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Unseen (Unspoken Book 4)

Page 4

by A Lexy Beck

  “I think so. Carter wasn’t much into it. He said something about he’d rather us cook at my condo than go out. About it being more of an intimate setting.”

  I stepped out of the dressing room to reveal one of the dresses Aimee had a selected, a deep purple number that hugged all of my curves. “No way, we’re going out. Cain has tons of connections. There’s a new restaurant that opened last week, let’s go there. We need to focus on the date, not the cooking.” I raised my arms over my head and gave a little twirl, finally stopping and locking eyes with Aimee. We both laughed. “Awful.” We giggled in tandem.

  I slipped back into the dressing room and emerged three more times. Each dress was slightly better than the last, but none had the effect I was looking for. “Ok, last one.”

  “Well, I appreciate you and Cain meeting us for dinner, and I’d definitely appreciate going someplace new. I won’t give Carter a choice. He’s usually so laid back, but when we are in groups or in public it’s like…”

  “He’s hiding something?” I blurted over the door of the fitting room without thinking.

  “Yes! I don’t want to think that, but sometimes I wonder.”

  I opened the door to the fitting room and was met with a look of amazement on Aimee’s face. “Perfect! You look gorgeous!”

  “I love the way it feels!”

  “Quick! Give me your phone. You have to see what I see.” I reached into the fitting room and handed Aimee my phone. “Give me one of those poses, Jen!” Aimee snapped the picture and smiled. “What do you think?” Aimee held up the phone to show me her capture.

  “Wow, I do look good!” I smiled coyly.

  “Yes you do…and now all I need to do is this…and this… and boom! Now the world can see your gorgeousness!” Aimee handed me the phone with the message confirming my new social share.

  “Wow, that dress fits you perfectly. Lucky man!” The passing store clerk felt compelled to share her compliment, hoping to seal the deal on the sale. “That dress just arrived this morning.”

  I shot her a quick smile. “Thank you. I believe I’ll be going with this one.” I admired myself in the mirror and returned to the dressing room to change back into my clothes.

  “So it seems we solved all of our problems on one shopping trip.” Aimee joked. “I know how to deal with my boss, you have a new plan to deal with Ashley, and our date plans are coming together.”

  I exited the fitting room with my new favorite dress in hand, feeling way underdressed in my conservative business attire. “Yes we have. I’d say this was a successful therapy session.”

  We ended our afternoon shopping spree with a quick stop at a café around the corner for a bite to eat, and then Aimee dropped me off to pick up my car from the shop. I wasn’t looking forward to ending my afternoon escape but knew I had plenty to get done in the old office and the new one.

  Back at work, I buried myself sorting through my desk and was halfway pleased to see the files from Brice’s case in my inbox. I quickly printed everything off and proceeded to get myself up to speed.

  Cain stopped by the office after his long day of meetings with some Chinese takeout. We had a makeshift picnic in my new office on the eleventh floor, and we both enjoyed the downtime for a while. I knew that tomorrow was going to be even more hectic, and I wouldn’t have the luxury of a lunchtime shopping spree to break up my day.

  Chapter Eight

  Brice set up a meeting to discuss his client, John Doll, at my office mid-morning. I had already been over the file and information Brice provided countless times. Things didn’t add up, but I couldn’t get lost in that right now. I had half a dozen voicemails from potential clients, a ton of emails, and I was in the middle of trying to get the office finished by the end of the week. Somehow everything seemed to have been dropped in my lap, and I was beginning to feel the stress. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of my double date with Aimee.

  “Hey, Reese? Have you been through these referral cases?” I held up a stack of colored folders that Cynthia had dropped off on my desk yesterday.

  “Not yet. I’m still trying to tidy other things up around here. Seems like you have your hands full. Given any more thought to that assistant?”

  I laughed at the thought of having my own assistant and having the time to find one. “I’ve given it lots of thought. I just haven’t had the time to do anything about it. I’ll try to stop by and talk to Dad later this morning.” I dropped the pile of folders back on my desk. “Two more things to add to my list of things to do, review these files and talk to Dad.” I mumbled to myself. I could feel the tension filling my chest.

  “Miss Dunning? Brice Pennington is here to see you.”

  I spun to see the DDC receptionist standing in the doorway and quickly looked at my watch. “Is it 10 a.m. already? Can you find a conference room for him?”

  “Sure, no problem, and no, he’s early. Oh, Miss Dunning, your friend Aimee is also in the lobby.”

  “Ok thanks. I’ll be right out.” I shot Reese a look as if I was going to jump out of a window. “Can my day get any more chaotic?”

  “Breathe, Jennifer.” Reese chuckled. “It will all be fine.”

  I gathered up the Doll case file and headed in the lobby to see Aimee before getting started with Brice.

  “Hey, what are you doing here? Is everything alright?” It was unlike Aimee to just drop by in the middle of the morning.

  “Oh, everything’s fine. I had to drop some samples off at an office on the fifth floor. I thought I’d stop up and see your new office. I stopped on the eleventh but it seems like it’s still chaos down there.”

  “Yeah, they said it will be done this week, but I have a lot to do. I have my hands full.”

  “I see you do!” Aimee glanced toward the conference room where Brice was waiting for me. “Now I understand why you put in the long hours.”

  Aimee gave me a sly smile and I almost felt sick to my stomach at the thought of Brice. “Oh, hell no! No way, Aimee. So not my type, and I have Cain.” I paused. “But you know, don’t you need to check things out in this conference room to help me decorate the new office?”

  “Huh?” Aimee looked confused.

  “You know, the office downstairs, you wanted to see the chairs in this conference room over here.” I tried my best to be subtle and finally Aimee caught on. “Come with me, I’ll show you.”

  I led Aimee into the conference room where Brice had made himself comfortable. I pretended to be in deep conversation with Aimee about the décor downstairs and wanting some chairs very similar to what DDC had in this conference room. As we walked in, Brice stood and greeted us.

  “Hi, Jennifer. I’m a little early, but I was at the building next door.” Brice hesitated to speak with Aimee, unsure of who she might be.

  “Brice, this is Aimee, she’s helping me with the office downstairs. We’re good friends, but she has an eye for interior decorating.”

  Brice quickly extended his hand and gave Aimee his million dollar smile. It was as if he could turn his charm on and off like a light switch. “Very nice to meet you, Aimee. So you’re an interior designer? I could use some help in that area.”

  “I just enjoy doing it, especially when I’m spending someone else’s money.” Aimee giggled. “I actually work for a marketing company.”

  “Well, if you’re looking for another pet project, I could definitely use your insight. I mean, if Jennifer doesn’t keep you too busy.” Brice’s flirting was obvious and he didn’t waste any time trying to hide it.

  I couldn’t help but interrupt as I watched Aimee flirt back, twirling her hair around her fingers. “Aimee, I hate to run you off, but Brice and I need to get working on this case. See you tonight?”

  Aimee gave me a curt look and then smiled back at Brice. She gently reached for the lapel of his suit jacket, removing a piece of lint, barely visible to the naked eye. “You had some fuzz on your jacket.” Aimee continued to smile at Brice.

bsp; “Thank you, and please, I was serious about my offer.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Jen, I’ll see you tonight for that ‘thing.’ I’m off to my wonderful life in cube world.” Aimee smiled and turned to leave. Brice’s eyes followed her to the door as they exchanged one last good bye.

  “Thing?” Brice looked at me and smiled. “What’s a thing?”

  “That would be none of your business, Brice. Girl stuff. Now can we focus on this case? I have a million things to get done today.” I tried to shake the vision of Aimee and Brice flirting from my mind. The easiest thing to do was pour myself into more work; if only I didn’t have to work with Brice.

  “Sure. I brought over a few more files related to the case. Mr. Doll dropped off a file from his doctor’s office. He went there the next day because he was feeling sick.”

  “He went to the doctor because he was hung over?” I shook my head. “This just keeps getting better.”

  “No, it was more than that. The way he explained it he was pretty sick, but you can look through the file. He said his girlfriend felt the same way, but wouldn’t elaborate. Since she’s not my client, I couldn’t really get much else from him about it.”

  “And the rest of these files?”

  “Copies of the police reports, photos and a DVD with the videos of both his police interrogation and our first interview with him, when his parents and Macie were there.” Brice flipped through the folders. “This one is of the accident, the guy on the bike. It appears he was intoxicated as well, swerved into traffic from the sidewalk. They checked his blood alcohol level at the hospital. It was a .1. I’m surprised he kept his balance at all.” Brice chuckled like all of this was some kind of joke.

  “And? Is he ok?”

  “Yeah, he’s fine. More superficial than anything else, but until we get this thing into court we just focus on clearing John.”

  “So when can I meet with him face to face? Until I can actually speak with him myself we’re dead in the water on this one.”

  “Tentatively, tomorrow. I just got off the phone with him before I came in here. Right now the plan is for him to come here tomorrow, if that works for you. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to see if you are available.”

  “That will work. Just get him here and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  Brice smiled. He seemed to be getting a thrill out of a woman taking control of the situation although he came across as someone who would despise that. “I’ll make it happen…and I’m looking forward to seeing you in action.”

  The sickening feeling returned to my stomach as I looked at Brice. How can such an attractive man be such a sleaze? I wondered how many other women he had flirted with during his day that felt the exact same way I did. “If that’s all, Brice, I have another meeting.”

  I walked Brice to the lobby, not stopping for more than a brief instant to say goodbye, and then made my way back to my office, folders in hand. In the short amount of time I had been gone, Reese had managed to clean up quite a bit of the mess in our joint office. It was beginning to look like a place of work again rather than a storage closet.

  I spent the rest of my day organizing files, returning calls and setting up appointments. One step forward, two steps back; I was inching toward my date a little at a time.

  Chapter Nine

  “Party of four, under the name of Parker, Cain Parker.”

  The maître d’ of Charonne looked flustered—even embarrassed—as he flipped through his leather bound reservation book. “I'm sorry, Mr. Parker, but I don't see you on the list. Did you make the reservation, sir?”

  “No, my assistant called for me. Perhaps she put it under her name. It's Ashley Murant.” Cain's hands were in his suit pants pockets. I recognized this body language: aggravated. Cain looked around the restaurant. It was packed, and there were people in line behind us waiting to check in.

  “Jennifer!” Aimee gave me a happy wave and I couldn't help but smile at my friend. Carter trailed a few steps behind her, looking a bit timid and holding his gaze toward the floor. Aimee looked like a model in her little black dress with silver button detail at the waist.

  “No, no reservation under that name either...actually, it looks like one had been made under your name, but someone called and cancelled.” The older man peered at the list over his glasses.

  “That's a mistake.” Cain's voice dropped a register. “Is there anyone here I can talk to that could straighten this out? As you can see, my friends and I intended to dine here tonight. It would be a huge inconvenience to find another restaurant at this hour.”

  The man's thin ponytail shook, adding a dramatic flair to his surprised expression. “Oh, no need for that, Mr. Parker. I'm sure I can find something.”

  “ me Cain.” When he turned on the charm, Cain got what he wanted.

  “Sylvester!” The maître d’ warmed under the attention and called a waiter to the reception stand, and whispered something in his ear. Carter and Cain exchanged greetings, but neither went out of their way to start a proper conversation of any kind. I nervously rocked back and forth on my blue velvet heels until Cain slid his arm around my waist. His eyes shifted down to mine slightly, as if he wanted to tell me something.

  “Mr. Parker, I mean, Cain. Sylvester has found you a premium table in the atrium, overlooking the fountain. If you will follow him up the ramp, he will be happy to seat you. I do apologize for any inconvenience, sir. If you need anything else, please ask for Levi.” He gestured us toward the waiter and welcomed the party behind us.

  Charonne had a pleasant ambiance. I didn’t get the Parisian vibe, but then again, I had never been to Paris. I had hoped someday Cain and I would go there together. I know Cain had been there several times before, but I looked forward to an evening with him there to create new memories. Strings of white lights hung in diagonal waves from the ceiling. Black wrought iron lined the upper terrace and the splashing of the fountain and soft violin music created an elegant background for a hopefully pleasant evening. Our table was located in the middle of the action, not the private alcove that Cain had probably hoped for, but it was nice. I couldn’t wait to plunk down in one of the plush velvet chairs. It had been a long day, too long to walk around in high heels all night.

  “Oh, is this us?” Carter licked his lips nervously and touched the waiter's sleeve. “I realize you and the guy up front went to a good deal of trouble to find us a table, but is there any way that we can sit somewhere else? I am afraid these lights will trigger my migraines.” Cain glared at Carter and then shook his head in agreement with Carter’s comment, trying not to make him feel uncomfortable. Sylvester looked from Cain to Carter, unable to hide his aggravation.

  “I have one more table I can offer you. It doesn't have nearly as nice a view.” Sylvester lead us through the restaurant again, back towards the front and, without waiting for approval, pulled out four chairs. He apologized again as he graciously accepted the fifty that Cain slipped him. Our new table was small and cozy. Cain slid in behind me to help tuck my chair under the table. Carter scrambled to claim the chair that faced away from the door, leaving Aimee to seat herself.

  “Aimee, did I hear Jennifer tell me that you were planning a trip to the Gulf Coast soon? Some of my extended family lives in Fort Lauderdale—it's always warm and laid back. Do you dive at all? I know some premium diving spots in the area.” Cain was good at small talk, and at easing tension in difficult situations.

  “Yes! It’s been so long since I let my hair down at the beach. Spring break is just around the corner—I figured why not? That is, if I can get someone to go with me.” Aimee gave me a playful smile.

  Before I could comment, Carter inserted himself in the conversation. “I'm always up for a road trip and you know I couldn't pass up the chance to see you in a bikini.”

  “Really? I mean, I would like that, Carter.” She beamed a smile at him and laughed a little. “I don't know though...I don't think you'd take off work long e
nough for that. You work more than anyone I know. I'm glad you could be here tonight.” Aimee reached over and touched Carter's hand, leaning in for a brief kiss. He squeezed it and slid his hand away, accepted her kiss and then took in the sights of the room.

  “Look at this wine list, Jennifer. What should we try tonight?” Cain leaned toward me, expanding his wine menu to share the view. I took one side and he slid his hand up under the table, briefly brushing my leg and placing his hand on my thigh.

  I giggled and gave him a quick kiss, trying not to embarrass Aimee or Carter with our public display. “This one looks wonderful!” I tapped something random on the page and Cain ordered a bottle for us. We chit chatted while the wine arrived and Sylvester poured us each a glass.

  “A quick toast, to double dates, new friends and new restaurants.” Cain raised his glass as we each joined his.

  Carter, sitting to my right, clinked my glass with his, as he extended it in his left hand. I eyed his glass in hand and then my eyes immediately met his. Carter quickly took a drink and put his glass on the table.

  “Aimee, would you join me?” I stood up and reached for my purse. “You know ladies don't travel solo in a restaurant.” She finished her sip of wine, picked up her clutch and stood up, smiling at me. Cain's brow frowned. “Sorry, sweetie, we’ll be right back.”

  I tossed my purse on the couch in the ladies' room and paced for moment. Aimee looked concerned. “What? What is it? I know Carter acted like a jerk with the whole table thing but he does get headaches a lot...”

  “Aimee, how long has he been separated? Or is he still married?” I waited for Aimee’s response, but she sat there in silence.

  She reached for a tissue off the table next to her. She dabbed at her eyes and wiped the tear off her hand. “He’s divorced. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want you to judge him.”

  I stared at Aimee, trying to carefully plan my next words, and decided it was best not to tread lightly. “Everything he does, he says, the way he acts. It says he’s married.”


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