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Tequila Sunrise [Love on the Rocks 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“Well, our lives are more important than art,” Jonah stated.

  “Well, if you think about it, if we refuse to accept any more imports from the region and step down, then perhaps the one who takes over that area is our suspect, and if we wait longer, we get their accomplices, too,” Trace added.

  “The risks keep getting worse and worse. If it is Liam Russell and now this Russian, then other accidents are going to happen. It starts getting real personal fast,” Graham stated.

  “We know that’s a possibility, and it comes with doing this type of business and dealing with black-market criminals,” Jonah added and then took a drink from his glass of champagne.

  Then his eyes landed on Pina. He glanced at Niall, who nodded, then got up and walked away.

  “Graham, do you still have men available to assist at the event in two weeks at the Ritz Carlton? Mercury said you were going to assist him.”

  “Cooper, Jace, and Vaughn will be working that night,” Graham told him.

  “Excellent. I may have a few new guests in attendance, especially now that Liam is mixing with outside influences. I’ll have Clark call you this week,” Jonah informed him, and Graham nodded and then headed back over to his woman, Louisa, who stood with his brothers.

  “What if Pina is resistant to Niall?” Trace asked Jonah.

  “If she’s as smart as Graham believes her to be, then it will be in her best interest to accept Niall’s advice.”

  * * * *

  “Nolan, I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous. I am not going to sit there like some eye-candy bimbo and try to sell the museum and school idea. You want them involved financially, then you do it. I’m finished.”

  “Calm down, Pina, please. We almost have them signing on. Just a few more hours.”

  “Listen, I’m your financial person. I’m not your dealmaker, and even if Delores was here, those men aren’t going to fall for her charms or her fake boobs hanging from her top. These men seem different, like we’re the game for them, or should I say I’m a game to them. I don’t need the aggravation.”

  “They like you. Liam Russell, and Aurik are fighting over spending time with you. Tougher just about gave up thinking he hasn’t a chance.”

  “Will you listen to yourself? None of them have a chance.”

  “Excuse me, Miss Leonie, I was wondering if you had a few minutes.”

  Pina turned around to see Niall Mondave standing there, looking drop-dead gorgeous but also serious as he looked over Nolan.

  “Holy shit, even the Mondave brothers. Get him on board,” Nolan whispered and then smiled at Niall.

  “I was actually talking to my boss,” Pina said to Niall, who remained straight-faced and appeared to show no reaction body-language-wise to her rude reply. She was aggravated with these men, all of them, and their gall that she might fall all over them and their money and power trips. She made her own money. She didn’t need a man to take care of her and didn’t trust any, other than her father, anyway.

  “Don’t be silly. We’re all done here. It’s so nice to see you, Mr. Mondave. The name is Nolan Potts.” Her boss put out his hand, and Niall looked at his hand as if he wouldn’t shake it, and then he glanced at Pina, then at Nolan.

  “Mr. Potts.”

  “It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Mondave. You run an outstanding business. Your reputation and those of your brothers are phenomenal in the importing and exporting world of fine art. I don’t know if you heard, but I’m building a museum and art school in the area, and I’m looking for donations and supporters—”

  Niall raised his hand up. “I wouldn’t be the one to talk to about that. Now if you don’t mind, I would like a moment with Pina,” Niall said, not even looking at her boss but instead remaining locked in a dead stare with her.

  “Of course. I’ll meet you later at the table with the others, Pina.” Her boss smiled and then ran off.

  She gave Niall the once-over, and it backfired on her. He was a god. An absolute sex god in a tuxedo. She remembered when she first met him he’d worn regular clothing and how tight his shirt was over his muscles. He was super fit.

  “Was there something you needed, Mr. Mondave?” she asked, and he closed the space between them.

  He stared down at her lips, and now with him this close again, she was affected by his size, the six additional inches, despite her high heels, and his superior presence. He then looked into her eyes.

  “I am not one of the bad guys, so cut the attitude with me,” he said firmly.

  She felt bad. He wasn’t one of the bad guys. He was just a major catch, a hottie on every single female’s radar, and it aggravated her, especially because she liked him and had enjoyed the conversation earlier with him and his brothers. She would rather spend the evening talking to the Mondave men, but that had its own bit of trouble attached to it. She didn’t go for men like this. He wasn’t her type at all. Well, if she had a type he wouldn’t be. She needed to be smart and tough. After all, no man ever could be trusted.

  “Hmm…does that type of demanding tone get the ladies all hot and heavy for you?” She started to walk away toward the double doors that led outside to a garden and lighted area with outside bar. There weren’t many people out there right now, and she could use a reprieve.

  He kept up with her and even opened the door to allow her to exit first. She glanced up at him.

  “You are a feisty one, Miss Leonie.”

  “And you are persistent, Mr. Mondave.” She looked away when he smirked because even that aroused her and made her feel giddy inside. What in God’s name was she thinking? She needed to stay clear of him.

  As she looked around at the various fountains and sculptures, they made their way past the couple of small groups who immediately took notice of her walking with Mr. Mondave. Women drooled, and men nodded in hopes of an acknowledgment from Mondave, but he didn’t bother. His eyes were on her, and now his hand at her lower back made her feel faint.

  “I don’t need an escort through the gardens,” she said to him.

  “You don’t think so? Perhaps you made plans to meet Keno, Aurik, or Liam out here for a little alone time then?”

  She turned to look at him with her lips parted. She squinted at him.

  “My business with them is none of your business, and for the record, I only met them this evening, and it has been a completely aggravating night for me, so I really couldn’t care less for any more games and power trips. So if you’ll excuse me, Mondave, I’d like to be alone.” She went to turn, and he pulled her close and to the side by a hidden trellis of flowers.

  “I’m not trying to trick you into bed, although I would imagine with how easily you get under my skin that sex would be sensational between us. However, my concern because you’re friends with Louisa is that you don’t realize the type of bad men those are.”

  She was shocked by his move, by his words, and confused as well. So he wasn’t attracted to her? He didn’t want to take her to bed? He was only trying to be a big brother? She was suddenly pissed off and felt insulted.

  “What is that expression for?” he asked, keeping her caged in against the trellis. She stared up into his eyes.

  “Mr. Mondave, don’t assume that every woman you meet wants to experience your capabilities as a lover. That’s rather narcissistic of you. Secondly, I can assure you I can take care of myself and my dealings with those men is because of my boss and this philanthropic project of his. I surely don’t need some rich, stuck-up, secret doctor playing big brother.”

  He snarled, and his brown eyes went a little wide and then his gaze narrowed in on hers before moving to her lips. He inhaled and then closed the space between them, wrapped his arm snugly around her waist, hoisted her close, and kissed her.

  In five seconds flat, she was moaning and kissing him back.

  * * * *

  Niall couldn’t believe how aroused and pissed off Pina got him, but it was that defiance, her sharp tongue, and the scent of her shampoo that did him in. Now that
he was kissing her and cupping a breast, he didn’t know up from down, right from left, just that his mind had declared this woman was not going to get involved with any of those men in the other room, other than his own brothers.

  He stroked her breast and plunged his tongue deeper into her mouth. He ran his other hand along her ass and squeezed, delighted by the feel of her voluptuous curves and the taste of her sweetness. When she started to press against his chest, he eased his lips from hers and then stared down into her eyes as they caught their breath.

  “Goddamn, woman, you are a complete surprise.”

  “Why did you kiss me?”

  He snorted and then stroked a thumb along her lip to wipe away some lip gloss. Then he gripped her chin.

  “Don’t deny the attraction. One this instant and powerful is pretty fucking amazing.”

  She shook her head, but he gripped it.

  “Don’t, Pina. Don’t blow this off.”

  “I don’t want to get involved with a man like you. I don’t date. I don’t play games, and I sure as shit don’t sleep around.”

  “That’s good to know, but the men you’re socializing with are probably fighting over who gets to take you home tonight, and they don’t leave it up to the woman either. Might I suggest you stay close to my brothers and me so they’ll know where you stand? As Louisa’s friend, we’ll protect you.”

  “I can protect myself.”

  He shook his head. “Not against men like these. You wouldn’t stand a chance.” He stepped back, and she licked her lips and then exhaled. “Take my hand and you’ll join my brothers and me for a drink, and perhaps Louisa and her men as well.”

  She ran her finger along her lip, and he stared at her lips, wanting to taste her again, but he thought she might smack him if he tried. She was definitely not easy, and he liked that about her. A lot.

  He reached over and fixed her lip gloss, then ran one finger under her lip to her jaw. “You look perfect. Next time I’ll be sure to kiss you well enough that you’ll need to reapply. Come on.” He winked as they walked through the gardens. What he hadn’t expected was to see Keno Mokovic and two of Aurik’s guards. Niall straightened his shoulders, and a feeling of protectiveness came over him as he placed a hand at Pina’s lower back. She leaned into him, and he couldn’t help but feel triumphant.

  “Giving tours of the gardens, Keno?” Niall asked, and the man didn’t crack any smile or show an expression of any kind.

  Keno put out his hand. “Come, Pina.”

  Niall bit the inside of his cheek.

  “Excuse me?” she replied.

  “You don’t keep Liam waiting.”

  “Nor Aurik,” one of the other men, Aurik’s guard, added.

  “I’m finished talking business. If they have further questions, I’m certain Nolan can answer them,” she replied, and Niall could feel her shaking.

  “They have more questions and would like to make plans,” Keno told her.

  “I think the lady said she isn’t interested.” Niall took a step closer. Pina gripped his arm.

  “Niall,” she whispered.

  “Pina and I go way back so our connection is more than your hunt for cunt tonight, Niall,” Keno snapped at him.

  Pina gasped and stepped to the side, looking at Niall as though he was playing her but also looking at Keno as if she didn’t trust him and hated him. What stood out was the fact that Keno said he knew her from way back. Maybe Graham was wrong. Maybe Pina wasn’t so sweet and pure?

  “I’m having drinks with a friend, Keno. If Aurik or Liam would like to talk more about the business, then they can schedule an appointment at the office with Nolan and me. I’m off duty, businesswise.”

  “You’ll come, or we will drag you,” Aurik’s guard said.

  “The hell you will,” Niall added, and the guards stepped closer, then Pina jumped between them.

  “Jesus, you’re all crazy. God, you’re making a scene,” Pina stated in a panic.

  “He’s all wrong for you, Pina. His game is a facade to get you in his bed. Another notch in the Mondave belts.” Keno chuckled.

  She turned to look at Niall and placed her hands on his chest.

  “Please, Niall, don’t get involved. I’m fine really. I can’t make a scene or let you get into a scuffle over this. I’ll be fine. I swear. Please.” She started to turn away from him, but Niall pulled her close and kissed her hard on the mouth. He ran his hand along her ass so the three men would see. Then he whispered into her ear.

  “We’ll talk again real soon. I hope you know the danger you’re in.”

  She looked up at him and wiped away something on his lip and gave a wink. She then turned around and looked at Keno and Aurik’s two guards. Keno was seething.

  “I hope this doesn’t take long. I have plans with my friends,” she stated, and Keno took her arm and started pulling her along.

  “Your plans are about to change.”

  * * * *

  “You did what?” Jonah asked Niall, and Trace smirked.

  “I kissed her, and she kissed me back. She was ready to come over here and enjoy our company so we could talk when dickhead shows up with two Russian fuckheads.”

  Jonah listened as Niall explained exactly what had happened.

  “So she knows Keno and they go way back?” Trace asked.

  “Concerning, I know,” Niall added.

  “We need to look into her background,” Jonah stated.

  “I know we do, but there’s something there. I can’t put my finger on it, but my gut says she isn’t doing business with them or under their thumb. She didn’t want to talk to them and be there anymore. She was reprimanding her boss and seemed truly upset. But when things got loud, and I was ready to brawl if necessary, she became diplomatic, calmed the situation, and told me she would be fine.”

  “Nolan just wants investors for the school and museum. That’s why those men are there.”

  “I think there’s more than that going on. Pina could be part of the problem. Let’s put Mercury on it. In the meantime, we can get the fuck out of here,” Jonah told them.

  “You guys can go. I’m going to make sure she gets home safe and alone,” Niall told them.

  “Are you shitting me? One fucking kiss and a feel and you want her in your bed?” Jonah asked.

  Niall looked at him with a serious expression and narrowed eyes. “Kiss her, and then try to tell me you don’t want more.”

  * * * *

  Pina Looked at Nolan. “If we’re all set with meeting later in the week, then I’d like to go see my friend before she leaves.”

  “I hope you’re not considering getting involved with Niall Mondave. He’s not exactly a legit businessman,” Liam said to her.

  “And you are?” she asked.

  “Pina,” Nolan reprimanded her, and she felt her cheeks flush.

  She gave Liam a dirty look. “I think it’s time for a change of scene.” She stood up and smiled at Aurik.

  “Mr. Archimbald, it was a pleasure meeting you, sir. I look forward to our meeting in a few days and checking out the artwork you may be interested in donating. Mr. Russell, Keno, good night.” She heard the chair scrape, and a glance back at the table showed Keno was standing. Liam grabbed his arm.

  “She’ll be fine. Something tells me Pina can handle herself just fine.”

  “Not around Mondave. He wants her,” Keno stated firmly.

  Pina hurried away from the table and through the gala, which was finally beginning to thin out. She spotted Louisa, Graham, Cooper, and Daxton talking with Jonah Mondave. She approached and smiled at Louisa.

  “Oh God, you finally got away from those men? Is everything okay?” Louisa asked her. Pina saw the men’s stormy facial expressions, and they were not pleased.

  “Finally. I couldn’t take it anymore and told them I was done for the night.”

  “What’s their interest in you?” Graham asked her.

  “Loaded question, Graham, but I’m certain it
has a lot to do with money and Nolan’s business ventures, including the museum and school he’s about to open in a month and the limited number of paintings, sculptures, and artwork on display to make the school stand out. Those men apparently have connections.”

  “They aren’t the only ones,” Cooper said and looked at Jonah.

  “I don’t believe the Mondave brothers are interested.” She felt the arm wrap around her waist, and a thick, hard chest press against her back. She gasped and turned to the right, looking over her shoulder at Niall.

  “Interested in what?” he asked, and then Trace moved closer.

  “Well, there’s your opening, Pina. We’re heading out. You guys will make sure Pina gets home, okay?” Graham asked, taking Louisa’s hand. Pina saw Louisa blush and then widened her eyes at what was taking place. They kissed her on the cheek good night, and Louisa made the hand signal for Pina to call her.

  * * * *

  Jonah looked down into Pina’s eyes and then over her body. She was definitely a ten plus, and there was no wonder why those other men were occupying all of her time. They wanted her.

  She pushed on Niall’s arm, and he reprimanded her with a low “Tsk, tsk.” He kissed her temple.

  “Let’s take a walk where we can have some privacy and you can tell my brother about this school and museum and what’s needed,” he said, and she stared at Jonah.

  “I can assure you that we’re better company than Liam Russell and Aurik Archimbald,” Jonah said, and Trace chuckled.

  “I’ll grab some drinks,” Trace added, and as they walked through the room and toward a private table in a darker, candlelit corner, Trace appeared with a bottle of champagne and four glasses.

  They all sat down, and Niall kept an arm around the top of her chair and stroked her bare shoulder. Trace was on her other side, and Jonah sat across from her.

  “So, Pina, what exactly is Nolan looking for in regards to donations and support for this museum and art school?” Jonah asked her.

  “Just some unique pieces to keep on display and, of course, donations to support a scholarship program for underprivileged students in need of financial backing.”


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