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Gloucester’s Witch Academy 1

Page 9

by Jessica Baker

  But I did not let her ruin my mood. Today had been a good day. Whatever problem she had with me was hers to do deal with not mine.

  When my shift was over, I got a text from Mark.

  ‘Loved hanging out with you today. I can’t wait to do it again. Our movie date tomorrow?’

  I smiled. Flattered. Then I remember my lunch deal with Franklin. Nope. Tomorrow will not work. So, I text him back.

  ‘Loved it too. Busy tomorrow. How does Thursday sound?’

  ‘Great. See you then.’

  Oh, my sweet Mark. I smiled to myself and headed home. I do feel a bit sad I have to give up a date with him to be with Franklin. Oh, my sweet Mark. What I would give to be with you.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning, I woke up slowly to see the sun peeking out from the window blinds. An upside to working at a bar is that you get to sleep in, during the day and plan your day around that. So, this morning when I woke up, Mark’s face came to my mind. I smile like a satisfied cat when I remembered our kiss in the park. The look of absolute joy that was on his face when I agreed to a second date with him. But then, I do feel guilty. This whole thing with Franklin just seems to be like a betrayal. I mean, since we are not officially a couple, I don’t have to tell him about this. We have been on just one date and this whole thing with Franklin is platonic. So maybe, I am not 100% convinced of that but how will I turn down an $1500 cash gift for just a simple meal.

  Ughhh! I groaned into my pillow. It shouldn’t be this hard. Being an adult is so overrated.

  I open my eyes. There is only one remedy when I wake up with a mood like this. Breakfast.

  I jump out of bed to brush my teeth in the bathroom. I was looking at myself in the mirror and then remembered Jennifer’s outburst yesterday. She mentioned that I was pretty with such disdain that I am tempted to believe. I don’t even understand her. One minute we are bonding and I was even starting to feel that maybe she was not so bad. Only for her to sweep the rug off my feet and show me her claws. At this point, I will settle for just being civil. We don’t even have to be friends. Although I would like to get to the root of her problem with me. I thought it is because I rejected her sexual advances but I think more of her anger yesterday was because I hung out with Ray. Who I am so over, by the way. Being with Mark helped me realize the real thing. Mark is all I have ever wanted, Ray was just a fleeting distraction. They can have him for all I care. I spat into the sink and washed my brush then rinsed my face with water. I smile again when I remembered that I have an amazing guy like Mark. Is he feeling this way right now too? Or is he seeing other people? No. Mark doesn’t even seem the type. He is way too busy to be dating other girls. But then again, I have heard about medical students and how they sleep with each other out of convenience in medical school.

  ‘You know what?’ I took a deep breath and talked to myself through the mirror. ‘There is no use overthinking this. We had a good time. No, scratch that. We had a great time yesterday and he wants to do it again. So, I will be a calm adult and just see where this goes naturally without overthinking it. Now that that is sorted out, it is time for breakfast.’

  I went into the living room first to put on the television while I cooked. Might as well listen to the news even though all we hear these days is just bad news.

  “…more people have been reported missing over the past few days in the city of Boston. The police have still trying to solve the mystery behind these disappearances. But for now, no one knows why or where they are. We have got some relatives and friends of some of the missing people here to …” my heart broke as I watched the people on screen. A family was crying for their father and husband who did not come back from work. How do you even live like that? Not even knowing if they are alive or dead. Not knowing if you will ever see them again? If they are in pain or suffering right now? Then another family came up tearful faces. The unabashed way the father cried for his teenage daughter who went missing after the festival broke my heart.

  Where are these people?

  I wished I could wave a magic wand and all these troubles will be over. I can’t believe more and more people are still disappearing and they are still no close to finding the reason or culprits behind it. What is this world turning into? Where no one feels safe out there on the street. Which reminds me, I need to get a taser or pepper spray today. Anything useful for self-defense. Even though Diana has admitted to being the one following me, I am still not taking any chances.

  I sighed. You know what? This is the perfect time for a loaded breakfast. I have been wanting to try a crustless Quiche Lorraine. of course, just the thought of cooking can lighten my mood. I muted the news and went to put on some music. I made my way to the kitchen to start opening cabinets and bring out my ingredients. Rolled oats, crisp rice cereal, grated parmesan, freeze-dried vegetable bits, smoked almonds, chia seeds, smoked paprika, black pepper, eggs and unsweetened butter and Kosha salts. I run to grab my phone to check the recipe online in case I missed something. Yup, I’ve got it. I had this recipe in mind when I made my last grocery run. This should be fun.

  I got out a metal pan I use in the oven and lined with grease foil. Then I just combined rolled oats, rice cereal, parmesan, freeze-dried vegetable bits, smoked almonds, chia seeds, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper. Then I stirred in the egg whites and unsweetened nut butter. I press them all firmly in the pan and put it inside the oven. I set the temperature for 350 degrees and timer for 30mins. I was still feeling in the mood, so I decided to make some Peach Melba Sunrise smoothie; all the flavor of the classic peach Melba dessert: peaches, raspberries, and vanilla ice cream, in healthy breakfast form.

  While the Quiche Lorraine was baking, I got out frozen raspberries, almond milk, vanilla extract, peach, and orange juice. I put the raspberries, almond milk, vanilla and lemon into a blender. I blended and tasted it. Then I decided to add some maple syrup to the mix and a little more almond milk. I poured out the mix and rinsed out the blender. The put in the chopped peach and orange juice and blended. Then I just poured the second mix right on top of the first mix already in the cup creating that sunrise effect I so much loved. I taste it and nod in appreciation. I hear the oven beep, so I go to take out my Lorraine and there it is. Looking at perfect as I imagined. I cut it out to smaller pieces and put them into a plate.

  I carry my breakfast to the living room and flick the channels until I found a movie channel. Then I settled for a romcom I have seen before but still love and enjoyed a lovely breakfast. After eating, I clean the dishes and go in to take a quick nap before my… whatever term applies, with Franklin. It is just a harmless lunch with a friend who needed a good company. More like a rich friend who offered to pay me just to go out with him. But hey, this is as harmless as it comes to making money without marring my integrity.

  I crawl under the duvet after setting my alarm to wake me up about three hours from now. I muffle a groan when I heard my phone ringtone that jolted me awake. Someone calling because this is not the sweet medley of Jazz I use for my alarm. I roll my eyes when I finally locate the phone and see the name of the person on the caller ID. The only person that would be happy they interrupted my sleep. I quickly answer before it goes to voicemail.

  “Hi, mom.”

  “Jane! Hi, I thought I would get your voicemail.”

  “No, I’m here.”

  “Oh, how are you doing?” I closed my mouth and closed it several times. The question was almost as surprising as the tone she asked it. She sounded. calm, breathy, sincere. And I don’t even know how to react to this version of my mother.

  “I am fine, mom. Just woke up.”

  “I have just been seeing on television that a lot of people have been disappearing over there in Boston, so I wanted to make sure you are well?”

  “So, you wanted to check on me by letting it go to my voicemail?” I sound even incredulous to myself.

  “Yes. I mean, No. I just did not know how to go about this kind of conversation with

  “You go about it by having it, Mom. You thought your daughter could be missing and you wanted to leave a voicemail. This is just terrible, mom.”

  “Look, I am trying. I am trying to be a better mother to you. Especially now. I have been thinking a lot and I know this what your father would have wanted. You out there in the world living your life. Making your own decisions like the adult that you are. I Just… I want you to know… that I am proud of you.”

  A long pause followed. I really could not believe what I just heard. My mother on the phone calling to apologize. Call me twisted but I couldn’t help but feel like this was just a ruse or she was gunning for the bigger play here. And it was as if she just senses by reservations.

  “Look, I know it`s hard for you to believe me right now. And I understand if you don’t. The thing is I started therapy recently and I am finally processing a lot of things. I know I have been a terrible mother to you and a horrible partner to your father. You both did not deserve that. And even though I know I cannot fix it with your father, I still have the chance to do better by you. So, this me reaching out and I will continue to do so until I convince you that this is real.” She took a deep breath. “And I am willing to wait for as long as it takes until you are ready to open to me, so we have a better mother-daughter relationship. Who knows? Maybe you could even drive down sometime and come to therapy with me. It would be good for us.”

  I close my eyes and imagine my dad’s calm face telling me to breathe. I know this is what he would have wanted. He always felt like he wasn’t doing enough to smoothen my relationship with my mother as a mother even though I reassured him that I was okay with just him. But as much as I would want to give her a second chance, I am finally building a life on my own. Even though the whole therapy thing sounds like a step in the right direction, I don’t want to be heartbroken when she decides again that I am the root of her problems and she hates me. I must do whatever I can to protect my sanity and peace of mind.

  “Mom, I hear you. But you are just springing this on me out of the blue. Give me a while to think about it.”

  “Oh, sure. I understand. I will be here.”

  “Okay, ma.”

  “But it is still okay if I call to check up on you, right? Boston is a huge town. I worry about the news coming from that place.”

  “Of course. I would like that, Mom.”

  I could feel her joy. “Okay. Okay. Sure. Take care. Bye.”


  I exhale loudly. Well, that was unexpected. But since Franklin would be here soon, I would have to process it all later.

  I quickly get out of bed to take a shower. After my shower, I walk into my closet to bring out my turtle neck blouse and decide to pair it with a black side slit skirt. Well, this should be smart enough to be casual for a business lunch with friends, right? I lay out the clothes on the bed and bend to look under the closet for my black pumps. Complete outfit. Well, complete for 21-year-old eating with a bunch of middle-aged white-collar folks.

  My phone beeps and I get a text from Franklin that he is on his way. I sit in front of my dresser and put on some makeup. So, this is not cheating, right? I mean, it’s not like I and Mark are officially together or anything. And this is just a platonic casual lunch with a friend and his friends, but yeah. Platonic. I might even tell Mark about it. Maybe just laugh it off. Of course, I would leave out the part where he gave me money. That is the sensible thing to do. And if I am taking longer than normal to do my makeup, it’s because I don’t want to feel like a fish out of water. These guys are certainly going to be curious about who I am, it’s only perfectly normal I make it worth their while.

  I was wearing my shoes when I got the text from Franklin that he is outside. I had intentionally given him an address that was a few blocks from my apartment. I just don’t want him to know exactly where I live. That would be too much information for what is supposed to be a one-time thing. And I can’t have him dropping by my place. Not that he would but just to be cautious.

  I text him back that I will be down soon. I finish wearing my shoes. Applied some final touches on my make-up and hair. I spruced on some perfume and look at my reflection. Yup. This is… presentable. Yep. Presentable.

  I grab my purse and keys and step out of the apartment. I get out of my building and make a short walk down the block. Franklin had his back to me. He was probably staring at the building in front of him wondering when I would come out.

  “Hi” I call out as I approached. He turns to me as I walk closer to him.

  “So sorry I kept you waiting,” I say with a smile even though I pretend to not see the confusion on his face.

  “Oh, hi. I thought- “he says while pointing at the building in front of him. Which looked way above my paygrade. How would he even think a young knee-deep-in-debt girl could even afford a place like this.

  “No, I don’t live here,” I answer his unasked question. “My place is just down the block, but parking is very tricky around there that why I asked to meet you here,” I explain and that when he finally smiled.

  “Oh. That’s great then. You look gorgeous by the way.” He complimented after giving me several appreciative nods.

  “Well, thank you. And you don’t look so bad yourself.” To be honest, he didn’t. He wore a well-fitted, tailored grey suit and left the collar and the first button of the white shirt open. Giving me this suave businessman look. If only he was my type…

  He chuckled. “Thank you too, kind lady. Shall we go? We are running a little behind. I had to move some things around so I can have some free time this afternoon. Plus, the guys are already waiting for us at the restaurant.”

  That was when I saw the sleek black Mercedes beside him. This car looks very expensive. And he has a driver?! This lunch is turning out to be way more than I expected. I mean, I figured Franklin was rich but not This rich. This is way out of my league. Okay Jane, breathe. You’ve got this.

  I smile at Franklin as he opened the door for me and then went around to get in.

  He sat down beside me, not too close but I could still smell his musky aftershave,

  “Thank again for doing this. I honestly cannot handle another meeting like this on my own.”

  “Oh, I am sure you can. It is just a good thing you can afford not to.” I tease.

  “Yeah, that is a plus. But I would have done anything just to spend some time with you, Jane.”

  “Franklin, I hope I did not send the wrong signals. This is just a platonic- “

  “Casual lunch. Yes, I know.”

  “Okay then. Tell me about these people we are meeting with. I like to harm myself with information.”

  He chuckled. “It is just a casual thing. We meet once or twice a year whenever we can. There is Tony Burton. A business partner and friend. We first met in college twenty years ago. He is not much of a talker, but his wife Angela makes up for it. She is an architect by the way but she might-no she will pester you with questions. But don’t worry, Tony will keep her in line. Then there is Mike and Lucy Redon. Business partners and lawyers. They have worked together before they even got married. They are partners and legal representatives of my firm. We maintain a friendly and business relationship. And that’s it.”

  “Now, I am less apprehensive. Other than the fact that I will be the stranger on the table that is two decades younger, I think this lunch may not be so bad.”

  “That’s the spirit.”

  “and we are here,” Franklin announce.

  I open the door and step out before he could even get around to opening it for me. The whole chivalry gentleman thing was just lost on me, I guess. Now, this restaurant is something else. It looks elegant and modest at the same time. As they were trying to downplay Luxury but still not want it mistaken. The architecture was unmistakably talented with the walls moving like waves but still circular and solid. And pillars holding the cave-like building that stood majestically beside the water.

  Franklin comes a
round and leads me into the seaside restaurant.

  “This is one of Angela’s work.” He put in when he saw how enchanted I was with the building.

  “Wow. It is amazing. She is a genius. All your friends seem accomplished.”

  “She would be glad to hear that.” He said as he led the way. “And they are the most ambitious set of people I know, so yes. They are very accomplished.”

  “You all are.” I point out.

  He just shrugged. And I burst out in laughter. “Oh, stop being modest.”

  We enter the restaurant and it seemed like I have been transported underwater. The delicate lighting and arrangement gave it all a wonderful setting.

  “Wow. The food had better be good after all these” I gesture at the restaurant.

  Franklin smiled. “I think I can testify that it is. I have eaten in a lot of restaurants but trust me, they know their stuff here. You’ll see. Oh, there they are.”

  We walk towards a table at the back and finally stop in front of four people in their mid-forties.

  “Jane, these are my friends.” Franklin introduced me to Tony who had sharp eyes and surprisingly, all his hair. His wife, Angela. She could pass for younger and is quite stunning. She smiled at me, but I could see the curiosity in her eyes. Mike was bald but still the most handsome man on the table and his wife, Lucy. Didn’t smile as much but she looked like she was just not much of a smiler anyway. I smile and shake hands with all of them before taking my seat.

  “So nice of you to join us, Franklin. We were almost certain you had stood us up.” Angela said, censure and love evident in her voice.

  “Now, why would I do that? I was just running late that’s all. Can we order now, please?” He picked up his menu and started to look through.

  Well, there is something to be said about older friends. They sure don’t hold grudges and they did not even really seem that interested in me. And even if they were, they should be applauded for being so demure about it. The topic revolved around work for a while. Mike and Lucy gave their input on a new project Franklin was working on. We made our orders. I settled for some soup I could not pronounce but it sounded safe. Everything on the menu looks fancy and foreign to me. I wasn’t going to embarrass myself further by asking Franklin what they were.


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