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Forty and Free: A Sweet Romance Series Bundle - Books 5 - 8

Page 37

by Blake, Lillianna

  “I guess it is a little silly to feel guilty about it.”

  “Not silly, but not fair to you.” He met her eyes briefly before turning into the parking lot of the hospital. “You have a right to be happy, and I promise you, no one is going to suffer because of it.”

  She nodded and looked at the hospital. “All that matters is that Miles is okay.”

  Jack pulled up to the entrance and stopped. “I can head back and take care of the car.”

  “No, I really do have a service that can take care of it. They will change the flat and I’ll be able to pick the car up any time.”

  “Okay.” He reached over and took her hand. “I’d be happy to come inside if you want me to. But I know you’re not sure if you’re ready to introduce me to the boys. I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  She stared at him for a long moment, despite the urgency she felt to get to Miles. Jack had gone to so much trouble to make sure that she was okay and that she’d been able to get to her son, and it felt so good to have his hand wrapped around hers. What harm could it really do? Whether they had a planned meeting or a surprise one, either way, she was certain that Jack was going to be part of their lives.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like it if you came in with me. I could use the support.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” She squeezed his hand.

  “You go ahead. I’ll park and meet you inside.” He leaned across the car and kissed her. When he pulled away he looked into her eyes. “Miles is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.”

  Michelle smiled as she stepped out of the car. Even though she was sure he couldn’t possibly know how things would turn out, she realized she needed to have someone in her life that would fight tooth and nail to make that promise come true.

  Once inside the hospital she rushed to the nurse’s station. The nurse directed her to her son’s room. Jack caught up with her at the elevator.

  As the doors slid shut he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Just remember, he’s going to be fine.”

  Even though the elevator ride was short, she managed to think of a million ways that everything could go wrong with Miles. What if it was more than just a break? What if his wrist didn’t heal right?

  Jack kissed her forehead at the exact moment when she thought she would burst with fear. The caress of his lips settled her just in time for the elevator doors to open.

  She pulled away from his arms as she hurried down the hall toward the room. Jack remained a few steps behind her as she pushed open the door.

  Perched on a hospital bed with a lime green cast on his forearm, Miles grinned at her.

  “Look what I got!” He held up the cast.

  “Oh, Miles!” She laughed with relief. “Are you okay?”

  “Mom, he cried like a baby!” Austin stuck his tongue out at Miles.

  “Shut up, Austin.”

  “Austin, you’d cry too if you broke your wrist.” David rolled his eyes. “Sorry, sis, I guess you won’t be leaving them with me any more.”

  “Oh no, don’t say that!” Austin whined. “I didn’t even get to go on the go-karts!”

  “Calm down, Austin. It’s alright, David, it wasn’t your fault. Accidents happen.” She sighed and sat down on the bed beside Miles. “I guess eventually one of you had to break something. Did you really trip getting into the go-kart?”

  “Uh, yeah, but I’m going to tell everyone at school that I flipped it after I caught some air on the course.”

  “Oh, really?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Aw, Mom.” He sighed. “No one will know.”

  “You will know.” She poked him in the chest with a light touch.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He frowned. “Sorry I messed up your date.”

  “Well, actually, you didn’t.” She looked toward the still open door of the hospital room. “Would you boys like to meet Jack?”

  Chapter 33

  The question echoed through Jack’s mind. He could hear the conversation clearly through the open door, but wasn’t bold enough to walk right in. Still, in the mere seconds between the question and Miles’s answer, he felt a certain dread. This was the moment that he’d pushed for, hoped for, but now that it had arrived, his skin tingled with fear. What if neither of the boys wanted anything to do with him? What if it was the wrong time?

  Miles’s voice drifted out into the hall. “Sure. I can show him my cast.”

  “Where is he?” Austin piped up.

  Jack pushed the door the rest of the way open and stepped inside. All eyes were on him as he entered.

  Michelle walked over to him and smiled. “You were right, he’s still in one piece.”

  “Sure he is. He’s tough, aren’t you, Miles?”

  Miles smiled. “If you say so.”

  “Real tough. He tripped over a go-kart!” Austin crossed his arms. He eyed Jack for a moment. “So you’re Mom’s boyfriend?”

  Jack’s mouth grew dry. He wasn’t sure how to answer that question. “Your mother and I care a lot for one another.”

  “That means yes, Austin.” Miles rolled his eyes. “Old people.”

  “Miles!” Michelle shot him a look.

  “He’s right.” Jack chuckled. He offered his hand to David. “You must be the brother.”

  “I am.” David shook his hand with a firm grip. “It’s good to meet you, Jack.”

  “You too, David.”

  Austin moved closer to his mother and continued to stare at Jack.

  Jack found it impossible to discern what the young boy might be thinking.

  “I bet you were right there at your brother’s side, weren’t you, Austin?”

  Austin nodded.

  “He was laughing!” Miles shook his head.

  “It was funny.” Austin frowned. “Until he started screaming.”

  “Were you scared?” Michelle hugged her younger son.

  “I was, but Uncle David made sure that Miles was okay.”

  “Good job, Uncle David.” Michelle smiled at her brother.

  “I learned it from you. Remember when I broke my ankle?”

  Michelle’s eyes widened. “Oh, I almost forgot about that. I told you to stop riding your bike down the steps!”

  “Yes you did—right before I fell and broke my ankle.” He laughed. “I was more mad that you were right than I was about my broken ankle. But you kept me calm and knew just what to do.”

  “Sounds like the Michelle I know.” Jack winked at her.

  Before she could answer a doctor walked into the room. “You’re the mother?” He looked up at Michelle from the chart in his hand.

  “Yes, I got here as fast as I could.”

  “Well, we’re already done here.” He looked over at Miles on the bed. “Are you ready to show off that cast?”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “Thanks for the color.”

  “No problem. Anyone that flips a go-kart gets to pick the color of his cast.” He grinned at Miles.

  “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” Miles gave him a thumbs up with his free hand.

  “Good.” The doctor turned to Michelle and began to go over the details of the injury with her.

  Jack was a little stunned by how easily the two boys seemed to have accepted him. But he couldn’t help but notice David with his arms folded as he appeared to be studying him.

  “You drove her here?”

  “She got a flat on the way, and I stopped and picked her up.”

  “I thought you lived in the opposite direction?”

  “I do, but I wanted to make sure that she got here safely.”

  “Good man.” David nodded and glanced over at Miles. “He was brave, but he’s much calmer now that his mother is here.”

  “Alright, it looks like we’re free to go,”said Michelle.

  “Mom, I’m starving. Can we stop for something to eat?” Miles rubbed his stomach.

  “Aren’t you in
pain? Wouldn’t you rather go home and rest?”

  “No, I can’t wait to show off this cast.”

  “Can I sign it?” Austin climbed onto the bed with his brother. “I want to be the first one.”

  “I guess.” Miles held out his cast.

  Michelle rummaged in her purse. “I think I have a marker in here.”

  While she looked, Jack leaned close to her. “Can I take everyone out for dinner? We did miss lunch, after all.”

  She looked up at him and for a brief moment he thought she would refuse, but a smile spread across her lips instead. “I think that would be wonderful, thank you.”

  “Is that okay with you, Miles? Austin?” Jack looked between the two boys.

  Austin glanced up from the cast and stared at him for a long moment. His expression was so pensive that Jack thought he might disagree.

  “Will there be pizza?”

  “There could be.” Jack grinned.

  “Okay.” Austin shrugged.

  “You four have a good time.” David helped Miles down off the hospital bed.

  “I thought maybe you’d join us?” Jack smiled. “If you don’t have anywhere to be.”


  “Yes, please, David. You should come with us. The boys will love it.”

  “Alright, I guess I’ll tag along then.”

  As Jack watched the four walk down the hall toward the elevator, it struck him for the first time that these people would soon be his family. It didn’t matter to him how long they’d been together, or whether or not Michelle felt the same way just yet. It was the simple truth.

  Chapter 34

  As they settled in for their meal, Michelle looked around the table at her two sons, her brother, and Jack. For the first time in many years she experienced the sensation of wholeness. It wasn’t just Jack’s presence, but the smiles on her sons’ faces, and the playful way that David winked at her. It was the moment, rounded out by joy and curiosity, rather than desperation and grief.

  As the meal progressed she waited for something to go wrong. By the time they finished and ordered dessert, she was exhausted. It had been a long and emotional day.

  “We should get going soon, boys, so finish up please.”

  “Why?” Austin pouted. “I want to hang out with Jack some more.”

  “I think that’s great, Austin, but it’s been a big day for everyone, and Jack still has a very long drive home.”

  “How long?” Austin wiggled in his chair.

  “Just about four hours.” Jack smiled at him. “I live pretty far away.”

  “Oh.” Austin bit his bottom lip.

  Miles picked up his milkshake the moment it was put down on the table. “That’s too bad.” He frowned.

  “Don’t worry, it’s not as far as you think.”

  As they finished their dessert, Michelle couldn’t help but steal glances at Jack. The way he responded to the boys was so smooth that she forgot he’d only just met them. But then he did know quite a bit about them from everything she’d told him over the months they’d spent getting to know one another.

  Once the check was paid and everyone filed out to the parking lot, Michelle’s heart sank. Saying goodbye to him was harder than ever.

  “Thanks for spending some time with me today.” Jack offered his hand to Miles, then Austin for a quick shake. “I really enjoyed it. I hope we can do it again soon.”

  “Very soon.” Austin nodded.

  “Maybe next weekend?” Miles grinned.

  “I think we can arrange that.” Jack smiled and slipped his hand into Michelle’s.

  “Let’s go get in the car, boys.” David led them away toward the car.

  “So?” Jack wrapped his arms around her and looked into her eyes. “How did I do?”

  She couldn’t stop smiling as she gazed back at him. “I can’t believe how well the three of you get along. It was nothing like I imagined.”

  “That’s good. There may be ups and downs, but the important thing is that they seem to know how much I care about you.”

  “I only wish you didn’t have to go.”

  “Really?” He tightened his arms around her waist so that her body was pinned close to his. “Because I would love to be able to stay.”

  “You would?”

  “Mm-hm.” He kissed her gently.

  When she broke the kiss her body shivered with the anticipation of another.

  “I wish you could.”

  “We’ll find a way to make that happen. I promise.” He kissed her forehead.

  She tipped her chin back and caught his lips as he started to pull away. As they kissed, her mind filled with memories of the day and the way he’d come to her rescue in more ways than one. When she drew back, she expected a wave of guilt to rush over her in reaction to kissing him with her sons not far away, but for the first time she didn’t feel it. In fact, she was elated. It occurred to her that her husband would never be upset that she’d brought a man who loved her and her sons so much into their lives. She was sure that, if in some way, he was still aware of what was happening in their lives, he’d approve of Jack and his influence on their family.

  “I can’t wait. I love you, Jack.”

  “I love you too. “

  “Thank you for everything.” She stared into his eyes and hugged him tight one last time. “You really are my hero.”

  “You’re mine too, Michelle.”

  As she walked to the car she thought she might burst with the excitement that filled her for the future. She could look forward to things again. She could imagine a state of happiness that she thought would never belong to her or her sons again.

  Once in the car she glanced back at her sons while David started the engine.


  “So?” Miles stared back at her.

  “Sew buttons!” Austin laughed loud.

  “That is so lame.” Miles rolled his eyes.

  Michelle glanced over at David. He shrugged and smiled. “I liked him.”

  “Well, that’s good at least.”

  “I’ll pick you up in the morning so we can go get your car. Okay?”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Michelle, I’m your brother. Let’s start acting like family, alright?”

  “Alright.” She nodded.

  When they arrived at the house the boys piled out and headed inside. Michelle waved to David and followed after them.

  Miles caught her just inside the door. “Mom, Jack seems really nice.”

  “You think so?” She smiled with relief.

  “Well, I know if he wasn’t great you wouldn’t have let him anywhere near us.”

  “That’s true. But if you don’t feel comfortable with him, I want you to tell me.”

  “I will, Mom.” He hugged her so tight that it reminded her of when he was a little boy and would try to knock her over with the biggest hug he could give. Her heart warmed as she realized that he was still that little boy—that he still wanted to hug her just as much.

  Chapter 35

  It was hard to get motivated for work throughout the week. Jack’s thoughts kept returning to Michelle and the boys. He hated the idea that he was missing out on so much of their lives because they lived so far apart. By the end of the week he was so frustrated that he didn’t think he would make it through his whole workday. He played around with the idea of taking off early and whisking Michelle and the boys away for a short vacation. As he mulled it over, his boss walked into his office.

  “Jack, you look so happy to be here.” Wes rolled his eyes.

  “What can I help you with?” Jack raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m guessing you’re not going to be happy about this, but I need you to head back to the Michigan office.”

  “What? Why?” Jack’s heart pounded. He was more than happy to have the opportunity to be closer to Michelle.

  “The manager you picked had a medical emergency and is not going to return to the position.
I need you to find someone new.”

  “Okay, no problem.”

  “Seriously? I thought you’d be upset.”

  “Not at all.” He sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. When the idea formed his eyes widened. “Why don’t you just let me take the position?”

  “As manager? Your current position is higher up than that. It would mean a bit of a pay cut, you know.”


  “So?” He laughed and then stared at him. “Have you lost your mind? Why would you want to take a position with less pay?”

  “It’s not that much less, and the benefits would more than make up for it.” He smiled.

  “Benefits? You’d have the same benefits.”

  “Not those benefits. My girlfriend and her sons live in Michigan, not far from the company. It would work out very well for me if I was able to move there permanently.”

  “That’s all well and good, but I’m not sure I want to lose you here.”

  Jack stood up from his chair and looked his boss in the eye. “Trust me, you’re going to lose me either way. No matter how it happens, I’m going to move. If I can stay with the company, it would be best for both of us. You’ll know you never have to worry about the Michigan office again, and I’ll have the chance to be close to the woman I plan to marry.”

  “Wow. You want to open that can of worms?”

  “I can’t wait to open that can of worms. What do you say? Can we make this happen?”

  Wes sighed. “Well you’re not giving me much of a choice. But you’d better make sure it’s what you want, because once I move you, I’m not going to be able to move you back. You may think she’s great, but make sure you’re not throwing your career away for someone who wouldn’t do the same for you. If you can let me know by Monday, that would be great.”

  Wes turned and walked out of the office.

  Jack was sure that Wes was more than a little bitter over his failed marriage, but his advice was sound. Was Michelle ready for him to be closer?

  As soon as he was alone he dialed her on the phone. To his surprise she answered.


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