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Rock (Dead Souls MC Book 4)

Page 11

by Savannah Rylan

  “Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop. I’m so close. So close, Rock. Oh shit. Oh, yes. Yes, Rock. Right there. Right there! Yes! Rock!”

  My back tightened and my head fell to the mattress. My entire body collapsed underneath his assault as his hands held my hips up. His fingertips gripped me so tightly his prints would be readable from my skin the next morning. His cock rubbed against my rippling walls as my vision dimmed. I gasped for air, feeling him stumble in his movements as his cock pulsed with a need for release.

  “Piper. Piper. Fuck me. Oh… shit… yes…”

  He spilled into me, coating my walls with his cum as goosebumps fled along my skin. He filled me until his juices were dripping onto the sheets of my bed. I collapsed, feeling him fall on top of my body and press his strong divots into my back. I loved how I filled him the way he could fill me. How my excess pressed into his body and coated all those spaces with the sweat of my body. His hands slid up my arms, his fingers finding mine as they laced together. His cock stayed sheathed within my warmth, resting there.

  As if he had always been meant for that one special space.

  His lips pressed kisses into my back. Kisses that made me giggle and jump and whimper with the need for him. He nuzzled his nose at the nape of my neck, sending a quake down my spine I couldn't control.

  Then he pulled his cock from between my legs, rolled off my body, and pulled me into his arms.

  Chapter 19


  Sunlight filtered through the window of Piper’s room and it peeled my eyes open. I laid there on my back, stroking Piper’s hair while her body splayed out along mine. I felt the crust of our debauchery resting against my thigh from hers. I felt her leg snaked between mine. Her arm was thrown over my waist and her head poured a beautiful stack of light blonde hair across my skin. I looked down at the sight and grinned. Piper had always been beautiful naked. She had always possessed curves that made me look three times before deciding she’d be mine. But as my eyes traveled the stretch marks of her thighs and her breasts and her waist, it only made my cock rise to the occasion again.

  Knowing her fruit-filled body had carried my son made me even more desperate for her.

  I looked over at the bedside table and saw Piper’s phone sitting there. So, I reached for it to check the time. Fuck. It was almost eight o’clock. I had to get out of there and go meet up with Brewer and Diesel I looked back down at the princess in my arms, grinning as soft snores fell from her plump, juicy lips.

  I kissed the top of her head to wake her up, my heart dropping as she stirred. I wanted to stay in bed with her. Hold her close to me and take her one last time before Gavin woke up.

  But I couldn't.

  “What time is it?” she asked sleepily.

  “Time for me to get out of here,” I said.

  Her head tilted up to look at me, and even in her sleepiness I saw confusion blanket her face.

  “I need to go see Brewer about a thing,” I said.

  She nodded, but I could tell she was disappointed. I crooked my finger underneath her chin and pulled her lips up to mine, feeling her warm, soft curves move against my muscles. I ached in all of the wonderful ways Piper forced upon me with her beauty, and it physically hurt to slide away from her. I stood up from the bed and looked around for my clothes, pulling them on as she shifted back down in bed.

  “What time does Gavin usually get up?” I asked.

  “Nine,” she said with a yawn.

  “Then go back to sleep. I’m sure he’ll come running in here when he’s up,” I said. “I’ll be back later, though. Promise.”


  I didn’t even get out of the room before her soft snores could be heard again. I reached down and kissed her one last time on her cheek, then crept my way down the stairs. I went over to her coffee pot and decided to make some up for her. Ready and waiting for when she finally ventured down the stairs. I found my leather cut and pulled it over my body, then searched for my wallet, my phone, and my keys.

  I walked my bike down to the end of the road before I struck up it, not wanting to wake either of them from their peaceful slumber.

  The entire ride to Brewer’s was filled with thoughts of her. I knew I needed to right my mind for the issue at hand, but it was hard. Riding away from my family made me miss them all the more. Heading in the opposite direction as them left a hole in my chest I couldn't explain. I allowed my mind to wander as I rode on my motorcycle, because I knew the second I walked into Makenna’s house to see Brewer and Diesel, nothing could distract me.

  Not even my family.

  “About damn time you showed up,” Brewer said.

  “I told you to make the meeting in the afternoon,” I said.

  “Hey, Rock,” Diesel said. “Brewer tells me you’ve got some news.”

  I eyed Brewer as he shut the door behind me.

  “That depends. Has he told you his news?” I asked.

  “If by ‘news’, you mean the real reason for his fucking cardiac episode in the hospital? Then yes,” Diesel said.

  “So, you know we both think Mick is the potential rat,” I said.

  “I do. Now, what’s your news?” Diesel asked.

  “You want the personal or professional first?” I asked.

  “Professional,” Diesel said.

  “About a week ago, I was intentionally run off the road by a dark green car in the dead of night,” I said.

  “Fucking what now?” Diesel asked.

  “The church session that Brewer wasn’t at. Remember it?” I asked.

  “I don’t forget any of them.”

  “Of course, you don’t. Well, I decided to go on a ride to clear my head after all that shit went down with Brewer. I drove into a part of town I wasn’t too familiar with, came around a damn corner, and a car was in my lane. I swerved, they swerved with me, and then I ran off the road and crashed into a damn ditch.”

  “Why the hell am I just now hearing about this?” Diesel asked.

  “Because of who found me,” I said.

  “The hell does that mean?” Diesel asked.

  “Piper found him, Diesel,” Brewer said.

  “Wait a second, Piper’s in town?” Diesel asked.

  “Piper’s in town with my son,” I said.

  It took a lot to silence our President, but as I watched his face drop, his mouth didn’t move. He stared at me with this blank sort of expression that honestly left me fucking nervous. It took a shit ton, and I mean a shit ton of shit, to make Diesel blank out like that. He always saw things coming. From one thousand miles away. He always knew things, even when we had no idea how he knew. But in the span of a few months, this rat thing and my surprise fucking family had managed to knock him off his damn tracks.

  “You got Piper pregnant,” Diesel said.

  “I did.”

  “That kid has got to be at least--”

  “Five years old,” I said. “And he looks just fucking like me.”

  “Okay. Explains why I’m just now hearing about this,” Diesel said. “So that’s why you’ve been off the map the past few days.”


  “We need to put an order of protection on them. You know that, right?” Diesel asked.

  “I was hoping you could help me coordinate that,” I said. “Especially with Monroe being on baby watch and Grave getting into the meat of his pregnancy with Everly.”

  “Yep. It’s the three of us until further notice. Which is why I’m coming to the two of you with the plan I’ve concocted,” Diesel said.

  “What plan?” I asked. “Brewer, do you know about this plan?”

  “Diesel showed up minutes after Makenna left to take Ana to the park. They’re out until after lunch. So yeah, Diesel’s catching you up on shit I already know.”

  “Great,” I said. “So, what’s the fucking plan of yours, Diesel?”

  “We need to tail Mick. We need undeniable proof of what Brewer’s accusing him of.”

/>   “I’m accusing him, too,” I said.

  “That’s fine. I figured. The two of you stick together on practically everything,” Diesel said. “But I need the two of you on his tail. We need to know where he’s going, what he’s doing, and who the fuck he’s talking to. Because it isn’t just The Black Saddles. Monroe’s under the impression that someone’s informing the opposing attorney on this fucking RICO case hanging over our heads.”

  “Holy shit. She what now?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I talked with Knox yesterday,” Diesel said. “Monroe’s practically convinced that’s what’s happening. So, Mick is either a fucking mastermind--”

  “Or we’ve got two fucking rats,” Brewer said. “What the fuck!?”

  I closed my eyes and tried to keep my composure as my mind came to a grinding halt.

  “I think I have a way to make our tailing him a little easier,” I said.

  “Then I’m up for any suggestions at this point. It’s spiraled too far out of control to ignore any longer,” Diesel said.

  “What’s up?” Brewer asked.

  “You need to calm the fuck down. Take some breaths,” I said. “In the meantime, I owe Mick a drink anyway for a side project he helped me with a few months back.”

  “You’re not confronting him with this,” Diesel said. “That isn’t how we play this.”

  “You really forget what the fuck I do for you guys, don’t you?” I asked.

  “You want to clone his cell phone,” Brewer said.

  “I don’t want to do just that. If I can stay close enough to him to do a thorough job of cloning it, I can sync it to my phone with an app I programmed myself and we can turn the damn thing into a fucking listening device,” I said. “The only catch is we have to be within seven hundred feet of the phone for the listening device portion to work.”

  “You’re a fucking genius, Rock. You know that?” Diesel asked.

  “I have my moments,” I said with a grin.

  “When were you thinking of meeting up with Mick? And what the hell is this side project you’re talking about?” Brewer asked.

  “A few months back, I needed some help financially. I had money disappearing and I had no fucking clue what was going on. I gave him access to my shit and he found out that one of my subscription services was double--and sometimes fucking triple--charging me on stuff,” I said.

  “Subscription service? You mean like one of those makeup things?” Diesel asked.

  “Do I fucking look like I’m ordering some damn makeup?” I asked. “No. I get my fucking razors and craft beers and shit through those things.”

  “You like craft beer?” Brewer asked.

  “I like all fucking beer, asshole.”

  “Okay, okay. Whatever. That plan of yours to clone Mick’s phone? Do it,” Diesel said. “Then, I want you and Brewer on his ass immediately after.”

  “Got it,” Brewer said. “Just let me know where you guys are going.”

  “I’ll text him now and see if he can meet at that beer and wings place in town. They open at noon. An afternoon beer, some food on me. A bit of shit-talking like Mick enjoys doing sometimes. It’ll give me plenty of time to clone his phone, then once he leaves we can give him a decent head start before we leave. So long as we don’t give him any more than a five-mile lead, we can stay behind him and track him wherever he goes,” I said.

  “I want you two to keep me in the loop on everything,” Diesel said. “Every fucking move you make. And the second you nail that bastard, get all the evidence you can and bring it back to me. We’ll go from there.”

  “Which means no killing him, Brewer,” I said.

  “Fine. But only this once.”

  I grinned at my friend’s sentiment before I reached for my phone. I shot a text message off to Mick and set up a place for us to get lunch. The second I told him it was on me, he was all for it. I left Brewer’s temporary home while Diesel headed back to the lodge, and Brewer set off to clean himself up for the mission at hand. I rode into town and sat there, waiting for Mick to show up just as the damn place opened.

  And the second he pulled up next to me, I had the urge to put a bullet between his eyes.

  “Better late than never,” Mick said with a smile. “Come on. I’ve been salivating since I left my house.”

  It was sickening to me how that man could sit across from me and shoot the shit without any sign of guilt on his fucking ratty face. I bought him a couple of beers and a shit ton of wings to make him relax and want to stay longer. And the second he got up to go to the restroom, I placed my phone down next to his on the table. I opened up the application and started the cloning process, hoping to hell and high water the man had to shit. I drew in a deep breath as I watched the percentage tick up. Fucking hell, my application was slow. Thorough, but slow.

  I’d have to try and clean that shit up later.

  Once it reached one hundred percent, I ripped my phone away and placed it in my lap. I shot off a message to Brewer letting him know the process was complete, and the sound of an engine revving outside let me know he’d gotten my text.

  “Sounds like someone outside’s eager to mark their territory,” Mick said.

  I placed my phone back into my pocket as he sat down in front of me.

  “So, how’s life been for you lately? I haven’t seen much of you since the shit that happened with Brewer,” Mick said.

  I wanted to bash his fucking face in.

  “It’s been good. You know, same old shit, different day. Biding my time until Diesel comes up with a decent-enough plan to get us out of the shit show we dug ourselves into,” I said.

  “I hear Monroe’s due in about a month. You talked to Knox at all?” he asked.

  “Nope. I’m trying to give the man his space. I’m sure he’s losing his shit that Monroe’s still working.”

  “She’s a hell of a woman. He’s got his hands full with her. Hopefully one day I’ll be so lucky.”

  Not if you’re dead, bitch.

  “Eh, women are overrated sometimes,” I said. “That’s why I stick to my one-night stands and leave it at that.”

  “I don’t know how you do it,” Mick said. “I get way too attached way too quickly. I’m the guy that goes big way too soon.”

  “Oh, fuck me, I hate you fucking guys,” I said with a chuckle. “Romantic hot air balloon rides and shit on the second date. It fucks you guys over every damn time. Wait until the fifth date, man. Five. Not two.”

  Mick laughed and shook his head before he leaned back into his seat.

  “We should do this more often,” Mick said. “I’ve enjoyed this.”

  “Me too,” I said through my plastered-on smile. “We’ll get another lunch on the books.”

  “Just let me know when. Unlike some of the guys in our group, I’m not tied down with a woman or some kids. Just you and me. Well, and Diesel. I honestly don’t think Diesel even gives a shit about women after what happened to him.”

  “Losing a partner’s tough,” I said. “I wouldn’t wish that shit on my worst fucking enemy.”

  I stared Mick straight in his damn eyes and could’ve sworn I saw him panic.

  “Well, let me know when you want to get together again,” he said. “I’ll be around.”

  “I’ll shoot you a text,” I said.

  Then I watched him all the way out the fucking door before I pulled up my tracking application.

  Time to nail this fucking piece of shit.

  Chapter 20



  A large object dove into my bed, landing directly into my side.

  “Mommy, mommy, mommy. Wake up. I think Rock’s still here.”

  “What?” I asked breathlessly.

  “I smell coffee, but you’re here,” Gavin said.

  “Mmm, maybe he is still here, then,” I said.

  I could’ve sworn I had a conversation with him about him leaving, though. Gavin slid off my bed and scurried down the hallway
, his footsteps landing heavily on the staircase leading downstairs. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair, smiling at the beautiful ache in my bones. I stood up and grabbed my clothes off the floor, pulling them back on before wrapping my robe around me.

  I tied off the robe around my waist as Gavin came back into my room looking defeated.

  “What’s wrong, sweet boy?” I asked.

  “Rock’s not here,” he said.

  “Oh, come here honey.”

  “I thought he was here.”

  I opened my arms for my son and picked him up from the floor. I walked him down the stairs as the smell of coffee wafted up my nostrils. He must’ve made some before he left, and it smelled incredible. Rock always did know how to make a hell of a cup of coffee. I never could figure out over the years what made his so much better.

  Maybe it was simply the fact that he made it and not me.

  Either way, I was disappointed that Rock was gone as well. Waking up to him and sharing breakfast with him would’ve been a treat. But memories of the night before assaulted my mind in all the best ways, leaving me with a fluttering feeling in my stomach I couldn’t explain. I sat Gavin in his seat and went about making breakfast. I scrambled up some eggs and buttered some toast. I placed some jams on the table and cooked up some sausage.

  I put a small plate in front of Gavin before sitting down my own, then went to get us some drinks.

  “So, tell me. Did you have fun with Rock?” I asked.

  I looked over and watched my son’s face light up with joy.

  “We had the best time, Mom. We played dinosaur, and walked up and down the street, and played tag and hide and seek. We played games and he taught me how to wrestle, then he told me the most awesome bedtime story.”


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