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Page 7

by Jennifer Mikels

  "Nearly twenty years," W.R. smiled. "My children were just little tykes when he came. After my wife's death, he sort of became nursemaid, uncle, and friend."

  Instinctively Dayna looked in Bonnie's direction, but it wasn't Bonnie she saw. Brand's disturbing penetrating blue eyes met hers. If she had thought the meal would prove less eventful than her arrival, she knew when she saw Brand rise and shove back his chair that she was wrong.

  There was no mistaking where he was heading. Caught in the middle of a conversation, Dayna looked down at the forkful of Dutch apple pie in her hand and pretended she wasn't aware of his approach as she listened to W.R.

  "I have to assume the reason for this vacation was the need for a quiet time, since you've probably already enjoyed most of the fun in the sun places like the Riviera or the Caribbean. Not that I'm complaining. I for one am very pleased to have such beauty gracing my ranch, but I'm surprised you chose a place lacking any nightlife."

  Glancing at Shelly before she answered, Karen said with a sly smile, "We were glad for the chance to have a quiet vacation with country air and horseback riding."

  "Oh, yes," Shelly agreed with feigned gaiety, "definitely horseback riding."

  Karen snickered softly over her remark, but Martin took her words seriously. "I'm glad. I like to ride too. We'll have to do it tomorrow. Would you like that?"

  Shelly's face came alive with enthusiasm and she beamed, "Yes, of course."

  "And tennis," Martin added, putting his hand over hers on the table. "Do you play tennis?"

  "Yes, but not well."

  "Yes, you do," Dayna offered. "I'm really looking forward to some night playing. You have floodlit courts, don't you, W.R.?" He nodded, but she knew by the curious frown that settled on his face that he was going to ask more questions. She really didn't want to lie. Since W.R. was a close acquaintance of her father's, she had already been tempted a few times to tell him specifically why she was there. The thought passed quickly, for she was sure W.R., in fairness to his foreman, would tell Brand and there might be an attempt to cover up the truth. "My father actually was the one who suggested I take a vacation here," she offered with a smile, pleased she wasn't forced to lie.

  Brand appeared, smiling a greeting to the receptive faces, but when he got to Dayna, his expression altered completely. Admiration glinted in his blue eyes as an uncomfortable silence descended on them. He was already pulling out the empty chair next to W.R. when he asked, "May I join you?"

  As W.R. gave a consenting nod, Dayna looked down at the pie on her plate, doubting that she would finish it now. She noted W.R.'s rapid scrutiny, his gaze moving from her to Brand and back to her again.

  Brand didn't notice. Leaning back in his chair in a relaxed pose, he looked at her in a way that sent a shiver up her spine. Dayna shifted slightly and poked with her fork at the pie on her plate. She knew the hot color of a girlish blush was sweeping over her face. Get hold of yourself, she mentally insisted. Her long, dark lashes lifted, and her green eyes shone with the determination to meet squarely the blue gaze so intent on her.

  Dayna felt relieved as W.R. demanded everyone's attention and proceeded to make an announcement. "There'll be a rodeo in a few days, folks, mostly local cowhands competing, but it's sort of an annual event for the Double R. Hope all of you will come! And then in the evening, there'll be a western-style dinner, so make sure you're good and hungry."

  Politely, Dayna waited until he was done and then pushed back her chair. She rose to her feet, and excused herself, pointedly avoiding a certain man's blue gaze. He had earlier put on a good act, but his attention to Christy dispelled any notions Dayna might have had that he wasn't just trying for the most available female. Slowly she worked her way away from the barbecue, exchanging pleasantries with some of the guests as she went. In her mind she had already classified Brand. He was the kind of man who would never be satisfied with only one woman's attention. She had met enough of that kind already.

  She knew even before she saw him that Brand was behind her. She sensed his nearness a moment before she felt the warmth of his hand as it tightened around her waist. She wasn't really surprised by his pursuit. A man like him possessed an ego that wouldn't allow even one woman to escape. She whirled around, and his grip suddenly loosened as he saw the flash of indignation in her eyes.

  She challenged him with that look, daring him to step out of line, and he couldn't restrain a smile or the mockery that gleamed in his eyes. "Would you like to go for a walk?" he asked innocently.

  His amusement did more than nettle her. It set her pulse racing. As coolly and indifferently as she could, she answered, "No, I wouldn't. And if you'll excuse me, at the moment I have a greater need for…"

  "For what? Anything but my company?" Brand finished. "You don't trust me, do you? You don't have a very forgiving nature, it seems," he mocked.

  There was just too much attraction between them for her own good. Dayna replied defensively, in self-protection, "It's not very safe to be with you. I know how you jump to conclusions and make hasty decisions."

  His eyes shone with amusement. On his face appeared a slow, taunting grin. "You're not proving very true to form. We've already discussed your very analytical nature, so what's your reason for this obvious anger at me? All I'm offering is friendship."

  Dayna was tempted to scoff at him. She suppressed it, because she had to admit he sounded very honest. For a moment she wondered if she was misjudging him. There was an open quality about him that didn't jibe with the kind of man who, on a whim, tried to take advantage of a woman just to bolster his macho ego. Yet wasn't that what he had been doing with her ever since they met?

  "With all your talk about destiny and other things," Dayna came back bluntly, "the word 'friendship' sounds preposterous. Why don't you just direct all this friendly energy toward someone who would appreciate it." Her gaze turned to Christy meaningfully.

  "You don't want me to do that," Brand answered with a smile. "As a ranch employee I have some responsibility to help our guests if they need it. So all I'm really doing is my job. I'm here not only to make their stay pleasant but to answer their complaints."

  "I could say you're the only one I need to complain about," she countered lightly.

  He almost smiled; Dayna knew he was restraining it. Laughter sprang into his blue eyes as they sparkled with amusement over her remark. "And here I thought I was behaving myself."

  "You jest," Dayna teased.

  "What have I done?" he challenged.

  "Nothing," Dayna answered. "Absolutely nothing."

  "Is that the problem? If it is, you know it would be my pleasure to find a remedy for the situation." They reached the porch and he set a foot on the first step. It kept Dayna from leaving him and brought his face closer to hers.

  Dayna knew his actions were deliberate. He was trying to force a reaction from her and she struggled with herself, knowing it would be a mistake to take notice of his move or to try to move around him.

  His blue eyes narrowed slightly. She had the satisfaction of seeing a flicker of confusion in his gaze and she smiled slightly, suddenly feeling in control, but her triumph was short-lived.

  Though only a second passed, it seemed an eternity while his eyes slid over her bare shoulders and settled on the plunging neckline of her dress. "That's some dress you're wearing."

  "I suppose out of politeness I should say thank you for being leered at."

  "I wasn't leering," he said with soft laughter. "I was just being honest."

  "If we're going to be really honest, I'm surprised you noticed anything that wasn't in a shade of hot pink. You know, it's easy to see why there's no Mrs. Renfrow. You're really impossible."

  "Are you asking me," Brand teased, "if there is?"

  "I'm not interested," she answered firmly. "But did it ever occur to you that you might be infringing on another man's territory? You never even bothered to find out if I was married."

  His gaze went to her ring finger. "
It's obvious you aren't. Anyway, now would be a heck of a time to start asking questions about your marital status. That would be like closing the barn door after the horse was out. If there was a lover back in Chicago, you wouldn't have accepted my offer to buy you a drink."

  "I assure you I don't lack for dates."

  His eyes swept over her curves. "I never doubted for a minute that your social calendar wasn't booked solid. But I said 'lover,'" he reminded her mockingly. "There isn't one, is there?"

  "Really, it's none of your business. I'm not asking you about your sex life."

  He shrugged. "If you're interested, I'll answer your questions. I've known many women, but then I'm not sixteen years old, so that really isn't such a revealing statement from a man."

  "I'm not concerned with the quantity of lovers you've had."

  "Good," he answered lightly, "because I'm not concerned with your past loves, or how many men have stirred passion in you." His eyes deepened in color, the warmth and sensuousness of his thoughts spanning the distance between them. "All I care about is that I do," he said softly.

  A tremor of expectation moved through her and Dayna suppressed it, revealing an unexpected trace of cynicism. "Aren't you going to offer false promises of love?"

  Brand was quiet, his gaze searching her face. "You won't believe them," he answered softly.

  "That's right, I wouldn't. I'm not naive, Brand, or easily swayed by a smooth line."

  "I know," he replied, his tone unexpectedly serious. A moment of strained silence passed be-fore he asked with a frown, "Why have you stereotyped me?"

  "I haven't," Dayna responded quickly, her heart lurching because of his bluntness. She had stereotyped him and he knew it; she had marked him on sight as a womanizer.

  "Whatever your thoughts are," Brand said, candid as ever, "I'll wager they're uncomplimentary." He gazed at her, pondering and searching for answers. "You're afraid to be with me," he noted with a touch of surprise.

  "No, you're wrong," Dayna countered softly. "It's just that I don't believe you ever take no for an answer."

  "I don't when I think the woman really wants to say yes."

  "You think you have all the answers, don't you?"

  "I do," Brand answered as if it were a fact. "You're just not receptive to them—yet." His eyes narrowed in contemplation. "Do you list all a man's monetary and personal assets on one side and all his human flaws on the other?"

  The taunting tone of his voice was irritating. "It certainly would be wiser for a woman to do that than act like an insipid fool by plunging into relationships and letting her emotions control her life," she answered.

  "Do you really believe you can choose the person you fall in love with?"

  "I told you I control my own destiny."

  She expected some smart retort, but Brand seemed to accept her statement with a nod of his head. "Yes, you did." Dayna looked away, feeling self-conscious under the gaze that seemed to be dissecting every word she spoke. "I suppose with you owning your own business it's best that men don't turn your head easily."

  A frown furrowed her brow. "What does that mean?"

  "Well," he answered with a shrug, "you'd never know if he was after your money or if he saw himself filling your shoes in the business when he gets you pregnant."

  Dayna shot a look at him. "Only you would think that way."

  "You mean," he taunted, "despite all that profound reasoning you do, you've never considered that possibility? Maybe that's what I want from you."

  "No, you've been quite clear about what you want."

  "Isn't it reassuring to know I'm one of the few men you can truly trust?" She looked away, holding back a smile and continuing to avoid his perceptive eyes as he asked, "You're not the least bit attracted to me, are you?"

  Dayna hesitated before answering firmly, "No."

  His fingers touched her chin and forced her to look at him. "You're lying." He leaned back against the porch and half-sat, half-stood against its edge. Even in the darkness surrounding them, she could feel his eyes sweeping over her disturbingly. "You don't seem to realize something about yourself, Dayna. Quibbling with you is like facing a stampede of cattle." Dayna couldn't hold back a burst of soft laughter. "It is," he insisted with a warm smile. "It's like facing danger and excitement at the same time. You break out in a cold sweat, your heart thunders in your chest. You want to run away, and yet something inside urges you to plunge forward to meet the risk. You have that effect on a man—on me," he added softly. "Your father wasn't so wrong when he called you a sweet witch. You're exasperatingly contradictory. You wanted to believe I saw pink tonight when you know I saw everything in a desirable shade of green."

  Dayna smothered the smile his flattery provoked, remembering he was well-versed at saying all the right things when he wanted to. Brand continued, "I think you are a very intelligent, sensible, and level-headed lady. Maybe too sensible," he added. "Because I think that's the approach you use to everything, including the men in your life. You don't want to believe in romance. But for once, I think natural womanly emotions are overpowering all those convictions. That's why you're afraid of me, but it's also why you're with me now."

  "I think I'll prove you wrong," she said confidently. She thought the rest would be easy, but as she made a move to leave him, he grabbed her wrist and she was drawn between his legs. His arm came around her waist as his powerful thighs locked around her limbs. The heat of his body mingled with hers, seeming to burn their clothes away. Dayna strained to free herself, pushing her hands against his chest, but the strength of his powerful body held her in an iron grip.

  She sensed the futility of her struggle when his hand slid to the back of her head. His fingers entwined in her hair, stilling any further movement as he lowered his face toward hers with exquisite slowness. His mouth forced her lips to part, allowing his tongue to join the assault. There was a consuming, possessing quality to his kiss—gentle and tender, but forceful, demanding a passionate response. The warmth of his hand was like a scorching brand on her bare back as he molded her body against his. Her resistance melted away, all the pent-up emotions she had been battling burst out, and she slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. With a will of its own, her body leaned even closer into the warmth of his. No kiss from any man had ever made her tremble so she could hardly stand up. There seemed to be no end to the lingering, intoxicating kiss, and with every second that passed as his lips twisted and pressed against hers, she was drawn more and more to the man embracing her.

  It was Brand who finally ended it. He lifted his head and loosened his embrace. Dayna swayed slightly, leaning against him again, unconsciously pressing her palm on his thigh to steady herself. She felt the muscles in his leg grow granite hard as they took her weight.

  He drew in a quick breath, but his voice was calm when he spoke. "You're lying to yourself."

  Confused by the desire still bubbling up in her from his forceful and commanding kiss, she tried to regain some hold on reality. With a suddenness that rocked her, she realized with dismay to what extent she had revealed her willingness to him. Her pride forced her to draw back her hand to slap him as an amused grin appeared on his face.

  Lightning fast, Brand's hand encircled her wrist, arresting the stinging slap in midair. His fingers nearly crushed the bones of her wrist with their steely grip. "Are you that afraid?"

  "I'm not afraid of you," Dayna countered. "Let me go!" Her heart was galloping, but she felt foolish and rushed her words. "I could have you fired for that."

  His eyes taunted her. "I don't think so. You could hardly claim you weren't responsive." His gaze strayed to her breasts. The deep breaths she was taking testified to the excitement he had aroused in her.

  "You won't tell anyone," Brand said as his hand slid possessively up her arm to the side of her neck. "We both know why you won't." Dayna's agitated breath became even more pronounced as Brand whispered, "Though you're trying to fight it, we both know this vacation is going to i
nclude more than you just basking in the sun."

  Mischief danced in his blue eyes as he smiled confidently. It was the last thing she saw on his face before he left her and walked back toward the barbecue.

  Leaning back against a pillar, she felt weak limbed and drained. Seconds passed before her breathing slowed and the stunned sensation suffusing her lifted. A culmination of emotions rushed through her as she made her way to her room. Shaken by what had just happened, she welcomed the solace and privacy of her room. She undressed quickly and slid beneath the sheet, hoping sleep would come quickly and drown the emotions Brand had stirred.

  The lock on the door clicked and she squeezed her eyes shut, feigning sleep as Shelly and Karen entered the room. She lay perfectly still, hoping to avoid their barrage of questions. At the moment she had one question of her own to contemplate. Since Brand had made advances just as quickly to Alexandria Minter, she couldn't help wondering if he made a practice with any female guest who caught his fancy. It was a question that couldn't be answered tonight, but soon, Dayna thought, very soon, for her own good, she needed to know the answer.

  Chapter Five

  The following morning, after an old-fashioned country breakfast that Dayna sampled only lightly, she returned to her room and changed into riding clothes. She nodded approvingly at her reflection in the mirror. Clad in beige jeans, a long-sleeve green print cotton blouse, her new boots, and a recently purchased biscuit-colored Stetson, she walked toward the stables with Karen.

  She liked to ride and had been looking forward to giving the Double R horses a good run. She smiled easily as Karen talked about the ranch. But Karen's casual remark about the weather slipped by her. Dayna's steps faltered. She tensed with apprehension; all her earlier cheerfulness was snatched away by the sight of Brand leaning casually against the stable doorway talking to Bonnie. Just as suddenly, Brand's conversation with Bonnie came to a halt. One brown finger pushed back the hat tilted low on his forehead. He raised his head and his eyes swept over her disturbingly.


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