Tequila Sunrise [Love on the Rocks 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Tequila Sunrise [Love on the Rocks 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 18

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Falco and Mercury ran toward the stairs and could hear the other men yelling and running when the first explosion rocked the building. They stumbled down the stairs, concrete hitting them as they ran, and kicked open the side door, escaping along with other men. They ran away from the building and headed toward the SUV as more men ran out just as the SUV exploded.

  “Motherfucker! I’m going to kill these fucking people. Keno is a fucking dead man.”

  * * * *

  Knox closed up the phone and ran his hand along his face.

  “It was a fucking setup. Falco and Mercury lost three guys when the building and the SUV exploded. She wasn’t even there,” Knox told them.

  “He’s going to fucking kill her. He knows that she shot his brother. Brainyard told them everything,” Niall yelled.

  “She saved our lives. She fucking took out Aurik and Ivan and took a bullet to her side. She’s injured and now this fuck has her,” Clark said.

  “She was incredible the way she put herself in the line of fire to save us. We fucking failed her,” Jonah said to them.

  “We need to stay focused. Mercury, Falco, and their brothers are on this. We have to figure out where Keno took her,” Trace said.

  Niall leaned his head back, and Knox looked at him. His brother was in pain. So were Trace and Clark, both taking bullets to their arms in flesh wounds.

  “There’s one key factor in all of this. One individual that’s been steps ahead and feeding information. He’s got the answer. Brainyard knows exactly where Keno took Pina.” Jonah headed toward the door.

  “Jonah, let someone with experience interrogate the fuck,” Dane said to him.

  “I don’t need fucking experience. I’ll beat it out of him.” Jonah walked out of the room, and Dane and Knox followed.

  * * * *

  “I’m not telling you shit. Fuck you,” Brainyard said, and Jonah punched him in the stomach.

  “I can beat the hell out of you all night, asshole. Do you realize how pissed off I am and my brothers, too? We’ll take fucking turns if need be, but you’re going to tell me.” Jonah punched him in the jaw and then the stomach again.

  Clark had never seen Jonah like this. They were wasting time, but they had no clue as to where Keno had taken Pina. As they continued to try and force him to give information, Falco and Mercury arrived.

  “Nice work, Jonah,” Falco said.

  “Where is she? Where did Keno take Pina?” Falco asked Brainyard.

  “Fuck you,” Brainyard said as blood dripped from his lip.

  “He isn’t talking,” Dane said.

  “He will. I don’t have time for fucking games. You fucked me over, you rat bastard piece of shit. I paid you well, kept you close, and you screwed my friends, nearly got them killed, and now may get their woman killed. You know what? Fuck this. I don’t have time for fucking games. Where is Keno?” Falco yelled at him and drew his gun.

  Dane watched as Brainyard chuckled. “You aren’t going to shoot me and risk going to jail.”


  “Grrr,” Brainyard yelled as the bullet hit his foot.

  “I’m not going to do it. You know I can make you disappear and no one will ever find you. Now where is Keno holding Pina?”



  Falco shot him in the arm, and Brainyard was howling and yelling.

  “Stop, stop shooting me. Fuck, you’re crazy. You’re all fucking nuts.”


  He shot him in the other arm.

  “I got a shitload of bullets and know exactly where to put them in the human body that will cause pain but won’t kill you.”

  He pointed at his thigh and stuck it against the skin.

  “No, no, please don’t shoot anymore. Fuck if I care about Keno. He took her to a place in the woods. An hour from here.”

  He gave them the address, and Falco put the gun to his head. “If she isn’t there, or if we’re too late getting to her to save her, I’ll be back to put a fucking bullet to your head,” Falco said and gave him a shove with the gun to his head.

  They all headed out of the room, leaving Brainyard with guards watching him.

  “A fucking hour. He’s ahead by that much already,” Knox said.

  “We take the helicopters and land at a good distance to not alert him to our presence. I assume you’re all in and want lead?” Falco asked.

  “Fuck yeah. She’s our woman, and she saved our lives. We’re saving hers,” Clark said, and they all agreed and headed out of the building, making plans and gathering gear. They were going hunting.

  * * * *

  “Oh!” she screamed out as Keno punched her in the mouth again. She fell to the floor, her body feeling weaker and weaker as more blood seeped from the wound in her side. She rolled to the right and evaded his kick. Keno was bloody, too, and pissed off that she’d gotten some moves in on him. She forced herself up and into a ready stance. He chuckled.

  “Your martial-arts bullshit isn’t going to work on me, bitch.”

  “Really? Then why is your eye swollen and your lip split?” she countered, and he came at her again.

  She did a sidekick into his gut, but he backhanded her across the jaw. She felt the pain and knew she couldn’t go on like this. He was stronger, and she needed to hurt him badly enough so she could run. Maybe grab the gun first.

  As he charged at her, she sidestepped and grabbed his shirt and shoved him toward the fireplace. His head hit the bricks, stunning him momentarily. She saw the gun on his back holster and had turned to run when he tackled her to the ground, knocking the wind out of her. Turning her onto her back, he gripped her arms and pushed them above her head. She felt the excruciating pain and tilted upward. He gripped her wrists with one hand and then ripped open her blouse.

  “Let go of me!” she screamed.

  He banged her hands and arms against the wooden floor, making her cry out in pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her mind drifted to what she should do, but then she thought of his brother, Jordene, and how he’d tried to rape her. She hadn’t come this far and worked this hard at even finding love to get raped and murdered by Jordene’s brother.

  They’d gone over this position a thousand times in self-defense instruction. She needed to be smart. Not fight him in strength but in technique and surprise.

  “I knew you were well-built. Jordene was always a breast man. I’m going to fuck you so many ways, then beat you and fuck you some more. When I finally have my fill, I’ll put a bullet in your fucking head and bury you out back.”

  She was shaking now, her side burning in pain.

  “Please don’t. I’ll do whatever you want. I’m weak. I’ve been shot. I give up, Keno. I can’t bother to fight anymore. You won. It’s over.” She exhaled.

  “That’s a very smart move, Pina. It can be a hell of a lot better if you cooperate and let me take this body instead of fighting me.”

  “I know that. You win.” She let the tears flow.

  He released her arms. “Keep them there,” he ordered, and she nodded.

  He smiled, then lowered down, and pressing his hands against her arms, he kissed her on the mouth. She forced herself to comply, to make him think that she truly was giving up, but she wasn’t. She was making an opportunity to survive and to see her men again and get to love them. She didn’t even know if Niall was alive or Trace or Clark. He plunged his tongue in deeper, then slid his hands down her arms to her neck. He grabbed her there, and she panicked a moment but kept her hands up.

  “Very good. Keep listening and I bet you’ll enjoy it more than any other man you’ve been with.” He pressed his large, hard hands from her throat to her breasts, cupping them, being rough with them.

  He lowered down and licked along the cleavage, and she tightened her closed eyes and shook with fear and tried being patient.

  “This is good, Pina. Really good that you came to your senses. It can be nice for both of us if you’re willing.” He licked up her neck and nippe
d her chin.

  “Okay,” she said, and he looked up at her. His eyes narrowed.

  He slid his hands up and down her arms and then to her skirt. He slid his hands up her thighs.

  “Open for me,” he ordered, and she did. He pressed between her legs and rocked his hips.

  He kissed her belly and breasts and gripped her thighs.

  “Can I touch you?” she asked him.

  He lifted up and pressed over her. “Oh yeah. I knew you liked this.” He suckled on her neck, and she eased her arms up and down his shoulders, then down his arms.

  “Tell me, Pina, did Jordene get to suck on these sexy breasts?”

  “Yes.” She moaned softly and eased her arms to his sides, then rubbed upward toward his upper back and pressed against him.

  He ran his palm up her skirt and ripped her panties.

  “Did he get to taste your pussy?”

  “No. I shot him right about here,” she said and pulled the gun from his back as she locked her legs around his so he could lift up. She pulled the trigger, shooting him in the side. He roared and slammed his head against hers, stunning her, making her release his body, and she shot again.

  At the same time, the door burst open and Keno rolled to the side as Clark and Knox shot him several more times as he tried to stand up. He fell to the floor, landing on his back. They killed him.

  “Pina! Pina!” Clark yelled and lowered down next to her.

  “Look what he did to her. Fuck, there’s a lot of blood,” Jonah stated.

  “Let me closer so I can help her.” Niall stated.

  She couldn’t focus, but she saw through blurred vision that all her men were there, even Trace, Knox, and Dane, who knelt down on the floor and tried to cover her breasts with something. Niall moved closer and checked out her wounds.

  “You came to rescue me,” she whispered.

  “You already saved yourself, though,” Knox said to her.

  “I was going to give up but wanted to get back to you guys.” She closed her eyes.

  “Let’s get her the fuck out of here,” Jonah stated.

  “We’ll take care of this mess. You get her medical attention and take care of your woman,” Mercury said to them.

  Clark lifted her up into his arms. She felt the blanket go over her body, covering her.

  “I love you guys so much.”

  “And we love you,” Jonah said.

  “I’m so glad our baby knows how to shoot a gun,” Trace said.

  “She shouldn’t have to fight or shoot a gun to defend herself. She has us to do that now,” Knox said, and she kept her eyes closed and absorbed the feeling of being in Clark’s arms and surrounded by her lovers.


  Pina hugged Jonah’s arm as they walked through the museum and art school’s open house. Apparently Nolan had worked out some sort of deal with Jonah, his brothers, and the James men. In return they wouldn’t kill Nolan. She was just happy that all the bad guys that were looking to sabotage her men’s company as well as their friends’ companies, were all dead or destroyed.

  She now spent her days and nights with at least two or more of her men at all times. Whether in the beach-house estate she now called home, or at work, with their company, running numbers, learning the businesses, and enjoying playtime. Her men all shared different ideas when it came to playtime. Whether going to the shooting range, competing on one of the Spartan races with her, or working out in the dojo, which was more like rolling around on the mats and making love, it was a magical life. She couldn’t even remember what life was like before the Mondave men, and that was just fine with her.

  She caught sight of Mercury James standing by the doorway and in a dead stare at someone. When she followed his line of sight, she saw Rose talking about one of her paintings to a few men who seemed to be flirting with her.

  “What’s that silly grin about?” Jonah asked, sliding his hand along her hip.

  “Just noticing the daggers Mercury is sending those men Rose is talking to.”

  Jonah looked and then chuckled. He turned her around and pressed her up against one of the columns in the hallway.

  “Jonah,” she reprimanded.

  He slid his palm up and down her thigh. “You focus on me and my brothers and not trying to play matchmaker.”

  “Matchmaker? Me?” she asked and smiled.

  “You’re going to get punished for trying with a man like Mercury James. Now kiss me.”

  She kissed him softly, and he squeezed her tight until someone cleared his throat. As he slowly pulled back, she saw Trace was there.

  “How long do we need to stay here?” he asked, and Pina gave him a sympathetic smile. She cupped his cheek.

  “Not too long, baby,” she said, and he turned his face and kissed her palm.

  Dane, Knox, Niall, and Clark approached, and she smiled and then looked across the room again at Mercury, but he was gone. She felt a little disappointed and wondered if he found Rose attractive. As she looked back toward her friend, there was Falco talking to her and Mercury, too.

  “Yes,” she said, and Clark wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

  “Cool it, Pina, or else,” Jonah warned.

  “What was that about?” Clark asked and kissed along her neck.

  “She thinks that Falco and Mercury like Rose,” Jonah told them.

  “Well, they’re here, and I think they might have bought one of her paintings in the silent bidding,” Niall said to them.

  “See. I told you, Jonah.” She stepped from Clark’s arms and gave Jonah a tap to his chest.


  “Hey.” She turned around to find Knox with his arms crossed, giving her the stare down.

  “Mind your business and don’t try to assist in any matchmaking, or else.”

  “Or else what?” she asked, feeling her nipples harden and her body getting all aroused.

  “Dane, grab Pina another tequila sunrise, will ya? She’s going to need a few more to relax her body in preparation for all the different positions we plan on taking her in,” Niall said.

  “Don’t you men plan on punishing her?” Trace asked.

  “Niall, make it a double. I’ll be ready to go home sooner than I thought,” she said, and her six men looked at her with hunger in their eyes and itchy palms—and boy, was she more than ready to take the six of them on.




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendants of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  Enjoy Tequila Sunrise and allow your imagination to soar freely.

  For all titles by Dixie Lynn Dwyer, please visit



  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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