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Forty and Free: A Sweet Romance Series Bundle - Books 5 - 8

Page 8

by Blake, Lillianna

  “So you say.”

  “So I say.” She stood up from the table. “Myrna, thank you very much for the food, but I’ve lost my appetite. I think from now on I’ll be eating on my own.”

  She didn’t wait to gauge James’s reaction.

  Though Lucas seemed to be bending over backward to make her feel very welcome, James seemed to be doing his best to make her feel like a criminal.

  She decided in that moment that it would be best to get the mural completed as quickly as possible.

  Chapter 21

  It seemed Lucas had just set foot in Venice, yet more than a week had slipped by. As he stood on the balcony that overlooked a busy street below he wondered whether he would ever feel at home anywhere. Every favorite destination he visited felt just a little bit like home, but not completely. Certainly the mansion did not feel that way. He sought peace in the subtle rhythm of the activity below.

  “Time to go home.”

  Lucas jumped at the sound of Natasha’s voice and the thud of the bag she’d dropped on the floor.

  “We could stay a little longer.”

  “Hmm. You know, I’ve been thinking about that, actually. There’s a fashion show I wouldn’t mind going to. I thought maybe I’d take Emma. You know how she likes her fashions.” Natasha winked at him.

  “What?” He locked eyes with her. “Emma at a fashion show? It’ll be crowded. You won’t be able to keep her safe there.”

  “She’s going to have to get out in the world sometime, you know.”

  “I know, but not now.”

  She nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

  He noticed the way her expression faded from excitement into something heavier. Even though he no longer had romantic feelings for her, he wanted her to be happy.

  “You should stay. I’ll take Emma home with me. We could use a few days to ourselves. I can’t wait for her to see her new walls.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, Lucas. What if something comes up? I mean, it’s one thing if I’m in the States and you need to bring her home right away, but what if you have some big business emergency to take care of and I’m here?”

  “I’ll be fine. If something comes up, Myrna can help me with Emma. Okay?”

  “Yes, I guess that would be fine. I would love to see this show. I guess a part of me is still dwelling in the good old days.”

  “You’re just as beautiful now as you ever were. You do know that, don’t you?”

  “I know that it’s common to go blind in old age.” She grinned at him.

  “Hey, I’m not old.” He scowled in return.

  “Okay, maybe just your eyesight is going.”

  “I’ll have you know that I see just fine, and you know how beautiful you are.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not the girl I once was.” She frowned.

  “No, you’re not. You’re even more beautiful than the day we first met.” He leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek and then bent down to pick up his bag. “We better get going. I’m sure Emma’s excited about getting back on the plane.”

  “She always is, thanks to the little surprises you hide for her.”

  “Me?” He widened his eyes.

  “Uh-huh. You know that she’s going to expect little trinkets when she flies commercial one day.”

  “Never.” He narrowed his eyes. “She will always fly private.”

  “Mm-hm. Okay, Papa Bear. We’ll see what happens when she’s ready to start spreading her wings.”

  Natasha’s words troubled him the entire flight home. Though Emma was a joy to spend time with, he couldn’t shake the thought of what it would be like when she was allowed to make her own choices. Was he too overprotective? Would she resent him for it?

  By the time the wheels touched down, he’d already downloaded a few parenting books. If he was ever going to keep up with Emma on his own, he would need them.

  On the drive to the mansion Emma snuggled into his side and fell sound asleep. He held her close to him as the driver managed the long winding road. He wanted the world to be beautiful for his daughter, but how could he share that with her when the world he lived in was generally cold and calculated?

  The moment he saw the lights of the house he expected a familiar sense of dread. It was something that filled him every time he returned from vacation. However, what bubbled up inside of him was a sense of anticipation. Would Cassie be awake? Would she want to dine with him?

  He’d sent a message earlier to James, requesting her presence at dinner. James had sent a message back arguing the request. Irritated, Lucas had demanded his cooperation, but James was known for doing what he thought was best, instead of what Lucas wanted sometimes.

  Although he could understand James’s hesitation when it came to Cassie, he believed it was completely unwarranted.

  He also couldn’t deny that what Natasha had said could be right. Cassie held his attention in a way that not many other women had. Was he really going to let that pass him by without even attempting to get to know her?

  “Pull around back, Frank. I don’t want to disrupt Emma’s rest. It’ll be easier if I carry her in the back way.”

  “Yes sir.” Frank wound the car around behind the mansion to a private entrance and parked.

  Lucas emerged with Emma cradled in his arms, and as he looked down into her angelic features something stirred within him. She needed more than just a few days, a week here and there. She needed a home to come to with her father. He hoped that the new paintings on her walls were the beginning of that.

  Chapter 22

  Cassie added the final touch on a bright bluebird perched on a long branch. Just as she lowered her paintbrush she heard a knock on the door.

  “Yes?” She dipped her paintbrush in water.

  The door swung open and James stepped inside.

  She braced herself for his suspicious nature and smiled at him. “Hi, James.”

  “Mr. Morgan is on his way back from Venice. He’s requested that you join him for dinner this evening.”

  “Okay.” Cassie smiled. “And you approved it?”

  He grimaced. “Listen, I’ve been meaning to speak to you.”

  “Yes?” She turned fully to face him.

  “I may have come across a bit too harsh when I spoke with you before. I apologize for that.”

  “Do you? Or are you just afraid that I’m going to complain to Lucas?”

  He cringed. “I’m not afraid.”

  “I’m not going to complain. Thanks for letting me know about dinner. I can’t wait for him to see this. What do you think?” She gestured to the walls that surrounded them.

  James stood back and looked at the mural. He turned slowly so that he could see all sides. His lips twitched at the corners.

  Cassie tried to guess what he was thinking, but it was too difficult to tell.

  Finally he turned back to face her. “I can see why Mr. Morgan chose you—to do this work, I mean.”

  “You can?”

  “Sure. It’s not just what you painted, it’s how you painted it. I understand now why he said that he wanted you on the walls.”

  “Interesting way of putting it.” She grinned.

  “It’s true, though. You see things in a beautiful way.” James sighed and appeared to still be studying the walls before he turned back toward Cassie. “I’m sorry if I’ve come across as abrupt to you. It’s just that Mr. Morgan is a very sought-after man. I’m always on the lookout for people that might be tying to con their way into his life.”

  “I’m not one of those people. I promise. I’m just here long enough for the paint to dry, then I’m sure I’ll find a new place to explore.”

  “That must be an interesting way to live.”

  “It is. Well, I think so anyway. I’ve seen so many places and met so many people in my lifetime. It’s like I have this vault saved up of so many beautiful things.” She paused a moment and looked at him. “Lucas must really trust you.”

been friends for a long time. I mean, obviously I’m employed by him, but we’ve become friends over the years.”

  “He’s lucky to have someone who is so interested in his well-being.”

  “I owe him.” He gazed toward the ceiling at the wide sky she’d painted. “When I was barely eighteen, he found me through one of the charities that his father donated to. Lucas always actually went to the events, while his father would just sign a check. I was involved in the charity because I’d gotten myself into some trouble as a young teen. It was an opportunity to turn my life around. Lucas stood right in front of the entire crowd and said that he wanted me to come work for him. I was more shocked than anyone else. We were practically the same age, but he had that power, you know—that ability to change everything for me.”

  “Yes, I know.” She nodded as she looked over at him. “He has that powerful way about him.”

  “It’s more than just the money. His father was well off, but nothing like Lucas is now. He just has this way of claiming things, places, people. He decides that he wants something and he gets it. Of course in my case it was something wonderful.”

  “It seems to me that he got his investment back from you. You are a dedicated friend and employee.”

  “I try.” He quirked an eyebrow. “Sometimes a little too hard.”

  “I don’t mind, James. You were right to be protective. Someone has to look out for him, right?”

  “Yes, exactly. He should be here around six.”

  “Great. I’ll look forward to it.”

  Once James left the room, Cassie began to gather all her supplies. She still had a few hours and was feeling completely satisfied with what she’d done in Emma’s room. She decided she wanted to at least start in the foyer. An idea had been haunting her the entire week. She was sure if it hung on that long it was the right choice.

  She grabbed some of her supplies and headed for the foyer. As the idea continued to unfold in her thoughts, a hint of self-doubt crept in. It was a big decision to make without Lucas’s approval, but he’d insisted that she was allowed to do what she pleased.

  As she began to start painting the shapes that she would build from for the mural, her entire body relaxed. She lost herself for a few hours in the process. When she glanced at her watch, it was almost six. She cleaned up as fast as she could and pinned a cloth over what she’d done so far. She didn’t want him to see it before it was complete. She started to head back toward the guest wing to change, but before she could James stepped out of the hallway in front of her.

  “There you are. Mr. Morgan is already at the table waiting for you.”

  “Oh. He came in? I didn’t see him.”

  “He came in through the back. He does that sometimes.”

  “I’m not exactly dressed.” She looked down at her paint-splattered clothes.

  “Do you have anything not covered in paint?” James raised an eyebrow.

  “Uh, no, I don’t think so.”

  “Well then, I guess that will have to do.” James frowned. “I’ll leave you to your dinner.”

  “Thanks, James.”

  She buttoned up her shirt and tucked it into her jeans. It was the best she could do. She didn’t really care much what people thought about her appearance, but she also didn’t want to offend Lucas. After meeting his ex-wife, she was even more certain that his tastes were of a much different caliber than her own.

  Dinner would be a business meeting between them and she was fine with that—more than fine, actually. She looked forward to his approval for both of the murals that she’d been working on.

  Chapter 23

  “Myrna, can you check on dinner, please?”

  Lucas pulled his chair up to the table and looked toward the doorway.

  “Don’t worry, she’ll be here.”

  “I’m not worried. Why would you think that I’m worried?” He glanced over at her, then back at the door.

  “You’ve been staring so hard at the doorway that I’d think you were expecting the president.”

  “Myrna, can you please just check on dinner?”

  “Yes, of course, Mr. Morgan.” Myrna disappeared from the dining room.

  Lucas slid his chair back from the table a few inches. He couldn’t seem to get into a position that was comfortable. He’d eaten at that table more times than he could count, but for some reason it seemed unfamiliar. He straightened the silverware on the table, then smoothed out the tablecloth.

  He had no way to predict what her reaction would be to sharing dinner with him. Would she think it was presumptuous? Would she wonder what his motives were? Would she even care?

  His gaze returned to the doorway just as she stepped through it. Her loose, paint-stained clothes hung from her body and he could feel his face relaxing at the mere sight of her.

  “Cassie, thanks for joining me.” He stood up as she approached the table.

  “I’m sorry for the delay. I got caught up in the mural in the foyer and—”

  “No business talk.” He walked around the table and slid a chair out for her. “Please, sit.”

  She sat awkwardly on the edge of the chair and scooted herself forward despite his attempt to move the chair for her.

  “How was your trip?” She kept her eyes trained on the tablecloth.

  “It was wonderful, thank you.” He walked around to the other side of the table and sat down across from her. He waited for her to look up at him, but she seemed interested in looking everywhere but in his direction. “You’ve been to Venice before, right?”

  “Yes, once—for a summer.” She smiled.

  “What were your favorite experiences?”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “You might not want to hear them.”

  “Why not?” He looked up at Myrna and nodded as she placed the plates of food in front of them on the table.

  “Thank you, Myrna.” Cassie smiled at her.

  “You’re quite welcome, Cassie.”

  Lucas noticed the way that Cassie and Myrna exchanged smiles with one another. It seemed to him that they’d gotten close while he was away.

  “I’d like to hear about your experiences—if you’d like to share them with me.” He picked up his fork.

  She did the same and began to push at her food.

  “Well, I traveled a bit differently than most. By the time I made it to Venice I was very tight on funds. Actually, I was flat broke. I made a friend who was also out of cash and we found ways to get free meals throughout the city. That was all fine, but when it came time to finding a place to rest that was a bit more difficult.” She grinned and shook her head. “I don’t think I should tell you this.”

  “Why not?” He locked his eyes to hers. “Do you think there’s something that you’ve done that could shock me?”

  “I’m sure there are plenty of things that I’ve done that would shock you.” She laughed.

  “You don’t know me as well as you may think.” He grinned. “I was in my twenties once too, you know. Try me.”

  “I don’t know.” She lowered her eyes.

  “Cassie, you can’t tease me now. I’m going to find out one way or another. I’m a very determined man.”

  “Oh?” She looked up at him with a playful smile. “You think you can get it out of me?”

  “I think I’d enjoy trying.” He lifted his eyebrows, then took a bite of his food.

  It was a struggle to resist the intense attraction he was feeling just being near her again. Usually when Lucas Morgan wanted something, it was handed to him willingly. But if there was one thing about Cassie that he was certain of, it was that she would never do anything for any reason other than her own desire. She had a backbone that made steel look pliable.

  “Okay, okay. Forget about torturing it out of me. I’ll tell you. But remember, I was young. Jonathan and I—he was my friend at the time—”


  “I didn’t have boyfriends, only friends.”

br />   “He came up with this idea that he’d seen on television—where a woman was painted to look like she had clothes on, even though she was naked. We discussed it and decided to turn it into a street performance. Only instead of painting myself to look like I had clothes on, I painted myself to resemble statues and sometimes parts of nature. To most people that passed by, it looked like I was wearing a skin-tight costume. Those that got close enough to see the truth tipped very well. We only had to do it for a few days before we had enough for a place to stay for the whole summer.”

  Lucas lowered his fork to his plate as his mind filled with visions of Cassie’s painted body. The way he’d seen her while painting Emma’s wall had been enough to enrapture him. Thoughts of her body being painted in Venice left his mouth dry and his cheeks warm.

  “You couldn’t have painted every part yourself.”

  “No. I didn’t. Jonathan helped me.” She laughed. “It took a bit of practice to get it just right.”

  “I can see why maybe you were ashamed to tell me that.” He frowned and wiped his napkin across his mouth.

  “Oh no, I wasn’t ashamed.” Cassie looked straight into his eyes. “It was one of my favorite memories of Venice. I still think about that summer very fondly. I just didn’t want to tell you, because I thought you might not understand. A man of your stature couldn’t know what it’s like to bare yourself for the sake of survival.”

  “Bare yourself?” He laughed and shook his head. “You essentially paraded around naked. There’s nothing artistic about that. You showed off your body for money—that’s akin to—” He hesitated.

  “To what? To buying women fancy jewelry so they’ll do anything you want without expecting a commitment in return?” She smiled as she delivered words that cut right to his soul.


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