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Boss Daddy

Page 6

by Shanna Handel

Brody sat down beside Georgia. “Did I hear my name?” he asked, smiling and showing his perfectly straight bright white teeth. Hayes and asked, “Is it true? What Memaw said in the kitchen?” He nodded toward me. “’Bout you and Louanne?”

  “Why don’t you let me and Louanne figure that out and we will get back to you all.” Hayes’ tone said there was to be no more discussion on the matter.

  “Suit yourself,” Brody said, scooping up a bite of his enchilada. “But when that announcement comes out, it’ll be a pretty big day on the ranch. Might even have to throw a party to celebrate.”

  “You forgot to bless the food,” Hayes said, obviously ready to get the attention off whatever was going on between the two of us.

  Brody gave him a wink. “You’re right, little brother. And we have a lot to be thankful for today.”

  The rest of the meal went more peacefully. There were a lot of sidelong glances and open stares at Hayes and me. I did my best to eat, but between the additional attention and Hayes’ hand on my knee, I couldn’t.

  * * *

  Every day after lunch I went to the ladies’ room to wash my hands and freshen my lipstick—Bridgette always teases me, calling me ‘prissy.’ So today, of course when I stepped into the communal bathroom, Bridgette and Georgia were already in there, waiting to corner me for information. I had to laugh, as Georgia begged, “Tell us, Louanne—pretty please?” Bridgette chimed in with, “It’s only a matter of time before the cat is out of the bag. Josie already told us you two were slow dancing at the wedding.”

  Georgia’s cheeks blushed prettily as she said, “I heard there was a kiss.”

  Should I play it cool? Act demure? Deny? Excitement filled me as I gushed, “There was a kiss. And he told me he loved me.” I would keep everything else a secret... for now.

  Their eyes widened as they gave a collective gasp. I laughed, enjoying the shock on their faces. “Details, Louanne,” Bridgette demanded. “We need details! Are you guys, like official now?” The two women crowded in closer, waiting for me to spill the beans. Honestly, after the emotional whirlwind of the last few days, it felt good to have some girl talk.

  How much to reveal? “I don’t know... it’s been weird ever since Hayes came back on the ranch. I mean, we’ve always been friends and there were feelings there on both sides at times—”

  Georgia jumped in excitedly, “Girl, that boy has been in love with you for years. I’ve had to listen to his brothers tease him about it every time we go to Bud’s—”

  Bridgette elbowed her. “Shush, Georgia. Let her tell the story.”

  I continued. “Anyway, he’s my boss now, which makes it weirder. Last night I was prepping for the wedding and I said, ‘always the wedding planner and never the bride.’ He overheard me and told me that he could change that at any time if I wanted.”

  “He threatened to fire you?” Georgia gasped.

  Bridgette rolled her eyes. “No—he offered to take care of it for her. As in make her a bride.”

  “Oh. Gotcha,” Georgia said.

  “So then, he asked me to dance. And we’ve danced before but this time it just felt... different. You know?” I asked.

  Both women nodded their heads, their eyes shining with memories of their own early love. “Then, I told him he couldn’t joke like that—the marriage proposal joke—and he told me he wasn’t joking and that he loved me, and that he would marry me today if he could.”

  A chorus of ‘aawww!’s came from Georgia and Bridgette.

  “And we kissed. And it was amazing. But then we both got busy and I didn’t see him again till the morning.”

  Georgia chimed in, “Sorry about that—I wasn’t feeling well last night and couldn’t help out with Bessie. I hate to miss a birth—”

  Bridgette blurted out, “What happened this morning? You two were sitting awfully close at lunch.”

  “I came in this morning prepared to tell him that we needed to keep things professional,” I left out the part about his hands underneath my skirt, “but then he kissed me. And that’s as far as we’ve gotten.” I let out a deep breath.

  “What are you going to do?” Bridgette asked.

  “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  Georgia looked from me to Bridgette, then back to me. Bridgette got a worried look on her face, as if she had read Georgia’s thoughts. Georgia said, “Uh... Louanne, you’ve been on the ranch a long time—”

  “Longer than the two of you put together,” I said. I had a feeling I knew where this was going. If Georgia thought I wasn’t in on the Jenkins men’s way of life by now, she was more naïve that I already thought.

  Bridgette interjected, “Right. So, you know?”

  I held back an eye roll. “If I didn’t know before you two showed up... which I did, and so did the rest of the town... then it would have been pretty obvious every time Georgia came out of Brody’s office with a sniffling nose, rubbing her ass.”

  Georgia blushed. Bridgette giggled.

  Turning to Bridgette, I said, “Or you, girlfriend, every time you say one of your dirty jokes and Travis gives you ‘the look’ and says, ‘just wait till we get home.’” It was Bridgette’s turn to blush.

  Still, even though everyone knew that the Jenkins men were spanking men, it was different when you might be one of the women they would be spanking on the regular. Sure, Hayes had spanked my ass for being mouthy. But officially dating a Jenkins man entailed a lot more than that. Softening toward my nosy friends, I said, “But, I do appreciate your concern, and honestly, it wouldn’t hurt to have someone to talk to. You know... just in case Hayes and I were to... enter a relationship.”

  “We need to sit down and hash this out. Prepare you for life with a Jenkins man. Dive into your feelings and see where this thing is headed.” Bridgette grabbed my arm. “Girls’ afternoon out! Stat! I’ll see if Alice would mind watching Lila Bell. This mommy needs a little girl time.”

  “Yes. Great idea, Bridge. Let’s go to Bud’s,” Georgia said with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

  “Bud’s? In the middle of a work day? I can’t go out drinking!” I protested.

  Bridgette gave me a hard stare. “You work too much, Louanne. Besides, it’s a Saturday. All of the guests from last night’s wedding will be checked out by three p.m. and we don’t have anything on the schedule for tomorrow.”

  “Except church,” Georgia said dreamily. She wasn’t particularly religious, but Brody was in the choir and the man could sing. Since Brody had taken to doing solos a few years back, the female population of Little Peak had suddenly become quite devout, never missing a service.

  “So, you have no obligations, you probably worked fifty or sixty hours this week, and with a possible spanking relationship on the frontline, you are in desperate need of girl time. Am I right?” Bridgette put a hand on her cocked hip.

  I had to laugh. With her blonde curls, full ass, and sassy attitude, I could see why Travis enjoyed taking her over his knee. “Okay—you’ve twisted my arm. I’ll go.”

  Georgia clapped her hands. “Girls’ afternoon out! Let’s go. I just need to tell Brody.”

  “Don’t you mean, ask Brody,” Bridgette teased.

  “What about you?” I asked Bridgette. “Don’t you have to ask Travis?”

  “Bridgette has a lot more... freedom in her relationship than I do. Travis is more laid back than Brody is. But Travis is controlling in... other ways.” Georgia covered her mouth, giggling.

  Bridgette elbowed her in the ribs. “Save it for Bud’s, G.”

  This was going to be an interesting afternoon.

  Bridgette got Lila Bell settled with Alice. Georgia got permission from Brody to go. Bridgette put on her lipstick and black leather jacket. I went to find Hayes and tell him I was taking off.

  His brow furrowed when I told him I was leaving the ranch for the afternoon. “Can we talk later?” he asked.

  “Of course,” I answered in a very professional—pretending his hand was not down my pantie
s this morning—kind of way. I had to keep control of the situation. I was still in charge of my life, even though I had absolutely no power over my soaking, clenching pussy. Faking a cool demeanor—though my crotch was on fire, with butterflies tickling my stomach—I breezily said, “Feel free to call me later.”

  I drove Bridgette, Georgia, and myself to Bud’s in the Jetta. The bar had only been open for the past couple of years and though I lived close, I had yet to go. I wasn’t much of a bar person—if I had time and money on my hands I went to a salon—but it was fun to be out with the girls.

  The place was empty—it was only four o’clock. We took a high-top table near the old jukebox. Bridgette said, “Pick your poison. I’m buying.”

  “I’ll have a Pinot Grigio if they have any chilled. Otherwise I’ll take a Cab. Thanks, Bridgette,” I answered.

  Georgia snorted. “It’s Bud’s, Louanne. He’s got beer—draft or bottle.”

  “I’m afraid I’m not much of a beer drinker,” I answered, trying my best not to sound prissy.

  Georgia turned to Bridgette. “Get her one of those hard ciders if he has them. I’ll take a bottle of Bud.”

  “Check. One Miller Lite draft, one bottle of Bud. And one cider.” Bridgette turned on her heel and went to the bar. The bartender smiled when he saw her. We watched as she ordered our drinks. A few minutes later, she was back, holding all three at once.

  “Impressive,” I said, accepting a bottle from her. The label said ‘Hard Apple Cider.’ I took a sip. It was delicious. Like carbonated apple juice. “I like it.”

  Bridgette smiled. “Good. Now finish that one because you are going to need a second one for the conversation we are about to have.” She had already downed half of her pint.

  I took another dainty sip. Georgia eyed me. What the heck? Why not? When in Rome. Holding the bottle back, I tipped my head, chugging a good quarter of the sweet liquid. I put the bottle down, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. A huge belch escaped my lips.

  A cheer rose up from the table. “Louanne—I didn’t know you had it in you,” Bridgette said, raising her glass to mine for a ‘cheers.’

  I giggled. “I don’t, usually. I should warn you girls—I’m kind of a lightweight.”

  “Me, too. Which is why I’m only allowed to have two drinks,” Georgia said.

  I giggled. “Allowed? That sounds so strange. I mean—most women do what they want and don’t have to check in with their partners. Or have their drinks numbered by them.” I took another sip of my drink.

  “Well, as you well know from working on the ranch for so long, in the Jenkins family, one does not ‘do what they want.’ The men are in charge in the relationship,” Georgia said.

  “Or your ass is grass,” Bridgette interjected.

  “I’m so used to doing things my own way. I’ve been single forever. I live alone. And until Hayes came back, Brody pretty much left me alone to do my job,” I said.

  “Right—but the key word you said was ‘single.’ If you are with Hayes, you are no longer single, which means you will have to answer to him,” Bridgette said.

  As much as I loved and respected Hayes—and as wet as my pussy had gotten when he spanked me—I didn’t think I could handle that type of relationship. I was an independent woman and did not want a man in charge of me, telling me what I could and could not do. Besides, I was a reasonable person. I made good choices. I didn’t need a man spanking my ass—although that spanking in the kitchen really had improved my mood at work. Wrinkling my nose, I said, “Answering to someone else? That sounds terrible.”

  Georgia and Bridgette exchanged glances. Georgia placed her hand reassuringly over mine. “It’s not. It’s wonderful. Maybe we aren’t describing it correctly. A spanking man isn’t just spanking your ass when he feels like it—”

  “But he does do that,” Bridgette interjected with a wicked grin.

  Georgia laughed, then continued. “He’s so much more. He’s doting and caring and cherishes you like you were the only woman on the planet. And his spanking is usually out of concern for your safety and well-being.”

  “And there is such a thing as a sexy spanking, you know,” Bridgette added.

  “Really? I always thought it was just a punishment thing,” I lied, blushing and thinking about the one sexy spank Hayes had given me.

  Georgia put her hand on mine, saying, “Oh, there are punishment spankings, too. Believe you me. I could not sit down all day last Sunday because Brody found out that I had accidently spent the cash he gave me for the church collection on beer with Bridgette the night before.”

  “But it was an accident,” I said.

  “Carelessness,” they answered in unison. After sharing a laugh, Bridgette leaned in. “But back to the sexy spanks. They are the best. They get your ass all warm and tingly and make you practically ache to have him inside of you.”

  Georgia slapped her on the arm. “Bridgette!”

  Bridgette shrugged, the shoulders of her leather jacket rising and falling. “What? It’s true. My pussy is dripping after a spanking from Travis.” She chugged the rest of her beer.

  My face was burning. My ears felt like they were on fire. I had never, ever said the word ‘pussy’ out loud. Ever. Though I had experienced firsthand (excuse the pun) what she was talking about, it made me uncomfortable. I finished my drink.

  Georgia hopped up from her seat. “I’ll get the next round. Louanne looks like she needs another drink.”

  “Don’t use your church cash,” I interjected.

  Georgia rubbed her bottom, laughing. “No kidding.” She was over to the bar in a few strides of her long legs, her dark hair swishing behind her.

  I was envious of how brazen Bridgette was about her relationship. She felt no need to apologize for who she was and what she liked. I was also made uncomfortable by her demeanor, and first instinct was to clam up. But I had questions. Lots of them. Plowing my way through my shyness, I asked Bridgette, “What did Georgia mean, back at the ranch, when she said that Travis is less strict but makes up for it in other ways?”

  “Oh, that? Travis is my daddy,” she said.

  I was so glad my drink was empty. Had I been sipping it, I would have spit it out in shock. My brows rose. “Your... d-daddy?” No way! There was more than one daddy in the Jenkins brood? I knew all the men spanked but I had no idea there were other daddy/baby girls on the ranch.

  “Yep. My daddy. My father is Dale Jones. And he’s a damn good one. Love that guy. My daddy is Travis. Daddy as in daddy dom. I call him Daddy and he calls me baby girl. And spanks me and spoils me and takes care of me. And he likes to be in control—in and out of the bedroom,” she said with a wink.

  It was so taboo, so wrong, so... sexy. And I wanted to experience it with Hayes. My pussy clenched in my panties, my clit pulsed. I was sure I would be changing my panties when I got home. “If you don’t mind me asking, does Travis spank you when you are... bad?” I asked. I couldn’t think of another word for it but it seemed strange to call a grown woman ‘bad.’ I thought about Hayes taking me over the island for my sassy mouth.

  “He spanks me when I’m bad, he spanks me when I’m good—hell, he spanks me when I walk into a room. My daddy is an ass man and as you can see, I’ve got enough to keep him busy for a while.” She patted her round hip to make her point. I laughed. Bridgette had a full, gorgeous ass that I was envious of. I was average height, average weight, average hair... average ass. But when Hayes looked at me, I felt like the most beautiful girl in the room. And the way he looked at me—didn’t make me feel average at all.

  Continuing with my line of questioning, I asked, “So, if Brody is a bossy, strict spanking husband and Travis is sexy, spanking daddy dom husband, what does that make Hayes?”

  She wiggled her brows. “Oh, Hayes is definitely a daddy.”

  I widened my eyes, raising my brows in mock surprise. “Really?”

  “Yep. And if I had to guess, I would say Hayes is going to be the stric
test of them all. He has a very serious manner about him. Don’t you think?” she asked.

  Strictest of them all? What would that entail? I wasn’t even sure I was ready for a full-time spanking daddy, much less a strict one.

  Georgia returned with the drinks, also managing to carry all three at once. How often did they come here? Georgia handed me mine. Holding up her bottle, she said, “Cheers, to the first meeting of the Spanked Wives Club!”

  Bridgette said, “Hear, hear! Cheers!”

  I held my glass in midair, unsure what to say. “I... uh... I’ve never been spanked (only a little white lie, right?) and I’m definitely not a wife.”

  “Yet,” Bridgette said.

  Huffing, I asked, “What makes you so sure—”

  Georgia said, “I heard Memaw say, ‘it’ll stick,’ when she was talking to Hayes at lunch.”

  “Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?” I asked.

  Bridgette leaned in. “Once Memaw says, ‘it’ll stick,’ you’ll be married within the year.”

  “Really? Who has that been true for?” I asked.

  They both raised their hands in the air.

  I took a long sip of my drink.

  “And if I decide I don’t want to be a spanked wife?” I squeaked.

  “Have you seen the way Hayes fills out a pair of Wranglers? And those smoky eyes? Have you had his homemade vanilla ice cream? You’ll come around. I’m sure of it,” Bridgette declared.

  Georgia giggled. “Besides. I love getting spanked. It’s so... hot.”

  The question that had been plaguing me finally came to the surface. “Does it always hurt?”

  “Yes... if you are in serious trouble. It does. But you won’t get into too much trouble. You’re a good girl,” Bridgette said.

  “I don’t see you stirring up too much mischief. Although—” Georgia wrinkled her brow, considering me for a moment. She had known me longer than Bridgette. After contemplating, she answered, “You are kind of uptight. And a little bossy. I don’t think that will bode well for you in a relationship with Hayes.”

  Bridgette took a gulp of her drink. “You can get kind of worked up, Louanne.”


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