Book Read Free


Page 6

by Susan Arden

“Depends on what you’re after.” He pointed across the bar to the darkened entry where his private room was located. “That’s a place we could go to be alone.”

  “Alone? With you?” She smiled and shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Not my first time here.”

  “Can’t punish a guy for trying.”

  At the end of the hall of his private room, a wall sconce held a red lightbulb. When the light shone, it signaled he was commanding a sub. It hadn’t been on in months. With Mia, he wasn’t sure he wanted to let the club know when he took her to his bed or spread her over a bench and bound, gagged her. Caned or paddled her. There were so many possibilities for a woman with her level of defiance, fire, and need for boundaries.

  She was the perfect challenge with her hot little body that begged to be commanded. She fought her nature and that made her a diamond in the rough in his universe. It was the house rule that members could watch the dom-on-staff with a submissive—and she was the first woman who made him want to break all the rules.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked, and he realized that he was gripping his glass, white-knuckled tight. Mia was different all right.

  For whatever reason he didn’t feel in a sharing mood when it came to her. Possibly being out of the limelight and offstage for months had him shifting in the saddle. The first time back in the sack why shouldn’t he want to do it in private? “Wondering if you’re all talk or if you’re as bold as you like to play.”

  She arched a brow. “I’m not a tease, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  “Tease or temptress. You’re a good deal of both. Throw in a double shot of trouble, and that describes you.”

  “Not to a ‘T’ I hope. You’re more than a tightly controlled man who enjoys domination. Aren’t you?”

  “Give me a night and you’ll have your answer.” He curled his fingers around her arm, helping her off the barstool and was about to say something, except not a goddamn sound exited his mouth. His mind flatlined. Jesus. Christ. Grappling with the full effect of this hellcat’s dress, he now understood what it meant to be stunned stupid. The vision of Mia up close electrified the rods and cones in his eyes. Hell, even his retinas worked overtime as he tried to look in ten directions all at once. His gaze roamed down her curves, fixating on her tiny waist, which would fit perfectly between his hands. Add her exotic face, her tits, and her long legs. A pair of plush hips...the list went on. And fucking on.

  In a strained voice, he managed to grit out, “Christ, an hour would do.”

  “You’re not reconsidering your offer. Are you?” She wore a look of concern.

  He slanted suggestively over Mia, invading her space a little, and took a deep breath to clear his head. “Not in the least. Spitfire, I gave you my word.”

  No way was he going to lose his head over a woman. What the hell was it about Mia that sent him into overdrive? She wasn’t all sass, but wasn’t all soft either. A little bit sweet with a dose of hellcat woven together in just the right way. She irritated him one moment and then had him hungry to lay her down and spread her legs the next.

  That’s why he’d opened this place. In college, his hunger to roughly spank a bottom in order to squelch a runaway mouth roared into existence. Outside of bondage clubs, he hadn’t met a woman who could handle his needs. His kink delivered his lover’s pleasure using domination and control—to an extreme degree. But after Val and her lies, he’d stepped away for a while out of necessity. A door within him closed figuratively and literally. The room at the end of the hall had remained off-limits and unused.

  Now he wasn’t certain about what he needed or wanted, except this woman beside him. Mia. Not forever, but for one night.

  “I’d like to tour the club. All of it. Do you think that’s possible?” She lifted a suggestive shoulder that made her tits press together.

  “Let’s start small. Favorite flavor of kink? Bondage. Discipline. Pleasure. Pain.” He whispered in her ear, “I bet you’d enjoy having your ass spanked.”

  The sound of her gasp and the flicker of her fingers along his arm had his lips quirking. “Not really,” she said hoarsely. “Why do you suggest it? Because of that new movie?”

  Hell, no. “Hardly. I suggested it because you need it. Mia, do you even know what gets you off?”

  She nibbled her lower lip in thought. He had to go slow with her. Hard to do when he had one demanding desire: to get rid of his clothes, her clothes, and thrust balls deep into her until they were both sated first, then exhausted second.

  “What’s over there?” She pointed to the busiest of the halls. The one with the viewing windows. “There’s a lot of hustle and bustle going on. I’d like to see some action.”

  She glanced up at him in a way that made her dark eyes glimmer seductively. The way he’d enjoy looking down at her, with her full lips wrapped around the head of his cock. Since early today, he’d envisioned making her swallow him as he held her thighs open and sucked on her clit. He wanted to tongue-fuck Mia until she came all over his mouth. He’d take his time exploring her. He held her elbow, and he tugged her just a little to see if she’d come to him. The feel of her soft body grazing against his side made him crave more.

  “Do you like watching other people?” He skimmed his cheek along her jaw, careful not to scrape his beard stubble across her satin skin. He heard her intake of surprise and waited for her reply, his body tensing.

  “As in having sex?” The quiver in her voice was response enough to tell him the answers he sought.

  “Consenting adults, who know they’re being watched. They enjoy that aspect.”

  She leaned in, verifying that the subject provoked a rise in her. All he needed was a couple of minutes with her in front of the viewing windows and he’d know if she was ready for what he had in store.

  “I think I’d like to see maybe one room for starters.”

  He led the way as lust thrummed in his veins. He stopped at the check-in desk and signed her name as a voyeur. Several people came out from behind the closed-door. The members passed by the desk, nodding to him, and he felt Mia’s fingers on his wrist. The flicker of her nails over his skin. He stopped his cursory appraisal of the action in the rooms. Based on the computer log, nothing listed was seriously over the top. He swung around and cocked his head. If she was going to bolt, now would be the time.

  “Second thoughts?” he asked.

  “No.” Her brows drew together. “Those people were wearing masks and cloaks.”

  He studied her expression and body language, trying to gauge her curiosity. “You wondering why, or do you want to hide your identity?”

  “I don’t think a mask would help, considering this red dress makes it pretty obvious who I am after already sitting at the bar. And I didn’t bring a cloak. But why do people wear them?” She jutted her chin toward the exiting members.

  “Some of our members come here just for this hall. They leave by a private exit into waiting cars. They prefer to keep their identities a secret—others are naked underneath. We respect both. Most people who come to the bar area do so to dance and have fun. But did you look around? There are some members in the booths who do prefer the cape and mask. No judgments.”

  “I didn’t know about the type of members you cater to or really any of the services offered. There’s no information about this place online.”

  “Should I ask how you found out about us?” She pricked his curiosity all right. His club had a growing popularity. Even with the confidentiality agreement in place, he understood people might not disclose secrets, but they discussed the S & L’s existence. Word of mouth traveled fast in small circles. But who told her?

  “Does it matter?” she replied.

  “It doesn’t. Just a curiosity on my part.”

  “I haven’t asked about your acquaintances or your past. Didn’t you say to keep an open mind? I’d hate to think you were going all provincial on me.”

  “Do I look like someone who’s provincial?” h
e all but snorted. “This club isn’t a part-time activity for me. I’ve got years of experience and I’m not afraid to try new things. I hope you’re the same way.” He arched a brow, chucking the ball into her court.

  She met his unblinking stare. “Hey, I didn’t mean to suggest that you’re unsophisticated. I like the confidentiality your club offers. I don’t like discussing my history. It’s something I keep private. Very private. Agreed?”

  “Mia,” he sighed, even more curious than before. “I appreciate that you’re trying to get a feel for all this. There aren’t any quizzes at the end. The first thing you need to work on is learning to trust. Holding back isn’t a pathway to finding yourself. If you tell me something, it goes with me to the grave.”

  “I trust you. I’m here aren’t I?” She returned his gaze. She was nervous, and he’d been in the position of introducing curious women to this world enough times to know how far and how fast to push in the beginning.

  “Thanks for trusting me in giving you a taste. Your first time as a voyeur.” He opened the door to the hallway and stalled, feeling ambivalent about taking her inside. She was right beside him and nothing was going to happen to her. Then why the sudden braking in my plan? For fuck’s sake, he’d just boasted of being sophisticated.

  “Let’s go inside,” he said, taking in the color suffusing her beautiful face, both angel and temptress. “If you’re sure?”

  “Definitely. Yes.”

  “Then sugar, let’s have at it.” He ushered her inside and down to the first room. He stopped pressing his fingers to the small of her back, preferring to watch her reaction.

  Mia walked next to him, her dress reflecting the dim lighting. Within the halls at night, red lighting shone as the only source of illumination. The interior rooms were better lit with lamps; not much brighter, but enough to make viewing from the windows possible.

  “Oh. My,” she gasped softly.

  “Stop here.” He guided her by taking hold of her upper arm, then directing her toward the back wall so that they could watch unimpeded. It wasn’t just about the interior of the room. The audience was also a part of this fantasy for members. “Do you see the man?” he asked Mia.

  “Inside that room?” She stared over at the window off to the side.

  There was a man within the room who had a woman spread over his lap as he sat on a sofa. He paddled the woman. She had her wrists bound and wore a gag in her mouth. The man stopped and powered up a vibrator, then inserted it into the woman’s pussy.

  “Yes. Do you like what he’s doing with the woman?”

  She leaned over to him and whispered. “Very much.”

  He felt his pulse race just from watching her watch his patrons. On this side of the window, there were people seated at tables and a few standing at the sides. A man had his dick out and was getting jerked off by the woman seated beside him. It wasn’t uncommon for members to engage in sex while watching.

  “What about the other action?” He was interested in her reaction to the members in the hall without the glass partition. “Over there. Do you see what the woman’s doing to him?”

  The man’s partner moved from her seat. She knelt in front of the man’s lap and the bobbing of the woman’s head was unmistakable.

  “Is she?” Mia’s breathing quickened. “Interesting.”

  “Watch,” he directed her, taking a step back. He leaned his shoulder against the wall with her in front of him, relishing the tension of wanting her, torquing in his body. He fought to temper his hunger. He’d ride the edge of lust until he finally drove his cock into Mia. Fucked her. Bound her. He’d enjoy her for hours.

  “Will she do more?” Leaning closer, Mia pressed her hip against his thigh.

  He sucked in a breath. His whole body stiffened. She rubbed her ass cheek a couple of inches to the side of where he’d like her. His cock turned to rebar. “If they desire. There aren’t any restrictions on vanilla sex in the hall or the rooms. Do you like what you see so far?” His voice sounded tight in his throat.

  “Do you ever come here and watch when you’re alone?”

  “Only to monitor the activities. Not as a spectator. But tonight, it’s a turn-on with you.” He got the gist of the activities about to unfold at this window based on the players inside.

  “Really?” She peered up at him. “Doesn’t watching get old after a while?”

  “Absolutely. Without the right partner, it can become a chore.” I can’t imagine that happening with you. God, she had no idea the bombs going off in his head, and all because of her. He didn’t know if she would flee after what she’d just witnessed. He forced himself to concentrate on the room and the inhabitants, instead of the hour-glass figure in leather right in front of his groin. “Ready for another room?”

  “Yes. Please.” She curled her fingers around his arm, just above his elbow. He walked her to the next window where a larger crowd had formed. Two men were in the room with one woman.

  “There are times when a threesome gets pretty wild. You okay with that?” He spoke low against her hair.

  She slanted her shoulder against him without turning her face. “This is the first time I have ever seen anything like this. Ménage is fine. But it’s not what I prefer, if you were going to ask.”

  Perfect choice of words. He pulled her toward the rear of the hall again, and this time she stood on her tiptoes to see around the two sofas and various tables filled with observers. The men inside the room had the woman spread out. One held her hair, forcing her to suck his dick while she rode the other dude underneath. Soon enough from the looks of things, one of the men would take her from behind.

  Like clockwork, the man with his shaft being sucked bent and picked up a bottle of lube.

  “He’s going to fuck her from behind,” Brandon whispered the words against the side of Mia’s face and she exhaled a small gasp. He pulled her to a clearing. “Watch what happens.”

  He stood to the side of Mia, contemplating her as she observed the sex. The moment the man drove his cock into the waiting woman’s ass, his little hellcat groaned. At first Mia’s arms were tight against her body, then her lips parted and she lowered her arms. In the crimson light, he watched a pulsing vein in her neck thrum.

  Is this the type of play that gets her off? He looked back to the room and both men were slamming their shafts into their willing partner. That wasn’t the excitement for him—it was watching Mia’s rapt attention. The way she softly moaned and the goose bumps that covered her skin.

  “A turn-on for some women,” he offered, coming to stand directly behind her and more than tempted to draw her to him and grind into her ass cheeks as he sampled the taste of her skin.

  She turned her face to him. “What about you? Do you like anal?” She bit her lip, sucking the center into her mouth, and he grunted in satisfaction, unable to hold back.

  “With someone like you? That’s a definite.” What he’d do to sink his cock into her ass. Spank her and fuck her soundly. He grazed his hands over Mia’s lush hips, squeezing...testing the feel of her body. Fuucck, she felt so pliable. He stepped in back of her and drew her to him until his hard-on skimmed her hip. His cock jerked and he held his breath, nudging his bulge between the plump curves of her ass cheeks.

  “Would you bind me? Blindfold me?” She melded against him, giving him a taste of sweet exquisite torture.

  “That and more. The things I can do to you.”

  “Like what?” She pressed against him. “Tell me. Please.”

  He closed his eyes, not paying attention to the room or the people in the hallway who were moaning and whispering instructions. Nothing mattered except the feel of Mia’s ass teasing his cock. She ground herself against him and he sampled the edge of pure ecstasy.

  “Come with me.” He guided her farther down the hall until they were past all the rooms and viewing windows. He slowed and faced her. Running his hands over her shoulders, he traced his palms up her neck and cupped her face. Mia’s eyes lifted
and their gazes locked. Fuck, she was so beautiful. “Baby,” he murmured as she traced her hands over his, threading their fingers together.

  “Where are we going?” She pressed against him, guiding his hands down to her hips, tempting him. Pure hellcat.

  “You tell me.” No way could he pretend he wasn’t fully aroused.

  “Right here is fine.” She pivoted, turning until she faced away. Mia swayed in front of him, first pressing one curve of her bottom into his groin, and then swiping her other round cheek over his crotch. From side to aching side, she rocked her hips, rubbing across his erection. “God, this feels so intense.”

  “Mia, the things I could do for you. Just say the word.” He hiked her hips up a couple of inches to ride the tip of his cock. Yeah, right there.

  “Please, show me,” she begged in a siren’s voice. Pushing her ass against him, she lifted his hands to her tits, and she whimpered, “I want to feel your hands on my skin.”

  He lowered her dress and captured her full round tits in his palms. Perfect tits to suck and fuck. Her erect nipples grazed his fingertips.

  Steering her to the wall, he lifted her palms. “Keep your fingers right here. Raise your hands from the wall and I’ll teach you what happens when you disobey me.”

  Cupping her tits, he thumbed her tight nipples into peaks and ground into her hips. She arched, whimpering his name, asking him for more. Squeezing her tits, he bit down on her neck. “Mia, I want to fuck you. Here.”

  “Right here?” She arched and he pinched her nipple.

  “Say yes, Mia,” he growled. He blanketed her body, and he moved one of his hands down to the juncture where her thighs and hips met.

  “Yessss. Please.”

  Her dress was so damn tight he couldn’t press his fingers between her thighs. From the way she arched and moaned, he was certain directly under his fingertips lay her pussy. Slick. Pink. In need of him.

  He pulled the hem of her dress up her thighs, out of his mind with lust, and his intentions wilder than they’d been in months. Mia moaned his name, begging him to fuck her. He had to get inside her, sink into her heat even if it meant taking her up against a wall in the hallway. He cupped her ass cheeks. Firm and lush and ready to be spread. Her tiny lace panties twisted in his fingers—and snap. He ripped the lace off her hips. Swiping his fingers along her heat, his cock juddered. Oh, fuck. She was wet. Warm. Slick. Ready for him. And he needed to bury himself inside her. If she didn’t care, hell, neither did he. He undid his belt and lowered his zipper. He grabbed his cock—


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