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Page 15

by Jennifer Mikels

  She smiled weakly, feeling excited, and Brand asked with surprise, "Are you nervous?"

  "No," she admitted truthfully and moved forward to where he was standing at the foot of the bed. "I want to be here," Dayna assured him. "I want to be with you."

  He took command of the situation. Leisurely, he caressed her throat, his fingers moving lightly down the slender curve of her neck. His hands touched her shoulders and her dress slid down as his hands skimmed the softness of her breasts, the slim line of her waist, and settled on the roundness of her hips. As her dress fell to the floor, an impish smile tugged her lips upward.

  She pushed his hands gently away. "My turn," she whispered, opening his shirt and helping him slide out of it. A slight frown knitted her brows as she concentrated on undoing the buckle of his belt.

  Dayna gazed at his bare body with an interest as great as he directed at her. There was something delightfully erotic about standing naked with him in the dimly lit room.

  "My fantasies were dull in comparison with the real thing. You're more beautiful than I ever imagined," he said in a voice thick with emotion, his hands caressing her breasts, flooding her with tingling sensation.

  "You, too," Dayna breathed, knowing that the tenderness stirring within her spoke of much more than just desire.

  She laid her hands lightly on his waist and stepped closer into his embrace, closing her eyes, her lips brushing the side of his neck as she experienced the first exciting moment of knowing the full length of his nakedness. The hair covering his chest made a soft cushion for her bare breasts, and the bold hardness of his body assured her of his virile strength. She trembled, aroused by the heat of him flowing into her, and she turned her head, lifting parted lips to him, slanting them across the firm, curving mouth.

  His hand slid downward, pressing her against him. A moment later she lay beneath him on the bed, his granite-hard body pressed tightly against her, burning her flesh with their intimacy. His hands skimmed over her body with an indescribable thoroughness that swept liquid fire through her. Her hands were as curious as his, and her exploring touch felt the play of his muscles, first his shoulder and then his thigh, as she gently caressed the scar near his groin. He crushed her to him, his mouth covering hers again, moving over hers with devouring passion.

  Their kisses became frantic, greedy, and reality whirled away from her, a heady mindlessness taking control as pleasure flooded through her. Every nerve in her body responded not only to the searing heat of his lips but also to the sense of power emanating from his hard body.

  His body covered hers, his skin hot and damp from blazing desire, and she welcomed his body blending with hers in a consuming movement. She trembled as he came to her, gasping out her name. Her heart thudded fiercely as she responded to the primitive urgency of his powerful body.

  Hearing his harsh breath in her ear, she knew he was as consumed by marvelous, wild sensations as she was. Closing her eyes, she pressed her head back into the pillow and gripped the hard muscles of his back, drawing him even closer, her slender limbs entwining with his as she arched her back in her effort to know total oneness with him.

  Even later, she had no regrets. She reveled in the damp heat of his skin and the musky scent of their lovemaking. His harsh, disturbed breathing against her ear became less ragged, and his lips brushed the side of her neck.

  Quiet, contented moments passed while she thought she would never want to move again. Then he shifted his weight from her and she nestled beside him. Her head rested in the crook of his arm, and his hands were gentler now, stroking and caressing the flesh he'd relished in the urgent heat of their lovemaking.

  "I love you," he said in a husky whisper, kissing her temple.

  Dayna swallowed hard as a giant lump rose in her throat. Why? Why did he have to spoil the moment? Why did he think he had to say those words? Why did a man as straightforward and candid as he was feel the need to lie now?

  Dayna didn't answer. Within minutes, she could feel from the steady rise and fall of Brand's chest against her shoulder that he was asleep.

  It took a Herculean effort to force herself to leave him. She dressed quickly but glanced back once to look at Brand, one arm cradled behind his head, a sleepy smile of contentment slightly curving his mouth.

  She closed the door of his room behind her and headed for the lodge. She would remember this evening as a special time they had shared and not allow the afterglow of his touch, which still warmed her body, to stir romantic notions that it could ever be anything more.

  Chapter Nine

  "Good morning." Karen's voice sang with cheerfulness and Dayna responded with a smile, unaware until that moment that Karen was even awake.

  Slipping her legs out from under the sheet, Karen slid into her blue scuffs and headed for the bathroom. Dayna closed her eyes again. For a few minutes, she just lay there listening to the water running in the bathroom, her mind busy remembering the hungry desire of Brand's kisses and the deep needs he'd stirred within her. The need to feel his lips, warm and firm against hers, and to know the possession of his body was almost an addiction.

  Slowly she raised herself and stretched to a sitting position. He said she lingered in his mind, she haunted him when she wasn't around. A soft smile curved her lips as she recalled the time with him last night. She felt content and peaceful. Being with him had been right; she knew, in the bright light of day, that the unquenchable passion they had shared last night wouldn't have remained unleashed for much longer. She felt light-spirited and filled with an impish devilment. She wished now that she had stayed with Brand and that it was his mischievous blue gaze she was staring up at, instead of Karen's questioning one.

  "You look like the cat that swallowed the canary," Karen commented teasingly.

  "You're silly," Dayna sighed, plumping a pillow behind her back and drawing her knees up to her chest.

  Karen laughed softly. She didn't need to ask; it was obvious that Dayna was in her own private world that morning, one in which she saw everything through rose-colored glasses.

  Rising from the bed, Dayna grabbed her robe and went into the bathroom to shower. As she stepped under the soothing spray of water, she knew how tempted she was to believe that a man could fall in love in such a short space of time. Although Brand had said the words, she forced herself to keep her feet on the ground. Those three little words were tossed around very easily by some men. A woman had to be cautious and exercise good common sense. She had to remember that some men sprinkled the words like powdered sugar on a dessert.

  Minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom and, toweling her hair dry, she moved to the window to see the kind of weather that would greet her. It was another beautiful, cloudless day, des-tined to turn hot, judging from the bright sun radiating through the window.

  There was a great deal of activity already, even though it was only eight in the morning. A truck was parked near the corral, and she saw Bonnie talking to the driver, whose two helpers began unloading the bleachers to be set up for the rodeo.

  Some of the guests were returning from an early-morning ride along one of the ranch trails. Dressed in jeans and a red-and-white striped pullover, Christy was turning on the charm for John Cutler, her body seductively nestled close to his. Dayna made a wry face, surmising that Brand must not be anywhere near. The woman should be worn out from her efforts, she thought. Every time Dayna saw her she was batting those dark lashes at some man.

  Dayna looked away as Christy exchanged a kiss with Cutler. But she frowned at the sight of two ranch hands gathered in conspiratorial conversation behind a maintenance shed. They were hidden, except from someone like herself who had an overhead view. Lingering, they repeatedly darted glances toward Cutler, who was slowly extricating .himself from Christy's possessive grip. Dayna stepped back, not wanting to be noticed should one of them look up. The suspicions that had previously only briefly crossed her mind were intensified as Cutler joined the two men and handed each of them some money.
She recalled the conversation between Hank and Cutler. Was it all some innocent exchange or were they involved in the cattle rustling?

  She stepped away from the window and saw that Karen had settled back on her bed again. It was hard to believe that Hank, whom Brand and Bonnie considered a trusted employee, would be involved in something illegal. She mentally shook her head to dispel the thought. But she couldn't, and even if it was nothing, she decided she should at least tell Brand what she had just seen.

  At breakfast, the girls were joined by Martin and a Japanese industrialist who had decided to take a three-day side trip to see a western ranch. He provided interesting breakfast conversation, but Dayna's mind kept drifting. She had seen and heard too many things in the past few days, and at the moment she wanted someone else to know about them and lift the burden of the knowledge from her shoulders.

  When Dayna questioned Bonnie about Brand, he merely shrugged. With W.R. also missing, the conversation began to lag. "W.R. eats with the visiting folks most of the time, but when Tom's in town they usually take their meals together in private." Bonnie rambled on, and Dayna sensed his talkativeness was the result of his discomfort over her own low spirits. He smiled, adding as an explanation, "When Joan—Mrs. Reardon—was alive, W.R. ran the cattle ranch and Joan just started the guest ranch. Shoat, Brand's dad, was foreman then, and the three of them worked hard to keep their heads above water. Joan did all the cooking and everything while Shoat and W.R. worked hard to build up the spread. In those days, they'd all eat here. But Joan made it a point that for special occasions—the holidays and birthdays for instance—they'd have dinner at the big house. She'd say that was a time for just family." He made a face and with a quick shake of his head added, "It sure was a shame she wasn't around long. Some beautiful lady, inside and out."

  "Where was Brand's mother?"

  "Never met her. Shoat came here when Brand was only two. I never really asked, but I guess the marriage just didn't work out and he took his son." Bonnie finished his coffee and shoved his chair back. Rising to his feet slowly, he said, "It's been real nice just sitting around talking, but I've got a few things I've got to do. Big day today," he announced with a smile. Keeping an eye on Dayna, he added, "Not too many more days and I'll be saying goodbye when I take you ladies to the airport. Guess you'll be kind of glad to get back to the big city, huh?"

  Karen smiled in return. "Not really. It's cold back there."

  Dayna took a sip of coffee but felt the need to say aloud just once what she was really feeling. "I'll miss being here. It's been like a second home, just as you said it would be."

  Preying heavily on her mind was something she was trying hard not to think about—the necessity of leaving Brand. She rejected the thought and jumped up. With forced cheerfulness she said, "Come on, Karen, Shelly, let's see if we can find a fourth for tennis."

  Bonnie moved away, shaking his head. He perceives more than he should, Dayna thought sadly. Mentally she fought the growing thoughts about love and shifted her attention to Shelly as Martin left them alone for a few minutes.

  "Not me, Dayna," Shelly replied with a beaming smile. "Martin and I are going for a ride."

  In mock astonishment, Karen said, "On a horse?"

  "Well, yes," Shelly answered falteringly. "Why?"

  Placing an affectionate hand on Shelly's shoulder, Karen grinned wickedly. "Do you vaguely remember you're the one who doesn't like horses?"

  Shelly answered with a giggle. "Well, I do now."

  "Uh huh," Karen replied with a teasing nod.

  "Have fun, Shelly," Dayna offered. She turned to Karen, praying she wouldn't back out, too. "How about you? Tennis?"

  "Sure," Karen said teasingly with a conspiratorial wink at Dayna. "Maybe we can each find someone like Shelly did and play doubles."

  "Oh, stop it," Shelly beamed. "Quit teasing."

  "Just so you know," Karen said, "we're both really pleased you've had such a good time here."

  "That's right," Dayna agreed. "It's turned out to be pretty special for you."

  Karen's smile disappeared as she mused that it had been special for Dayna too. But Dayna just wouldn't realize it.

  At the tennis court Karen and Dayna found two recently arrived very eager partners. Introductions were made, and as one of them turned to join his friend on the other side of the court, Dayna rolled her eyes upward. "Our friend has fast hands. Somehow he just couldn't turn away without brushing his hand against my leg."

  "Oh, no," Karen groaned.

  As they played the game, Dayna knew Karen was as grateful as she for the net that separated them from the pair of lechers on the other side of the court. As fast as politeness allowed, Dayna and Karen departed after the set, laughing and giggling over the pair they'd attracted.

  For a brief time, Dayna had found a diversion. But as she walked toward the lodge with Karen, thoughts of Brand again intruded. She was filled with disappointment at not seeing him, and she wondered if she would always dream of him. When she was gone from the ranch, she reassured herself at first, she would forget him, forget what he looked like, just as she'd forget the other people she'd met. Sadly, she acknowledged that this was a lie. She'd never forget Brand.

  As they neared the porch of the lodge Dayna's eyes turned a deep shade of jade at the sight of Brand near the porch with Christy.

  Inching her body closer to him, Christy was inviting him to make a pass at her. Brand's face bore the amused expression Dayna had become so well acquainted with. He flirted easily, seeming to enjoy the opportunity.

  Was that what he had been doing with her, too? Dayna wondered wryly as she stopped Karen from moving closer. The last thing she wanted was for Brand to see her or to get an inkling of the jealousy that threatened to erupt from within her. No strings, she reminded herself. She had gotten caught up in the rapture of his kisses, in the soft persuasiveness of his words, in the ecstasy of physically loving him.

  It was Karen's voice softly repeating her name that made her realize she was clutching her friend's arm with a death grip.

  As she looked up at Karen, she did her best to veil the turmoil of emotions coursing through her. Instinctively Karen queried, "Are you all right?"

  "Fine. I'm fine." Dayna feigned a smile as Karen's eyes turned to Brand, who was now moving away from Christy.

  Dayna urged Karen around the building to another entrance so they wouldn't be noticed, then left her in the gift shop and wandered toward the lobby.

  A poster caught her eye. It announced a play she had missed seeing in Chicago. It was to be presented in Phoenix about the middle of the month. She shrugged her shoulder; the information was useless to her, since she wouldn't be in Arizona then. She sighed lightly, wondering how she had managed to avoid so many situations in her life and yet had stumbled into this one so unexpectedly. It gnawed at her that Brand was with Christy now. She wanted to be the one he spent every moment with. Last night she had convinced herself that she was walking into the relationship with Brand with her eyes wide open—that she would be able to walk away when it was over, remember the time she'd spent with him -with fond memories, but that that would be the end of it. The heavy pressure she felt against her chest now made her wonder if all that was really possible.

  She started to turn away but was startled by Brand's unexpected appearance. He was standing so close behind her that her shoulder brushed his chest as she turned and she found herself in his embrace, his arms surrounding and steadying her.

  His eyes glinted with amusement. "Sorry. Scaring you is the last thing I wanted to do."

  Dayna shook her head. "You just surprised me." Noticing he held a bundle of letters in his hand, Dayna turned the conversation to them. "You have the mail."

  "One very sweet-smelling one for Hank from a lady who lives in Yuma," he said laughing.

  Dayna suddenly felt on edge. "I was hoping I'd see you…"

  "The feeling was mutual," he said softly as he moved closer to her.

ly Dayna tensed, finding his words difficult to believe, since she'd seen him with Christy. She looked away, toward the window, fearful that those blue eyes would see too much, would know that a deep emotion was gnawing at her.

  He appeared completely unaware of her emotional state. "I see you've been playing tennis." His gaze floated lightly over her sun-browned legs, revealed by the tennis outfit she was wearing. "Have you met the Double R's answer to McEnroe and Evert-Lloyd, just arrived yesterday morning?" he asked lightly.

  Dayna couldn't help laughing at his description of the California couple, tennis club champions, who had been boasting of their prowess since the moment they had arrived at the ranch.

  "He's been goading me," Brand said with amusement. "Rodeo champions are not athletes, so the gentleman says. I think you and I are going to challenge them to a game of tennis."

  Dayna made a face. "Can we beat them?"

  "Sure we can." He touched a strand of hair near the line of her jaw as if he couldn't resist it. "We're a winning pair."

  Dayna pulled back from his touch, determined to shift the conversation to a less amorous topic and tell him the puzzling scenes she had seen. "In the last couple of days, I've…"

  Dayna's words were cut short by W.R. "I've been looking for you," he said to Brand as he strode from his office toward them.

  "I just got back a few minutes ago," Brand explained, turning toward him.

  "Well, what happened?" he queried with a hint of impatience.

  Brand heaved a sigh. "The cattle got out again and were running. We went out in a dozen different directions and got them rounded up. I took some men and we rode back to look for drifters."


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