Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2)

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Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2) Page 3

by Banks, Catherine

  They both nodded their heads and continued the game of speed that Jared and Kevin had interrupted. We walked in silence out of the jail and down the hallways to my room. Once the door was shut and locked Kevin picked me up and squashed me to his chest. “I’ve missed you!”

  I hugged him back and laughed. “I’ve missed you too.”

  Kevin kissed my cheek and set me down. Jared stood still by the door frowning. I looked up at him. “I understand if you don’t want to be near me anymore. I’m sure the Council will assign me a new bodyguard.”

  Jared blurred and I was flying through the air. I landed on the bed and Jared and Kevin squished me between them. Jared sighed. “This is so much better with her here.”

  I frowned. “You’ve been sleeping together? Is there something you need to tell me?”

  Jared and Kevin said, “ew,” at the same time. My pores opened and sweat began trickling out. “Man you guys must have eaten recently because my skin’s boiling between you two.”

  Jared kissed my cheek softly. “I missed you Ciara.”

  I smiled at him. “I missed you too.” And it was the truth. Even if he was a pain in the butt, he was still my friend. My mouth opened, but someone knocked on the door stopping me. “Who the hell could that be?” I asked.

  Kevin jumped up and walked toward the door. He frowned then turned to Jared motioning him up. Jared stood up and moved slightly in front of the bed in case the person rushed for me. Kevin opened the door and revealed a massive man with white hair and a long scar across his left eye. I frowned. “Let me guess you’re my new teacher?”

  The man nodded his head. “I am. Come.”

  I stood up and walked toward the door. Jared caught my arm. “What do you mean new teacher?”

  “They’re intensifying my training now.”

  I hurried after the new teacher and Kevin to the training room. Kevin and Jared took opposite walls so they could cover the entire room and still watch me. The new guy walked to the mats and smiled. “Are you ready?”

  I shook my head. “What’s your name?”


  I bowed to him with my left palm over my right fist. “Of course, Sensei.” I wished I was back at my home with my former Sensei Akio, but those days were gone and I couldn’t focus on the past.

  He nodded his head once in approval then his smile turned evil. “Begin.” He lunged forward and swung his right arm at my head. I barely had time to duck when he kicked at my stomach making me roll to the left. He came after me again and again without letting me take a break. I stumbled and his foot connected with my side. I grunted in pain and tried to roll away, but he picked me up and set me on my feet. “You are too slow.”

  I gasped for air. “I’m. Human.”

  “As I am.”

  I shook my head. “No way are you human.”

  He sighed. “If you would open your eye you would know.”

  “Fine.” I focused on my third eye and stared in shock at him. “Holy crap! But you’re so fast!”

  He nodded his head. “Once you learn to manipulate the earth’s power for magic you can also manipulate the earth’s energy for speed, strength, even rapid healing.”

  I finally caught my breath and stood up all the way. “You bruised my ribs.”

  He shrugged. “You were too slow.”

  Jared cleared his throat. “Perhaps you could teach her to use the energy before attacking her? The Council is very keen on her not being harmed.”

  My new Sensei nodded his head. “Fine.” We sat on the mat and for five hours he worked me until I could use the energy for speed and play the hand game slid so fast our hands were blurs. My mind and body felt exhausted and he finally let me go. “You need food.” He turned to Jared. “Make sure she eats meat.”

  Jared nodded his head and helped me stand up. Kevin rushed to the door and held it open as Jared half carried me to the mess hall. Everyone stared at me as Jared helped me to an empty table and then walked to the food line. I rested my forehead on the table and took shallow breaths to avoid moving my ribs too much. I looked up slowly and saw one of the sidhe staring at me. He was frowning this time and swirling the liquid in his cup. He noticed me looking and smiled. I put my head back on the table and closed my eyes. Why was he staring at me? Jared and Kevin sat down and shoved food in front of me. I sat up slowly and ate everything on my plate and drank two glasses of water. I leaned back in my chair and surveyed the room. Everyone was talking and eating. Everyone except the sidhe who was staring at me. I frowned at him and he smiled. His mouth moved and something moved on my wrist. I looked down and a white rose was wrapped around my right wrist. The petals had letters on them and it spelled out “Friendship”. I looked up at the sidhe and mouthed, “Why?”

  His mouth moved and something moved on my other wrist. I looked down and found a small vine bracelet wrapped around my left wrist with writing. I twisted it as I read, “We can help each other.”

  I sighed and took the rose and vine off and let them drop to the floor. I looked up and was about to say something when I noticed Jared and Kevin looking at me. Kevin asked, “Who are you looking at?”

  I started to point to the sidhe when I realized that he wasn’t there anymore. “Uh, no one.” I looked under the table, but there was no sign of my bracelets either. “No one at all.”

  We walked in silence to my bedroom and then Kevin left to get a change of clothes. Jared locked the door and said, “I need to take a shower. Promise not to get in to trouble while I’m showering?”

  “You’re too paranoid. No one wants to hurt me because the Council threatened to cut out their vital organs one at a time,” I said.

  Jared shrugged. “Some would risk it. Especially now.”

  “Take your shower.”

  He undressed and got in to the shower stall. I walked to the living area and sat on the couch. Two new fitness magazines were opened to a new exercise technique for tightening abs. I rolled my eyes. As if any wereanimal had to worry about that with their one percent body fat. Bastards. Two light knocks on the door drew my attention away from the magazine. I walked slowly to the door and looked out the peephole. It was a werelion. I opened the door a crack. “Yes?”

  He smiled, “You Ciara?” I nodded my head. He inhaled, “I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be freeing you from your mate problem.”

  I frowned at him in confusion. “What are you talking about?” Who was this guy?

  He smiled. “Eric. Imma kill that wolf tomorrow.”

  Anger and fear rose in me. “Why would you kill Eric? He’s not my mate.”

  The lion smiled revealing sharp pointed teeth even in human form. “Really? ‘Cus word around the compound is that he still claims you’re his mate. Well don’t worry I’ll make it quick so I can come back and get you.”

  I threw open the door and snarled at him. “You will not touch Eric or I will have the Council torture you to death!”

  The lion laughed. “How cute. You think you’re tough.”

  I calmed my breathing and focused on the feeling of the earth under me and my aura. I opened my eyes and snarled. “I’ll kill you first.”

  The lion started laughing so hard that he bent over. I took the opportunity and kneed the lion in the face then punched him in the stomach. I could feel the earth lending me strength and speed and I could also feel the earth’s rage at the human’s pollution and waste and it increased my rage. I hit the lion again and kicked him. He fought back, but I wasn’t in control of my actions any longer. It was like a first person videogame only I was just a spectator. The lion tried to change, but I jumped on to his back and wrapping my arms around his head spun it around to crack his neck. The sound was wetter than I imagined it would have sounded. His body slumped to the floor and I kicked him in the sides. Large hands grabbed me around the waist and I fought against them kicking and biting until the hands turned me and I saw Jared’s face connected to them. The earth’s presence left me and I fell in to his arm
s exhausted and satisfied.

  Jared looked at the man on the ground and said, “We have to go to the Council.”

  I nodded my head. “Bring his body.”

  Jared picked up the man’s body like it was a fifteen pound dumbbell and we walked to the Council’s chambers. I knocked on the door. The doors opened and I walked down to the Council members with their court faces on. I curtsied low and motioned for Jared to drop the body on the ground. He set the body down in front of me and I looked up at the Council. “I have killed someone.”

  The Council members looked at each other and then back at me. Martin asked, “What did this lion do to warrant his death by your hand?”

  I frowned. “He came to my room and told me he was going to rid me of my mate problem. He said that he was going to kill Eric and then come back to take me.”

  Dagda stared at my face for a full minute in silence before asking, “Have you felt the Earth’s anger?”

  “Yes! How dare the humans hurt the earth so much!” I screamed.

  Dagda turned to the other Council members. “It seems her training has started off well.”

  Martin looked at the body on the floor. “I never liked him anyway.”

  Jean-Luc smiled. “You and your guard are dismissed Ciara, but try not to kill anyone else.”

  I curtsied and smiled. “Sure thing.” Jean-Luc frowned and I shook my head. “Of course, Sirs.”

  Dagda laughed and I swore I could hear wind chimes. “Be careful. The earth is an addictive thing.”

  I nodded my head and followed Jared out of the Council’s chambers. Jared held my arm as we walked back to my room. He slammed the door shut and locked it then growled at me. “I told you not to get in trouble!”

  “I didn’t. I killed him.”

  Jared shook his head. “And what if you hadn’t? What if he had grabbed you and…” He turned and grabbed a lamp from the side table and threw it across the room. It smashed into pieces against the wall and clattered to the floor.

  “He didn’t hurt me,” I whispered.

  “No. This one was too stupid to realize that you are a potential threat, but the next one will know. Luckily he is a nobody in the pride so they shouldn’t send anyone to talk to you. Dammit Ciara why can’t you just do what I tell you to?”

  I growled back at him, “Because you’re not my mate or father or brother or boyfriend. You’re my guard and friend.”

  “You are supposed to do as your guard says so that he can protect you. I can’t protect you if you insist on defending Eric!”

  I stared at him in shock for a moment before turning away from him and walking to my bed. I took off my shoes and climbed in. The blankets felt like ice without Jared or Kevin in them, but I didn’t care. I pulled them up around me and shivered under them. Kevin knocked on the door and Jared let him in. Kevin looked from me to Jared and frowned. “What did I miss?”

  Jared filled him in while I tried to go to sleep. Kevin spoke quietly to Jared for a few minutes before the lights were turned off and both climbed in to bed with me. The blankets instantly warmed up and I snuggled against Kevin. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, “He’s an alpha. They take the protection of their females seriously.”

  Jared was lying on his side facing away from me grumbling. I touched his back softly and then fell asleep.

  Eric frowned at me his eyes full of concern, “Why would you try to protect me?”

  I stared at him in shock, “How do you know about that?”

  He growled, “I can protect myself! All I care about is you. Come to me.”

  I shook my head and felt tears on my face. I hate crying. “The Council will kill you.”

  Eric snarled, “The Council won’t be able to find us. Please. Come.”

  Hands shook my body and I sighed, “I love you.”

  Eric’s face softened. “You’re my mate. Don’t take another.”

  I opened my eyes and sighed at Kevin and Jared’s worried faces. I curled up against Kevin and wiped my face on his bare chest. Jared rubbed my back slowly, “It’s alright Ciara.”

  I shook my head, “No. It’s not.”

  Kevin stroked my hair, “It is. You’re fine and he’s fine…”

  I snorted, “Your definition of fine and mine are very different.”

  Jared rolled me over to look at him, “Ciara, if you want to move on then you should think about choosing…”

  I jumped out of the bed and shook my head, “No. He told me…no, I can’t take a…” I sighed, “Not yet. It’s too soon to think about.”

  Jared smiled, “Alright. Come back to bed. It’s early morning.”

  “I’m going to take a shower.” I walked quickly to the shower and turned it on. I undressed and climbed in reveling in the warmth of the shower. Eric’s face was so vivid still that I wasn’t sure if it had been a dream. Was it some type of communication that I could use? The water started becoming cold so I turned it off and changed into fighting clothes. Jared and Kevin watched me, but said nothing as I tied my hair up. Two knocks drew their attention to the door and away from me. Kevin walked to the door and sighed before opening it. I bowed as my new Sensei walked in to the room. He frowned at me, “The Council has advised me of your incident.” I nodded my head, but said nothing. He asked, “Do you regret your actions? Do you feel remorse?”

  I shook my head, “No Sensei. I feel relieved and angry still.”

  Sensei smiled, “Good. Are you ready for your training?” I nodded my head. “Then follow me.”

  Jared and Kevin followed behind me silently and I began to wonder if I should feel remorseful for killing a person. I had taken away his life without even considering him. Still, I felt relieved he wasn’t alive to bother Eric anymore. We stopped in the training room and I centered myself to the earth. I could feel the energy all around me and it made me smile. Maybe I wasn’t so helpless after all against preternaturals? Sensei shifted his position in to a ready stance and nodded his head once, “Begin.”

  I drew the energy from the earth and charged forward moving faster than I had ever moved before and swung at Sensei’s head. He ducked down and threw an uppercut at me, which I jumped sideways to dodge. I kicked out and he caught my foot throwing me backwards against the wall. I stood against the wall stunned for a moment and noticed I was next to Jared. His eyes were glowing blue and his tiger face overlapped his human one. Something wasn’t right. I didn’t even remember opening my third eye. I ran forward and kicked and punched and blocked as I fought Sensei moving faster and faster until I no longer controlled my movements, but let my instincts take over. Sensei’s movements began to falter and I took the advantage and doubled my attack connecting hit after hit with the earth’s anger fueling my attacks. Sensei fell to the ground and I continued to attack him while he fought back feebly.

  I sensed movement behind me and spun as a white tiger leapt at me. I rolled to the right and stood ready to attack or defend myself as the tiger turned toward me. The tiger growled and an image of Jared’s human face flashed over the tiger’s. Shit. I averted my gaze and spoke softly, “Jared, it’s alright.” Jared however wasn’t alright. His muscles bunched as he prepared to pounce when a white wolf tackled him to the side. Kevin. Kevin and Jared began fighting and the sound of their hissing and growling pounded against my eardrums. I had to stop them, but a female coming between two males would only cause more fighting.

  I looked around the room for anything helpful and noticed the sidhe who always watched me in the mess hall walking by the doorway to the training room. “Wait!” I yelled and ran toward the door. The sidhe man stopped and smiled at me. I opened my mouth and flew sideways hitting the concrete wall, luckily my ribs cushioned the impact only knocking the air out of my lungs. I jumped upward and was staring face to face with an angry tiger. I lowered my gaze and searched the room for Kevin who was lying on his side beside Sensei’s body breathing heavily. My aura formed a shield around me and the earth’s energy healed my ribs as I stared a
t Jared’s muzzle. I moved sideways and Jared hissed loudly. “Jared, it’s me, Ciara.” I whispered.

  The sidhe spoke from close by, “He’s under a spell. He isn’t himself right now.”

  I swallowed, “Can you break it?”

  The sidhe snorted, “Yes, but I have to be touching him to do it. I need you to draw his attention away so I can get to him.”

  I swallowed my fear, “Sure, no problem.” I squatted down slowly and jumped over Jared’s head barely missing the snap of his teeth as he tried to disembowel me. Jared charged after me and I ran for all I was worth. I jumped over Kevin and Sensei’s bodies and toward the wall. Jared was close enough that I could feel his hot breath on my skin. I only had one chance of doing this or I was tiger chow. I pleaded with the earth to give me more energy and strength and ran straight at the wall. I put one foot up and pushed off doing a perfect back flip over Jared who had to skid to avoid hitting the wall. The sidhe was right behind Jared and grabbed a chunk of his fur and spoke quickly in what I assumed was a fairy language. Jared spun around to bite the sidhe then fell sideways to the ground. The sidhe wiped his hands on his jeans and smiled, “They’re cute when they sleep, aren’t they?”

  I walked forward slowly and looked down at the sleeping tiger. “Is he alright?”

  The sidhe nodded his head, “I put a sleeping spell on him while the rage and confusion spells wear off.”

  I frowned, “Jared would never hurt me or Kevin.” Slowly I retracted my shield and released the earth’s energy.

  The sidhe frowned at me, “You’re welcome.”

  I sighed, “I’m sorry. Thank you…what can I call you?”

  The sidhe smiled, “Kheelan.”

  Energy tingled in my hands and head. I stared at him in shock, “You gave me one of your true names. Why?” If you were able to learn a sidhe’s full name you essentially owned them. You could say their name and request that they do anything and they would have to do it.


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