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Gloucester’s Witch Academy 1

Page 5

by Jessica Baker

  “Thank you, Franklin.”

  “Bye, dear.”

  And just like that, he was out of there. He hadn't even touched his drink. Maybe he was in too much of a hurry. He tipped me $20. Wow! that's even more than I make in an hour. Franklin has got to become one of my regulars. If he tipped like this every day, I would even come in on my day off. I kept the money in the pocket when someone called for me again.

  I continue my rounds. Carrying drinks to customers. Becky and the guys had been right, tonight was packed. And the only thing on everyone's mind was the disappearances happening in the city. There were people with political theories. Some even had alien stories. I couldn't resist being drawn into some of them.

  “So, Red, do you think that they are taking children and old people?” An old lady had asked me.

  “I don’t know. The reports are not really specific on the information of people missing.”

  Her sister who was beside her interjected. "Martha, I tell you. These are people from another planet. They are taking people, wiping off their memories and making them start new lives on another planet. It's like that movie we saw the other day. It's already happening. I tell ya."

  “I don’t think so. Remember that news about that secret place where they produce deadly drugs and all, I think they are using other people as experiments and so stealing them to become lab rats. That’s what I think.”

  I left the sisters arguing over a glass of soda and so I decide to take my 15 minutes break which we get 3 times in a night.

  I entered the locker room and was glad no one was there. I really need some peace and quiet after all that craziness in the bar. UFO and human experiments. How many more weird theories can people come up with? I sat down on the floor and put my head on my knees with my arms around it. A few minutes later, the door opened and a jerk my head up. It was jenny.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t our Jane.” Then she intentionally added. “Jane-y”

  “I don’t like that name.”

  "Oh relax. I like it. But it's okay if you don't. You do know it rhymes well with Jenny, right?"

  I decide not to answer that obviously ridiculous question. What is my business if our names rhymed? With all the weird stares she had been giving me since yesterday, she is the last person I wish I was talking to right now. There is something off about her. I could not put my finger on it, but I am not comfortable being around her.

  “I saw you talking to Franklin.”

  “Oh yes, he is my customer.” "Really? Well then, it's only right I tell you about him then." She came close to stand in front of me.

  "You should know that he is a creep. He just comes into the bar to hang around pretty girls. Especially naïve beautiful young girls. And no one knows a lot about him. He just comes in and stays for a short while. He has this air of weirdness around him. He used to hang around Sam before but now I think it is obvious his attention has shifted to you. Do you he sometimes does not touch his drink? So, I advise you to stay away from him. He is such a strange human being. Even though he looks really rich and tips well too."

  “I hear you, Jenny and thanks for the advice but I think I am going to keep Franklin as my customer. All you just said just goes on to prove that you don’t know him well and neither do I. But I wouldn’t get a chance to do that if I avoid him now, would I? Everyone deserves a chance. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Do not jump into assumptions based on what you see. He seems like a genuine human being. Maybe something tragic or traumatic happened in his life and then shaped his life this way. Who knows? There is more to him than being an old, lonely creepy person like you assume.”

  “Wow, your second day and you are already on a roll. You are so passionate. Have you thought about directing that passion into something more… physical?”

  “I don’t know what you mean, Jenny.”

  “Do you want to come by my place after our shift to find out?”

  “I still don’t get you.”

  Jenny squats in front of me and runs her fingers lightly down my arm.

  "Have you ever been with a woman?" She asks with a musky voice

  “I- umm- No?”

  "I can make it good for you. Show you things you have never imagined. The pleasure when it is with a woman is undeniably life-changing."

  Feeling very uncomfortable with the whole conversation, I could not wait to just get out of there.

  “Umm, look, Jenny. I really appreciate the offer, but I am going to have to decline. I am not gay.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I am not gay either. I am bisexual. I play for both teams. Sexuality is a spectrum, you know.”

  “Like I said- “

  "I know you have never experienced it before. Oh, it is going to be a wonderful adventure for you. We will have so much fun with each other. I can almost imagine how you will taste in my mouth." She tried to kiss me when I dodged and quickly stood up.

  “I said no!”

  “You know, it is quite unusual for someone in a place like this to turn down this kind of offer.”

  I took a deep breath and looked her in the eye.

  “I am not just a regular bartender. And I said no. Please, don’t ever come on to me like this again or else I would have to report this sort of misconduct to Rick.”

  I did not even wait for her to respond before I stormed out. I just hoped I made it clear enough to her that I was never going to be interested. It was probably a good thing I did not wait to see the anger in her eyes when I walked out. So now I know why she had been staring. So, she just wanted a rendezvous.

  Wow, things just keep happening. Almost like I cannot even catch a break around here.

  I return to my shift and decide to keep what had happened earlier with Jenny to myself. Even though I had threatened to tell Rick, I knew I could never. It wouldn't be fair if they fired her because of that. But let's just hope the threat worked and she would back off.

  A few hours later, Becky came up to me to announce she would be leaving early. She was having some menstrual cramps and couldn't just afford to stay longer on her feet. Her brother was coming to pick her up in about an hour. I wished I could just go with them as the thought of going home alone was not really on the top of my list right now.

  It really did not help that I haven’t seen Ray all night. But just as my shift was almost over, he comes in.

  I had to stop myself from smiling ear to ear with happiness when entered the bar. I wanted to call out but quickly restrain myself. No use acting all thirsty and stuff. He would look my way eventually or even seek me out. Of course, he would want to see me. Just as much as I have been dying to see him again.

  While I was assuring, myself he also felt the connection the previous day, Sam approaches him and starts to kiss him. It was as if she was putting on a show for everyone to see. They start making out right there with tongues and everything. I stand there feeling so embarrassed to my toes. Is this the same guy I have been dreaming about?

  Just when I decide I have had enough of the torturous sight in front of me, he notices me, and I see recognition in his eyes.

  “Jane, hi.”

  I try and muster a smile even when Sam's evil glare was directed at my head.

  “Hi, Ray. Thanks for yesterday.”

  “What happened yesterday, babe?” Sam asks him. To her, I obviously don’t exist. She just wanted to know why I was thanking Ray.

  “I just helped Jane handle a situation with a difficult customer.”


  “Yeah, so how are you doing, Jane?”

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Your shift is about to end. How about you catch a ride with us? We can drop you home. The rain is starting to pour outside. And you shouldn’t be walking alone with everything happening right now in this city.”

  Sam reacts angrily at this invitation. She doesn't hide the fact that she does not want me there. Well, I also do not want to be a spectator to my crush making out with some other gir
l. I will rather take my chances with the rain and whatever killer was out there.

  Before I could answer, Jennifer comes up to them and gives him a wet kiss on his mouth. Her hand goes to his pants and grabs his dick while they continued to make out while Sam smiled at me. She must have guessed that I have a crush on Ray and seeing me like this gave her much satisfaction.

  I clear my throat. Humiliation washed all over me. “Erm… No, thanks. I’m good.”

  “You sure?”

  “Of course. You guys go. See you tomorrow.”

  “Okay then. Good night Jane.”

  They all leave together and for a minute I still could not get over my shock. Ray does not believe in monogamy. So, there he was making out with two women in public. A day after we had such an amazing connection. At least I felt the connection and it was only one-sided obviously. I don't even stand a chance. Not when monogamy and loyalty is the number one thing for me in a relationship.

  My shift finally ends, and I just grabbed my stuff and left the bar. I walked into the rain feeling so empty while I waited for the bus to come. All the way home, the picture of Ray making out with both Sam and Jenny was plastered in my head. Its time I start letting go of the thought of Ray. It is never going to happen. Even if he liked me, guys like that don’t change. He is a player. But you know who I think is not? That guy from the library. He had loyalty written all over him. I could tell he was the stable relationship kinda guy. Now, that is the kind of partner I want. Not an adventurous bisexual or a gorgeous player.

  Chapter 5

  The next day was Sunday. Thank God I don't have to go to work. I sleep in and wake up around 8 am the next morning. This time, I didn't even dream about Ray, but about a faceless monster who was kidnapping people. Maybe all those theories in the bar did get to me after all. Maybe this monster was the one following me the other day. But I don't want to dwell on that right now. Not today anyway.

  I do some chores around the house and decide to check out the farmers' market. There are some fresh fruits and vegetables I need. Today, a type of sadness envelope me. Sundays do that to me. I mean, I have never really been a religious person even though I do say ‘thank God’ and ‘oh God’ from time to time. But who doesn’t though? And I know it is usually very surprising when people find out a traditional girl like me is not religious.

  My dad did not go to church, but my mom did. Which was why I whenever she tried to take me to church, I ended up asking her so much impossible questions about God that she blamed my dad, for filling my head with crazy thoughts. One time, when I was about 8 or 9 years old, she had taken me with her a to mid-week service and when it was time for the holy communion, I advised her not to eat it. As she had just insulted my father on our way over to the church. She told me she had asked God for forgiveness. I told her she had not asked for my father’s yet. Anyway, she didn't end up eating it that day and that was the last time she ever took me with her to church.

  After my parents' divorce, every weekend, my dad and I had our Sunday morning tradition. We would visit the farmers market and then come home to try out a new recipe. That was our thing. So, in this big city where I feel so alone, the best thing I can do is go to the farmers market and haggle over prices. That always gets my blood pumping.

  I arrive at the farmers market and wow, this, to me, should be an epic tourist attraction. Everything smelt and looked nice. For a minute, I felt like I had my dad with me. I move around getting a feel of the place before proceeding to buy what I wanted. I went on a whim and even bought things I did not know. The fun part is finding out what it is and deciding to make a recipe around it. Just what I wanted. I moved around tasting and making new friends with the vendors.

  I bought enough fresh supplies to keep me engaged in my kitchen for the next few weeks. I can already look forward to coming back here. This is the kind of place I hope to come with my family. I enjoyed the stroll around, taking in the beautiful aura of the environment. I finish buying and decide to try the tacos from the nearby taco stand which a vendor had declared would be the best I have ever tasted.

  I settle down on one of the outdoor chairs around the stand to devour my tacos. I take some time to take in the beautiful sight before me again. This morning is a Boston miracle. The clear sky had brought people out to stroll. I could see people, partners, lovers, friends all sitting around enjoying the taco. I take my first bite and literarily experience a mouth orgasm. This taco is so good. Not that I have a lot of experience taco-wise but this, this is the best one I have ever tasted. I continue to enjoy my taco and look around again. At this beautiful sight of people is making me long for something like this. As an only child, I learned to be alone without being lonely but now, I feel like something is missing. I want a real relationship. With someone loyal and ready to commit and since that is not Ray, I had better continue my search for my prince charming. Maybe that cute guy at the library.

  I finish my tacos, grabbed my bags and decide to treat myself to an uber ride. I deserve this. I should splurge on myself now and then. After all, according to my budget, I am still living on my tips. That’s thanks to customers like Franklin.

  Wow, it was just not even 10 am and the day has already started well. I order a uber and within minutes, I was home arranging my vegetable in the refrigerator. I turned on the music player and allowed myself to sing and dance to country blues as I cooked.

  An hour later, I ate and packed the leftovers in the fridge and since I still had time to kill, I decided to take a nap before I visit the library. Yesterday, I got there around 1 pm so I intend to do the same today with hopes that I would see the cute guy again.

  I woke up around half-past twelve, washed my face and got ready to leave for the library. Today I wasn't even sure what I felt like reading. I just wanted to make sure I met with that guy again.

  I soon leave the apartment and arrive at the library a few minutes after 1 pm. This time, I just grabbed a random book, which turned out to be a cookbook and moved straight to the reading room on the sixth floor where I sat yesterday. Of course, the room had a great view of the traffic and that was why I prefer it and not just because of a cute guy I saw and did not even speak to.

  As soon as I stepped into the room, I scan around for his face and a satisfactory smile rest on my face when I found him in the same spot he sat yesterday. There he was. Head bent in a book. Wearing a powder blue t-shirt. I felt like running my hands through his silky blonde hair.

  I walk slowly to the same seat I had taken the previous day. As I approach, he raises his head and looks at me. Our eyes meet and I start to blush. There’s no way he wouldn’t know I came back to see him.

  I head for my chair and sat down to read my, oh yes, cookbook. I didn't even know the type of book I picked. Thank God it is something I like so this day would not be a total waste of time in case he chickens out and decides not to talk to me. Or maybe I would muster some courage and go talk to him instead. Give it up for the modern woman!

  I know he still watching even though I try to act like I am very focused on what I am reading. Even the letters felt like they were blurry and jumping out due to my lack of concentration. My heart was racing, and my body was warming up under his gaze.

  I look up and catch him staring at me. Our gaze locked and the eye contact created a thick sexual tension that I was almost sure everybody in the room could cut with a knife. Seconds later, I felt the urge to rub my thighs together. I was so aroused. I knew, without even looking, that my nipples were peeking through my sweater. I become so embarrassed with my reaction that I quickly broke the gaze and try to read my book. I couldn’t believe I was getting turned on with just a stare.

  At this point, with all that just happened, I feel like it would be weird if we don’t at least talk. But right now, I am feeling too mortified to approach him. Maybe later when my brain resumes total control of my body, I would stand and go talk to him. But I soon see him packing his stuff and just like that, in a matter of seconds, he was

  My body felt like a deflated tire. So, he just left without talking to me. Again. I should have just gone to talk to him. He must be one of those really shy type and I probably scared him off with my intensity. Or maybe I was reading too much into all this. He probably was not feeling me like-

  “Hi. May I sit with you?”

  And there he was. Standing in front of my table, giving me the most adorable smile. Blue eyes, perfect teeth, blonde hair, the whole package.

  "Sure. Umm… You can just, just, you know, Sit. Sure." God, what is wrong with me? Why am I acting like I suddenly forgot all my words? This is no way to act in front of a guy you like. Jeez, Jane!

  He drops his backpack beside the chair he sat.

  “My name is Mark. We met yesterday.”

  “Did we?”

  He raised his brow and I immediately knew what he meant. It’s good to know I am not the only one having all these unsettling warm sexual feelings. He felt it yesterday too. Now I feel bad for even sparing a thought for Ray. He did not make me feel this way. All nervous and giddily happy.

  “Yes, we did.”

  I smile at that. “My name is Jane.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jane.”

  “So, you come here to read a lot? I saw you reading a medical journal yesterday.”

  “Oh yeah, I am a medical student. I am studying to become a doctor.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing. What kind of doctor?”

  "Honestly, I don't know. I keep changing my mind. Years ago, I wanted to be a pediatrician, then an OB/GYN, at one point I even thought about becoming a surgeon but now I am leaning more towards internal medicine. To be honest, I don't know yet. Let us see what calls out to me in a year or two. Are you in college?"

  “Umm, no. I dropped out two years ago. Some family issues.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  "My dad died of cancer- “

  “Oh my God! I’m so sorry.” He quickly interjected. He probably did not think it was something that serious.

  “It’s okay. I mean, it’s not because I am still grieving the loss of the best person I ever knew. I don’t I will ever stop. He died two years ago. When he was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, I took some time off school to take care of him even though he did not like it.” I took a deep breath before proceeding. Anyway, when he died, I couldn't go back to functioning in school. I couldn't concentrate. I was depressed so I just moved back home to take care of my mom. She never remarried even though they divorced years ago. She was so distraught with his demise, and I had to stay with her. But now, I feel like we are both at that place where we can move on our own. Now, I am living on my own while trying to pay off the student loans for a degree I never got to use."


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