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Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers

Page 7

by Barron, Melinda

  “The boys do love you.” Vanessa had seen it in the way they treated their aunt.

  “Yes, but they are so far away. What I did was wrong, and I don’t say I’m wrong too often.”

  “Mrs. Thompson, you are welcome here anytime,” Vanessa said. She wondered if she were overstepping her bounds. “I’m sure the boys would agree with me. Family is important.”

  “So important that my nephew lied to me? I tried for days to place you. Last night it came to me. I remembered seeing a play in New York City where you were the lead actress. You were quite good.”

  “Um…” Vanessa felt as if the world had dropped from under her feet. She’d worried that people here would recognize her. She’d never thought of Win’s aunt having seen her in a play. She bit her lip and waited for the worst.

  “Don’t worry, Win told me the whole story when I confronted him last night. And when he did it proved something to me. He really does love you. I won’t stand in the way of your love, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “He didn’t tell me that you knew.”

  “I asked him not to. I wanted to apologize to you myself, for the words that I used the other day. It was selfish and immature of me. I admit I was very upset when I found out he’d gone to such great lengths to fool me, but I understood his reasoning. I want the two of you to be very, very happy together.”

  “Thank you. That means a great deal to me.”

  “Now, shall we go and see about that dress? If we were in Boston, you know, you’d have your choice of any number of dresses, from any number of stores.”

  “I think that Win likes it here. I think I do, too. It’s different from the city, but I’ve enjoyed the quiet. And I love being with Win.”

  “Well, it was worth a shot.” Matty shrugged her shoulders. “In truth, one of my late husband’s partners is running the firm. He’s doing a fine job and doesn’t need the help. I just wanted an excuse to try and get one of the boys to live near me.”

  “Perhaps you should move here.” The minute the words were out of her mouth, Vanessa wished she could take them back. Would Win be angry with her for inviting his aunt to live in Mac’s Crossing? She hoped not.

  “Win proposed the same thing last night. I’ll think about it. Now, let’s go into town. And by the way, I would love it if you would call me Aunt Matty.”

  * * *

  Three different dresses caught her eye in the store. One was lilac, the other peach, and the other a beautiful cream color. All three were the same style, with a high collar and long sleeves. Lace decorated all the bodices. The only difference was a beautiful bustle on the lilac dress.

  “I think this one,” Vanessa said. She ran her fingers over the lace on the lilac dress and then walked to the back to look at the bustle.

  She gave Matty a questioning look and the woman nodded in agreement.

  “Mrs. Tuttle can do any alterations you need done,” Josh said. “It’s a great choice.”

  He started to take the dress off the form, and suddenly leaned in and kissed Vanessa’s cheek.

  “By the way, welcome to the family. For real.”

  “Does everyone know?” Vanessa giggled.

  “The five of us do.” Josh winked at her. “Everyone else thinks you’re already married and this is just for Matty’s benefit.”

  “Well, that’s information I can put to good use,” Matty said. “I will make sure to reinforce that belief.”

  The bells over the door went off and Nancy walked in. She smiled at everyone but made a beeline for Vanessa. Vanessa wondered if the woman had someone watching the store, to let her know if, and exactly when, Vanessa arrived.

  “How are the plans going for the wedding?”

  “Beautifully,” Vanessa said. “I just selected a dress, and everything else is all set. Now we just have to wait a few more days.”

  “Well, I would love for you to come over to the house for tea this afternoon, if you don’t have any other plans.”

  Vanessa looked at Matty, who was yawning and shook her head no.

  “Really, I think I need to get Aunt Matty back to the house. She’s tired, and I do have some things I need to take care of yet today. But thank you for the invitation.”

  “Oh, I hope you’ll reconsider. I have something I want to give you. Perhaps Matty could take the carriage back to the house, and Win could come by my house and pick you up after he’s done at the bank. I’ll have one of my servants send him word that you’re there.”

  “Well…” Vanessa let the word trail off. There was something about the way Nancy spoke that told Vanessa this wasn’t a good idea. But maybe she had something she needed to hear from Nancy. “Matty would that work for you?”

  “Yes, that’s fine.”

  “Josh, will you have the dress delivered to Mrs. Tuttle? I’ll have Win take me by there later in the day. I’ll try it on and see what needs to be done.”

  “Yeah, I’ll do that,” Josh said. He glanced between Vanessa and Nancy, and Vanessa noticed the way he shook his head, ever so slightly. He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of her going to the other woman’s home.

  Vanessa and Nancy saw Matty into the carriage, and then climbed into Nancy’s conveyance.

  “It’s very nice of you to invite me,” Vanessa said. “What do you have for me?”

  “Just a small surprise, a little token that I hope will push you in the right direction.”

  Vanessa laughed. “I like the direction I’m going in, thank you. I’m very excited about Saturday.”

  “I’m sure you are.” The carriage stopped at Nancy’s house and the ladies alighted onto the street. They stepped into the house. Nancy didn’t say a word and Vanessa felt a stab of panic as she smiled over her shoulder and motioned for Vanessa to follow her.

  “You seem tense,” Vanessa said as she stepped into the drawing room. She stopped short and felt the room spin around her.

  There on Nancy’s divan sat Wiley Sims, a smile on his face, and a piece of rope in his hands.

  * * *

  “I’m home.” Win sat his hat on the rack and shrugged out of his coat. “How are my two favorite ladies?”

  Matty stepped into the foyer and kissed his cheek. “I’m fine. I surprised you’re home so early. Didn’t the dress need altering? Weren’t you supposed to take Vanessa to the dressmakers?”

  “I thought she was here, with you. What dress?”

  “The one Vanessa and I bought this afternoon for the wedding. You were supposed to pick her up at Nancy’s house, and take her to the Tuttle house so she could be fitted for the dress.”

  “I didn’t get a message about that.” He grabbed his hat and headed back out the door. “I’ll be back.”

  Win caught Percy right before the young man finished unhitching the carriage. He refused his offer to drive and headed the horse back into town. Why hadn’t Vanessa sent him a message that she was at Nancy’s house?

  Panic set in. Had she changed her mind about marrying him? Did she decide that it wasn’t the right thing to do and instead of going to Nancy’s house had taken the stage to Denver? He shook his head. The stage usually left around four. If that was what had happened, he had plenty of time to take a horse and catch up with her. The first thing he’d do, though, was go by Nancy’s to see if she was still there, angry that he hadn’t come to get her.

  If that was the case, he hoped that she wasn’t too angry.

  * * *

  “You really shouldn’t try to put yourself above your station, Vanessa. You’re an actress, nothing more.”

  Vanessa fought against the ropes that held her wrists together. She would have answered Wiley, the snake, if a bandana hadn’t been wrapped around her mouth.

  “I’m sorry I have to keep you in the back, but I think people we might meet on the road would question why I had a woman sitting next to me that was tied up. It was so nice of Nancy to let me know where you were. Do you wonder how that happened?”

  Vanessa glared
at him.

  “No answer, well, let me tell you. I came back to town to pay the bill. I figured I’d find you slaving away at laundry or some such chore, to pay it off. I thought a few days in this hellhole would put you in your place. Little Miss High and Mighty, too good to spread her legs for me. Who’s too good now? Hmm?”

  “Of course, I have Nancy to thank for this. She heard me ask about you at the hotel, and she gladly told me where you were. She wanted you gone before the wedding on Saturday and I gladly obliged her. We won’t get into Denver until very late, but there’ll still be time for you and I to have a nice little reunion.”

  He laughed and Vanessa felt tears leak from her eyes. There was no way Win would find her. Nancy would make up some lie about her wanting to run away, that she’d helped her. She prayed that he wouldn’t believe her, and that he’d hunt for her. And she prayed that he found her before Wiley could do more than tie her arms together.

  * * *

  “All right, let’s just calm down. She couldn’t have gone too far.”

  “Calm down?” Win turned to his brother and fixed him with a glare. “Ben, are you listening to yourself? This is my wife we’re talking about.”

  Win ran his fingers through his hair. It was just after six, and would be dark in a few hours.

  “Okay, let’s look at the facts. Josh said Vanessa and Nancy left the store around three. Nancy said she left the house at around a quarter to four to walk to Mrs. Tuttle’s because she was so excited about the dress. That’s just a few hours ago. Mr. Stevens said she wasn’t on the stage, and didn’t buy a ticket. There’s no other way out of town, so she’s gotta be around somewhere. Did you check the hotel?”

  “Yes, yes, yes! We checked everywhere. Something has happened to her!” Win felt like pulling his hair out. He knew something was wrong.

  “Win, I hate to say this but you hardly know her. She could have been lying all along and thought that this moment was her way out of the wedding.”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying, Ben,” Win said, his voice low. “I know you think it’s happened fast, but I love her, and she loves me. She would never leave me like this.”

  “I thought you might say that. I sent Silas to Nancy’s neighbors earlier, to see if anyone strange had been in the area. He should be back any minute. If they did, then we might have a lead.”

  “We have to find her, Ben.” Win’s insides roiled, as if someone had poured acid down his throat. “I need her in my life. I can’t live without her.”

  “You won’t have to,” Ben said. “Take a deep breath and relax. You won’t do her any good in your present state.”

  Win sat down, and then quickly stood back up and began pacing back and forth. Seconds later the door burst open and Silas McGee burst into the room.

  “You were right, Win. Mrs. Kay, one of Nancy’s neighbors, noticed a wagon parked to the side of the house for several days now. It’s gone now. When I asked Nancy about it she broke down and said that she was covering for Vanessa, who left with her old lover.”

  “Bullshit!” Win screamed. “Which way did she say they went?”

  “To Denver.”

  “Win, if she left because she wanted to…” Win glared at Ben, who stopped talking.

  “She didn’t, Ben,” Win said. “She didn’t have a lover. She told me the whole story about how Sims left her at the hotel to punish her for not sleeping with him. He took her against her will, and I’m going to get her back. Are you coming?”

  “We are.” Win’s head turned toward the doorway. Corbin, Rob and Josh all stood with rifles in hand.

  “Then let’s go. The horses will get us to Denver faster than a wagon got them. Then we can find them and bring her home.”

  * * *

  “Now, if I take this off are you gonna behave yourself? Not that it’ll matter. Everyone’s at the theater, and this hotel isn’t known as the best in town.” Wiley shrugged. “A few screams won’t attract any attention.”

  Vanessa sat still, her eyes trained on Wiley. The room they were in was cold and damp. He’d parked the wagon in the back and pulled a six-shooter from under the seat, ordering her to walk inside on her own like a ‘good little girl’.

  He untied the gag and Vanessa stretched her mouth wide. She swallowed several times to get some saliva moving and then gave Wiley a piercing gaze.

  “He’ll come after me.”

  “It won’t matter. By the time he gets here I’ll have already claimed you, in the most primal of ways. He won’t want you anymore after that and you’ll stay with me, until I get tired of you.”

  His words sent shivers through her bones. “Why are you doing this? There are plenty of women who will lie under you.”

  “I’m doing this to prove that I can have what I want. You think you’re better than me? You’re no better than the rest of us.”

  “You’re doing this just because I wouldn’t sleep with you?” It didn’t make any sense to her, but she didn’t voice her opinion. She had to figure out a way out of this, and she had to do it fast.

  “That’s right. Makes you rethink your answer, doesn’t it? If you’d just said yes, none of this would have happened and we’d be happy. Now, I’m going to the theater. I’ll leave you lying on the bed so you can rest yourself and get ready for some fun. I thought about taking you now, but I’ve got a show to put on.”

  Before Vanessa could argue he put the gag around her mouth. Then threw her over his shoulder and laid her on the bed. Before he left, he tied her ankles together and secured the end of the rope to the bed.

  “Take care.” He laughed, and she wanted to cry.

  After he was gone, Vanessa fought against her bonds. When she was unsuccessful, she relaxed against the bed and let her tears flow. Win would never find her. How had everything glorious and wonderful that she’d felt earlier today turned into something frightening and sickening so quickly?

  She laid there for what seemed like hours, but was probably only thirty minutes, when the door opened. She lifted her head and her eyes widened when Win stepped inside, followed closely by Wiley.

  “Behind you! Win!” Her words were muffled by the gag, but seconds later she knew that it didn’t matter. Behind Wiley was Ben. Wiley’s hands were bound in front of him. And Ben had a gun in his hand.

  * * *

  “I’m not ready for you yet,” Vanessa said with a giggle. “First you saw me before the wedding and now you’re coming into the bedroom before I’m fully prepared. I think it’s bad luck.” Vanessa held her hands in front of her face. Win clasped them and pulled them down

  “I just couldn’t resist. Besides, we had all the bad luck before the wedding. It’ll be smooth sailing from here on out.”

  “Even with Matty moving to town?”

  “Yes, I think it’s great. She’s already decided that she’s moving into Nancy’s house, now that Nancy’s been run out of town to Denver. And she’s looking for wives for my brothers.”

  Vanessa giggled. “So the MacAllister brothers better watch out, huh?”

  “I would say so,” Win said. He sat down on the bed and started taking off his boots. They were alone tonight. Matty was staying with Ben, and Vanessa was sure she was telling him what was wrong with his house. “She should know this one is happy that he’s already found his wife. Are you okay?”

  “For the fifth time today, yes.” Vanessa sat down on his lap and pressed her lips against his in a soft caress.

  “If anything would have happened to you…” He caressed her hips and kissed her softly.

  “It didn’t.” She kissed him back and savored the taste of his tongue against hers. “Now you can take me, as you promised several days ago.”

  “Eager little minx.”

  “I’ve been waiting a long time for this. I’m just happy I finally found the right man.”

  “You did. Now, there is this part in the vows about obeying your husband. I intend to enforce that you know. Spankings will be administered as need

  “Well, if I’m going to be spanked, I’m going to make sure that I deserve it. Which means I’m going to be a bad girl as often as I can.”

  Vanessa cocked her head at Win and he smiled.

  “That’s my girl.”

  Vanessa batted her eyes at him. “Are you going to truly make me your girl?”

  “I am, my lovely,” he said. He helped her stand and put his fingers on the edge of her nightgown and gently pushed the straps off her shoulders. She hadn’t tied the sash so it fell to the ground, leaving her naked in front of him for the first time. When he cupped her breast she moaned. He kissed her gently, then picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

  He put her down gently, her head resting on the pillow. When he stepped away she watched as he rid himself of his clothing, his hands moving so fast she wondered if he would rip seams and buttons as he stripped.

  When his trousers were gone she found her gaze traveling down his body to where his manhood jutted out. She swallowed hard, wondering how it would fit inside her without ripping her apart.

  He lay down next to her and kissed her, his hands caressing her skin and making her shiver as he moved them up and down. They kissed and caressed, and when he positioned himself over her and asked her to wrap her legs around him she did. The initial pain made her cry out, but Win kissed and caressed her as he moved his length into her. She felt as if they were one, never to be parted again.

  “You are mine now,” he whispered in her ear as he held her close. “Let me show you the pleasures that come from our joining.”

  And so he did.

  The End

  New Beginnings

  The MacAllister Brothers, Book Two

  Chapter 1


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