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G. I. Bones gsaeb-5

Page 26

by Martin Limon

  Finally, an alley we were traversing emerged onto the main drag just north of the King Club. Ernie peered around the corner. Then he leaned back toward me and whispered, “Looks like it’s all clear.”

  “Let’s hope,” I said.

  “Where to now?” Ernie asked.

  The only place of safety I could think of was the Itaewon Police Station.

  Ernie nodded. “It’s a long straight run. They might’ve stationed some of their boys in the alleys off to the side, figuring we’d come this way.”

  “We’ll have to chance it,” I said.

  Doc Yong tugged at my sleeve. I turned to look at her and in the darkness I could barely make out the smooth features of her face. I leaned closer until our noses touched.

  “Across the street,” she said. “Someone’s waving.”

  I turned and studied the area she’d indicated. Rotating my head, using my peripheral vision, I finally saw it. Movement. And then I realized it was someone’s hand, waving back and forth, trying to catch our attention while being careful to stay out of sight from the main street.

  Ernie followed my gaze. “Who is it?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t know.

  Doc Yong stepped between us and said, “Miss Kwon. She’s trying to lead us to safety.”

  “Her?” I asked. “What’s she doing out so late?”

  “People must’ve seen your jeep entering Itaewon,” Doc Yong said. “Word spread. Someone told her you were back. She knew you were probably looking for me so she’s been standing here, waiting to help.”

  True dedication to Doc Yong. No time to discuss that now.

  “I’ll go first,” Ernie said. “You two follow, if I don’t get shot.”

  “No,” I said. “I’ll go first.”

  “Not a chance.” Ernie dropped to the ground and low-crawled into the street. He moved amazingly fast, like a serpent slithering across tile. Seconds later, he was standing next to Miss Kwon, beckoning for us to follow.

  I told Doc Yong that speed was more important than keeping a low profile so, instead of trying to crawl like Ernie, she darted across the ice-covered main drag of Itaewon in a crouch. I held my. 45, ready to return fire if anyone took a potshot at her. No one did.

  I was next and I sprinted at top speed across the road figuring that quickness and the element of surprise would keep me safe.

  With her single crutch propped beneath her arm, Miss Kwon bowed to Doc Yong. Then, without a word, she turned and hobbled off into the dark maze, leading the way.


  Ernie sensed it before I did. Footsteps behind us. Miss Kwon was moving faster now-one step and a thump, one step and a thump. We were still following a long, seemingly endless footpath.

  Behind us, urgent speaking. Men’s voices. Then footsteps, picking up speed.

  “Bali,” Miss Kwon said. She broke into a more rapid step, thump, step, thump.

  We trotted forward, moving as fast as we could but our progress was impeded by Miss Kwon. Doc Yong stayed beside her, holding her arm, letting me know that there was no way we were going to leave Miss Kwon behind.

  The footsteps were gaining.

  Ernie turned, pulled his. 45 and said, “You go on ahead. I’ll hold them off.”

  “No. Come on. We’ll make a turn up here and lose them,” I said.

  “There,” Ernie said, pointing to an overturned handcart. It blocked most of the open space at an intersection of two narrow pedestrian pathways. Ernie crouched behind it. Looking back, he had an unimpeded line of sight of about ten yards. In the middle of the ten yards another extremely narrow alley-just a fissure between buildings-ran off on one side of the pathway. It was unlikely that Snake’s boys would find cover there.

  “When they round the corner,” Ernie said, “I’ll fire over their heads. That’ll give you guys time to get away. Then while they’re hiding and trying to figure out what to do, I’ll sneak off after you.”

  “OK,” I said, “but remember, only fire over their heads.”

  “Don’t sweat the small stuff, Sueno. Where will I meet you?”

  It would be impossible to reach the Itaewon Police Station. They expected us to head there and they’d have plenty of men, and firepower, waiting for us. I was still thinking this over when Miss Kwon piped up.

  “Itaewon Market,” she said. “I know good place.”

  “Where?” Ernie asked.

  “No sweat. We hide. Warm place. Wait till sun come out.”

  Footsteps crunched on ice. We turned. Doc Yong dragged Miss Kwon off into the shadows. Two shadows emerged from around the corner ten yards away as Ernie and I crouched behind the handcart. More shadows joined the lead two and, like a phalanx of ancient warriors, the men marched down the narrow pathway.

  Ernie leveled his. 45 at them.

  “Higher,” I said.

  The barrel didn’t move. The men continued down the pathway. Ernie’s fist tightened. Just as the gang of thugs reached the halfway mark, another shadow emerged from the fissure between the buildings on the other side of the road. It was huge, like a tall stick figure, and something long and dark swung in a wicked arc. The thump was so loud I felt it rather than heard it. The first two shadows at the head of the formation crumpled to the ground. Then the stick swung again and another thump ensued, and then another.

  The formation backed up around the corner, away from us. The stick figure ran toward us, rod upraised, like a gangly avenging angel. Ernie pointed the barrel of his. 45 right at him. When he was a few feet away I recognized him from the thin, angular shape of his body.

  “Cort,” I said and Ernie lowered the barrel of his. 45.

  “How’d you find Miss Kwon?” I asked.

  “I’ve known her a long time,” Cort answered.

  We sat in a wooden enclosure about ten feet by ten feet and only four feet high. The floor was stained with purple dye and the entire enclosure reeked of lard.

  “Pigs’ house,” is what Miss Kwon called it as she’d led us into the Itaewon Market. We moved through abandoned stalls laden with freshly fallen snow and then beneath canvas overhangs to a tightly packed grouping of wooden counters. We crawled beneath the counters and then through a low wooden door and entered a manmade tunnel that twisted twice before ending in this vile enclosure. The place reeked of flesh and a sheen of ice covered the cement, as if it had been thoroughly washed as the freeze set in.

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out that this is where the butchers kept their hogs. Outside was a contraption hanging on a crossed wooden peg that looked like a medieval torture device but I knew what it was used for. To hang the hogs by their hind legs while the butcher slit their throats and allowed the blood to drain into a cement sump. I’d walked past here early in the morning on more than one occasion and heard the screams. At first I’d thought the sound was human. And then I realized that it was the last anguished cries of a pig being slaughtered.

  Five minutes after our arrival, footsteps approached in our wake. Snow had been falling steadily so it was unlikely that whoever was outside had seen any traces of our arrival. We sat motionless, breathing as little as possible.

  The footsteps searched through the market area, paused for a moment, and then two men started chatting in low tones. I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Someone lit a cigarette. Then more footsteps as they moved on. We sat for another half hour in the cold, dank slaughterhouse.

  No one approached.

  Miss Kwon had somehow come up with a single short candle which she lit and stuck in the middle of the floor of this porcine abattoir. Even that tiny amount of heat brought to life the stale odor of pork flesh. It hovered around us, poking fat fingers into twitching nostrils, causing us to cough and wave our hands, as if chasing away the last vestiges of an evil cloud. Then she and Doc Yong left the enclosure.

  “Miss Kwon,” Cort said, “was one of the orphans. She was brought from Itaewon by the nuns while she was still an infant. On the trip she developed a fever
and they thought she would die. Somehow, she pulled through. We’ve always been proud of her for that. We always knew she was a survivor.”

  “‘We?’” I asked.

  “I joined the temple a few months after the Itaewon Massacre. I sometimes helped take care of the kids and grew to love them.”

  “I thought Buddhist’s weren’t supposed to love people,” I said.

  “It’s difficult,” Cort replied. “Love ties us to this world, making it harder for us to eliminate desire. But it’s a powerful force. We try to understand it and thereby, ultimately, conquer it.”

  The two women reentered the pen. They’d been to find a place to pee.

  “How’d you find this hiding place?” I asked Miss Kwon.

  She lay down her crutch and squatted awkwardly, keeping her injured leg straight out in front of her.

  “Find up,” she replied. “Before I work this kind work.”

  I glanced at Cort.

  “During the years after the war,” he said, “the nuns were short of money, like everybody. They sent some of the kids to live with foster families. Temporarily for most of them but some of them stayed, especially if the family needed them to work. From the time she was a little girl Miss Kwon was a hard worker. She stayed with a family of butchers. Over time, they became her real family at least emotionally.”

  These were the people who’d recently told Miss Kwon that they couldn’t take her back because they couldn’t afford to support her, that she must return to Itaewon and continue to earn money as a hostess in the King Club.

  “They aren’t Buddhists, right?” I asked “Because they’re butchers.”

  Cort shrugged. “Maybe they are. Probably they are. Not everybody can follow the teachings exactly. People have to live.”

  Ernie was restless. He crawled outside through the tunnel and returned when he heard noises.

  “They already searched the market,” he said, “but not thoroughly. They’ll be back.”

  “Not for hours,” Cort said. “By then the sun will be up.”

  We slept as best as we could, on the cold bloody slab.

  Maybe an hour later, I awoke with the hot gritty odor of smoke shoving up my nostrils. I was dreaming of a barbecue in East L.A., after someone had slaughtered a goat. But then I realized that the smoke was real and it was all around me.

  “Fire!” I shouted, reaching in the darkness for Doc Yong. At first my open palms slapped only flat cement. But then I hit a shoe and then a shoulder.

  Doc Yong sat up.

  “Fire. We have to get out of here.”

  She grabbed Miss Kwon. The three of us started crawling. I wasn’t quite sure where Ernie and Cort were. A wall of smoke floated between us and the other side of the abattoir. The tunnel heading toward the back of the butcher shop, away from the counter facing the center of the Itaewon Market, was closer. On all fours, I led the way. Light was no longer a problem. Off to our left, the wooden stand next to the butcher shop was fully ablaze, casting rays of quivering brightness through cracks in the woodwork. I had almost reached the end of the tunnel when a wall of fire, like a flaming blanket, stopped us. I recoiled from the heat. Doc Yong bumped into me.

  “What is it, Geogi?” she asked.

  “Canvas,” I said. “It fell from the roof and it’s about to set these wooden walls on fire.”

  I crawled forward as fast as I could, doing my best to ignore the heat. When I was as close to the burning canvas as I could stand, I turned over, flopped on my butt, and crawled forward feet first, kicking at the burning material. The wooden walls of the tunnel were beginning to smoke now.

  “Hurry!” Doc Yong said.

  I kicked at the canvas, it bounced away from the soles of my shoes, but then flopped back into place, still blocking our way. I had to have something with which to push it out of our way.

  I studied the smoking walls surrounding me. One of the support struts was made of dried wood with a few rusty nails holding it loosely in place. I grabbed it and yanked. It didn’t budge. Doc Yong tried to pull at the top of the strip of wood while I worked at the center. Still it didn’t move. Miss Kwon cowered, her eyes wide. I saw no other likely loose struts of wood.

  Her face streaming with perspiration, Doc Yong reached past me and frantically pulled the strut toward her. I pushed her out of the way. This time I pulled steadily, applying pressure with my foot as I heaved and then ancient metal nails groaned, started to slip, and then released violently.

  I wrenched the strut away from the last nail holding it and turning my face away from the heat, I poked the canvas up from the ground a couple of feet,

  “Crawl through,” I shouted.

  The world around us was not only growing brighter with flame but hotter. Breathing was increasingly difficult as clouds of smoke enveloped us. They both crawled forward, Doc Yong first. Laying flat on her face, she wriggled beneath the burning canvas and beyond it and then Miss Kwon, still holding on to her crutch with her right hand, crawled about halfway through. She paused, exhausted, and just as I was about to reach for her, from the other side of the flames, someone pulled and Miss Kwon’s good foot kicked forward and then she was out.

  I slid back, away from the burning canvas. I gazed behind me back down the tunnel. Just smoke. It was not possible to go back for Ernie and Cort now. They’d either escaped to the other side or they’d already been overcome by the heat and smoke. I shoved at the flaming material with the stick, and holding it up as high as I could, I crawled under. About halfway through the flaming canvas fell onto my back. I wriggled forward as fast as I could and then I was out and Doc Yong was beating my back with her hands as sparks singed and sputtered against my flesh.

  “Come on!” she shouted.

  We stood in the center of a wooden warehouse, large enough to hold about four trucks abreast. The walls surrounding us were completely enveloped in flame. Miss Kwon waited near the big double door where, on a normal day, delivery trucks would back in.

  I wondered why she didn’t open the door and then I realized that it was held shut by a rusty hasp secured by a heavy duty padlock.

  Doc Yong grabbed the padlock and pulled, accomplishing nothing, except making the heavy wooden door bounce up and down on its hinges, as if laughing at her. Within seconds, those doors too would be on fire and we’d be trapped. The roof above us was burning now and if it fell we’d never live long enough to see the exit door burn.

  “Stand back!” I shouted.

  I grabbed the women and roughly shoved them out of the way.

  I stepped back a few feet and slammed my heel into the padlock. It shuddered but held. Doc Yong’s eyes grew wider. More smoke enveloped us; the roof sizzled. I figured I had one more try.

  I backed up a few more feet and tried to remember what I’d been taught in marital arts class. Think through the problem, envision only the solution. I stood with my side facing the padlock. A sidekick is the most powerful kick in the tae kwon do arsenal and I was good at it. Trying to make my mind blank, I hopped toward the door, bringing my foot up and using the momentum of my body and the strength of my muscles to slam into the padlock. The rusty hasp screeched in complaint and then the door burst outwards.

  Doc Yong plowed into my back, and she and Miss Kwon and I stumbled into air that was cool and fresh and clean. Then we were on the ground, crawling forward, rolling on the cold frosty earth, laughing, hugging one another, wiping soot and perspiration from one another’s faces.

  Doc Yong kissed me. I kissed her back.

  But my joy was short-lived. Behind us, about twenty yards away in the center of the Itaewon Market, a gun fired.

  “Hide!” I told Doc Yong and Miss Kwon. “I’ll be back.”

  Doc Yong tried to hold me but I wrenched myself loose and ran toward the sound of the gunfire.

  Ernie fired. And then fired again. He was squatting behind the rim of the old brick well that marked the center of the Itaewon Market. One or two rounds whizzed past us but the light was mov
ing crazily now.

  We kept up a steady fusillade of bullets at Snake’s men. The fire behind us raged, all the dried canvas and rotted wood that composed the Itaewon Market had gone up faster than even Snake could have imagined. That’s what saved us. The abundance of fuel for the flames and therefore the intensity of the heat. Snake’s thugs had been forced to retreat in order to save themselves.

  I reloaded my. 45 and kept firing. I knew Ernie was still on the other side of the well because I heard the steady bark of his pistol as he took aim and popped off rounds. I didn’t know where Doc Yong, Miss Kwon, or Cort were. I could only hope they’d sought safety.

  Ernie and I dragged ourselves farther from the flames. Sirens wailed in the distance. Strange voices were shouting-people who lived in the area. Then we heard the voices of Korean cops trying to take charge of the situation.

  I crawled over to Ernie. His face was black with soot. I grabbed his right arm and held his pistol down.

  “Enough,” I said. “They’re gone.”

  Ernie glanced around. “What about the others?”

  “Not in the fire. Doc Yong and Miss Kwon escaped. They crawled out right behind me. How about Cort?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  As the firemen started dousing the flames and the policemen held back the gathering crowd of neighbors, Ernie and I rose to our feet. I trotted out back behind the burning remains of the butcher shop. I searched for a few minutes but found no sign of Cort. I returned to the well. Ernie was waiting for me.

  “They’re gone,” I said. “Miss Kwon, Doc Yong, Cort. I can’t find them.”

  Ernie spit on the ground. “They have a reason to run.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, Sueno. Come off it. You’re not so blind with love for Doctor Yong In-ja that you can’t see what’s right in front of you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean the reason she took you to see that fortune teller. The reason she convinced you to look for Mori Di’s bones. The reason she sicced Miss Kwon on us through every minute of this investigation.”


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