Take a Chance, Cowboy (Carver Ranch Series Book 2)

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Take a Chance, Cowboy (Carver Ranch Series Book 2) Page 8

by Lacey Wolfe

  “I know nothing about the ex, so don’t compare me.”

  Lauren groaned. “It’s time you know. I hope he forgives me for this. Carrie got involved with him, practically moved in with him, wore his engagement ring, and planned a freaking wedding, all while married to her husband who was overseas at the time. She was lonely.”

  Oh my God. That was horrible. “That’s unforgivable.” If that happened to her, she’d be hurt for life too.

  “Well, it gets worse. I hate to tell this part.”

  How could it get worse?

  “She’d been traveling a lot with her job, and apparently, according to him, not much sex was happening. But she came back from a long trip pregnant. Nathan was ecstatic. They decided to elope instead of having the wedding they were planning. His mom couldn’t wait to be a grandma. When Nathan bought the plane tickets to Vegas and showed them to her, Carrie cracked. Her husband had been home from deployment for over a month. That had been where she was traveling to. It wasn’t Nathan’s child.”

  Angie rubbed her forehead, wrapping her mind around the story. “Wait, what does that have to do with horse riding lessons?”

  “She had a niece here in Deer Crossing she was bringing to the lessons. We all thought it was her kid for the longest time, but it wasn’t.”

  Angie placed a hand on her stomach. “Lauren, I have something to tell you that no one knows yet.”

  “Tell me. It can’t be any worse than what I just told you.”

  Only that she was the scum of the earth like Carrie. No, she didn’t have a husband somewhere, but she’d been lying to him about where she was staying. “I didn’t get my period and I think I’m pregnant.”

  Chapter 11

  Lauren walked back into the house and brushed right past Nathan, a sheer look of panic on her face.

  “Is she okay?” He followed her, but Tucker put his arm out and stopped him.

  “Let me see what’s going on.”

  His brother followed Lauren, leaving Nathan standing alone in the living room. What could be going on? He couldn’t think of a single thing he’d done that would make her not want to talk to him again, but maybe he did do something. Perhaps he’d been coming on too strong, calling Angie daily. He could change that.

  He sat on the couch and placed his forehead in his palms. He’d finally found a woman he liked, and he couldn’t figure out how to make it work. Or more like, he had an idea, but she was resisting it.

  Tucker cleared his throat. “Nathan.”

  He looked up to see Tucker and Lauren standing there holding hands.

  “Do you love Angie?” Lauren asked. He couldn’t read her expression.

  “I think so.”

  She looked at Tucker and he nodded. She took a deep breath. “Go to her. Braden or Tucker will take care of your classes and other duties. I can’t tell you why, because it’s not my place. She needs you.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  With a saddened expression, Tucker said, “If you want a future with her, go.”

  “She’s staying with her sister. I’ll text you the address,” Lauren said.

  He rubbed his temple. “I thought her sister was moving in with her.”

  “That changed.” Lauren sat down next to him. “Angie loves her family deeply, even if they are dysfunctional. I honestly don’t know if she will move here and leave them. She was so ready when she was here, but once she returned home, things changed. Especially with her mom in jail, Angie feels even more responsible for her little sister.”

  That settled it then. He’d move there, if Angie would have him.

  Tucker had an emotion on his face that Nathan hadn’t seen in a long time—sadness. “Do what you gotta do.” He turned and walked away.

  Obviously, he knew that Nathan might not come back, except to visit. But as Nathan sat there, he understood how Angie must have felt. Even though he was certain he loved her, packing up his life and moving across the country for her scared the shit out of him. He wouldn’t have his family whenever he needed them. Phone calls weren’t the same.

  He stood and Lauren hugged him. “I hope you choose her.” She pulled back and stared up at him. “Please don’t be mad, but I told her about Carrie. She needed to know.”

  He wasn’t upset with Lauren. “She did, but that’s all behind me now. It doesn’t even matter when it compares to what I want with her.”

  She smiled. “Call us when you get there.”

  He laughed. “I will. Take care of Tucker.”


  * * * *

  Angie sat on the table in the cold room as she waited for the results from her doctor. She’d been way too chicken to buy a test at the store. Every time she went to the drug aisle and stared at the pregnancy tests, she got confused and walked away. Did a digital one that read pregnant work better than one that gave a plus sign? Or was a twenty dollar one better than a three dollar one? Even worse, would the cashier make a comment about the test when she was buying it?

  She had been childish. She was in her thirties and she was afraid of what people would think. No one would know she was unmarried or that she wasn’t in a long-term relationship. Hell, who cared if she was single? Single moms rocked.

  She tugged on the uncomfortable paper dress. She was overdue for her pap smear, so the doctor wanted to take care of that too. She needed a job soon since this was going on her credit card.

  Luckily, a call had come in earlier with an interview at a decent-sized ad agency. She’d heard good things about them. Hopefully, the fact that she was let go from her last job wouldn’t hurt her chances. She was still embarrassed about that. A client had hated her work and refused to continue with the firm if she stayed on. Her boss was a pansy ass and apparently felt the client was more important.

  A soft knock sounded, then the door opened and her doctor walked in.

  “It’s good to see you, Angie.” She hugged her.

  One thing Angie liked about this doctor was how personal she was. She knew her patients, though she probably kept notes on them just so she’d remember. “Same to you, Dr. Weston.”

  “I’m glad you came in today. I see we ran a pregnancy test too.” She sat on a chair and pulled herself up to Angie. “Are you with someone seriously?”

  No, but if she told Nathan she was pregnant, he’d be on the next plane to her. “We’re more friends.”

  She grinned. “I understand. Sometimes the best friends make the best lovers.”

  Angie wasn’t taking Lauren to the sack to find out. “Just tell me, please. I’m going insane waiting.”

  Dr. Weston took her hand. “You are, in fact, pregnant.”

  Her gut dropped and the air caught in her throat. She had no job, she was living with her sister, and the father was in another state. Oh God. She was certain stress had been delaying her period. She buried her face in her palms and cried. She needed it. Just one good cry, then she’d pick herself up and deal with it. It was time she decided what was best for her and not her sister and mom.

  She looked up. “Okay.”

  “I know it wasn’t the news you wanted, but you’ve got so much going for you. You’re going to be a great mom.”

  At least someone had confidence in her. “I hope.”

  “Let’s get the exam out of the way, then you can come in my office and we’ll talk about the things you can expect. Since you’re not working at the moment, I have some programs that can help you until you get back on your feet.”

  “That would be great. I don’t plan to not have a job for long.”

  Dr. Weston rubbed Angie’s knee. “I know you don’t, but just in case.”

  She lay back on the table and closed her eyes. There really was a baby in there. Just one time of unprotected sex and she was a mother.

  * * * *

  Angie parked her car in front of her sister’s apartment complex, but didn’t exit the vehicle. She couldn’t stop thinking about the doctor appointment. Before leaving the exam ro
om, she’d confessed to her doctor that she’d had an alcoholic beverage a couple weeks ago. Dr. Weston assured her everything should be fine. Angie hoped that little taste of alcohol wouldn’t put her baby on the same path as the rest of her family.

  It was beginning to get dark. After her appointment, she’d done a little retail therapy shopping. It was irresponsible since she didn’t have a job yet, but she hadn’t gone overboard. With winter around the corner, she needed a new pair of boots. She’d gone with flats, since before long she’d be sporting a basketball instead of a flat stomach.

  After she removed the bag from the trunk, she headed toward the apartment. Hopefully Shelia had something for dinner. Her stomach growled in protest of not paying attention to the time. She unlocked the door and went inside. Her sister was giggling in the kitchen, but she heard a second chuckle and it made her freeze. It sounded strangely like Nathan, but after the way she’d treated him the last time they spoke, he’d probably never speak to her again.

  She closed the door loudly.

  Shelia came out of the kitchen. “You’re home.”

  “Do we have company?”

  Her sister had the biggest grin on her face, then he came out of the kitchen, sporting his cowboy hat, plaid shirt, and wranglers. Her heart skipped a beat seeing her sexy cowboy. Her feet sprang to life and she jogged across the room, flinging herself into his arms. She didn’t realize how much she needed his arms around her until now.

  He held her tightly and she laid her cheek against his chest.

  “I missed you, Nathan.”

  He rubbed her back. “I wasn’t sure after we talked last.”

  “I’d miss him too,” Shelia said.

  Angie pulled back, but kept her arms around his waist. “I see you’ve met Shelia.” Wait, how did he know I was here? Lauren.

  “She’s been sharing some fun family stories with me.”

  They had a few fun stories, not too many though. “I hope they weren’t too embarrassing.”

  Shelia picked up her purse. “I’m gonna go meet Rob for a bit.”

  “Don’t leave,” Angie said.

  “Girl, you need some alone time with this guy. Besides, both Rob and I have the day off. He’s taking me to meet his parents.”

  Angie’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I’m nervous, but excited.”

  “I’m happy for you.”

  Shelia nodded and then left.

  Taking Nathan’s hand, Angie led him to the couch and they sat. “Yeah, so…I kinda moved in with my sister instead of the other way around.”

  He clasped her hand. “I see that. I don’t know the details, but Lauren said you needed me.”

  “I don’t need you.” She bit her lip. “She shouldn’t have put it that way. I just decided to move in with Shelia to help her get on her feet.”

  He brushed her hair back from her cheek. “That’s nice. I’m sure with both of you working—”

  “I lied.” She sighed. “I feel like shit about it. However, I just got a call about an interview. So I hope I get the job.”

  Concern spread across his brow. “Why did you lie?”

  “I didn’t want you to worry about me. Honestly, I’m fine for money, it just seemed like the smartest thing to do for now. Shelia needs me, and she really is getting her act together.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Makes sense to me, but I wish you could’ve been honest.”

  If she’d known about his past, she never would’ve lied. “Me too, especially after I learned about the awful things Carrie did to you.”

  “I’m over that.” He ran his finger along her lips. “I’ve made a decision and it doesn’t matter to me what you say.”

  She cocked an eyebrow, nervous about what was coming. “Okay.”

  He took her hand in his. “I’m moving here. I want to be with you, Angie. I don’t care if we live together or not, but I feel like we deserve to give this a real shot.”

  For a moment, her breath caught in her throat. He’d said before he would move here for her, but she hadn’t really believed him. Now that he sat with her, she could tell he meant it. He was strong enough to leave his family—for her. “You’d really leave your family, for me?”

  His hand slid around the back of her neck. “You’re worth it.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she stared at the man she loved, even if she’d fought the feelings. “Nathan, I have more to tell you.”

  “Another lie?” He pulled back slightly.

  She shook her head. How was he going to react? Lauren said he’d been so happy about the child he thought he was having with Carrie. Hopefully, he’d still feel that way now, about the child she carried, that was his. Part of her couldn’t wait to tell him, but she was also nervous.

  “Tell me.”

  “Maybe I should show you.” She stood and went to her purse. Opening it, she grabbed the paper her doctor had given her with her due date on it. In a few weeks, she’d have her first ultrasound, but for now, this was all she had to really show there was a baby.

  Gripping the paper tightly in her hands, she went back and handed it to him.

  “What is this?” He took it from her.

  She took a deep breath, feeling a loss of words. “Open it. I just learned the news today, so it’s only fair you know too.”

  He unfolded the paper and she watched him. First, he stared hard at the paper, but after he’d read it and realization hit, his features softened and a smile spread. “Is this what I think it is?”


  He stood and placed a hand on her stomach. “I’m going to be a dad, for real this time?”

  She nodded. “You are.”

  His face filled with joy. “That solves it then. I’m moving here. You need to be here for your sister, and I can’t live another moment without you.”

  She gazed at him. “You’d really leave your family for me? You’re serious?”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. “You bet.” He kissed her neck. “Please tell me you have a bedroom in this place.”

  She giggled. “I have a couch.”

  “Works for me since your sister won’t be home for a few hours.”

  * * * *

  Nathan tugged Angie to him, kissing her. When she’d walked into the apartment, dressed in jeans and a tight t-shirt, his libido had sprung to life. He needed to taste her again and to get drunk in pleasure.

  He lowered her to the couch and climbed on top of her. He’d missed her more than anything. The way she spoke her mind, her feisty attitude, and her contagious smile. Nothing else in life mattered but being with her. They’d start over together and build a life together. A life with their child.

  She cupped his face and pulled away from the kiss. “I have to tell you one more thing.”

  Oh God, what did she want to tell him now? “Okay. Well, spit it out.”

  She playfully pushed him from her. “Patience, cowboy.”

  She kept breaking news to him; he wished she would just get it all out. “I’m out of patience.”

  She caressed his cheek. “I love you.”

  His heart warmed and he groaned. “I love you too.”

  He kissed her again, and this time he wasn’t stopping. He was going to make love to this woman on this worn-out couch that had some strange, musty odor. Tomorrow, he would find a new place for him, Angie, and her sister to stay. There was no way they could live here.

  He removed her shirt and tossed it to the floor. She propped up on her elbows and he unclasped her bra, dropping it to the floor too.

  “I really hope your sister doesn’t come home.”

  She giggled. “We’re fine. I’m sure she knew this was coming. Maybe you should hang a sock on the doorknob.”

  He licked between her breasts. “Why in the world would I do that?”

  “It’s the universal sign that we’re getting wild in here.”

  He rested his chin on her chest and stared at her. “Seriously?”

  “Wow, cowboy. You weren’t too wild in your young days, were you?”

  “I was, but I had my own place.” He pinched her nipple.


  “You know you liked it.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair. “Maybe a little. Oh, I do have one more thing to tell you.”

  He grunted. “Good God, woman. What?”

  “We don’t have to use a condom.”

  He grinned. “Then let’s hurry this up.”

  He looped his fingers in her jeans and pulled them down with her panties. She pushed him into a sitting position and worked his clothes off.

  She straddled his lap and wrapped her hand around his cock. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too. I wanted to tell you so many times.”

  His breath caught as she stroked him. “I wanted to hear you say it so many times.”

  “Hopefully we never have to miss each other again.”

  As she positioned the tip at her wet opening, she said, “Never again.” She kissed his chin as she sunk down on his cock.

  Liquid heat wrapped around his shaft. He held her in place a moment, because being with her bare felt so damn good, he didn’t want to spoil the fun too early. “I don’t know how long I can last.”

  “Me either.” She panted.

  The need to have him deep inside her took over as she ground into him. He clenched her ass, guiding her in a rhythm that would help him hold off for a few minutes.

  Her back arched as she pushed her breasts out for his taking. He brought a nipple deep into his mouth and she moaned loudly. She rewarded him by pumping harder and ignoring his need to keep control.

  Pushing her breasts together, he buried his lips between them. Angie cried out then grabbed him, kissing him fiercely. Her inside walls tightened around his member and he couldn’t hold out any longer. Her nails dug into his shoulders and his release tore through him.

  She bounced faster on him, riding out the pleasure before she finally collapsed. He held her close a moment before laying his body down with hers on the couch.

  “I can’t say it enough, but I’m glad you’re here,” Angie said as she propped up on her elbows and gazed into his eyes.


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