when were you going to let me know that most of the combat teams were going to bunk down here for the night?” At her blank look I could tell that she had just heard herself just a short while ago. “You didn’t know did you?” at her nod I quickly put two and two together this time coming up with the right answer. “Um… how did you know that there wasn’t a tent in my survival kit?”

  “Oh your mama asked Victory Maiden if she had one. Well she did that after we got the order to set camp here in the town square for the night.”

  “When did that come down?”

  “About fifteen minutes before you showed back up. Why?”

  “Oh no reason, I was just wondering. Did you have a nice talk with mama?”

  “Maiha, if there is one thing I know in this world. It is this. I don’t ever want to have your mama mad at me. That woman is scarier than any First Sergeant or Commanding Officer out there. When we were talking she never once threatened me, but I got the feeling she would happily gut me with a dual spoon.”

  We get our gear set up for the night as we talk. “So you want to head over and grab something to eat when we get done here?” I notice that mama and my sisters have already gotten their tents setup along with their sleeping bags. “I mean we are sharing your tent how about I go get us something to eat?”

  “Um… sure sounds good.” With that we quickly squared away the tent and headed over to where the support troops for the House Military had setup operations. After getting our dinner we found a nice quite little spot to ourselves. As we eat I found out more about her. She was very easy to talk to. She told me how she was the last of five children and the only girl. She graduated from the New Haven Military Academy as a fully trained APS pilot at seventeen. Joined the Mountain Wolves shortly thereafter as a Scout class pilot. She rose through the ranks until she made sergeant just a few months ago.

  “So Maiha, what about you, I have spent the last half hour talking about myself. I don’t know anything about you.” She caught me off guard by that a little. “I mean I saw how you climbed that APS this evening. You just don’t pick that up anywhere. Then there’s the fact you knew how to set up those bio-suits for your family. Come on, I won’t tell anyone your secret.”

  Now I may have come clean with my family, but there was no way I was going to just hand her the secret. I know she is cute and all, but I barely know the girl. So for the next half hour I tell her how I was ‘raised’ by my ‘grandfather’. When she asked me how that explained my understanding of APS and bio-suits. When I explained that ‘grandpa’ was a Death Dealer the light of understanding suddenly appeared. I told her how I was ‘trained’ by grandpa to be just as competent as any APS pilot or Death Dealer out there. After dinner we took a short walk around the square. All in all it was a very enjoyable time.

  When we returned to her tent things got a little uneasy. Turning to me with a small smile “Maiha I know that um… that I will… um how I put this?”

  “You want to know if I want to share a sleeping bag with you right?” I asked in a matter of fact way. After she nodded “Look why don’t we just get inside strip down and find out?” once again her eyes bulged. I think the fact I was so blunt about it shocked her. I mean hear I am basically telling her I wanted to jump her bones. The kicker is that was exactly what I was saying. I was one horny, and two I needed some stress relief. “Well? Are you coming or are you just going to stand around out here?” With that I slid inside her tent and disengaged my armor. Until the point I had not realized just how long I had been in combat mode.

  “OH Goddess it feels so good to be out of my armor.”

  “Um… Maiha just where did your bodysuit go to?”

  Looking over at Alice I just realized that she just saw exactly how my armor disengaged. “Um… well… look Alice it’s like this. Before coming here grandpa got permission for me to become a proto-type Death Dealer. What you saw happening was me exiting combat mode. As to where it goes I believe it becomes internalized along my spine. I believe it’s made of nanites.”

  “So your armor is with you all the time. Just not active. Is that right?”

  “In a nut shell, yes. Does this upset you?” I really needed to know how she felt about this. If this scares her then any chance I have with her is out the window.

  After a few moments she shakes her head no and begins to get out of her pilots suit. I notice that it is not one of the bio-feedback styles. When I comment on this she was quick to answer. “It’s because I can’t afford one Maiha.”

  “What do you mean Alice?”

  “As a House or bodyguard pilot we have to pay for things like pilot suits and helmets. In some Houses you have to supply your own AP Suit as well.”

  Hearing this I realized that I needed to look more into how my House military was run. For now though I had something else on my mind. “Why don’t we discuss this later? Right now I think we should enjoy the moment and each other.” Sliding over next to her I help her finish undressing. The smile on her face lets me know I did the right thing. I may have been naked as the day I was born, but I knew she liked what she saw. With skillful hands she quickly had me in heat. It may have been a while since my last encounter with a young woman, but I remembered a few tricks from my bachelor days. However skilled a lover I might have been I was still learning the ways of the female body. So when my first ever orgasm as a woman was not something I was ready for. It slowly built up over time and when it finally hit me I thought I was going to die from pleasure.

  Looking down at me as I lay there in exhaustion from my orgasm Alice asks me if I’m all right. “Hey, I’m just fine.” When I see that she is really is worried I explain. “It has just been a long time since my last orgasm. That and you’re my first lover so you can say it caught me by surprise.”

  “I’m your first?” I could hear the joy and her surprise in voice.

  “Yup. You sure are. Now shut up and let’s get back to having a good time.” I pulled her down to me and proceeded to kiss her with all the passion I could. Happily s
he responded to my wishes and returned to our love making. Once she was again more interested in making love we went well into the night. Sometime in the early morning we both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Next morning just before sunrise…………

  I felt her warm breath on the back of my neck. That is what wakes me from my sleep. Rolling over I find Alice is still asleep. Not wishing to disturb her I slowly and carefully extract myself from her embrace. Once I am out of our sleeping bag I engage my armor and slip outside. The feel of the cool morning air finishes waking me up. I take a quick look around to see if anyone else is up yet. Most of the camp is still dark meaning that most of everyone else is asleep. There was one spot of light though that caught my attention. Over at the diner/bistro I can see the lights are on. So I head on over to see who would be there at this time in the morning.

  What I find is all three of the unit commanders, over half of the command staff from all three units. Looking around I see at least ten command and control radios, a map board, and most of what you would need to run a long term campaign.

  “Lady Nakatoma we didn’t expect to see you here this early.”

  “Why would you think that Col. Powel? I am the overall commander for this system. If anything I should have been here two hours ago.” I put a little heat in my voice to let them all know that I should have been informed of the meeting. I could tell by the number of coffee cups and cigarette butts that they have been in here for a while. “Now what has happened to get you all up in the middle of the night?”

  Maj. Howard answered for all of them. “At half past zero three hundred this morning the rebels hit the P.D.F. armory and stockade. From the reports that we have gotten there was heavy fighting and casualties on both sides. From what we have been able to piece together they attacked with around three Regimental Combat Teams. Consisting of two battalions of APS units, two armored infantry battalions, and one AI tank battalion. In short, Lady Nakatoma, they dropped on the P.D.F. base with three times the force than was there. If the two Death Dealer divisions had not arrived when they did it would have been a massacre and all of the P.D.F. equipment along with the base would be in their hands.”


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