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Tequila Sunrise [Love on the Rocks 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “What? What do you want to see on his arm?” Knox asked, and Clark swallowed hard. As Knox enlarged the image, the tattoo came in fuzzy, but there was no mistaking it. Clark was breathing through his nostrils. He looked away and took a few breaths, then felt the hand on his shoulder. He jerked around, and Dane pulled back, eyes wide and ready as though Clark would attack.

  “What’s the sign mean?” Knox asked.

  “It’s an organized family, a gang of killers, enforcers.”

  “What?” Jonah asked, walking into the room, along with Trace and Niall.

  Clark pushed off the desk and felt cold, instantly on edge.

  “Who is that? Why is he with Liam and Aurik?” Jonah asked.

  “The symbol on his arm, the round coin shape and then unclear lettering in the center is a tattoo worn by men loyal to an international terrorist group,” Clark said to them.

  “What? I’ve never heard or seen this before,” Knox said.

  “You have but didn’t take notice,” Clark said to him.

  “What do you mean? When?” Dane asked.

  “When the two of you showed up in Germany to aid in my rescue,” Clark told them, and they all suddenly looked like he felt. Angry and concerned.

  “Fuck,” Niall whispered.

  “Wait, could their meeting one another all be some sort of setup, a way for the one who held you prisoner to get back at you? It seems insane. You were a soldier caught in the middle of a screwed-up operation, right?” Jonah asked.

  “It was more than that. My team and I were sent in to do recon work and to try and locate a government official from Berlin who was a double agent. I’m not supposed to talk about this shit. You guys know the rules, but this is our home, and these are our friends. Why would this organized international gang be interested in anything around here?” Clark asked.

  “The art and collectibles. Hell, the jewels alone are worth billions, the antiques, millions. There’s money to be made,” Jonah said.

  “No, it’s more than that. They could do that shit in other countries, countries lenient to terrorists and ignorant to criminal activity for the right amount of money. No, there’s something more here,” Clark said to them.

  “What do you think?” Niall asked him.

  He shrugged and then stretched his back. The scars, deep gashes from his imprisonment by people associated with that gang, would remain on his body for the rest of his life, as the memories of the torture, the pain they’d inflicted, and how close he’d come to death would remain in his mind.

  “What do we do?” Trace asked.

  “We keep a close eye on things. We inform Mercury and see if he knows of this organization. He has deeper, active connections to the U.S. government and people he can trust. If these people are in the U.S. on visas, then the government would need to know,” Knox said.

  “Will these men know you if they saw you, Clark, or Knox and Dane, and remember you from years ago and that mission?” Jonah asked.

  “I won’t put you in danger like that. We’ll make alternate arrangements,” Jonah added.

  “No. There isn’t a problem,” Clark stated firmly.

  “How can you be sure, brother?” Niall asked.

  “Because when I escaped I killed everyone inside.”

  “We took out the few that were outside,” Knox added and stared at Clark.

  “You never told us what happened and what you went through,” Trace said to Clark.

  “I won’t be telling you now either. Call Mercury and his brothers. Something is brewing, and this isn’t coincidental.”

  * * * *

  “Just admit to me that you like them,” Louisa said to Pina while they shopped for a dress for Pina.

  “What’s not to like about them? They’re wealthy, attractive, physically perfect, arrogant, stuck-up, controlling, and pushy.”

  “Sexy and good-looking and totally wanting you,” Louisa added and smiled wide.

  “I don’t date.”

  “I didn’t either.” Louisa winked.

  “It’s different. I’ve never dated.”

  “Why is that? You’re gorgeous, in super-great physical condition, a successful businesswoman, and kind and sweet, so what gives?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I don’t want to be used for my body. I don’t want it to be a tool and feel like an object. Men use women for their bodies, for sex, and then think they can just own you forever or play with your head. I’ve seen it so many times over the years, and it aggravates me. The whole process.”

  “That’s crazy. Not all men just want a woman’s body. If the attraction is strong, then you take your time getting to know the person.”

  “Louisa, men lie, and they manipulate. Most men with money, power, a self-confidence or lifestyle where they’re used to getting anything and everything they want, no matter what the price, are users. I don’t want to be an object.”

  “I suppose you have a point, and the Mondave men aren’t exactly completely legit in their business dealings, but I’ve never seen you react to any men before like you’ve reacted to them.”

  She looked at Louisa as she pulled a dress off the rack and raised one of her eyebrows at her. “I’m human. It may not have been a wise move to let them kiss me, but I held my ground and dismissed any potential thought that I was easy or ready to throw myself at them and be their next mistress.”

  “Kissed them? I thought only Niall kissed you at the gala.”

  Pina started to explain about the other night with Rose at the marina as they grabbed a few dresses.

  “I see.” Louisa chuckled.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t say, ‘I see,’ like that. It’s like you think there’s more.”

  “You know what I think? I think you should wear something like this for the event at the Ritz Carlton.” Louisa showed her a very sexy dress that dipped low in the back and in the front and was totally something a model would wear.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Trust me, if you aren’t interested in the Mondave men, there are going to be some very wealthy, powerful businessmen at that dinner event and catty women who will be trying to gain everyone’s attention. If you wear something stunning and sensational like this, then you’ll have the upper hand and don’t even have to bother to, well, bother with anyone you don’t choose to.”

  Pina looked at the deep burgundy dress, all shear and sequined.

  “It was made for you, and it is a black-tie affair.”

  “I don’t even want to go.”

  “You need to go. You’re Nolan Potts’s CFO.”

  “I still need to get through dinner tonight at Liam Russell’s place.”

  “Dinner? Just the two of you?” Louisa asked and squinted.

  “Hell no, it’s a few people plus Nolan and I, and Liam is going to show us some items he is willing to let Nolan borrow to keep on display at the school and museum.”

  “Damn, you better be careful. Liam could be trying to make a move.”

  “I don’t think so. His partner or guard, Keno, is the one who has been trying to make a move. I’m hoping this is the last time I need to be in a small gathering with them.”

  “That guy Keno looks like trouble.”

  “I can handle it. I just have to get through tonight and then Saturday.”

  As Pina carried the dresses into the dressing room, she felt that tightness in her gut, a feeling of trepidation. Could she handle Keno?, she wondered as she got into the dressing room and began try on dresses.

  * * * *

  Liam Russell watched Pina as she spoke with Aurik and an associate, Ivan Turnack. He hadn’t expected the other man to show his face here tonight, but it seemed that Ivan had a personal interest in getting his hands on some of the items listed in an order purchased by the Mondave brothers. The shipment was small but valuable and being delivered by truck to their storage facility this weekend.

  “Are you sure it won’t be a problem, having use of the storage facility at the mus
eum and school this week? I know you’re not set to officially open until three weeks from now,” Liam said to Nolan.

  “I can’t see why it would be a problem other than the fact that I’m not sure how much space I need for storage right now for the items I have lined up. Then, of course, whatever you were willing to donate or let us borrow,” Nolan said.

  “I’ll check with Keno on the amount of space we need right now, and once you’re settled, we can divide up the remainder. Is that fair enough?” he asked Nolan. Nolan looked at his attorney, who nodded.

  “Also be careful with the items you purchased last week. I wouldn’t go public with them so soon,” Liam warned Nolan.

  Nolan’s cheeks flushed. “How long will I have to wait before showing some of them off? It’s why I spent fifty thousand dollars, so I can show them.”

  “Patience, my friend, you know how they were obtained,” Liam said in warning.

  Nolan nodded.

  “Are we all set with this other deal?”

  “Yes,” Nolan replied.

  “Wonderful. This is the monthly payment for rent that I’m willing to pay. Once we gain more space, I will, of course, add to that accordingly.” He pushed the piece of paper over to Nolan, and Nolan’s eyes lit up and widened at the number. Nolan looked at his attorney. “Add this in and get the papers printed please. We’ve just made a deal.”

  Liam smiled and then looked over at Pina, who’d overheard the conversation, but then Keno wrapped his arm around her waist and asked to be excused from the conversation. Nolan smirked. Apparently Keno had taken a real liking to Pina, and Liam couldn’t blame the man one bit. She was very attractive, so much so that Aurik looked displeased.

  * * * *

  “Nolan should really come along for this. It’s his museum, and he has to be the one to choose,” Pina said to Keno.

  “Don’t be silly. He respects your judgment,” Keno said to her and gripped her hip.

  She stepped aside, causing his hand to fall, and looked at a set of three paintings. Keno stepped up behind her, and she tightened up. His hands caressed her hips, and then one arm wrapped around her midsection.

  “I love this dress on you. It’s very classy, yet shows off your figure. The color doesn’t do you justice though.”

  She gripped his arm and tried to push it down and off of her. “Release me, Keno. You have no right to touch me.”

  He gripped her tighter, and she felt the pain in her ribs and side. She gasped.

  “Don’t defy me, Pina. You won’t like my response.”

  “Oh really? What would that response be? I’m not interested in you, Keno.”

  “Is it the Mondave men that interest you?” he asked, shocking her.

  “I hardly know them.”

  “They know you or at least want to get to know you. It makes me very jealous and angry that you would choose men like them over me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not involved with them. With anyone for that matter.”

  “I want to change that.” He loosened his hold and went to turn her in his arms, and she did a quick move and got free and stepped back.

  “I’m not interested. Now please, leave me alone,” she stated firmly, and when she turned around to walk away, Nolan and Liam were approaching with Aurik and Ivan. They must have heard her, and she gave Nolan a dirty look.

  “I think you need to decide on what paintings and artwork you’re interested in. I’m not feeling well and need to head home.”

  “I’ll walk you out,” Keno said.

  “No, you won’t,” she said firmly and headed down the hallway to grab her purse. When she got out her keys and walked to the front door, she pulled out her cell phone as she heard the heavy footsteps and knew it was Keno.

  It was an old defense action. Making believe she was on the phone with someone so if a man or stranger tried something there was a lifeline, someone who could hear the whole thing. He stopped and stared at her. It worked. He looked as if he was biting the inside of his cheek.

  “Yes, I thought I might not be able to make it, but I’ll meet you tomorrow no problem.” She walked out the door, into the night and right to her Jeep. When she got inside and started the engine, she drove her car down the long road away from the beachfront estate, through the open gates, and past security and onto the road. Right before she made the right turn to exit the development, she caught headlights turn on and a car begin to move. Was that the same dark sedan she’d seen the other day?

  She got a funny feeling as she traveled through the side streets and toward the town she lived in. She reached into her glove compartment and pulled out the small handgun. She owned a few and kept them in different spots, even in her home. She wanted to know who these people were following her, so she went into a parking lot and turned off the headlights. She made her way carefully around the building and to an old garage she knew was empty. Turning off the ignition she waited, got out of the car, and walked behind it, ducking until the car slowly came by and stopped. As she heard both car doors open, two men got out, and the flashlight lit up her car.

  “Who are you, and why are you following me?” she yelled and pointed the gun at the two men. Both men pointed their guns back at her.

  “Put down the gun now, Miss Leonie,” one of them said, but she couldn’t see their faces.

  “You put down your guns.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” one of them said with an attitude.

  “We’re not here to hurt you. We just want to talk.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s funny. Then why do you have guns pointed at me? Why have you been following me?” she asked.

  “Let’s calm down and talk. We’re part of a special unit investigating Liam Russell and his associates. Now your boss included.” One man lowered his gun.

  “What type of special investigative unit?” she asked.

  “We’re not at liberty to say.”

  “Any ID?”

  “No. You’ll have to trust that we’re telling the truth.”

  “That isn’t good enough.”

  “Well, it has to be. If we were lying and out to hurt you, you’d be dead by now,” the other one said and then showed his face.

  Pina gasped. The man with the bad attitude was Falco James. He was a good friend of the Hunt men and ran a high-tech, international security firm with his brothers.

  “Falco James?” She lowered the gun.

  “I’m risking my life by letting you see me like this and my friend here, Brainyard. We’re hoping that you’re not somehow involved with this smuggling scheme of weapons and drugs with Liam and his Russian friend.”

  “What? Shit, are you serious? Is that what all these meetings are about?”

  “What meetings?”

  “The one tonight?” Brainyard asked.

  She put her hand over her heart. She was shaking.

  “No, tonight was about seeing art and sculptures that Liam was donating to the museum and the art school Nolan is opening.”

  “So then what did you mean about meetings?” Falco asked, putting his gun away in a holster behind his back.

  She stepped closer. “I’m not sure. This other Russian guy showed up and had a meeting with Aurik and Liam.”

  “Did you hear them mention anything about shipments?” Falco asked.


  “What is all this about? How are you involved?” she asked Falco.

  “We do special operations investigations as retired soldiers. Our friends, the Mondave men, who you know, have been having a few mishaps in business. Similar to your friend Louisa’s men.”

  “Mishaps?” she asked.

  “People sabotaging their business, shipments being ripped off, and problems on the borders are pointing toward someone or a group of people trying to destroy the Mondave, Hunt, and James businesses. While investigating we came across some evidence that indicates some kind of transaction is taking place. These men are trying to destroy all of us, an
d we need to stop them.”

  “I don’t know anything. I’ve got my own problems with Liam and Keno.”

  “Is that why he showed up at your house the other morning?” Brainyard asked her.

  She started to ask them how they knew that and then realized they had been watching her a while.

  “Did the Mondave men put you up to spying on me because I work for Nolan and he’s doing business with Liam and this Russian guy?”

  “Don’t take offense to it. We’re all important men who have risked a lot to be where we are. People see dollar signs when it comes to each of us and sometimes do things to manipulate a situation or to make us lose our focus and turn to the right when our heads should be on swivels,” Falco told her.

  “By ‘people’ you mean women. I get it, but I’m not involved in anything illegal. I’m the CFO of Nolan’s company and nothing more.”

  “If that’s the case, then why are you continuously meeting with Nolan Potts, Liam Russell, and Aurik Archimbald?” Brainyard asked.

  “Because my boss is a pushover. Liam commands, and my boss responds because he wants these art pieces and a backing to the museum with big names.”

  “Still no need for his CFO to be around these men, unless you’re looking to land one of them. Maybe Keno?” Falco stated.

  “Is that what you think? Is that what the Mondave men think? Is that why they tried to seduce me at the party and on their boat to keep me close in case I’m the enemy? Well, you can go tell them to fuck off, and you can leave me the hell alone. I’m not involved. I’m trying to keep away from Keno and his wandering hands and verbal threats. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll just pretend this conversation never happened.” She got into her Jeep, and Falco came by her door and window. She just stared at him.

  “I hope that you’re telling the truth because if you were to place Louisa in any danger, her men and the Mondave men, as well as my brothers and I, will make sure you pay. Big-time.”

  “I’m not involved, and Louisa is one of my best friends. You wouldn’t do anything comparable to what I would do if any of these men, or even you, hurt her. That I promise you.” She revved the engine and started to roll forward. Brainyard didn’t move, and then Falco gave him a nod. Brainyard got into the car and moved it forward. She pulled out of the garage and headed around the corner, being sure that no one else was watching her and wondering how the hell her life had gotten so complicated and how she was going to keep Keno away from her and Louisa safe and sound.


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