Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)
Page 22
Alex’s heart was fluttering in her chest. This is really happening, she thought, more than a little scared.
Zach was overjoyed to have her back in his mind. The long hours without it had seemed like he was only half alive, incomplete in some way. He answered her thoughts. “Yes, my little one. Don’t worry, we’ve got an army here – Vampires, Wolves, Witches and quite a few Mages too. We’ll make sure you and the babies are okay. Trust me, my little Scots lass?” He ended it as a query.
She looked into his eyes and nodded her head. “Always, my Vampire.”
Zach started to clear away the packs and waste from her food. She quirked her eyebrow. “Another scone perhaps?” He laughed, bowed low and got her one. He would do anything for her, anything at all.
When he brought the scone to her she grasped his arm, pulling him to her. “I’ve missed you, Zach. I feel as if I’ve been away for ages and need you near. I need to feel your skin.” She worked her hand under his t-shirt and rubbed it along his very, very hard abs, they felt like steel to her.
He sighed into her hair. “I know, Alexina. I was lost without you. I can’t go through that again.” He put his head lower and spoke to her belly. “Do you hear me, little ones? Don’t put your mom and dad through anything like that again. Or you’ll be grounded till you’re thirty.”
She laughed and pulled his head up for a kiss. Tatiana coughed lightly to remind them she was in the room. They pulled apart and Alex laughed. “I think you can go home now, Tatiana. I’m fine, honest. I don’t feel ill or anything, just huge as an elephant and that’s taking a bit of getting used to.”
Tatiana came over and gave her a kiss. “Okay hon, I think I’ll go for a walk in the woods. I want to recharge my powers when I have the chance. I’ll call you tomorrow and you know if you need me all you need do is call. I love you Alexina, always remember that.”
Alex smiled. “I know, Tatiana, and I love you too, always. Go and get recharged and then get home to Thadius!” She gave a knowing smile and Tatiana blushed ever so slightly, turned and left them alone.
Zach was gentle, he didn’t want to hurt her in any way, she was so big in front now it must be uncomfortable for her. The kiss didn’t satisfy her, she didn’t want a soft, gentle kiss … she wanted her Vampire to show how much he loved her. As the thought entered her head, Zach deepened the kiss and picked her up. He carried her to bed and lay beside her. He leant over her – he was huge in comparison – and kissed her till her legs were jelly. She was glad she was lying down because she knew her legs would not have kept her upright.
She tried to voice the fears running through her mind. “Zach, I’m scared. You need to come back to me ... you need to, big guy ... ‘cause think on this. If you don’t, if you die, then I die too and so would our babies.”
This was a heavy load to bear, but he had to. “I know, Alexina, but I have to fight – I have to. I can’t explain my feelings on this, but I have to.”
She nodded and reached behind her neck to her mother’s necklace, still charmed from Tatiana to protect Alex from just about everything. She removed it and placed it in Zach’s hands.
“No honey, you need to keep this with you,” Zach implored.
“No! I can’t, you may need it ... please, for me, wear it for me?” Her voice was so pleading it hurt him to hear it, he could see her distress in her eyes.
He acquiesced and fastened it behind his neck. “Thank you, my mate.”
“You’re very welcome, my Vampire,” Alex replied, leaning into him and sighing, as if his having the necklace on calmed her in some way. They lay quietly for quite some time and then Vlad knocked quietly on the door.
Zach rose and went out, his friend talking as soon as he opened the bedroom door. “Zach, Scott is back, the others are on their way to the Pack land. Come with me and we’ll check out what I’ve got planned for Alex.” Zach nodded and sent a thought to Alexina to rest, he would be back soon.
Scott was standing just behind Vlad and when they passed him, he took up his watch at the bedroom door. There were another two Wolves with him, one out front and one out back, this was on top of the Guards Vlad had placed around the property. Zach felt he could leave, but only for a short while. Irina was in the living room and she came out and left with them, shouting a “Bye!” towards the bedroom.
Vlad drove to the Security Offices and they went inside. He took a door in the far corner of the entranceway – one Zach hadn’t noticed before. There were stairs leading down and Zach followed Vlad and Irina. Two floors down, Zach realised they were underground, and there was a short hallway with a door at the end. It was a very large, very thick steel door, one he thought even he would have trouble getting through.
“What’s this place?” he asked.
“This is where I store all the heavy duty stuff – an armoury as such,” Vlad replied. “Normal weapons are upstairs in the locked room next to mine. This is, or was, my personal stash. I had everything from very fancy medieval stuff to rocket-launched grenades and heat-seeking missiles, all of which is now upstairs and ready for use.”
Zach chuckled. “You’re a sneaky devil, Vlad. I knew you had a collection but didn’t know you had added to it!”
“Oh, I’ve got lots of new toys, Zach. Dmitri has it all in hand. It’s not just going to be hand to hand, I want to kill as many of the fuckers I can before it comes to that.” Vlad’s tone was ice cold. This was the Vlad most knew – the cold, hard killer. Zach was glad he was on their side.
The lock on the steel door was palm print and then a scan of his eye. Zach was a little worried, how would he get in if Vlad wasn’t around?
“Way ahead of you, Zach, I know how your brain works.” Vlad was pressing buttons on the console and then motioned for Zach to come closer. Vlad told Zach what to do. “First place your hand here, then when it beeps and turns green, place your eye forward to be scanned.”
Zach did this and a green light flashed. “Right, that’s you, me, Dmitri and Scott authorised to open the door. They can open it from the inside no problem, so don’t worry about them being stuck waiting on one of us to open the door.” Vlad confirmed the details and Zach relaxed, slightly.
The large steel door swung outward and they went through into a large room. There was the smell of paint and new plaster heavy in the air. Its walls were white, but covered in strange symbols. He looked at Vlad with a questioning stare.
“Tatiana wrote those on paper and asked that they be painted everywhere – walls, ceiling, floor, and especially above the door and on the floor in front of it. She says even if the wards fail that this will keep Demons from entering. She’s been down and checked it and says it’s been done right.”
Zach sighed in relief. He had been sure whatever room Vlad had for Alex could keep humans out, but he knew Demons could appear and disappear just about wherever the hell they liked. Although the town had been warded against Demons by Amelia, using Tatiana’s unique input, he wasn’t sure how long they would last, or if a powerful Demon could break through.
The room was kitted out to make things as comfortable as possible. There was a partitioned area with a door leading to it that looked as if the plaster and paint were still wet. Vlad pointed to where Zach was looking. “That’s a loo over there with sink and running water. No shower but hopefully they won’t be here too long. The symbols are in there too,” Vlad verified.
There was what looked suspiciously like the sleigh bed that used to be in the nursery sitting in the corner. Vlad chuckled. “Yup, that’s yours. I thought Alex would need a proper bed.”
On the wall to the left as they came through the door were several desks with computers and monitors. Zach walked over to them and Vlad explained, “That’s linked into the central computer and has real-time feed. Scott will be able to monitor everything that’s going on up top. I’ve also got weapons here just in case.”
Vlad then walked to a large cupboard and opened it. There were guns,
swords and all sorts of things in it. Vlad frowned, “I’m not sure what Scott is better at using so I’ve left plenty for them to choose from. Irina has been trained in just about everything here, I’ve been training her since we met. I wanted her to feel comfortable with weapons. Trust me, she’s good, though she prefers being in Wolf form – especially now. I don’t know what’s going on with her, but she wants to be Wolf a lot lately.” Irina just growled as if in agreement.
“Vlad, you’ve thought of just about everything.” Zach’s tone was admiring.
It was obvious Vlad was pleased as he spoke. “I hope so, Zach, it’s my job! There’s supplies in the corner, food, water, stuff like that. There’s extra cellphones, in case theirs gets broken – you never know – so I think I’ve covered just about all I can. Not knowing exactly what we’re up against is a spanner in the works but I’ve done all I can think of.”
Zach took another look around and nodded his head. “You have that, Vlad. I couldn’t have done it any better myself and in fact I probably wouldn’t have thought of some of the stuff you have.”
Zach felt relieved, Vlad was in overall charge and he was a great strategist. He could organise the most basic group of Supers into a fighting force to be reckoned with.
“We’re all set, Zach. There’s so many that answered the call to arms from Dmitri that I think we’ve lost count. There’s thousands, all waiting and itching for a fight.”
“Thanks Vlad,” was all Zach managed.
Vlad walked towards the door motioning Zach to follow. “Come on, I’ll drop you back home. Go be with your mate. I think she needs you tonight, Zach.” They filed out of the safe room, Vlad pressed a button on the console and the large door slowly closed.
Zach hurried up the stairs, desperate to get home to Alexina. When they reached the car park he turned to his friend. “Thanks again, Vlad. I’ll see you tomorrow. You don’t need to drive me – I want to be with Alexina now.”
At that the ancient Vampire moved and disappeared from the car park to reappear in his bedroom.
“Fuck, I wish I could do that!” Vlad cursed. Irina laughed and pulled her mate towards the car.
Chapter 21
Alex jumped when Zach appeared in the bedroom. “Zach, you gave me a fright!” she squealed. “You better let Scott know you’re here.”
Before Zach could open the door, Scott was already knocking loudly. “Alex, are you okay? Who’re you talking to?”
Zach shouted through the door. “It’s me, Scott – that’s me back for the night.”
“All right Zach, as you’re back I’ll doze on the couch if that’s okay?” the Wolf asked.
Alex moved as if to get up. “Where do you think you’re going, little lady?” Zach crossed over to her and stopped her.
“I’m going to get a cover for Scott, and a pillow. He can’t sleep without a pillow, for heaven’s sake,” she said.
“You stay right there, I’ll get them. I’ll be right back,” he told her. Zach opened the walk-in wardrobe, got a cover and a couple of pillows and walked through to give them to Scott.
“Thanks Zach, but I would’ve been fine, don’t go to any bother,” Scott said.
Zach smiled as he answered, “Not me, Scott – the little lady insists.”
Scott chuckled, “Oh I get it … she’s got you under the thumb. Me too. Bri is a little Hitler at times!”
Zach scowled at him. “My mate has not got me ‘under the thumb’, as you put it.”
“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Zach,” Scott laughed in reply.
Scott continued chuckling as Zach stomped back to the bedroom. “What’s the face for?” Alex asked as soon as he came in. She had heard the two men talking but wanted to see what he said.
Zach grumbled his response. “Scott. I’m not so sure he’s as bright as I first thought. Says you’ve got me under your thumb! Me. Huh … so wrong about that.”
He was mumbling as he was walking about, then he sat down, took his top off then undid his jeans. “Vampire, I need you, now,” Alex whispered.
Zach moved so quick she didn’t see it. One moment he was in the chair, the next he was kneeling at the side of the bed next to her. “Mmm, what was that about Scott?” She smiled at him and his eyes widened.
“You little madam! I am so not under your thumb,” he growled.
Alex’s tone was low and husky as she spoke. “Maybe not … but I know what I would like to be under your thumb ... right now.”
Zach raised one eyebrow and his tone was playful. “Is that right? I think you’ve got that personality disorder thingy. One minute you’re a demanding wife, the next you’re a little hussy … and oh yeah, a demanding wife, but in a totally different meaning of demanding!”
Alex had that sexy little smile on her face, the one that garnered a response deep within him, and before he took his next breath he was hard.
“Oh, you are a little hussy … just out of the hospital and demanding I fulfil my husbandly duties. Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt either you or the babies?”
His tone was one of concern, despite the bulge Alex could see in his jeans. The top button was already undone so she just pulled the zipper down to free his very visual arousal. “We’ve been over this Zach, the babies will be fine. So long as I’m not swinging from the light fittings or some such, so will I. As for just coming from the hospital, I feel fine, just as if I had woken up from a long sleep. The only thing to show me that I was a tad under the weather is this huge bump in front of me.”
Zach removed his jeans completely and crawled behind Alex. His hardness was pressing against her behind and she moaned as if she had gone without carnal activities for weeks. The sound turned him on so much he was taking shallow breaths as he tried to speak. “Okay, but if you’re uncomfortable or anything hurts, just tell me … okay hon?”
Alex was insistent in her reply. “More than okay, my Vampire. Hurry up – you’re shirking your duties.” His hand moved her nightie out of the way and he pulled her further back into position. Zach placed his hand in front, low down – right on the spot she loved so much.
She arched her back, pushing her behind further into him and he thrust in. Her breath hitched and he worked his hand. She was moaning louder now and Zach moved his head to her ear. “We have a guest, little one … you don’t want to make him jealous now, do you?”
Her face blushed scarlet ... shit, she had forgotten Scott was in the house. Not only that but he was a Wolf with incredibly good hearing. She buried her face towards the pillow so her sounds were muted. Zach chuckled into her ear and his breath blowing over her throat upped her arousal. “Zach – bite me now – please?”
As soon as the thought hit her mind and the words came from her mouth, Zach’s fangs elongated quickly. He scratched across her neck, nipping but not biting, and she arched further towards his mouth. His thumb was pressing on her nub and slowly circling it – he was driving her mad. “Now Zach – now,” she pleaded. His fangs pierced her skin and he took a long pull on her ambrosia. She flung her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle the scream that was nearly escaping. She tightened around him and his seed erupted, she continued to milk him with the spasms enclosing him.
He growled loudly into her throat. He drank for another minute or so … he hadn’t fed in a couple of days and he had missed her blood dripping down his throat. He pierced harder ... going deeper with his fangs and this resulted in her rising towards another climax. Her rapid breathing and mewling sounds drove him mad with lust and he had to force himself to remove his fangs.
He would’ve been more than happy to continue feeding but he didn’t want to take too much. Alex growled over her shoulder at him “Oh no you don’t, get them back where they belong. You’re not leaving me hanging on the edge like this, Zach. Do it, do it now!”
His fangs pierced her skin again – deep – and he latched on, hoping he could pull away when he needed to. Never before needing h
er blood as much as he did at this moment.
Her mewling sounds were the sweetest sound he had every heard, unique to his Alexina, and unique to when he was feeding and pleasuring her. She reached another climax quickly and he thrust in again and again, he needed another release. He pulled on her throat and another mouthful of her blood entered and made its way down his throat. He pumped again and again – pulled his fangs out of her throat – thrust harder once, twice and then on the third stroke he came again. His skin was on fire and he was shaking from head to toe. Now that’s a first, he thought.
It took him a few minutes to come down from the high he had reached, and he was unaware that he was gently rubbing his mate’s belly. She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. “I take it that was as good for you as it was for me?” she smirked, knowing it was so. She had seen inside his mind and it was totally awesome. She had done that to her Vampire. She was happy that she could make him feel a fraction of what she felt when he fed on her.
They had a short shower to clean themselves but Alex was disappointed that their usual after-sex sex didn’t occur. Zach refused to even try with her being so large. His denial was annoying and she pouted at him. That only got the response of a lift of one side of his mouth in a smile. She was not amused.
He washed her all over and dried her in a big fluffy towel from the heated towel rail. Scooping her up in his arms and laying her in the bed naked, they spooned, and very soon Alex was asleep.
Zach did not rest ... his mind was full of what was going to happen. He had to make sure he and Alexina got through it. According to the Angel Michael, when he had told them about his leader, i.e. God, manufacturing Zach for Alex and vice versa, well it came with conditions. Ones that had not caused any problems so far. However, if Zach died then Alex would die soon afterwards and again this was a vice versa condition too. So Zach had to ensure that neither of them died.