Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2)

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Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2) Page 4

by Banks, Catherine

  He took a step toward me, “I told you I want us to be friends.”

  I frowned, “Why would you want to be friends with me? A useless freak of a human.”

  Kheelan shook his head, “You aren’t useless or the vampires wouldn’t have gone to such extreme measures to secure your loyalty.”

  “What use am I to you?” The words came out harsher than I intended, but I didn’t retract them.

  Kheelan smiled wider and took another step toward me, “You do not see your true power or your true worth. I believe we could be great allies in this world. The war is coming and I wish to be on the winning side.”

  I gasped, “How…how do you know about the war?” An image of the world in flames and millions of humans dead on the ground flashed in my head before I could stop it. I had had four dreams of a terrible war, yet I couldn’t figure out what it meant or who was the cause or who was even fighting. I had also had a dream about a purple demon with horns who seemed to be consuming my soul, but that was all I could figure out about that dream. Was it a premonition of how I would die? I had only ever seen one demon in my life and I had run away before talking to her. What did the she-demon want with me? Why did she want to kill me?

  He frowned, “How…of course. You’re a Seer. I should have guessed you would have prophecies of the war as our Seers do.”

  “You have Seers?” I asked in complete shock. Could there be others like me? Others who could help me control my powers?

  He nodded his head, “We have a Council of three…no two. One departed recently. They are very interested in meeting with you, but the vampires refused to allow it.”

  The vampires had silently proclaimed themselves the head of the world and there were many who disagreed. Of course no one had tried to oppose them so it seemed their position was secure for now. “What has your Council Seen? I can’t make sense of most of my Sights.”

  He sighed, “Alas the Council has the same problem. They See millions dead, the world burning.”

  I nodded my head, “Yes, that’s all I See too. I can’t tell who is fighting or who caused it and…it’s driving me insane.”

  He took one final step so that he was in front of me and smiled, “Do not worry too much over it. I’m sure you will find out more in time.”

  I looked at him and found myself drawn forward. His skin was beautifully decorated and it looked like the vines and flowers were moving. I reached out slowly to touch them when someone pulled me backward. I turned and frowned at Kevin. “Kevin? What’s wrong?”

  He growled at Kheelan, “You shouldn’t touch the Folk.”

  I frowned, “Why?” I looked at Kheelan, “I’m sorry if I insulted you or something. I’ve never been around a sidhe before. I never thought about it being inappropriate. I wasn’t really thinking at all actually.”

  Kheelan shrugged, “No insult on my part. It’s quite alright.”

  Kevin shook his head and bared his teeth, “It’s not alright. Why are you here Warrior?”

  I frowned, “Warrior?”

  Kheelan ignored Kevin and smiled at me, “That’s what those who do not know my names call me.”

  Kevin growled, “And he’s the Queen’s assassin.”

  Kheelan bowed fluidly at the waist, “I am the Queen’s right hand and do on occasion dispose of those she wishes me to.”

  I frowned, “Is that why you’re here? For me?”

  Kheelan laughed, “Of course not. If I had wanted to kill you I would have done it while your guards were incapacitated.”

  Kevin looked down at Jared then lunged across the empty space and grabbed Kheelan by his shirt, “What have you done to Jared?!”

  I rushed forward and smacked Kevin’s arm, “Put him down! He’s the only reason I’m alive!”

  Kevin growled and Kheelan continued to smile, “He’s in a sleeping trance friend.”

  Kevin shoved Kheelan away from him, “We are not friends.”

  Kheelan’s hand went towards his belt where I realized he had a sword, “You would do well not to push my patience wolf. I have allowed your impudence so far because of the girl, but if you lay your hands on me again I will punish you.”

  Kevin started to move forward and I stepped between them, “Knock it off!” I looked up at Kevin’s golden eyes, “Someone put rage and confusion spells on Jared. We need to find out who and why. Warrior is my friend now so you can deal with it.”

  Kevin frowned down at me, “You can’t be serious about him being your friend. You know nothing of him!”

  I glared at him, “I knew nothing of you when you were assigned to me. I knew nothing of Jared when he requested to guard me.”

  Kevin groaned, “But we aren’t…”

  Kheelan smiled, “Fey?”

  Kevin snarled, “Yes! You can’t trust the Fey.”

  I snorted, “I’ve known enough preternaturals and humans to know that you can’t trust anyone.”

  Kevin sighed and shook his head, “Ciara, listen to me…”

  I interrupted him and glared at him, “No! You listen to me! He’s my friend and you have to deal with it. You don’t get to decide who I’m friends with and who I’m not. I’m tired of being treated like a prisoner when I’m not!”

  Jean-Luc spoke from the doorway, “You’re right Ciara.” We turned and stared at him in shock. He walked forward and shook his head, “We have been treating you appallingly and it will be changed. You are a valued employee not a prisoner. In fact I propose a trip for you.”

  I frowned, “A trip?”

  Jean-Luc nodded his head, “Yes, we shall allow you and four guards of your choosing to take a trip to any city you want to go on a shopping spree at the Council’s expense. We have not allowed you to decorate your room or choose your own wardrobe. Very rude of us. You will also visit the Dwarf Emporium to purchase weapons and gear that you like for your missions. Again at our expense. We must have you properly equipped for your missions.”

  I stared at Jean-Luc in amazement. A shopping spree? One with other people’s money? “That is very nice of the Council and I am very grateful, but I feel a catch.”

  Jean-Luc laughed making me think of nefarious things and making my lower body ache, “Oh sweet Ciara. You have been around preternatruals only a short time to be so cynical. I assure you that there is no catch.”

  I smiled and curtsied, “Thank you Sir.”

  Jean-Luc looked at Jared and Sensei on the floor and his expression changed instantly from pleased to merciless, “Explain.”

  “I came for my lesson with Sensei and it was going okay, but I beat him and well…I’m not sure if he’s okay or not. While I was fighting him Jared attacked me, he didn’t harm me, but someone put rage and confusion spells on him. Kevin fought him, but Jared knocked him out. If it weren’t for Khee…for Warrior I wouldn’t have survived. He put a sleeping spell on Jared.”

  Jean-Luc looked like he wanted to rip off someone’s arms. “Who would dare risk injury to you after the Council’s threats?!”

  Kheelan cleared his throat, “Permission to speak Sir?” Jean-Luc nodded his head. Kheelan frowned, “There was a very strong rage spell put on the tiger. One that is not from Folk or Elves. I believe a wizard may be in your compound and may have been paid to put it on the tiger so that when he attacked Ciara you would have only blamed him and not bothered to look for anyone to have caused him to attack her.”

  Jean-Luc nodded his head, “You may be right Warrior. This is not good news. Ciara, choose three and leave the compound at nightfall. The Council will meet and we will look in to this treachery.”

  I curtsied, “Of course. Sir, may I ask a question?”

  Jean-Luc sighed, “Hurry.”

  I blushed, “What is my limit for…clothes and things?”

  Jean-Luc looked shocked and then shook his head, “No limit. However much you want.”

  I stared at him in shock, “Th…thank you Sir.” Jean-Luc nodded his head and left.

  Kheelan bent down and touched Jar
ed’s fur. Jared sat up slowly and yawned. I stepped backward behind Kevin who I realized for the first time was naked. I stared at his muscled butt and frowned. Why couldn’t my ass look that good? Crunching and snapping resonated through the air and then Jared moaned, “What the hell happened?”

  I peeked my head around Kevin’s body and asked softly, “Are you okay?”

  Jared frowned, “Why are you hiding behind Kevin? And why are you naked Kevin?”

  Kevin snorted, “Obviously I’m naked because I had to change. And she’s hiding because you tried to kill her.”

  Jared stared at us in shock, “I did what?”

  Kheelan cleared his throat making Jared look at him, “You were under a rage and a confusion spell. I removed them and put you in a sleeping trance to ensure you didn’t have any side effects when you changed.”

  Jared stared at Kheelan in shock, “Warrior? What are you doing here?”

  I sighed, “He saved my life Jared. You could be a little nicer.”

  Jared looked at me and I could see the pain in his eyes, “Ciara, you know I would never…”

  I nodded my head, “I know Jared.”

  He growled, “I’m supposed to be immune to spells.”

  Kheelan frowned, “Your immunity works only when you have a devoted group. Your interest in Ciara has caused a breach in that group which allowed the spells to affect you. Or that’s what I assume happened.”

  Jared stared at the ground in silence for a few minutes then sighed, “Thank you Warrior. Come on let’s get some clothes on.”

  I stepped out from behind Kevin, “Um…Jared?”

  He stopped in mid stand, “What now?”

  I frowned, “Don’t be like that with me. You’re the one…The Council is letting me take a trip and so I have to choose three to go with me and leave at nightfall.”

  Jared sighed, “Alright. I’ll find another…”

  I shook my head, “I’ve already chosen the three.”

  Jared frowned, “Who…” He looked at Kheelan. “You can’t be serious.”

  I put my hands on my hips and glared at him, “I am.” I turned to Kheelan and smiled, “That is if you want to. If not it’s…”

  Kheelan waved his hand dismissively and smiled, “I would love to. I have some shopping at the Dwarf Emporium that needs to be done anyways.”

  I smiled, “Great. Can you meet us at the stables at dusk?”

  He nodded his head then bowed, “I shall see you then.”

  Kevin, Jared and I watched as he walked out of the room in the dancing gait sidhe have. I found my eyes drawn to his tight butt and wondered if the Fey were as muscularly defined as the other preternaturals. Jared growled softly, “I don’t like it.”

  I shrugged, “Too bad.” I started to walk out of the room when I remembered Sensei. “Shit!”

  I ran back to him and started to reach toward him when Jared took my arm, “Sometimes our barbaric tendencies overshadow our civilized ones.”

  I stared down at the second man I had killed and felt nothing. “Shouldn’t I feel something? Regret?”

  Jared stepped back from me and looked away. “No. Not all of us feel as humans think we should after a kill.” His hands clenched in to fists and he walked out of the room.

  Kevin sighed, “He’s going to be like this for a while, but he’ll snap out of it.” After showering and dressing we walked outside to go to the stables. The night air was warm and hundreds of stars shown in the sky. I looked up at the waning moon and smiled. Kevin sighed happily, “The moon always makes me feel good too.”

  I snorted, “That’s only because you’re a werewolf.”

  Kevin shrugged and continued to look up at the moon with lust in his eyes. I had thought it strange the first time a wereanimal described their feelings for the moon, but now it was just another weird emotion they possessed to me. Much like their desire for constant physical contact. We approached a warehouse and I could see Kheelan standing by the doors. He smiled as we approached and looked me over approvingly, “Jeans and a t-shirt. My kind of woman.”

  Jared started to take a step forward then thought better of it and opened the door, “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  Kheelan smiled, “Ladies first.” I curtsied and walked in to the warehouse. It wasn’t really a stable anymore, but it used to be. There were horses living there, but also cars and airplanes and mirrors which were used as portals to the other realms. Kheelan asked, “So where are we going?”

  I pointed to the mirror on my left, “Dwarf Emporium first.”

  Dadga stepped out of a mirror on our right and smiled at me, “Ciara.” I curtsied and then he looked at Kheelan and raised an eyebrow, “Warrior.” Kheelan bowed. Dagda held out a credit card to me, “For your expenses. As Jean-Luc said there is no limit to your spending this trip.”

  I took the card from his hand being careful not to touch his skin and curtsied, “Thank you Sir.” Dagda looked at Kheelan one more time then walked out of the stables. I looked at the credit card and smiled, “It’s got my name on it.”

  Jared rolled his eyes and spoke in Latin to the mirror which would take us to our first destination. Kheelan grabbed a duffle bag off the wall and smiled at me, “Magical bag. It holds much more than you think it would without weighing any more.”

  The mirror began to glow and then an image of a dwarf holding an axe came in to focus. Jared sighed, “I’ll go in first.”

  Kevin nodded his head, “I’ll go last.”

  Jared stepped forward and disappeared in to the mirror. Kheelan followed Jared and I stepped forward. Kevin sighed, “Go on.” He shoved me in the back and I fell forward through the mirror. Jared caught me and helped me stand up. I was smoothing down my shirt as Kevin walked through the mirror. Kevin shook his head, “I hate portals.”

  I looked around the room we were in and frowned. It looked like the room of a castle with stone walls and dirt floors. One wooden door stood across the room with a little plaque above it that said “Entrance”. I smiled, “Well, let’s start shopping.”


  The Dwarf Emporium was amazing. Five stories tall with each story themed. The fifth floor had your heavy artillery like cannons and brochures for tanks and F-15’s. The fourth floor had RPG’s, rocket launchers and fifty caliber guns. The third floor had shotguns, rifles, bows, handguns, axes and swords and knives of every type. The second floor was clothing and accessories for strapping your goodies to your body. And the first floor was the checkout line and ammunition and arrows. A grungy looking dwarf had given me a shopping cart when I walked in and shown us to the elevator. I ran around each floor piling anything I thought I might use in the shopping cart. Luckily for me the shopping cart was magical so each time you moved to a different floor all of your toys would disappear leaving your cart empty. Kheelan explained that the items would go in to a bin by the checkout line with a picture of me over it until I was ready to checkout.

  Jared and Kevin helped me choose my guns while Kheelan helped me choose my knives and sword. When I finally made it down to the clothing floor I was revved up with energy. I grabbed clothes off the racks in my size and rushed to the dressing. I put on a black low cut t-shirt that looked like I had a built in bra and black pants with multiple pockets and spots for holding weapons. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I looked like a badass. I opened the dressing room curtain and spun in a circle. Jared and Kevin nodded their heads and Kheelan frowned, “Can you spin again?” I did and he shook his head, “One more…”

  I snorted, “Khe…Warrior. Knock it off.”

  He smiled, “It’s a good outfit. The shirt has bullet proof padding around your bra area to protect your heart.”

  I moved my arms around and lunged forward, “Everything seems like a second skin. It’s so easy to move in.”

  Jared nodded his head, “It’s designed that way.”

  Kheelan held up a red corset looking top, “This one next.”

  I normally
would have objected, but I was feeling euphoric. I took the shirt from him and spun around in to the changing room. After trying on a dozen more outfits and looking at twenty different jewelry accessories that held knives and other helpful things, which I deciding to buy everything, we made our way down to the first floor. The men gathered all my ammo and arrows for me since I had no clue what to look for and we headed to the checkout line.

  A dwarf stood on a stool beside a crate of my items. He had a blue Dwarf Emporium shirt on with a button that said EMPLOYEE OF THE MILLENIA. His beard hung all the way to the floor and I wondered how he could walk with it. Did he tuck it in his pants? The dwarf smiled at me, “You have enough money to pay for this?” I took the credit card Dagda had given me out of my back pocket and handed it to him. The dwarf stared at the credit card in shock for a moment then smiled, “Well you should have told me you were a prized employee of the Council.” He hit a few buttons on a normal looking register in front of him and I stared in shock at the total. The dwarf smiled, “Are you sure there’s nothing else you want?”

  I shook my head. Jared patted my back, “The Council told you there was no limit.”

  I swallowed and whispered, “That’s more money than a middle class human makes in their life time.”

  Kevin shrugged, “The Council has a lot of investments and a very lucrative business with humans. That’s a daily paycheck for a Council member.”

  The dwarf swiped the card and handed me a copy of the bill to sign. “Now where should this be delivered to?”

  I whispered, “The compound. Room 12.”

  Kheelan paid for his bag of items then smiled at me, “Where are we shopping next?”

  “Maybe we should skip the clothes shopping.” My stomach was rolling around nervously as I pictured Jean-Luc looking at the receipt for my purchases.

  Kevin rolled his eyes, “If you don’t pick I will.”

  I groaned, “Fine, let’s go to…” I tapped my chin thoughtfully as I tried to pick a city to shop in. San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York or Paris? So many choices. “San Francisco.” I decided finally.


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