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30 Days (Morgan Family Series Book 1)

Page 12

by J. L. Leslie

  “Your phone is ringing!” he calls from the living room and I dash into the kitchen to answer it.

  Anniston laughs at my breathless hello. “Please tell me you did not interrupt sex to answer the phone.”

  “No.” I laugh.

  “But you just had sex, didn’t you?”

  “I’m not answering that.” I laugh again.



  “I definitely am. Anyway, I was calling to tell you I’m coming to visit. I’ll be there next weekend.”

  “That’s great! I can’t wait to see you!”

  “I want to meet this boyfriend of yours. See if he passes my judgment.” she says, sternly.

  “Yeah, yeah. You’ll meet him.”

  “See you soon!”

  I hang up and pull my jeans on. I slip a red top on over my head and grab a pair of strappy red heels. I walk into my living room and sit in my chair to put them on. I see Cameron eyeing me as I do.

  “I think I’ll work here till you get back.” he mumbles.

  “It might be late. Stacy and Leah are pretty wild. It could be dawn before I get


  “I’ll wait.” he says, firmly. He looks back down at the file and then his gaze

  flickers over to me again. Down at the file. Back at me.

  “They should be here in about fifteen minutes.” I inform him.

  I drop to my knees on the floor and crawl towards him. He arches his eyebrows.

  “I guess I should go get some lipstick on.” I lick my lips and settle between his legs.

  “Probably.” he mutters.

  I unbutton his pants and free his cock. I smile as I lower my head and take

  him in my mouth. Lipstick can wait.


  I peruse through all the files, stopping long enough to watch Ferris sing in the parade and get a coke from Memphis’s fridge. I go back over character witnesses for Beasley and decide to start looking at Mrs. Beasley’s information.

  I know Jim is handling the interviews for her side of the case, but I wonder if anyone from her file could be a suspect. It’d be nice to go into court and be able to show Beasley has an alibi and put suspicion on someone else. Even if it’s circumstantial.

  I open her file and, like the others, we have photos of her pre-mortem and post-mortem, the crime scene, character witnesses and eye-witnesses. I skip the photos of the victim and crime scene and go straight to the character and eye- witness photos.

  I’ve looked through them dozens of times before. I don’t know why I feel that this time will be any different. As I near the bottom of the stack, I come across a photo of a man who seems vaguely familiar. His build is similar to that of Tanner Beasley. He has the same salt-and-pepper hair. I flip the photo over. Harvey Taylor.

  49. Friend of Victim.

  I review Jim’s notes on Harvey Taylor. He’s a widower and also a deacon at the church with Tanner Beasley, but Jim’s notes reflect he had a closer friendship with Mrs. Beasley. He plans to do a follow-up interview.

  Harvey stated he and Mrs. Beasley did bible studies together during lunch on Mondays and Thursdays while Beasley worked. He says Beasley was aware of this and didn’t mind his friendship with Mrs. Beasley.

  Harvey goes on to say Mrs. Beasley confided in him that she worried Beasley had an addiction of some sort though she didn’t know what it was or where he went several nights a week. On these nights, Mrs. Beasley would call Harvey and they would talk on the phone or he would come over and they would keep each other company. Mrs. Beasley didn’t like to be left alone and she worried dreadfully over Mr. Beasley and his whereabouts. I bet she did.

  Harvey admits to following Beasley a few times to discover his addiction, but states he never found out where Beasley was going. I doubt that. The night of Mrs.

  Beasley’s murder Harvey’s statement says he was at home sick. He made a stop at the pharmacy the day before and our file shows a copy of the receipt where he purchased medicine for a cold.

  I read over his statement again and I’m honestly surprised Jim hasn’t scheduled that follow-up interview yet. Surely he’s as suspicious of his relationship with Mrs. Beasley as I am. I’ve looked at his statement once and I’m extremely suspicious.

  I grab the DVD of the footage and exchange Ferris Bueller for Ecstasy. It doesn’t take me long to find Harvey Taylor on the screen. He’s wearing a fedora that’s pulled down low, but it’s definitely him. Sick my ass. He sits a few tables away from Beasley. The moment Beasley leaves with Memphis for a private dance, Harvey exits the club. I check the time stamp on the security footage. Two hours prior to Mrs. Beasley’s time of death.

  Chapter 26


  “Can I ask you something?” I glance up from my computer and see Blake standing at my desk. She’s biting her bottom lip as if she’s nervous. I stop typing and give her my full attention.


  “Okay. Pretend as though you’re not dating my brother. I need the advice from a friend. Not my brother’s bae.”

  “Okay.” I answer. “You’re making me nervous though.”

  She walks around and grabs Sharon’s empty chair, sliding it over to my desk. She glances around to ensure the office is empty before she starts talking again. Now I’m really nervous.

  “What is your stopping point, sexually?” she asks and I choke a little. “I mean, is there anything you would absolutely positively say no to?”

  I try to think of the right response for her without completely embarrassing her…or myself. I haven’t said no to Cameron yet. Spanking, blindfolds, handcuffs, public places, anal. Honestly, with the way I feel about him, there’s probably not much I wouldn’t let him do to me.

  “Is there something Langston’s asking you to do that you’re not comfortable with?” I ask. Maybe that’s the better route to go. She blushes. Definitely the better route to go.

  “Langston said he wants me to be a little more adventurous. I don’t know what else I can do. I mean, we do plenty already. I thought I was pleasing him in that department.”

  “Was he specific about what he wanted you to do?” I tread lightly.

  “He said he wanted me to be more open with my body and with our

  relationship.” her doe eyes water up a little as she says this.

  “Blake, is he asking you to have an open relationship? Like have sex with other people?”

  “I don’t know. I changed the subject after he said that and told him we’d talk more about it later. That was last week and he hasn’t brought it up again. I mean, would you do that?”

  “I don’t think Cameron…”

  “You’re not my brother’s bae right now.” she quickly reminds me.

  “Fine…I don’t think my boyfriend would ask me to have an open relationship.

  If he did, I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable with that. That’s me. You have to decide what’s right for you and set your own boundaries. Some relationships work being open.”

  “It’s just…I’m pretty sure I love Langston. We haven’t said it yet, but I don’t want to lose him if I tell him no.”

  “How old are you, Blake?”

  “I’m twenty-three.”

  “You’re twenty-three and you work for one of the best law firms in New York.

  Probably in the entire U.S. You’re successful, beautiful, and you should not settle. If you don’t want to do something, then don’t.”

  “I knew you were the right person to talk to about this. I’m so glad Cameron found you.” Blake leans in and gives me a hug. “He’s so worried he’s gonna fuck it up, but I think he’s doing pretty damn good.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, he’s doing okay.”


  “He’s late.” I check the time and shoot Jim an annoyed look.

  “Only by a few minutes.” he responds, sipping his coffee.

  “Something isn’t right with him. He lied in his interview about
knowing where Beasley was going. He said he followed him, but never found out where he was going. The footage shows him watching him in the club.”

  “Maybe he didn’t want to tell Mrs. Beasley her husband was at a strip club.” “Or maybe him and Mrs. Beasley were having an affair.”

  “Don’t jump to conclusions, Cameron.”

  I clench my jaw and tap my pen on the glass tabletop. Seconds later, Harvey Taylor is shown into the conference room. He gives Jim a polite smile and then extends his hand towards me, introducing himself.

  “I’m Cameron Morgan, pleasure to meet you Mr. Taylor.” I lie. “Please have a


  I let Jim start out since he’s familiar with Mr. Taylor. I want Harvey to feel

  comfortable so he’ll let his guard down. He seems to relax and starts asking how the case is going. He states again how sorry he is that such a tragedy befell his friend.

  I open the file and start reviewing his statement while him and Jim talk. I casually let the photos of the crime scene slip from the folder and onto the floor. Harvey Taylor doesn’t flinch.

  “My apologies.” I say as I pick them up and sit them on the table. Mrs.

  Beasley’s body lies on the floor. Two gunshots to her chest. Blood everywhere. Still he doesn’t flinch. I close them up in the file and keep his statement out.

  “Mr. Taylor, in your statement, you mention that you began following Mr.

  Beasley so you could help Mrs. Beasley find out if he was hiding some sort of addiction from her.”

  “Yes, I did attempt to follow Tanner. Gloria was certain he was getting himself into something awful. We prayed about it together and she even spoke to Tanner about it, but almost every night he would leave her home alone. I didn’t have any luck finding out where he was going though. I wish I could’ve helped her.”

  “Are you certain you didn’t find out where he was going?” I ask. “You’re not under oath or anything, but we are trying to exonerate a man from a murder charge.”

  “I don’t know where he was going.” he answers.

  “You said in your statement that you and Mrs. Beasley had lunch together on Mondays and Thursdays. You also spent time with her while Mr. Beasley was not at

  home. Was your relationship with Mrs. Beasley strictly platonic or did you grow to have feelings for her outside of a platonic nature?”

  “What are you indicating, Mr. Morgan?”

  “I’m asking if the relationship between you and Mrs. Beasley was more than just friends. Was it of a sexual nature?”

  “I don’t have to answer that.”

  “Did you want her to leave Mr. Beasley and she refused you?”

  “This is preposterous!” Harvey raises his voice and stands from his chair.

  “Do you own a 9-millimeter semi-automatic pistol? Mr. Beasley didn’t.” “I don’t have to listen to this nonsense!” he storms out of the conference


  “Good work. I didn’t even recognize him from the footage.” Jim confesses. “I

  was leery of his relationship with Mrs. Beasley and had planned to talk to him again. I’m surprised he agreed to meet with us. He hasn’t been answering my calls.”

  I grin. “I had Memphis call and ask him to come in. She told him there’d been a breakthrough in the case.”

  Chapter 27


  Otis Redding’s soulful voice sings from the speakers of the iPod dock sitting on the kitchen counter of Cameron’s apartment. I look at the recipe again and stir the batter with the whisk. It looks creamy so I guess that’s a good thing. I run my finger along the side of the bowl and then lick the batter off. Tastes good.

  Anniston should be here soon so I wanted to make her some cupcakes. She loves anything chocolate so I have chocolate batter and chocolate icing. I lick some more batter off my finger and start looking for a cupcake pan.

  I open a cabinet and rise on my tiptoes, peeking inside. I don’t even hear Cameron come up behind me until he snatches my panties down with a laugh.

  “Did you seriously just pants me?”

  I close the cabinet and feel his breath on my neck. His cock jumps at my backside. He’s naked.

  “Yes. Now I’m seriously going to fuck you.”

  “I’m making cupcakes.” I protest, weakly.

  “You shouldn’t have been making them without wearing any pants.”

  His mouth greedily nips my ear and then suckles my neck. He lifts my tank- top up and over my head. He pulls it till it reaches my wrists then stops. He twists the material until it’s snug, binding my hands together. He holds it with one hand.

  “Hold on to the counter.” he demands. Cupcakes? What cupcakes?

  He doesn’t let go of my shirt as I move my hands to do what he says. He trails his other hand down my bare back and over my ass. His slap echoes through the kitchen and I rise on my toes in reflex. My skin prickles. Pussy drenches. Cameron teases my center, rubbing his cock inside my folds.

  “Spank me again.” I plead. I look over my shoulder at him and see that he’s looking down, watching his cock rub against me.

  “Whatever you like.” he grins. He plunges his delicious cock into me as his palm smacks my cheek. I quiver with delight. He adjusts his grip on my shirt to the point that it nearly cuts off my circulation. I don’t care.

  He snakes his hand around and pinches my nipple. Eliciting both pleasure and pain at the same time. I cry out, pushing myself against his relentless thrusts.

  “Not yet, Memphis.” Cameron warns. “Not till I tell you to.”

  He pumps into me and I wriggle my arms, wanting them to be free. “Please…I need to…”

  “Almost baby…” he assures me. He’s never made me wait to come before. This is a new thing for us. Either way, I’ll do what he wants. My body starts to tighten and I know I can’t control myself much longer.

  “I can’t…Cameron…aaah…”

  “Now baby…”

  His warm release flows into me as I spasm around him. My legs tremble as I try to keep standing. He loosens his grip on my shirt and my blood starts flowing

  again. I lean against the counter and he leans breathlessly behind me. I’m falling in love with you, Cameron Morgan. Please don’t leave me.

  “Let’s shower then you can finish your cupcakes.”

  I nod. Afraid to say anything out loud. I don’t know what might come out of my mouth. It’s safer just to keep it shut.


  My entire apartment smells like chocolate. It’s making me have dirty thoughts. Honestly, everything makes me have dirty thoughts lately. I saw a commercial for vacationing in Miami. It made me want to fuck Memphis on the beach. I had pancakes for breakfast yesterday morning and I daydreamed about drizzling syrup over her naked body. I watched a cop arrest a man on my way home from work last night and I took my handcuffs out of my drawer the moment she walked into my apartment. I can’t get enough of Memphis Stone.

  “She just called and she’ll be here in about fifteen minutes. Did you let Mark know she was coming?”

  “Who’s Mark?” I ask, looking up at Memphis as she leans over the couch.

  “Are you serious? He’s only worked the front desk here for six years. You’ve

  lived here four years.”

  “I’ve never really talked to him.”

  “You need to work on your people skills.” she scolds. “He’s actually really


  “Is that so?” I reach up and pull her down into my lap. I tickle her midsection

  until she begs for me to stop.

  “I gave him her name.” I assure her.

  I press my lips to hers and it’s only a matter of seconds before the kiss turns heated. She breaks away. Damn, I love…fuck. I shake my head. Not sure where my thoughts were going. The elevator pings.

  “Surprise! We’re here!”

  I look over my shoulder at the sound of Rhys’s voice. Rhys, Weston, and Randall walk in with thre
e women I don’t know. Shit. Memphis looks at me in confusion.

  “I didn’t know they were coming.” I explain.

  “You never answer your phone anymore, man.” Rhys complains as they walk into the living room. “I see why. You must be Memphis Stone. It’s so lovely to finally meet you. You’ve been occupying a lot of my cousin’s time.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  I make the official introductions and Rhys introduces us to Myra, Celia, and Talia. I know I’ll never keep those straight. The elevator pings again and I’m sure this time it’s Anniston.

  “More company?” Rhys asks.

  “My sister is visiting this weekend. She goes to NYU also.” Memphis tells him as she heads to greet her sister.

  I stand up and watch the two of them hug. They have the same build and same eyes, but that’s where their similarities end. Anniston has long wavy blonde

  hair where Memphis has shoulder length, straight brown hair. I walk over to the pair and extend my hand.

  “Nonsense, you idiot!” Anniston says and pulls me into a hug, whispering into my ear. “If you fuck up and hurt my sister, I’ll bury you in the woods of southern Alabama where no one will ever find your sorry ass.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Anniston.” I say when she releases me.

  Rhys puts his arm around my shoulder and I notice him looking Anniston over. Great.

  “So you go to NYU?” he asks and she nods. “I thought I might recognize you, but I don’t think we’ve met.”

  “No, I don’t think so. I don’t hang out with frat boys.”


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