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Full Moon Falling Faster (Full Moon Series Book 3)

Page 18

by P. Mattern

  “I’m sorry!” she said, still smirking. I heard through mind reading that last bit about the kind of jokes you think Castor Noble might make. It WAS kind of humorous!”

  Byron reached across the table for her hand.

  “I’m relieved that you have a sense of humor,” he confessed. “And if you know Cass at ALL you know how coarse he can be. And if you know how guys are at ALL you know that I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t laugh. But I want you to know one thing.

  I have the utmost respect for you and what you’ve managed to accomplish in your young life. And if you were my lady I would never disrespect you or insult you in any way, and that’s the truth. I think you’re the most gorgeous creature on the planet, and in ANY of the eleven dimensions. Do you believe me?”

  Lexi looked at her own white fingers interlaced with Byron’s long masculine fingers.

  “I believe you Byron Chance. I know that you are sincere. I also know through prescience that you have loved before, a First Love, and lost. I know who you ARE you see, beneath your macho testosterone - fueled bravado.

  …And I like what I see.” She finished, winking at him.

  The rest of the evening proceeded smoothly. Making her laugh by his confusion seemed to break any ice between them and Byron found himself increasingly drawn to Alexiandra. She had quite a resume for one so young, had taught English abroad during her summers in Egypt, Greece and Spain and was able to tease him as much as he teased her. They were able to discuss their first meeting and laugh about it together. Byron studied the cadence of her speech which had been infused with bits of lilt from the four languages she spoke fluently. He noticed the way candlelight reflected in her eyes, and caressed the pleasing planes of her face. He loved the way she tilted her chin up challengingly if they disagreed about something, and was able to bring up points that he hadn’t considered.

  It had been a long time, but he thought he might be falling in love.

  When he dropped her off at her Aunt and Uncle’s house, in the very toney Sycamore Hills section of Fort Hunt, he was praying for a kiss, even though he was used to full - on sexual encounters without fail from every woman he’d ever been in proximity of.

  But from her - a kiss would have been magical.

  As they stood together on the wraparound outside porch, done tastefully in Chicago brick, of her Aunt and Uncle’s home her face seemed radiant in the softened porch light.

  “I had a wonderful time Byron.” She said, sincerity shining in her eyes.

  “So did I,” he answered.

  She reached up to him and put her hand on one side of his face.

  “You are a beautiful man.” She said softly. “And the more I get to know you the more I find to like… and I find being near you intoxicating.”

  Byron held his breath as she stood on tiptoe, drawing his face downward until his lips were millimeters from hers. He took in her sweet aroma, could actually feel her breath on his lips as she spoke.

  “But if you think you will have a kiss from me this night - you are mistaken,” she finished, her eyes still locked onto his, lowering herself from her tiptoed position. ”I think you are the kind of man who needs to learn to wait for it, but don’t be discouraged… just remember…

  Eventually ALL GOOD THINGS come to him who waits!”

  The next afternoon Byron and the rest of the male vamps had gathered for a basketball game at Mitzi’s former home. There was a good sized, if not exactly ’regulation’ basketball court in the backyard of the home and Charley, Daniel, Cass, Lux, Pierre, Orry, Jake and DeMarcus were present and ready to play. Jaxon was also included (at Fress’s insistence), and so there were 5 players on a team. Jaxon was already up to 5’8” tall by virtue of his treatments from Dr. Caligare. He was relieved to finally be taller than the younger generation of Noble twins. Extremely relieved, especially since one of them was apparently a ‘bad seed’. Jaxon shivered involuntarily just thinking about what had transpired in the alleyway the other night. But his additional height made him feel stronger and bolder, up to any challenge.

  And even though he was the shortest player, he thought that his innate quickness and his flying skills might make up the difference.

  A jump ball was quickly captured by Lux and he passed to Pierre to make the first score. Not to be outdone (the Noble brothers always played on opposing teams), Cass muscled past DeMarcus to pass the ball to Jaxon, who shot a three handily, eliciting fanny pats and positive comments from his team members.

  Byron was playing on Lux’s team, and when Lux threw his the ball he dribbled rapidly down the court, knocking Cass to the side and rising several feet into the air to slam dunk the ball into the basket.

  Everyone on the court froze and stared at Byron. They had never seen him fly before.

  Cass was the first to recover.

  “BYRON!!”He yelled loudly,” Is there something you’d like to share with the CLASS? Something to do with suddenly being able to FLY maybe?”

  Byron, who had caught the ball as it came through the hoop after his dunk, dribbled it and looked down modestly for a moment, then raised his head to the group grinning widely.

  “Well I guess my dirty little secret is out now!” He proclaimed cheerfully, with a twinkle in his eye.

  “When I was recovering the Doctors at the Wetware Rehab Center became concerned that I wasn’t healing and regrowing tissue quickly enough. They realized that increasing the concentration of the venom drip would probably change me as if I’d been Turned-and got permission from the Medical Board to proceed due to the criticality of my situation.

  I am NOW, OFFICIALLY, for ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES -(drumroll please)

  A full on VAMPIRE!” He finished, bowing to the gathering of his friends with a flourish.

  Spontaneously a group cluster hug formed, and an air of celebration permeated the gathering.

  All the vamps were excited for Byron, and in wonder also. No one had ever heard of a Dhampir crossing over into vampiredom, even the Dark Brothers that had been turned for centuries, like Orry and Demarcus were astounded to learn of Byron’s transformation.

  “So you can fly!” Lux said happily, after he’d hugged Byron repeatedly. “Are you fully functional with all Vampire Skills, Perks and Options? “

  “I think so,” Byron replied, still smiling broadly. ”Of course I always had some of the coveted features - like mesmerization. But I do notice I am faster and stronger than before - and I thought that I was pretty awesome BEFORE!”

  “You’re in for it you know.” Charley Rabbit said casually. ”No slack for you. You know how competitive we male vamps are and now that we know that you’ve been Turned you will NEVER get a handicap!”

  “That will be okay.” Byron assured the group. “I know it sounds emo, and I want you to know that I always felt connected to our extended tribal family, but now I feel more INTENSELY connected somehow.”

  “Of course you would.” DeMarcus concurred. “The Dark Brotherhood has an energy and life of its own. It is uncompromising and enveloping - it affects your immortal body, your mind and your soul. It has it’s own wavelength, enabling us to communicate as a group in the throes of battle. It is an awesome force.”

  “Hey!” Cass called, “Enough male bonding already!! Let’s play basketball gentlemen!”

  And so they did. Byron’s team lost, but he didn’t care.

  He was happy to be a vampire now.

  Fressenda dropped the newspaper she was reading as if it were aflame. A staccato rhythm of what was running through her mind formed a repetitive chant in her brain that went:

  ‘Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no.’

  She rested her head in her hands for a few minutes. Things were getting darker in the world of humans, and because the vampire culture, (at least the V-net, the civilized and brilliantly organized portion of the vampire culture) was intricately interwoven with the predominant human culture the changes did not bode well for vampires.

  There were ominous news ar
ticles about measures being considered in the United States legislature in order to bolster national security. Among the measures up for a vote was an addendum to a bill named Valid Citizen Security Check, or VCSC, that would require all U.S. citizens to be injected with a Radio Identification Frequency Device. The device (which was to be implanted in the fleshy part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger) emitted a low frequency signal that could be successfully read by a monitoring device from several meters distance away.

  The rumblings had began several weeks ago, through mainstream media, with a Department of Defense announcement calling for volunteers to be chipped as a measure to assure national security. Quite a few citizens (mostly poor) had answered the call, which guaranteed a “bonus” of $100 for the first 10 million card carrying U.S. citizens to sign up, as well as amnesty and instant U.S. Citizenship for illegal aliens who agreed to be chipped. Also chipped were all prisoners serving time in Federal Penitentiaries, all those incarcerated in City Prisons, and every man and woman serving in the U.S. military.

  It still wasn’t enough.

  So Congress had gone back to the drawing board. Skeletec, the giant manufacturer of the RFIDs being used by the government, pressured the Congresssional representatives they basically ‘owned.’ The end result was that Congress passed measures allowing the Citizen’s Defense Department to conduct sweeps of the city. These were to be held quietly, without advance notice, and conducted in specifically targeted residential areas. Vans from the CDC (Citizen’s Defense Corps) would show up, cordon off the entire neighborhood and knock on doors to ‘invite’ occupants out to queue up at the traveling medical vans to be chipped. The operatives on the ground would be in constant communication with two hovering helicopters carrying the most sophisticated infrared heat detecting equipment so that it could be determined if a house was occupied. Protocol dictated that those not deigning to answer the door when the infrared surveillance equipment indicated that there were occupants inside would have their premises kicked in and invaded. Any citizen refusing to be chipped would be taken into custody inside another van that was soundproofed and contained seating and hand and leg cuffing features.

  Ball gags would be used for the noisy ones.

  Fress could see a panoramic vision of all these events unfolding silently, as if a somewhat grainy movie was being played out in the empty air in front of her as she sat at the table. As a High Prescient, Fress was used to seeing visions, but there was something sinister and an immediacy surrounding these visions that alarmed and frightened her.

  “CHARLEY!” she screamed out into the empty room. She felt very strongly that what she had seen in her vision was not only happening, but happening NOW.

  Wordlessly she grabbed the keys to her SUV and ran for the front door, her long dark hair trailing behind her.

  Her prescience had told her that the chipping had already begun. And she had to warn Charley because Mitzi’s house was directly in their intended path.

  Fress drove like the proverbial bat out of Hades and several minutes later screeched to a stop in front of Mitzi’s former house. She could see Charley’s motorcycle in the open garage along with a Cube car - Charley was all about using as little fossil fuels as possible.

  Tapping hurriedly up the brick walkway she leapt up the steps and rapped on the glass of the exterior door. A shirtless Charley, rubbing his eyes opened the door to admit her.

  She shocked him by immediately throwing her arms around his waist.

  “Oh thank goodness!!” she exclaimed in relief. ”Charley I …saw something, presciently. They had cordoned off the block-THIS block, and they were chipping people with the RFIDs!”

  Charley noticed that Fress’s fragrance, the cinnamon and vanilla aroma that seemed to follow her everywhere, was traveling upward from where she was pressed against his chest. It was almost overwhelming to have her so close. While he tried to make sense of his feelings, his body quickly made a decision as to what IT’S next move would be. Charley was almost instantly aroused by her proximity.

  Without letting go, she looked up at him with her face still next to his solar plexus.

  “Hey Mr. Wonder Abs!” she said, giggling in relief at finding him okay. ”Have you been working our lately with Cass and Pierre and Lux? You’re even more ‘sculpted’ than I remember!”

  “Probably.” He admitted. “I’ve had a little more time on my hands lately since Merilee bid me a fond farewell.”

  A look of recognition shown in Fress’s cornflower blue eyes.

  “I think she mentioned that last time we were together. Please don’t take it personally Charley. It’s just her way, you know?”

  “I know.” Charley responded. He was looking at her with intensity.

  “And what might be YOUR way lovely lady? Are you a member of the ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em ‘club also or might you be enticed back into the arms of a former lover under the right circumstances?”

  Charley had kept his manner light and his tone casual but he was afraid that his increasing heartbeats would give him away. He was incredulous but it was undeniable… in spite of all that had transpired his feelings for Fressenda were as raw and intense as the first time that they had ever made love.

  He knew that Fress was picking up on their strong connection also.

  “Charley?” She said. Her voice had ended on a questioning note, but she had removed her arms from around him, and her small beautiful hands had floated downward and were tracing the length of his erect manhood through the thin material of his pajama bottoms.

  Their connection through Charley’s Twice Turning by Fressenda had grown even stronger during their time apart. There was no need for discussion. Charley adroitly picked Fress up into his arms and they began kissing frantically, ferociously, feverishly. Charley carried her upstairs to the master bedroom that he had redecorated into his own room as the new owner of the house, but Fress barely noticed as she gave herself up to Charley’s formidable lovemaking skills.

  All other plans were abandoned. It was a long and pleasurable afternoon.

  Daniel was in a quandary, and had carefully considered who he might consult with for the input that he was so desperately seeking. He had finally decided that he would like to get Cass’s “take” on his feelings for Channing. Cass was loud and crude and inappropriate at times, but Daniel long made a point of paying more attention to what others DID rather than what they SAID. Daniel was impressed with Cass both as a devoted husband and a father to the twins. He figured that Cass must know something about relationships just based on the difficulties he and Mitzi had overcome in order to remain together.

  Daniel and Channing were nearly inseparable, and both residents of the Farm. Both of them enjoyed helping out with the hydroponic gardens and riding and caring for the horses in the stable. When Daniel wasn’t working he found that he preferred to spend every waking moment with Channing.

  When Daniel approached Cass for advice one day after work, Cass immediately suggested that they exercise the horses together. It was perfect timing because Channing , Mick and Mitzi were learning how to knit from Fress, and having a fine time at their ladies afternoon tea.

  Cass rode the black stallion and suggested Daniel take the strawberry roan that Mitzi usually rode.

  As they were saddling up Cass looked over at Daniel, a mischievous smile on his face.

  “SO - lady troubles I assume?” he asked rhetorically, knowing what Daniel’s answer would be.

  Daniel smiled sheepishly, his dark hair falling over one eye as he tightened the straps to the saddle.

  “Is it so obvious? Cass I’m falling in love with Channing. It wasn’t anything I saw coming at all. I know she’s awfully young… or WAS awfully young… I’m not sure how that works out in the V-net culture…”

  As Daniel’s voice trailed off Cass interrupted.

  “Dan my man she is STILL considered young - JAILBAIT is JAILBAIT, even cross - culturally dude! How in the world did this happen?”
br />   “Cass I swear to you I don’t know!” Daniel replied, hoisting himself on his steed. ”I was coming out to ride periodically, and then one day I ran into her picnicking with Cary and Kimbra, her sister. I enjoyed hanging out with them… and Channing wasn’t even talking at that point in time. Well…” he chuckle, remembering, ”Actually she was talking nonstop using sign language - Kimbra could barely keep up with her most of the time!

  I had heard about what she’d been through though. And I felt terrible for her - a very young girl having been subjected to the worst of what male energies can perpetrate on a defenseless young female. It made me feel angry and protective toward her - just what a member of the Dark Brotherhood SHOULD feel I think. And I started wanting to hang out with her more and more to make sure that nothing like that ever happened to her again.

  And then she started talking on her own… and everything seemed to change.” He finished, trailing off.

  Cass gave a chirrup to his horse and the two men continued riding at a half canter over the magnificent sunlit fields of the farmland.

  “Let me give you MY impression of Channing, Daniel, before I offer any advice.” He began, ”In the beginning she was at the Cottage, and she was in a feral state. So much so that I argued with Fress whether having her there would endanger others of our extended family residing in the house. Of course..” he continued looking heavenward and rolling his eyes, ”I lost the argument. Fress was right. Just having Channing in a loving and gentle environment did wonders for her recovery.

  The day Channing was brought here she was a different young lady than she had been. She was lovely. Aside from being mute due to her Post traumatic Stress Disorder from the rapes and attack, she was just like any other teenager - curious, energetic, and very intelligent, able to express herself well. We really welcomed such a special energy into our midst, and she seemed to thrive.

  But YOU were not here to be awakened by her blood curdling screams nearly every night from her recurrent nightmares of what had happened to her. Nearly nightly either Mitzi, Buttercup or one of the staff would have to soothe her and assure her that she was safe and that no one would be allowed to hurt her ever again. Gradually, over time, the nightmares subsided… but she still has them on occasion. And it might be that she will ALWAYS have them. Dr. Caligare says there is just no telling.”


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