Take a Chance, Cowboy (Carver Ranch Series Book 2)

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Take a Chance, Cowboy (Carver Ranch Series Book 2) Page 6

by Lacey Wolfe

  “It’s not so bad.” Lauren ate a piece of popcorn. “It will be worth it tomorrow. Everything will be beautiful, and I’ll get to walk down the aisle to Tucker.”

  “Then start having babies!” Melissa added. “Mom is so ready.”

  Lauren’s eyes widened. “No, not yet.”

  Angie lay back on the bed. She hoped she wasn’t the first one to give Mrs. Carver a baby. How would the close-knit family feel about a pregnancy out of wedlock? “Let’s start the movie, since Lauren has given us all a bedtime tonight. Are you gonna tuck us in too?”

  Lauren giggled. “Damn straight. And if you ladies get up...I brought the duck tape.”

  “Oh God, keep your bedroom toys at home.” Angie ducked when Lauren tossed a pillow at her.

  This was fun. The girl time. She knew she had missed her friend, but at this moment, she realized just how much she’d actually missed her. Nathan or not, Deer Crossing was going to be in her future a lot.

  * * * *

  “Today’s the day.” Nathan playfully punched his twin in the arm.

  Tucker lifted his coffee mug to his lips. “I’m ready.”

  Their mom was at his grandparents’ old house with the women already. They’d hired a hairdresser and they were most likely getting dolled up. As soon as Tucker finished his coffee, the men were headed down to the field where the wedding would take place. They’d hired some high school kids to set up the chairs and tables, but they needed to make sure it was done right. Especially the decorations. Their sister was overseeing that before she went to get ready for the big event.

  Nathan was relieved the day was there and things would go back to normal soon. It wouldn’t be wedding this, wedding that anymore. He rubbed his temple. Just wait until Lauren and Tucker had a baby. All the commotion. He needed to face the facts—this was life now. It wasn’t going back to the way it was. Perhaps that was a good thing.

  After today, changes might begin in his life if Angie wanted to pursue something with him. He was willing to lay it all on the line for her too. He’d move to Georgia with her. Long distance didn’t work. He was crazy, only knowing this woman for a short time. But there was something about her. She’d woken something up that he didn’t think still lived in him. His ex had done quite a number on him, but that pain was fading away. The betrayals and lies, it didn’t feel like anything anymore. Just a mistake he made in his past.

  “Dude, what are you thinking about?” Tucker set his cup down.

  He glanced at his brother. “Just spaced out.”

  Tucker nodded. “Ah, well. Wake up. It’s time to get to work. I’m sure Braden’s already down there and waiting.”

  “Probably. Dad’s most likely staring at his watch.”

  “Let’s get this show on the road. In a few hours, I’ll be married.” Tucker ran his hand through his hair. “I can’t believe it. A year ago, I would have laughed if someone had told me I would be getting married.”

  Nathan patted him on the shoulder. Two years ago, he was supposed to be getting married. Thankfully, his brother had better luck than him.

  * * * *

  Angie clutched the lavender bouquet in her palms as her eyes moistened with happiness. Lauren held Tucker’s hand and they walked back down the aisle as a married couple. They had written the most beautiful vows to one another. Never had Angie been to a wedding filled with so much love. The Carvers were a wonderful bunch of people. Her best friend was beyond lucky.

  “Care to walk with me?” Nathan offered his elbow to her and she laced her fingers around it.

  She didn’t speak, just let him lead her as they followed the bride and groom.

  At the end of the aisle, Nathan turned to her and handed her a handkerchief. “Here.”

  She took it and wiped the tears away. “That was the best wedding.” She handed it back to him.

  “It was something. I’m glad it’s over though. Now the fun can begin. Drinks, food...” He placed a hand on her waist. “Dancing.”

  She liked the way he thought. Hell, she liked everything about him. “I need some food first.” She tugged on his vest. “Then I’m all yours.”

  He grinned the sexy way that made her heart race. “Then let’s head over to the reception.”

  She placed her hand on his forearm and went with him toward the area where everyone was gathered. Lauren and Tucker had disappeared for the time being, and she couldn’t blame them. If a man had said all the things Tucker had said during his vows to her, she’d find a closet somewhere and give him the best blow-job of his life.

  Her best friend had wanted the reception to be casual. A buffet of food was already set up, and people were grabbing their plates. Maggie and Melissa were seated at the head table, stuffing their mouths. Lauren had been a diva that morning, only letting them have a light breakfast. Angie had wanted to argue with her about it, but let it go. This wasn’t her day. Hopefully, tomorrow bridezilla would be gone, and Lauren would be back.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Nathan asked.

  “Anything with alcohol in it.”

  “There is plenty of that. Go have a seat, and I’ll bring it to you.”

  She finished building her plate with food then went toward the area where the other bridesmaids were sitting. She plopped down next to Melissa. After last night, they seemed to be getting along better.

  Melissa lifted her wine and wiggled her bare toes. “I was glad to kick those heels off.”

  Angie nodded as she scooped pasta salad. It tasted so good...either that or she was starving and a pile of dirt would be appetizing.

  “Maybe I’ll be back soon for another wedding. I saw the way Nathan stared at you throughout it.” Maggie leaned back in her chair.

  They were both so sure she and Nathan were next. “Weddings do that. Make you feel things.”

  “Will you stick around for a while?” Melissa asked. “Lauren told me you were out of a job.”

  “I want to come back, but I do need to get home and check on a few things before I can really decide.” Mainly her mom. She’d tried calling her twice since getting to Deer Crossing, and she’d not called back.

  “I know Nathan would like you to stay.”

  “I could go with you.” He set a wine cooler in front of Angie.

  She glanced up into his blue eyes, full of passion. “What do you mean?”

  He sat next to her, scooting his chair close. “What I said. I’d love to go with you and meet your family.”

  He didn’t want to meet her family at all. After being here, she’d be embarrassed for him to see the area where her mom and sister lived. “Oh no, you don’t have to.”

  He tossed a grape in his mouth. “Just know I will.”

  Maggie sighed. “Oh yeah, you two are next. You just don’t know it.”

  They’d worry about wedding bells later. As much as she liked Nathan, she wasn’t sure it was love. They were still in the lust phase. They hadn’t even had a real disagreement yet.

  “Anyway. Let’s talk about something else.” Angie used her fork to get some more pasta.

  “Oh, shit.” Melissa flung her napkin down.

  Whoa. Melissa looked pissed. “What?”

  She balled her hands into fists. “I can’t believe she’s here.”

  “Who?” Nathan stood and placed a hand over his eyes. His face paled.

  “Who is it?” Angie stood and held his arm.

  He stared directly at a lady with dark hair similar to hers who shook Tucker’s hand, holding a gift in her other hand.

  “Nathan.” She tugged on his arm as Melissa marched in bare feet toward the mystery guest. “Tell me, who is it? A cousin you all dislike?”

  He turned to her, still pale, with no emotion. “It’s my ex you’re always asking about.”

  Angie’s gaze shot back toward the woman. The ex who had broken Nathan’s heart in a way that was almost irreparable. It was taking everything in her not to follow Melissa over and give his ex a piece of her mind. But without know
ing the story, she wasn’t about to make a fool of herself.

  Chapter 9

  “Excuse me.” Nathan removed Angie’s hand from his arm and headed toward Carrie. Why the hell is she here?

  His ex looked at him and her smile faded. “Nate.”

  She probably hadn’t expected him to speak to her, but thanks to Angie and the way she made him feel, he no longer needed to avoid her. For the past two years, the bitch had the upper hand when she came to town, but not any longer.

  “Why are you here?” he demanded.

  “I brought your brother and his lovely wife a gift and wanted to congratulate them.”

  “We’ll let you two be.” Lauren rubbed his shoulder. Tucker was hesitant to move, but Lauren tugged him along.

  “Let’s talk over there.” He pointed toward a place by the woods where they’d be slightly secluded. He could already feel people watching them.

  “You look good,” she said when they approached the area.

  “Same to you.” It didn’t hurt to see her anymore. In fact, giving her that little compliment hadn’t made him want to vomit. The past was the past. He couldn’t live there anymore, not if he wanted a future with another woman. “You should’ve mailed your gift and not come here. You’re not welcome, and you know that.”

  She sighed and pushed her dark locks over her shoulder. “I heard a rumor you were seeing someone.”

  “You heard right.” Angie walked up and clasped Nathan’s hand. “Hi, I’m Angie.”

  Nathan grinned. He should’ve known better than to think his spitfire was going to just stay seated.

  Carrie nodded. “It’s nice to meet you. I assume you know who I am, so no need for an introduction.”

  “Actually...” Angie shifted on her heels to stand more upright. “I only know you as an ex, not a name.”

  His ex’s smiled faded. “Well, it’s Carrie.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Nathan squeezed her hand. “You’ve seen the rumor is true. You can leave now.”

  Carrie cleared her throat. “Well, if it means anything, I’m happy for you. I did love you. You never gave me a chance to explain my side. You were what I needed at that time in my life. I just went about it the wrong way.”

  Sorry didn’t cut what she did. The woman was evil and should be in a nuthouse. “You told so many lies, I find it hard to believe you loved me—ever.”

  “I did, and I’m sorry.” She began to walk away then stopped by Angie. “You’ve got a great catch. You’re lucky to have him.”

  His ex was gone before he blinked. Thank God. He pulled Angie toward him and kissed her. This woman was the light of his life, and if she hadn’t been by his side, he wasn’t sure he could’ve been as strong.

  She broke the kiss. “I think it’s time you tell me about her.”

  It was. Angie needed to know how much she’d changed him and made him better again. “How about on our way to Georgia together?”

  She pulled away. “You’re not going with me. I have things there I need to take care of, and I don’t want you with me.”

  “What if I insist and refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer?”

  She held a hand up. “My life is nothing like yours here. My family would give you nightmares.”

  “Let me decide that. Maybe we should let each other in. I’m ready to open my heart to you and tell you about Carrie and what happened between us.”

  She let out an exasperated breath. “I don’t know if I’m ready yet.”

  * * * *

  Angie stepped onto the cool tile floor after soaking in a hot bath. Her whole body ached from the fun day. The wedding had been a success, and tomorrow morning Lauren and Tucker would be catching a plane and heading to the Bahamas. Her flight was later tomorrow as well, but she wished it wasn’t.

  When she’d arrived there, she hadn’t expected to find a guy she liked. Sure, she was always up for some fun and flirting, but Lauren had warned her not to do that with Nathan. Instead of listening, she kept getting more and more entwined in his life.

  She was alone in the house again. Maggie and Brock left earlier to get some alone time at the cabin they’d bought not far from the ranch. She had to admit, she was enjoying her own alone time.

  In the bedroom, she dressed in her favorite sweats and tank top. It was an almost see-through white top she liked to wear when she knew no one would see her, since she wore it braless. Her only plans were to plop down on the couch and fall asleep to comedy reruns.

  She left the bedroom and heard a cough. Someone’s here.

  “Hello,” she called.

  “It’s just me.”

  Nathan. Of course. They’d spent the afternoon dancing, kissing, and enjoying themselves before she disappeared and hid out here. The party had gotten to be too much for her. Mainly because this was the life she wanted. She wanted the Carvers, but most of all, she wanted Nathan.

  “You’re just letting yourself in now?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I didn’t think you’d mind since you’re leaving tomorrow.” He stood from where he sat on the couch. “I can go.”

  “No, don’t. I want you here.” And she meant it. As much as she’d been enjoying her alone time, spending her last night in town with him would be perfect.

  They sat on the couch and she pulled the quilt off the back, placing it around them. She turned into him, gazing at his deep blue eyes. As though he knew just what she was saying, his lips found hers. She needed to be with him with everything in her. This wasn’t the last time she’d see him. She had confidence it was going to work out. Hell, he was willing to go back to her home state with her, even though she wouldn’t allow it.

  Lacing her fingers around his neck, she straddled his lap and deepened the kiss. His erection pressed to her sex. Foreplay was overrated when you had a man like Nathan. She craved having him buried deep inside, filling her completely.

  She kissed his neck and fiddled with his pants. Nathan cupped her breasts, squeezing them. They were becoming more comfortable with one another. No longer feeling as though they needed to take their time. They could freely touch and explore while they learned what made the other one happy.

  He tugged her shirt over her head, and his lips clasped around a nipple. She moaned and unzipped his pants. She sought out his cock, wrapping her hand around it, and stroked. His breath caught as he bit down on her. She jolted up as a wave of pleasure rippled through her.

  She placed both hands on his face then brought her mouth back to his. Getting up on her knees, she took one hand and pushed his pants and boxers down. He helped, and a few seconds later, she sat in his lap. Kissing down his neck, she licked along his collarbone before kneeling on the floor and taking his dick in her hands.

  His eyes were dark with passion. Keeping her gaze on his, she took his shaft into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip. He rewarded her by fisting his fingers in her hair. She loved the feel of him being in control. Making her take him.

  Bringing him deep into her mouth, she circled her lips and stroked him. She gently rolled his balls in her hand, giving them a light squeeze. Nathan gasped and his hips ground up as he held her head in place. She loved a man who would let go and fuck her mouth. He was resisting though. She let him, but next time, she’d find a way to make him let loose.

  She quickened her pace, wanting to bring him to the edge before she stopped. She had more plans for him.

  “Enough.” He pulled her head back, the tip of his cock touching only her lips now.

  Before she could stand, he lowered himself to the floor with her as he yanked his shirt off. She caressed his chest before he wrapped his arms around her and flipped her onto her back.

  “Whoa.” She giggled. “I like a take charge kinda man.”

  He groaned and removed the rest of her clothes. Leaning over her, he wasted no time giving her pleasure. He spread her folds open and lightly toyed with her clit. She sucked her bottom lip in. He was such a tease
, and she liked it.

  “Make love to me, please.” She spread her legs.

  “Don’t worry, I plan to.” He inserted two fingers inside her opening.

  Her eyes closed as he toyed with her.

  “I just have to make sure you’re ready.”

  She was. He picked up the pace and she could feel a release right there, ready to go. “I’m close. Stop.”

  He brought a nipple into his mouth. The little devil wasn’t going to stop. She let go, basking in the sensation. She cried out as her orgasm erupted. Grabbing his face, she brought his lips to hers as she rode out the pleasure.

  A moment later, he pulled back. She opened her legs, expecting him to climb between, but instead he sat up and offered his hand. “Let’s take this to the bedroom. I plan to keep you up all night. It’s a good thing you have an afternoon flight.”

  Taking his hand, she let him lead her to the bedroom, excited to see what the night had in store for them.

  * * * *

  Nathan woke to the sound of clinging pots. Reaching out, he felt for Angie, but she wasn’t there. It must be her making all the ruckus.

  He tossed the covers back and looked around for something to wear. His clothes were probably still in the living room. On the rocking chair by the bay window, he saw she’d folded his clothes. He pulled his pants on and went in search of the beautiful woman who had stolen his fantasies right from his head.

  In the kitchen, she held a bowl up and stared at it.

  “What are you doing?”

  She jerked and turned. “Trying to measure out the pancake mix, but I don’t have my contacts in.”

  He took it from her and helped her measure it to the desired line. “I didn’t know you wore contacts.”

  She tucked her messy hair behind her ears. “I slept in them last night on accident. Go figure, I left my glasses back in my apartment.”

  “Let me cook. You sit.”

  She placed a hand on her hip. “I can cook, you know.”

  He kissed her cheek. “I have no doubt, but I like to spoil you.”

  She giggled then pulled herself up and sat on the counter. She looked so cute in the pajama bottoms and t-shirt. He could see them doing this all the time.


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