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The Billionaire's Lover: Curves To Keep (Part One) (A BBW Erotic Romance)

Page 4

by Bethany Rousseau

  “Hi, my name is Gabrielle Young and I have an interview with Tyler Edwards. Could you direct me to his office?” Gabrielle felt a stab of insecurity; it was unlikely that Edwards did very many interviews at the level he was at. What if the receptionist didn’t believe her? Gabrielle told herself firmly that she would just find the secretary she had seen him with before and get instructions from that woman if it came to it. She had arrived in good time, and even if she was delayed by the need to find out where to go, she would arrive punctually five minutes before their appointment. The woman looked at her with sharp curiosity.

  “If you’ll excuse me one moment, so I can confirm?” Gabrielle nodded, feeling the tension ease inside of her somewhat. A second irrational fear sprung up to replace the first: what if, after making the date with her, Edwards had instead instructed that when she showed up she was to be escorted out by security, as a way of humiliating her in turn for barging in on him with the secretary? Gabrielle swallowed against the tightness in her throat as the receptionist murmured softly, the words so quiet that Gabrielle couldn’t even make them out. The next instant, the woman was putting the phone down and smiling brightly up at her, a look of new respect in her eyes. “Mr. Edwards has been informed of your arrival. You need to take elevator five up to his office—it’s the only one that reaches there. Use this card.” The woman extended a plastic key-card, and Gabrielle took it, smiling with relief and thanking the receptionist before she began to make her way to the elevator that she had pointed to.

  When Gabrielle stepped into the elevator, she saw that the floors were labeled slightly differently from those on the elevator she had used previously. She saw the button for the topmost floor, much higher than the one she had reached before, and selected it. A recording announced that she needed to present her credentials for access to the private floor, and Gabrielle inserted the key card into the slot that she found after a moment, to the side of the button for the floor she had selected. The elevator chimed and released the card back to her and Gabrielle tucked it into the small purse she was carrying, and put the purse into her portfolio case. The elevator made a smooth ascent, the sound of its systems whisper-quiet, and Gabrielle felt her sense of nervousness and excitement growing as the display over the doors moved through floor numbers quickly. She quickly ran through a few interview questions in her mind, preparing herself mentally.

  Gabrielle had thought that she would arrive to a private lobby, with another receptionist waiting and guarding the CEO. When the elevator pinged and the doors opened, she found a huge office with no receptionist in sight. Gabrielle told herself that it made sense, ultimately; the card was security enough against someone unwanted coming up. Only people who had managed to get through the main receptionist would be able to take the elevator to the office. Gabrielle stepped out, looking around in mild confusion; the elevator itself opened onto a sitting area with no desk, only a few couches and chairs, a low coffee table and a few potted plants adding a quiet professionalism to the grouping. Walking around a slight corner, Gabrielle saw that the office extended behind the elevator; Edwards was seated at his desk, his attention on some documents he was reading with a pen out. Gabrielle stepped across the floor, her steps muffled against the carpeting. She wondered if she should clear her throat or otherwise announce herself—and would have done so, when Edwards glanced up.

  “Ah, Gabrielle,” he said, smiling slightly. He extended a hand, gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. “Please have a seat. I apologize for not being ready for you just yet—I’m caught up in a contract that needs to be taken care of by the end of the day.” Gabrielle sat down, laying her portfolio case aside and watching as the handsome man in front of her briefly turned his attention back to the documents on his desk, making a few marks on them before setting them aside.

  She was almost uncomfortable by the intense gaze that he turned on her, sitting back in his seat for a long moment, looking completely at ease. “I assume that you’ve brought a portfolio and resume for me to look over,” he said quietly, raising one eyebrow slightly. Gabrielle nodded, opening her case and taking out the required pieces. She took a surreptitious deep breath as she handed them over to Edwards, who put the resume aside at first and instead looked through the portfolio. He flipped through the pages of her design work, moving back and forth, pausing for a few heartbeats before continuing. It was a careful perusal of her portfolio, and if nothing else, Gabrielle was gratified by that alone. Next he looked at her resume, peering at it for several long moments as Gabrielle fought against the urge to talk or to fidget.

  Finally, Edwards looked at her once more, putting her resume aside and folding his hands on the desk. “Tell me why it is that you want to work for Edwards Industrials,” he said simply, his gaze intent on her face. Gabrielle had prepared an answer to the question, but for an instant—a heartbeat—her mind was blank. She recovered in the very next instant however, and smiled, thinking to herself that she was not going to let Tyler Edwards ruffle her.

  “I’ve done a lot of research into the company, and the culture you have—diversity and an emphasis on innovation—are exactly what I’m looking for in an employer. I applied to the internship because it was my understanding that securing an actual job within the company—much less the design department—was difficult, and I thought the internship would be a way to get my foot in the door.” Edwards nodded slowly.

  “There are at least half a dozen firms like mine that put an emphasis on diversity and innovation. What do you think sets us apart—since you’ve done your research?” Gabrielle felt her smile deepening.

  “Edwards Industrials has a unique reputation in the industry for quality design work. One of my favorite designers, whose career I’ve followed since I was in high school, worked at Edwards Industrials as an intern before going on to establish her own design startup.” Edwards raised an eyebrow.

  “Why didn’t you apply to work for her startup then?” Gabrielle shrugged slightly.

  “While I appreciate the work she’s doing, and would certainly love to meet her, I would prefer to work for a large company—a Fortune 500 company, with the kind of reputation that Edwards Industrials has—rather than take my chances with a startup that might fold for no good reason in a few years.” Edwards smiled slightly, and Gabrielle could tell he was enjoying the power he had over her in that moment. She fought against the instinctive urge to expand on her answer, swallowing against the nervousness she still felt.

  “Are you a naturally risk averse person?” he asked her, steepling his fingers together in front of his face. Gabrielle considered the question.

  “I wouldn’t say that I’m risk averse; I prefer to calculate the rewards versus the risk that I’m taking. If the risk is worth the reward, I’m happy to take it—which is why I took the chance of barging in on you last week.” Edwards chuckled slightly, and Gabrielle felt her cheeks burning, remembering the event with sudden sharp clarity.

  “That’s right—that was a risky move on your part.” His gaze was making Gabrielle uncomfortably aware of her body; he wasn’t staring at her lewdly—in fact, he was watching her facial expressions the entire time—but Gabrielle still had the suspicion that she was somehow fidgeting without knowing it. She licked her lips and took a deep breath as quietly and as unobtrusively as possible, telling herself to stay calm. Edwards began firing questions at her more rapidly, asking about her education and her previous jobs, her freelance work. He inquired minutely into her resume, and Gabrielle was amazed that he had taken so much from it in so short a time. She answered frankly, gradually becoming more comfortable with the interview as it wore on, telling herself not to be ruffled—that a man as powerful as Tyler Edwards would respect her more if she didn’t let him see her sweat.

  “I would be more than happy to have you contact my references, if you’re in any doubt as to my experience and qualifications,” she said, as she sensed the interview beginning to wind down. Edwards grinned slowly, sitting back and watc
hing her with his bright-eyed gaze.

  “I have no doubt at all that you would be an excellent addition to the team,” he said, with the air of admitting something he had been holding close. “I’m happy to be able to offer you the internship position you applied for.” He paused, and Gabrielle saw his eyes darken slightly. His smile changed, becoming something other than polite, and Gabrielle felt her pulse begin to quicken. “I hope you don’t mind if I ask you some personal questions,” he said slowly. “Keeping in mind that these questions have no bearing on you getting the position—that’s already decided.” Gabrielle’s interest was piqued. She considered for a moment, and the sight of Edwards spanking the secretary flashed through her mind briefly but vividly.

  “I don’t mind if you ask,” she said, suppressing the excitement she felt. “But I do not promise to answer.” Edwards nodded, and she saw admiration in his eyes.

  “Are you currently in a romantic relationship?” he asked her, and Gabrielle saw his gaze shift from her face to her body, felt the brief caress of his look at her curves.

  “I’m not,” Gabrielle said, wondering—hoping—and uncertain where Edwards was leading. Certainly, she thought, if he did try to make an issue of her marital status, she would contest it.

  “That’s interesting… do you have frequent one-night stands, or do you satisfy your needs through self-pleasure?” Gabrielle felt herself blushing and glanced down for a moment, trying to compose herself.

  “Why do you ask?” she managed to say, licking her lips self-consciously and finally meeting Edwards’ gaze once more.

  “You strike me as a very sensual and very sexual woman, Gabrielle. I can’t imagine that you’d live a life of utter celibacy without some form of gratification of your needs.” Gabrielle’s blush deepened, and she took a breath to steady herself. She couldn’t quite believe that Edwards was obviously hitting on her, in spite of the fact that there was no other explanation for his behavior.

  “I manage,” she said, fidgeting slightly. In spite of her discomfort, she realized that her body was heating up, that she was becoming slick with desire. She bit her bottom lip, trying to keep herself steady. She knew—she could tell—that Edwards was enjoying her discomfort.

  “And just how do you manage?” he asked her quietly, his gaze focusing on her eyes, her lips. Gabrielle shifted in her seat, feeling an unaccountable urge to flee. She had been fantasizing about this man—a little at least—from the time of their first meeting. She had wondered what it would be like to be dominated by him. Now that it was really happening, however, she wasn’t sure how to respond to him.

  “I… find partners, if I am feeling a particular need,” she said, her voice cracking slightly in uncertainty. “I do…engage in self-pleasure on occasion.” Gabrielle was both embarrassed and exhilarated, barely able to maintain eye contact with Edwards as she spoke. She forced herself to sit up straighter in the chair and take a deep breath. She was not going to let him dominate her so easily, she told herself firmly.

  Edwards stood up, towering over Gabrielle as he stepped around his desk. He was only inches away from her, and Gabrielle felt her heart pounding in her chest. He was so much taller than her, and she could see his lean, muscular build through the fine suit he wore. Irrelevantly, she wondered how he had time to go to the gym with everything else he had to do. “How do you pleasure yourself?” he asked her, his bright blue eyes looking down into hers. Gabrielle sat back, feeling intimidated by him but also attracted to him all at once.

  “I—I have some personal toys,” she stammered, surprised at how shy she was suddenly. If any other man had asked her about her personal gratification habits, she would have either refused to answer or would have bluntly detailed the variety of toys she had at home. Edwards nodded.

  “I have some personal toys as well,” he said, standing upright and walking back around to the other side of his desk. “Of course, it’s considered much nicer to share.” He smiled faintly, glancing at Gabrielle as he opened a drawer in his desk. Gabrielle heard rustling, the sound of metallic clinking, and the next moment, Edwards withdrew and displayed a pair of handcuffs, holding them up so that Gabrielle could see them. “Stand up, please.” There was not even the slightest suggestion of a question—a request—in Edwards’ words. Gabrielle stood, her portfolio case clattering to the floor from her nerveless hands. Tyler Edwards’ eyes glittered and he left the drawer open, stepping back around the desk and standing before her. Gabrielle’s knees were weak, a tremor running through her body as he gazed at her intently for a long, silent moment.

  He pushed the chair she had been sitting in moments before backward, gesturing for Gabrielle to take a step back. “Take off your blazer,” he told her firmly. Gabrielle moved to obey with automatic movements, slipping the garment off of her shoulders and down her arms. She cast it backwards into the chair, her hands shaking from a mixture of anxiety and arousal. “Now unbutton your blouse—slowly.” Gabrielle was grateful that she had chosen one of her sexiest bra and panty sets for the interview, in spite of the fact that she hadn’t even considered the possibility of Edwards coming onto her. She began to unbutton her shirt, her fingers nerveless and fumbling from her intense arousal and her lingering fear. Edwards watched every moment, following her fingers with his gaze as she worked downward slowly but surely. She pulled the tail of the blouse out of the waistband of her skirt and finished the last two buttons, her breaths coming more shallowly as she stood there, keenly aware of her exposed skin.

  Edwards twirled the handcuffs he had taken out of his desk absently, a slight twitching of his lips showing his amusement, and Gabrielle felt herself blushing over and over again in hot and cold waves, wanting to flee and yet so intrigued by what was happening that she couldn’t convince herself to move without his command. “Take the shirt off and put it aside.” Gabrielle slipped her shirt off, letting it fall to the floor—too flustered and aroused to look for a place to put it. Edwards put the pair of handcuffs down on the desk and reached out, cupping her breasts through the thin lace of the bra she had worn. Gabrielle couldn’t quite suppress the moan that rose up from her chest at the contact, feeling the warmth of Edwards’ hands through the almost nonexistent fabric as he began to tease her breasts, squeezing them and hefting them in his hands. “These are very nice indeed,” he murmured, his fingers finding her hardening nipples and fastening on them. Gabrielle gasped, arching instinctively into his touch as he began to twist and roll them between his fingers, sending jolts of slightly painful pleasure shooting through her body, directly to her pussy.

  Edwards reached around to her back and unhooked the clasp of Gabrielle’s bra, drawing it away from her body slowly. Gabrielle’s breasts quivered slightly as he freed them from their confines, her body beginning to shake with desire that she couldn’t quite control. Edwards put the bra aside on his desk and resumed his attentions to her breasts, tweaking her nipples sharply with his thumb and forefinger until Gabrielle whimpered helplessly, squirming and arching into his touch. She felt her pussy become swiftly soaking wet, her inner walls tightening convulsively under the assault of Edwards’ attentions. “Take off your panties,” Edwards instructed her lowly. “Leave that charming skirt on.” Gabrielle bit her bottom lip, trying to focus on the task that Edwards had set her while his fingers continued to tease and play with her nipples, utterly distracting her. She managed to slip her panties over her hips and let them fall down her legs, shifting slightly in spite of the tug of pain that came with it—Edwards’ grip on her nipples didn’t lessen as she shifted downward to push her panties past her knees—and finally stepping free of the garment. “Are you soaking wet, my dear Gabrielle?” Edwards asked her softly, rolling her nipples steadily between his thumb and forefinger. Gabrielle was too aroused to speak, but nodded, a squeak of sound leaving her throat as Edwards’ grip on her sensitive nipples tightened. “Out loud, please.”

  “Y-yes, Mr. Edwards,” Gabrielle managed to stutter. Edwards smiled slowly, relinquishing
her nipples abruptly. He picked up the handcuffs once more.

  “Turn around, and put your hands behind your back.” Gabrielle moved to obey; surprised at herself—she was not the obedient type, under normal circumstances. She brought her hands around to the small of her back and felt a frisson of erotic fear as she felt the cold cuffs close on first one, then the other wrist, clicking into place firmly. She instinctively tugged against them and felt the chilling bite of the metal into her soft skin, not even the tiniest amount of give in the rigid material. Edwards turned her to face him once more, and Gabrielle stumbled slightly in her heels, off-balance from having her wrists locked behind her. “I hope you will agree with me that discipline is a very great necessity—both in the workplace, and in life?” Edwards raised his eyebrow, and Gabrielle nodded breathlessly, her mind flickering back to the spanking she had witnessed.


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