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Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic

Page 46

by Chalmers Johnson

  Sandra Dijkstra, my literary agent, and her assistant Taryn Fagerness have worked miracles in having my books published in over a dozen languages around the world.

  The poet John Shreffler, of Brookline, Massachusetts, dedicated to me his conception of the arrival of Nemesis in the United States.

  Several close friends have helped me with comments, articles, suggestions, and conversations about this book. They are Dr. Kozy Amemiya, one of our country’s pioneer researchers on Okinawa, and her husband, Thomas Royden, avocado and palm grower; Dr. Barry Keehn of Los Angeles, an equally talented psychologist and political scientist; Drs. Maricler and Alfredo Antognini, exiles from the ‘dirty war’ in Argentina and major contributors to the world of painting; Dr. Patrick Lloyd Hatcher, lieutenant colonel U.S. Army (ret.) and a longtime colleague; Professor Yoshihiko Nakamoto of Shizuoka University, Japan. My geriatric cat, Mof, a Russian blue, helps keep me cheerful.


  Entries in italics refer to tables

  ABC News, 250

  Abramoff, Jack, 262–63

  Abu Ghraib, 8–9, 22–24, 33–35, 37, 40–46, 124, 181, 246, 259, 260, 269

  Ackerman, Spencer, 101–2

  acquisitions and cross-servicing agreements (ACSAs), 145

  Actium, battle of (31 BC), 68

  Adak, Alaska, 223

  Adams, Gordon, 264

  Adams, John, 59

  Adams, John Quincy, 59

  ADCS Inc., 260

  Addington, David S., 251

  Aeneid (Virgil), 57

  Aero Contractors Ltd., 128

  Aeroplane Spotter (newspaper), 126

  Afghanistan, 5, 7–9, 19, 21, 23–25, 29–32, 35–38, 41, 45, 71, 76, 94, 100, 104, 110–20, 123–24, 128, 140, 143, 151–52, 191, 276–78

  Afghanistan People’s Democratic Party, 111

  African Americans, 7

  Against All Enemies (Clarke), 99

  Agiza, Ahmed, 129, 130

  Agriculture Department, 263

  Agrippina, 70

  AinAouda (torture center), 124

  Air America (CIA airline), 126, 128

  airborne laser (ABL), 225–26

  Air Force, U.S., 17, 24, 147–48, 153, 178–79, 209, 215–16, 218–20, 225, 230–32, 234–36, 239–40, 242

  Air Force Academy, 3

  Air Force Association, 215

  Air Force Space Command, 208, 215, 232, 236, 239

  Air Intelligence Agency, 156

  Air Mobility Command, 6

  airplane spotters, 125–28

  Airpower Journal, 27, 215

  Akayev, Askar, 152

  Akihito, emperor of Japan, 201

  Al-Asad Air Base (Iraq), 162–63

  Albania, 94, 122, 132

  Albanian National Intelligence Service, 132

  Albright, Madeleine, 25–27

  al-Dhafra Air Base (United Arab Emirates), 159

  Alexander the Great, 52, 64

  Algeria, 85, 148

  Alito, Samuel, 248

  al-Jafr prison (Jordan), 124

  Al Jazeera, 3

  Allawi, lyad, 95

  Allende, Salvador, 2–3, 105–9

  Alliance for Progress, 106

  all-volunteer army, 7, 269

  al-Qaeda, 4, 36–37, 41, 98, 110, 118–19, 122–24, 143

  al-Rashid Military Camp (Iraq), 161

  al Sahra airfield (Iraq), 162–63

  al Taqaddum military base (Iraq), 162

  Al-Udeid Air Base (Qatar), 124, 159

  Alwani, Hatim al-, 29

  American Aviation Historical Society, 126

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 42–44

  American Council for Cultural Policy, 50

  American embassies, 104, 107, 133, 168, 183, 188–90, 194

  bombings of 1998, 118–19, 122–23

  American empire, 1–11

  British Empire and, 56, 71–76, 80, 84–85

  democracy undercut by, 56, 60, 88–89, 278–79

  economy and, 81, 83–85, 270

  Iraq and, 157–63

  military bases and, 6–7, 138–39, 141, 156–58, 177–207, 278

  neoconservatives and, 73–75, 142–43

  space weaponry and, 211

  American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 148–49, 229

  American Historical Association, 248

  American Indians, 75, 77, 263

  American Prospect, 261

  American Service-Members’ Protection Act (2002), 145

  America Right or Wrong (Lieven), 270

  Amritsar, massacre at (1919), 79

  Anderson, Frank, 113

  Andersson, Arne, 128, 130

  Angola, 94

  anti-Americanism, 177, 179–80, 194

  Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty (1972), 220, 228, 241

  antiballistic missile (ABM) defense system, 209–10, 212–14, 220–32

  antinuclear movement, 208–9

  antisatellite (ASAT) weapons, 209, 214, 216–19, 236, 239–41

  anti-Vietnam War movement, 92, 254

  Antony, Mark, 67, 68

  Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare), 56

  Anwar, Masood, 125–26

  Arai, Shogo, 196

  Arar, Maher, 128, 268

  Arbatov, Aleksei, 228

  archaeological sites, 46–47, 51–53

  “arc of instability,” 147, 158

  Arendt, Hannah, 17, 21–22, 24, 75, 78, 88

  Argentina, 3, 108–9, 121, 164, 166–67, 169, 236, 269

  Arjomand, Said, 51

  Arkin, William M., 141, 143

  Armey, Dick, 212

  Armitage, Richard, 167

  Armor Holdings, 262

  Army, U.S., 17, 22, 43–45, 47, 153, 163, 179

  Army Air Corps, 126

  Army Corps of Engineers, 154, 159

  Army First Armored Division, 141

  Army First Infantry Division, 141

  Army Medical Corps, 45

  Army Rangers, 40

  Army Times, 33

  Aruba, 148, 165

  Asahi Evening News, 176

  Asahi Shimbun, 188, 191, 197

  ASEAN Regional Forum (2003), 189–90

  Ash, Timothy Carton, 34

  Ashcroft, John, 35, 247

  Assassination of Julius Caesar, The (Parenti), 56–57

  assassinations, 94, 102, 107–9, 250

  Assyria, 47–48, 78

  “asymmetric warfare,” 2

  Atlantic Monthly, 29–30

  Atomic Energy Commission, 92

  Auerback, Marshall, 271

  Augustus Caesar (Octavian), emperor of Rome, 68–69, 266

  Austen, Jane, 75

  Australia, 148, 157

  autonomous proximity operations, 240

  Aviano Air Base (Italy), 133, 145

  Avrakotos, Gust, 113–16

  Aztecs, 76

  Babylonia, ancient, 46–47, 52, 78

  Baccus, Rick, 42

  Bacevich, Andrew, 20

  Baer, Robert, 124

  Baghdad, 5, 23–24, 33, 47, 49–51, 160–62

  Baghdad Burning Web site, 9

  Baghdad International Airport, 161–62

  Bagram Air Base (Afghanistan), 8, 37, 124, 246

  Bahrain, 148, 150, 159

  Bahrani, Zainab, 52

  Baker, Howard, 188, 189

  Baker, Kevin, 14, 74–75

  Bakiyev, Kurmanbek, 153

  Balad Air Force Base (Iraq), 162–63

  Balkans, 63, 122

  “banality of evil,” 21–22

  Bandura, Albert, 120–21

  Baring, Evelyn, Lord Cromer, 74

  Barr, Bob, 268

  Base Realignment and Closure (BRAG), 149

  Base Structure Report, 5–6, 138, 140, 146–47

  Basra, 163

  Batista, Fulgencio, 19

  Bayard Foreign Marketing, 127

  Bay of Pigs invasion, 96

  BBC, 30

  Bearden, Milton, 113, 118

Bell, BurwellB., 173, 221

  Bergenstrand, Klas, 131

  Berkin, Carol, 15–16

  Berkshire Eagle-, 14

  Berlin Airlift, 156

  Berlin Wall, fall of, 117

  Berlusconi, Silvio, 131–32, 134, 154

  Berrigan, Frida, 230

  Beyond Fear (Schneier), 252

  Bhutto, ZulfikarAli, 115

  Bilefsky, Dan, 123

  Bill of Rights, 176, 254

  Bilmes, Linda, 277

  bin Laden, Osama, 1, 3, 25, 35, 91, 98–99, 111, 118–20

  “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” (August 6, 2001, memo), 98

  Bin Laden Unit, 122

  Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 153

  Bissell, Richard, 96

  Black, Gofer, 124

  Black, Hugo, 253

  black budgets, 115, 229, 230, 264

  Blackman, Robert L, 196

  black propaganda, 105

  Blair, Tony, 46

  Blanton, Thomas, 248

  “Bloody Niggers” (Graham), 78

  blowback, 1–2, 110, 120, 122–23, 278–79

  Blowback, 1–2, 278

  Blumenthal, Sidney, 255

  Blunt, Roy, 261–62

  Board of National Estimates (BNE), 96

  BoccaPaz, Alfredo, 168

  Boeing Corp., 128, 211–13, 222, 225–26, 262

  Boers, 75, 87

  Bolivia, 94, 108, 164

  Bolton, John, 15, 211

  bombing, 21, 24–26, 31–33

  boost-phase interception, 221–22, 224–26

  Boot, Max, 71

  Boston Globe, 29, 224

  Boykin, William G. “Jerry,” 4

  Brandeis, Louis, 253

  Brazil, 3, 104, 108, 164, 166–67, 169, 236

  Bremer, L. Paul, 158

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 82

  Brilliant Solution, A (Berkin), 15–16

  British East India Company, 77

  British Empire, 4, 35, 46, 55–56, 71–90, 121, 138, 157, 279

  British Royal Air Force, 87, 126, 140

  Bromma Airport (Sweden), 128–29

  Brooks, David, 38

  Brown, Lisa, 184

  Brown, Michael J., 184–90

  Browne, Harry, 243

  Brutus, 57, 60, 67–68

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 110

  Buchanan, Walter E., Ill, 158–59

  Budget Control and Impoundment Act (1974), 250

  Bulgaria, 143, 149, 155

  Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 165, 232

  “Burden, The” (Ignatieff), 74

  Burns, John, 48

  Bush, George H. W. (Bush 1), 26, 45, 50, 76, 96, 142, 193, 248–50

  Bush, George W. (Bush II), 8, 21, 33, 39–40, 62, 152, 211, 243, 262

  addresses by, 3, 47, 100, 123–24, 144, 231

  defense spending and, 270–71, 275–78

  extraordinary renditions and, 122–23, 152

  free market and, 82, 84–85

  intelligence and, 10, 90–92, 96, 98–102, 135–36

  Iraq and, 45–47, 50, 77, 98–102, 136, 138, 154, 161, 203, 277

  Japan and, 177, 180–81, 186, 190–93, 198–200, 203

  Latin America and, 168–69

  military bases and, 141, 144, 149, 154–57, 178, 201

  9/11 attacks and, 2–5, 96, 167

  presidential power and, 8, 13–15, 57–60, 68, 71, 191, 244, 246–48, 250–59, 266–68

  space and, 209–10, 213–15, 220, 227–29, 231–32

  torture and, 33–10, 258–59

  Bybee, Jay S., 38

  Byrd, Robert, 14, 55–56, 65, 67, 265

  Caesar, Julius, 56–57, 59, 62–68, 70, 244, 268

  Caligula, emperor of Rome, 69

  Cambodia, 3, 19, 94, 96

  Cambridge Illustrated History of the British Empire, 77, 79–80, 86

  campaign contributions, 242, 259–62

  Camp Anaconda (Iraq), 162

  Camp Bondsteel (Kosovo), 140, 161

  Camp Courtney (Japan), 184, 187–88

  Camp Darby (Italy), 154–55

  Camp Echo complex, 124

  Camp Foster (Japan), 190

  Camp Hansen (Japan), 179–80, 189–90

  Camp Humphreys (South Korea), 145

  Camp Lemonier (Djibouti), 147

  Camp Marez (Iraq), 162

  Camp Qayyarah (Q-West, Iraq), 162–63

  Camp Renegade (Iraq), 162

  Camp Salerno (Afghanistan), 124

  Camp Schwab (Japan), 194, 204, 206

  Camp 6, 124

  Camp Speicher (Iraq), 163

  Camp Stronghold Freedom (K-2, Uzbekistan), 151–53

  Camp Taji (Iraq), 161–62

  Camp Victory North (Iraq), 161

  Camp Zama (Japan), 202, 204, 206

  Canada, 157

  Cannae, battle of, 58

  capitalism, 164, 272

  capital markets, 80–81

  Carlucci, Frank, 211

  Carr, E. H., 54

  Carter, Jimmy, 109, 110, 115, 158, 254

  Carthage, 58, 63, 74

  Casey, George, 44

  Casey, William, 112–13

  Cassius, 67–68

  Castiglioni, Luis, 168

  Castro, Fidel, 96, 102–3, 105, 164

  Castro, Juanita, 105

  Catholic Church, 112

  CBS News, 41–42, 123

  CBS TV, 25, 239

  Cecil, Robert Gascoyne- (Lord Salisbury), 74

  Center for Defense Information, 215, 222, 225, 237, 239

  Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, 168

  Center for National Security Studies, 249

  Center for Responsive Politics, 260

  Center for Security Policy (CSP), 211–13, 225

  Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 230

  Central Asia, 140, 151–53

  Central Bank of Iraq, 48, 50

  Central Command (Centcom), 15, 51, 61, 76, 158, 160

  Central Intelligence Act (1949), 94

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 2–3, 10, 21, 90–136, 212, 246, 249–50

  Afghanistan and, 104, 110–20

  al-Qaeda and, 36–37

  budget of, 115, 275

  Chile and, 2–3, 104–10

  Congress and, 91, 94–95, 250

  covert operations and, 93–94, 102–35

  creation and purpose of, 93–95, 134–35

  extraordinary rendition and, 36, 104, 120–35, 152, 268

  findings, 103–4

  future of, 269

  Iran and, 2, 93

  Iraq and, 95, 98–100

  Italy and, 131

  Japan and, 178

  leaks and, 91, 100–102

  Nicaraguan Contras and, 165

  Pakistan and, 112, 116

  plausible deniability and, 102–4

  president and, 17, 90–93, 95–96, 135–36, 246

  Saudi Arabia and, 112, 118

  torture and, 23–24, 35–37, 40, 120, 258

  CIA Counterterrorism Center, 122, 124

  Chad, 148

  Challenger space shuttle, 217

  Chávez, Hugo, 20, 164, 166

  Cheney, Dick, 7, 15, 21, 95, 98–99, 101, 168, 193, 246, 249–51, 258

  Chicago Tribune, 128, 159

  child mortality, 25–29

  Chile, 2–3, 19, 94, 104–10, 121, 163, 167, 236, 250

  Chilean Army Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA), 108–9

  Chilean Christian Democratic Party, 105

  Chilean Congress, 106, 107

  Chilean National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture, 108

  China, 8, 14, 54–55, 76, 78, 83–84, 94, 119–20, 116, 157, 198–201, 204–5, 207, 215, 221–22, 236–37, 240, 252, 269–71, 279

  Chinese Television Network, 239

  Christianity, 4, 55, 70, 76

  Christian Science Monitor, 141, 148

  Christie, Agatha, 52

  Christine, Anthony, 43

  Chun Doo-Hwan,

  Church, Frank, 93, 104, 250

  Church Committee, 93–94, 102–5, 250

  Ciarrocca, Michelle, 212, 230

  Cicero, 56–57, 59–61, 63, 66–68

  Cicero (Everitt), 56

  citizens, rights of, 59–60, 63

  Citizens Against Government Waste, 264

  Civilian Conservation Corps, 272, 273

  civilians, war and, 8–9, 24–33

  “civilizing mission,” 71–72, 75–76

  civil liberties, 267

  Clarke, Richard A., 34, 99, 120

  Clarke Orbit, 238

  “clash of civilizations,” 46

  class struggle, 62

  Claudius, emperor of Rome, 69–70

  Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, 68

  Clinton, Bill, 34, 96, 99, 119–20, 122–23, 142–43, 181, 194, 210, 213, 215, 220, 235, 248, 255, 275

  Clinton v. New York, 258

  CNN Airport Channel, 239

  Cockburn, Patrick, 31

  Cohen, Nick, 137

  Cold War, 17, 20, 35, 50, 82, 94, 111, 118, 135, 230, 274–75

  Cole, USS, attack on, 123, 125

  Coleman, Dan, 121

  Coll, Steve, 98, 112–13, 117

  collateral damage, 24–33, 121, 225

  Colombia, 164–65

  Colossus (Ferguson), 80

  Comalapa military base (El Salvador), 165

  Combatant Status Review Tribunals, 267

  “comfort women,” 24, 121

  “command responsibility,” 39–40

  Commerce Department, 253, 263

  Commission on Review of Overseas Military Facility Structure, 137

  Commission to Assess United States

  National Security Space Management and Organization (Rumsfeld report of 2001), 213–15, 241

  Common Aero Vehicle (CAV), 209

  communism, 16, 82, 84, 111, 164

  Computer Sciences Corporation, 257

  concentration camps, 86

  Condor Years, The (Dinges), 108

  Congo/Zaire, 3, 19

  Congressional Budget Office, 212

  Congressional Research Service, 276

  Conrad, Joseph, 45, 76, 78

  conscience, lack of, 21–22

  Constantine, emperor of Rome, 55

  Constitutional Convention of 1787, 16. See also U.S. Constitution

  consuls, Roman, 61–62, 66

  containment, 148, 274

  “Contract with America,” 212

  Contras. See Iran-Contra; Nicaragua

  Contreras, Manuel, 108–9

  Convention on the Presence of Foreign

  Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany (1954), 171

  Cook, Robin, 14–15, 100

  Cooperative Security Locations (CSLs, “lily pads”), 147–48, 153, 155, 164–70

  Coors family, 212

  Copper Green SAP, 40–41

  Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 56

  Corona spy satellites, 216

  Corriere della Sera (newspaper), 154, 155


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