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Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series)

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by Kira Ward


  Stranded Book 1 (Stranded)

  Stranded Book 2 (Survival)

  Stranded Book 3 (Escape)


  Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother

  (Complete Series)

  By Kira Ward

  Copyright © 2015 Kira Ward

  All rights reserved.

  Warning: This book contains mature themes and detailed depictions of sexual encounters.

  All characters involved in sexual encounters are at least 18 years of age and not blood related. All persons and events are fictional, and any similarities to real places and events are purely coincidental.

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  Chapter 1


  Water surged out from my throat, and my eyelids sprang open. I could feel the after-effects of Alex’s lips pressed on to mine as I coughed furiously and struggled to grasp what was going on. After all, it’s not every day that you wake up with your stepbrother kissing you so deeply.

  Except he wasn’t kissing me- he was giving me mouth-to-mouth, and I was regaining consciousness from a terrible nightmare that involved Alex, a large boat, and a perfect storm.

  “Kendra, you’re alive. Thank God!” Alex said loudly.

  My head spun. I noticed the sand that was sticking to my hands, and I realized we were on land. I was surrounded by sand, and directly in front of me was water stretching for as far as my eyes could see.

  “Where are we?” I managed to cry out.

  “I have no idea… some island or something. I’m not sure.”

  “Where’s the boat?”

  “There.” My brother pointed his finger towards what appeared to be a piece of painted scrap metal floating on the surface of the ocean. It was little difficult to make out, but there was no mistaking that on the top of the metal read SS Long Gun, the name of my brother’s boat.

  It was only then that I realized that we were totally and royally fucked.

  Chapter 2

  “You really should be thanking your brother for this trip, Kendra. He’s done so phenomenally over the past couple years, and not many people get to experience things like this,” my Mom said with her kind smile that could warm even the blackest of hearts.

  “Yeah, yeah… He’s done great. He’s the best ever, king of the world.”

  My Mom sighed. “Why do you always act like this, Kendra?”

  “I’m just sick of hearing about how great Alex is, and this trip couldn’t have come at a worse time. You know that me and Jake were having problems. Being away for 2 weeks is going to pull us even further apart.”

  “And that’s probably for the better. Jake is the same age as Alex, but what does he do all day? Sit around and play video games with his friends? He has no ambition, and he’s already cheated on you once.”

  I rolled my eyes and turned to look out the window of the plane. “Thanks for the reminder, Mom.”

  Jake was an okay guy, but she did have a point. We were constantly fighting about something or another- usually because he didn’t want to get a job. First it was because his band was going to make it big, and now because he was caught up in some shooting game on his Xbox, which he insisted that he would become so good at that he would make millions through some sort of online tournaments. Maybe I was only 22 years old, but I was ready to settle down and start a family. How could I do it with a guy like him?

  I sighed deeply. “How much longer?”

  “Just 5 more hours,” my Mom replied.

  I peered over to the other side of the plane where Dad and my stepbrother were sitting in their first class seats. Dad was leaning back in his chair, in an impossibly deep sleep, while Alex chipped away at his laptop. Does he ever stop working? I wondered.

  Alex had made it big a few years ago when a company that he created developed some sort of dirt-cheap tablet that allowed underprivileged kids in developing countries to access unlimited text books from anywhere in the world. Yep- he was a genius and helping to save the world all at the same time. By the first year of development he was a millionaire, and within 3 years of product expansion and investment he had made it to billionaire status. It didn’t help that he always looked like he just stepped out of a fashion magazine, with his expensive suits and perfectly trimmed brown hair. Yes, he was the perfect man, and I was tired of him being the center of attention every time I saw him.

  In High School I was the nerdy bookworm, always buried in my studies, while Alex was team captain of the football team, having a flock of girls following him around everywhere we went. If you asked me back then, I would’ve guessed that Alex would end up landscaping people’s lawns when he grew up, while I went on to become a successful businesswoman. Instead, I ended up the manager of a Frosty Freeze ice cream shop, while Alex went on to be on the cover of Forbes magazine.


  I will give him credit for never teasing me though. Hell, when we were at school, he barely even noticed me. He was too caught up in sports, his friends, or whatever girl that he was ushering in and out of his bedroom for that week. The most acknowledgment I would get was a “Hey Sis’!” when he passed me after school on his way to his car, while I waited patiently at the bus stop.

  So now that Mr. Awesome had made it big, he decided that he would buy a tiny island somewhere off the coast of Italy and build a vacation home for the family. It was my first trip out of Texas, so as annoying as the situation seemed, I was still excited.

  After arguing with Jake about the trip for 2 days straight, I packed my bags with all the essentials- bikini, sun tan lotion, and lots and lots of sexy clothes. From what I heard, Italian guys were pretty hot and masculine, so there was a chance I might meet someone who’s my brother’s equal- At least a girl can dream, right?

  “I’ll have some hot tea. Thank you,” I said to the flight attendant as she passed by offering drinks. I pulled a sleeping pill out of my purse and washed it down with the hot liquid before reclining in my chair, hoping I could sleep off the final hours of the boring flight. And maybe, just maybe… I wouldn’t have another dream about him.

  The Asshole.

  Chapter 3

  “Do you mind if we stay here another night or two Alex?” my Mom asked. “There’s so much to see, and your Dad and I don’t really get out that much.”

  “Sure. I’ll arrange a speedboat to take you over to the Island whenever you’re ready. I need to head over there now to make sure the last bit of construction has been taken care of as planned,” Alex replied.

  “I’ll go with you,” I added. The sleeping pill that I took on the long flight made me a groggy, and I didn’t have the energy to keep up with Mom and Dad while they were shopping and sightseeing. I could already see the giddy excitement in their eyes and just knew they were going to be running around all day.

  “Sure, Sis’. You can come with me if you want.”

  I hated when he called me that. It wasn’t like we were real brother and sister, and there’s something unsettling when one of the most handsome men in the world is referring to you as his sibling.

  Mom and Dad gave us hugs, and we headed off to towards the coastline while Alex made a phone call to his assistant to arrange travel for my parents. “You two stay safe. We’ll meet you over there soon,” my Dad said as he waved us goodbye.


  The port was colorful and filled with boats of all shapes and sizes. Alex lead me to one yacht in
particular that was towering above them all, and the port side hull read SS Long Gun.

  “Where’s the captain?” I asked curiously.

  “I am the captain. I’m the only one who drives my boat,” Alex said with a sly smile.

  I should have known, really. If he could afford an island, he could afford a boat like that. It stuck out like a sore thumb, like one of those boats that you’d see on “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” and Alex had never been modest. Nonetheless, I did not expect him to be able to pilot the gargantuan thing.

  “And how do you know how to drive a boat?”

  “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Sis’. You know, I’ve been taking flying lessons as well…”

  Show off. “As long as you don’t kill me on the way there. How long will it take us to get to the island?”

  “Roughly about 4 hours once we get out of the port.”

  “4 hours…” I whined. After the long flight and the limo ride to the coast I was really looking forward to just laying around on a non-moving surface for a while.

  Alex climbed into the yacht, and then held out his hand to help me up the ladder on the side. He gave me a brief tour of all the amenities on the boat, which was equipped with a full kitchen, 3 bedrooms, a game room, a lounge, and 2 bathrooms. It was nicer and larger than the tiny home that the two of us grew up in, and I couldn’t help but wonder how he managed to make it so far ahead of everyone, including my parents in life.

  I joined him at the navigation wheel after he started the boat, and he expertly pulled us out of the pier and into the bright blue ocean. A breeze of ocean wind hit my face and blew through my hair, and I immediately felt refreshed. The sun was shining brightly, and with a 4 hour trip ahead of me, it seemed like a good time to sunbath.

  I headed towards the room that Alex had given me and changed into my bikini before heading back up to the deck. There was already a lounge chair spread out across the front portion of the the deck, and I laid on the chair to catch some rays.

  Once we had gotten a good distance from land, Alex left the wheel and disappeared, only to re-appear wearing nothing but a pair of long board trunks. I pulled my sunglasses down to get a peek at him, and almost licked my lips when I saw his strong muscles and washboard abs. Despite how much my stepbrother worked, it seemed he still found time to workout as well. Being half-naked myself, I suddenly felt shy and uncomfortable knowing how much of my body he was on display.

  “Shouldn’t you be steering the boat?” I asked.

  “There’s no where to steer for a while. We’ll be heading straight south for at least an hour, so I put her on autopilot,” he said. “Figured I’d join you out here and catch some rays.”

  I put my sunglasses back in their rightful place and leaned back to stare at the sky. Alex sat down on a built-in bench near my deck chair, and for at least a minute there was an awkward silence before either of us spoke.

  “So, how’s things been lately? I know we haven’t really talked much these last couple years, since I’ve been busy with the company and all.”

  “Things are good, I guess.”

  “You’re still dating that Jake guy, right?”

  “For now…”

  “For now?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been thinking… Maybe I need to go back to the single life for a while… How are you and your ladies?”

  “Geez, you make it sound like I have a harem.”

  “You practically do. At least you did when you were living at home and didn’t have so much money. Now that you’re loaded, I can only imagine how terrible you are.”

  “Hey Sis’…” Alex frowned.

  “Don’t call me Sis’, Alex.”

  “Okay, Kendra. I’m an adult now. I’m not like I used to be. Moving out of the house and running my own company, having employees working for me, managing assets and such- it’s really made me grow up. I’m not like how I used to be, okay?”

  I snorted and gave him a look of disbelief.

  “And just for the record, I’m not seeing anyone at the moment.”

  “I find that hard to believe,” I said with a phony yawn. “Did your plumbing stop working from overuse?”

  Alex sighed. “I’m a busy guy now Kendra. Managing a growing business, making appearances, learning new things… It all requires time. To be honest, I feel a bit lonely sometimes.”

  I laughed, thinking there was no way that he was serious. “You? Lonely?”

  Alex stood up and adjusted his board shorts with the pinch of two fingers. “Yeah, I’ve been a bit lonely. Work has made me somewhat numb to it, but I’ve missed being around my family and friends. And also for the record, I’ve missed you too.”

  I swallowed hard, and my body tensed when I heard Alex’s words. He missed me? I’m pretty sure that was the first time I had heard Alex say those words, and I immediately felt butterflies swirling in my stomach.

  Hold it together Kendra. It’s just a harmless miss you…

  Perhaps Alex had really changed after all.

  Chapter 4

  “That’s odd…” Alex said as he toyed with some control next to the navigation wheel. “The whole navigation panel is frozen”

  I had dozed off in the sun for well over and hour as the boat cruised full speed ahead, and I sat up when I heard Alex fiddling with the controls. I walked over and watched as he tapped on the panel, and immediately all the screens went blank. “Uhh, that doesn’t look good.”

  “No, not really, but I’m sure I can fix it.”

  “And if you can’t?”

  “There’s a compass, and I’ll call for help,” The tone of Alex’s voice was re-assuring. “I’ve came out this way a couple times already. Don’t worry.” Alex retreated to the electrical room, and I waited idly for him to return.

  As if by omen, I watched the beautiful warmth that had just drench us a few minutes prior slowly disappeared behind thick clouds, and our boat approached an overcast area of the sea. I yelled out loudly, unsure if Alex would be able to hear me from the other side of the boat. “Hey, I think we’re heading for a storm! Should we change directions or something?”

  There was no response.

  It’s amazing how quickly things can happen when you’re out on the ocean. I wouldn’t have known, since it was my first time at sea, but before Alex had even came back, the whole of the boat was being pelted with heavy rain. Deeper and deeper into the overcast area our boat drove, and in the distance I saw a lightning strike which made my hair stand on end.

  I stepped into the cabin and begin walking fiercely through the halls looking for Alex. Eventually, I found him standing in a small room that looked like a walk-in closet, inspecting several strange looking gauges and wires.

  “Alex, it’s starting to storm. We’re driving right into it.”

  “Hmm… I thought I heard a little rattling. Well, let me go steer out of this, and then I worry about the navigation system.”

  He started to move past me to get out of the small closet area, when suddenly we both lost balance, and gravity shifted beneath us. Alex fell back, bumping his head against one of the glass gauge protectors, and I tumbled on top of him. Something was happening with the boat, and it was happening fast.

  “What the fuck?” I yelled. My heart started to race, and my mind was filled with fear. I noticed my breasts pressed up against Alex’s bare chest, protected by only my thin bikini fabric, and his hand was nudged firmly beneath my ass. I wanted to shame him or shame myself for the accident, but the escalating urgency of the situation didn’t give me time to soak it all in.

  Alex moaned and rubbed the back of his head. “I think we hit a wave or something.”

  As he spoke, the boat began rocking back and forth, and we both struggled to gather our footing. Alex grabbed my hand when he made it to his feet, and we trudged back to the front of the boat, banging against walls and grabbing on to anything we could.

  When we made it to the front deck, I couldn’t believe my ey
es. Water poured onto the area where my chair used to be, as wave after wave rose and fell around us. The tides were roaring, and the dark clouds above us were now blocking out most of the light. Water was building on the top of the boat, and within seconds, several large waves crashed down, dropping loads and loads of bubbling ocean liquid.

  “Holy fucking shit, Alex!”

  Alex was silent as he stood staring out at the raging ocean, perhaps more stunned than I that we had somehow made our way into such a large storm so quickly, and for the first time in my life I saw him looking unsure of what to do.

  “Do something Alex!”

  Finally, he took a big gulp and spoke firmly. “Stay here and hold on to something.”

  I grabbed on to a rail and watched on as Alex tried to make his way over to the navigation wheel. I held on firmly for my life, and Alex looked like he would fall every few seconds when our boat would tilt from the massive waves. Finally, he made it to the wheel and picked up the CB radio that was stationed right beside it.

  “Mayday, Mayday. This is the SS…” His words were cut short as the boat was lifted sideways by a massive wave and almost capsized. Alex lost his footing and fell down, sliding several feet and tearing the CB radio speaker off the base in the process.

  “Alex!” I screamed, having no ability to save him.

  Water poured over the deck and washed over the whole of Alex’s body, but when the water cleared he was still there. He had managed to grab hold of nearby table and was crawling his way back towards me. Inch by inch he struggled, grabbing on to whatever piece of rooted furnishings or boat equipment he could get his hands on, and soon he had made it back to where I was holding on for my life.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “A little bruised, but don’t worry about me. Over there- The life vests.” He pointed toward the back of the boat where two life vests were danging from the ceiling. If only his damn boat hadn’t been so huge, perhaps those vests would’ve changed everything.


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