Cruising Through to Fulfilment

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Cruising Through to Fulfilment Page 18

by Ann M Pratley

  * * * *

  After enjoying their meal they were both hungry to get back to the hotel room. David had watched her over dinner - even the way she ate turned him on, watching her lips. He was starting to feel like he just couldn't get enough of her, and it amazed him that only three weeks before he hadn't even been thinking about sex at all.

  In the elevator at the hotel, he looked at her and she smiled at him, demurely. They both knew what they wanted, even without either of them having to say anything, and it was refreshing to David to feel like it was more than just acceptable to her that he wanted her - she wanted him equally. It fuelled him and he was already fully prepared, and would need no foreplay at all for himself.

  Tanya opened the door, closed it behind them, and David was immediately kissing her passionately, right there inside the doorway. He kissed her eagerly as Tanya led him closer into the bedroom area, where she could ready a condom. Leading him to the table, she unzipped him and put on the condom before turning her back to him.

  "Slide my skirt up, slowly," she commanded him and he did so. Seeing her there, garter belt and stockings on, the skirt half covering her, and nothing else, he felt like he was crazy with desire for her. He reached around and touched her and she groaned while he caressed her, at the same time sliding into her from behind. David felt himself approaching climax too soon, and stopped moving while he focused his attention on his finger, caressing her until he felt her start to orgasm. As soon as he knew it had started, he thrust hard into her and let himself climax with her, feeling her muscles clamping down on him at the same time. They stood like that, still joined together, while they both caught their breath and came back to reality. David pulled out of her and kissed the back of her neck before looking down at her. She was fully dressed except for her skirt being pulled up, and he let himself look at her in the garter and stockings.

  Tanya stood still, waiting to see what he would do, and felt him pulling her skirt hem back down before unzipping it and helping her out of it. He turned her to face him, kissed her and raised her blouse over her head, revealing her in full lingerie she had bought for him. He stood back, looking at her, and she suddenly felt self-conscious, like she had been caught playing dress-up in someone else's attire.

  David was in awe - there was no other way to describe it. She was so beautiful and although he didn't particularly find corsets and stockings appealing, he took his time, touching her everywhere, letting his fingers feel the different textures - skin, cotton, nylon, satin. He marvelled at her. Had she done this for him? Did she really consider him worth making all of this effort for? The thought was more intoxicating to him than the lingerie itself, and it was knowing that she had done this for him that made him grow hard again, catching her eye.

  Tanya watched his face as he touched and looked at every little area of her body, always coming back to looking at her lips and her eyes. When she saw him respond she pushed him back toward the bed, took her time undressing him and commanded him to lie down on his back. After he had, she straddled him and lay on top of him, kissing him, feeling him hard behind her. Grabbing a fresh condom, she moved back and lowered it over him, before raising herself and then sinking down on him. He closed his eyes as she started to softly and slowly move, and then she stopped, prompting him to open his eyes and look at her. She was sitting right up, looking at him, and leaned down to kiss him before sitting upright again. As he looked at her, she started to unlace her corset, slowly releasing the ribbon that held the front together.

  He put his hands out and took hers, stopping her, pulling her to him again to kiss more, and then took control of unlacing the ribbon. She started to move again, very subtly and without rushing, while he undid the corset completely and let it fall aside. He just had to touch her, he realised, starting to caress both of her breasts with his hands and fingers, while looking at her, now only in garter and stockings, astride him.

  All of a sudden his orgasm crept up on him and Tanya could feel him pulsating inside of her. She loved watching his face at the moment of climax - it was intoxicating for her to see that she could turn him on so much. She pulled off him when he opened his eyes, lying down on his chest and starting to kiss him, before she felt his hands nudging her, and heard him telling her to move up, where she could feel his mouth on her, again pushing her over the edge in only a couple of minutes.

  She lay down beside him, both of them quiet and fulfilled. When they both turned to look at each other, they smiled.

  "Being halfway around the world from each other is going to be hell," David said and both laughed, getting under the blankets and into bed to hold each other.

  Tanya lay still and quiet, enjoying the comfort of his arms around her, desperate to make the most of her time with him. They still had two nights in LA together after this, but leaving Vancouver seemed like an end of a chapter, with all that had happened. She reflected on so many things, and recognised that she loved the simplicity of being with David. So far there was absolutely nothing about him that caused stress or unhappiness. It was all so easy and enjoyable. But how would real life look and feel after this time with him? How would it look and feel to him, without her so close by?

  And soon she would be travelling to another city - another country - with him by her side. She had never travelled with anyone at all before, let alone a partner. Would they travel well together? She had heard from friends about how different their relationships were when travelling together, and some stories really weren't pleasant.

  "What are you deep in thought about?" David asked her, looking at her with a look of fondness on his face.

  "I am thinking how thankful I am to have met you, and to be here with you," she responded quietly. "And I am very happy that you are coming with me tomorrow."

  He said nothing in reply to that, just tightened his arms around her, held her close, and waited for the two of them to drift into sleep.

  Chapter 17

  The next morning, after enjoying a lazy breakfast in bed, they checked out and headed for the airport. On the bus, Tanya looked out the window, taking in all the scenery and views of this beautiful city she had been blessed to have been able to visit. She was going to be flying to somewhere just as exciting, but there was a sadness about leaving here too.

  David, too, pondered his time in Vancouver. He had come here as a tribute to his wife, and in no possible way could he have imagined that all that had happened to him since coming here, would have happened. Before leaving his home he had expected that he would be alone for the whole three weeks, sad and engrossed in memories for the whole duration. How sharply life can turn a corner with just one innocent activity such as a day out on a bus, he thought to himself.

  They checked in for their flight and David could visibly see Tanya's excitement building. She was like a child at Christmas, wanting to get up in the night to see if Santa had been. She was such a delight to watch, always, he kept thinking.

  When she got up to go to the bathroom, leaving him sitting at their seats, he watched her walk away and around the terminal. Being back from her like this, he could see other men looking at her, occasionally turning their heads as she went by, but she walked as though she didn't even see them, which was a constant surprise to David. The same was true when he saw her coming back again - men definitely did look at her, but as she came toward him she seemed completely oblivious to it and just kept looking and smiling right at him.

  They boarded their plane and David got to see yet another level of Tanya's excitement, and he found himself engulfed in her excitement. Watching her, he felt a huge sadness starting, knowing how much he was going to miss her when they separated in two days' time. How empty would his home be when he was back there again, alone? How empty would his life be?

  Tanya felt David squeeze her hand tightly and turned to look at him. He looked so sad that she started to feel sad too, before leaning across to kiss him.

  "No sadness," she said to him, speaking softly before giving him a mag
nificent smile. "We are going to Disneyland!"

  He laughed at her - her happiness and excitement certainly was infectious.

  In Los Angeles, they caught a bus to their hotel in Anaheim, and when it drove past a large Disneyland sign, Tanya actually shrieked in excitement. David could not help but laugh at her, but inside he knew he was also getting excited about their destination. Once again the connection between this magical place, and his memories of his parents, was made, and silently he gave tribute to them in his mind and heart. They had never had much in the way of 'things' when he was growing up - both of his parents worked incredibly hard to just keep a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs, but in doing so had taught him an incredible work ethic, which had enabled him to live the way he lived today. But in one part of his heart was always a place for them, wishing that they were still alive today so that he could have taken them on a holiday like this one.

  Tanya and David checked into their hotel and made their way to their room. By now it was early evening and they agreed to stay in for this night, eating in their room and watching fireworks from their window. And David, wanting to capture as many wonderful images of her in his mind as he could before they would have to part, enjoyed slowly undressing her and making love to her, with no rushing or urgency, just slow, sensual enjoyment before they fell asleep in preparation for their exciting day ahead.

  * * * *

  When Tanya woke the next morning, David seemed to be very deep in sleep. Tanya crept out of bed and looked out the window, disbelieving again that she was actually here, in Anaheim - somewhere she had dreamed of visiting all her life. She thought back over all of the many months she had worked hard and spent nothing, so that she could save up to do this whole trip. It had taken almost two years to save enough money to be able to afford to do the cruise and see Vancouver and LA, but it was worth it. She grew up without money so found it relatively easy to live on next to nothing, but for these past three weeks she really had been living like a queen, and she had enjoyed it greatly, even though she knew she was going home broke, to start saving all over again. Would she get to come back to the US again, she wondered - would David want her to come and see him after he was settled back into normal life again? And if he did, how long would it take her to save that kind of money again?

  She looked at the clock and smiled to herself. It was only just after 6am - the park didn't even open for another three hours! She slipped back under the covers and let herself look at David. He was such a peaceful man like this, and even day to day in his demeanour, and yet when he was passionate he could take her to such heights that she hadn't experienced with other men before. Thinking about him like that, she started to feel warmer and slid closer to him so her front was against his back, and let her hand wrap around him, slowly touching him while he was sleeping, seeing if it would wake him. Although he seemed to be asleep, that part of him certainly was awake, and she enjoyed the feeling of him, hard in her hand. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the sensation of holding him, idly stroking the length of him, and soon she heard a quiet groan from him and felt his hand reach back behind him and slip between her legs. She didn't even know if he was really awake, but continued her caresses whilst enjoying how he was touching her, turning her on so much that she could feel herself melting against his hand.

  "Oh Tanya," he said quietly before moving away from her, reaching for a condom and turning over so that they were both on their sides, facing each other. She took it and put it on him and they moved together like they had that very first time together, kissing and him slowly moving in and out of her whilst he caressed her with his finger, until they both came together.

  David pulled out of her and kissed her, and continued to kiss her, gently, softly - and could have kept lying exactly like that all day, knowing their time was coming to an end. Tanya responded to his kisses - she loved the feeling of his lips, the way he moved them, their softness. But then she thought about the day ahead and pulled back from him, showing him a huge smile.

  "Come on, we have to get up," she said excitedly, jumping out of the bed and running into the bathroom, where David heard the shower soon turn on. He lay back in the bed. This was the last true day they would spend together - tomorrow he would be leaving mid-morning to return home. It was nice to think of home, but not so nice to think of the loneliness he knew he was going to feel.

  He heard the bathroom door open and Tanya popped her head around to look at him with a large smile, before getting into the shower, purposely with the bathroom door open. He smiled to himself - she knew he would not turn down the opportunity to join her - and jumped out of bed.

  * * * *

  Shower, breakfast and then they were walking down the footpath and along the road, and soon found themselves walking through Downtown Disney, revelling in looking at the restaurants, bars and shops. Then they were in a very long queue, and David found that he was nervous with excitement himself. He tried to work out how long had it been since he let himself enjoy childish fun, but couldn't remember, it had been so long.

  "Oh my gosh!" Tanya exclaimed as they walked through the turnstile and into the park itself. She was jumping up and down, holding onto his arm and smiling ecstatically. David took so much pleasure in watching her - she was so full of life! "We're here! We're finally here!"

  They spent the morning exploring in awe and doing as much as they could. Early afternoon, after both feeling like they had been on a marathon of new experiences, they found a bench overlooking the water and sat close together, watching the riverboat cruise by.

  "I really love being with you, David," Tanya said, surprising him. "I do hope that you will want to come and see me at my home."

  "Tanya, of course I'll come to see you. I'd follow you home tomorrow if I didn't absolutely have to get back to check up on some things in my town."

  He looked at her and saw tears in her eyes, and leaned in to kiss her softly. She clung to him tightly, kissing him desperately, so aware that these moments were coming to an end. David revelled in the feeling of how deeply she seemed to feel for him - he couldn't comprehend how it had happened, but had to concede that this was real and it wasn't one-sided. He pulled away from her, laughing as he felt tears straining in his eyes also.

  "Let's not get carried away - we are in a family park after all!" he said and she laughed with him, settling into his arms in a hug instead.

  Then, suddenly, she seemed to change gears again and was standing up, holding out her hand to him.

  "Let's go on that really fast train ride over there," she said and he jumped up, ready to embark on a faster ride than they had yet been on. He had never been to fun parks in his life, and was greatly enjoying this whole experience, and somehow doing it all with her was even more invigorating. Sitting next to her now, as they rode and screamed, he took a moment to look at her face and it was full of such life and vitality, he knew - he just knew that he didn't want to lose her - ever.

  * * * *

  After a late night of enjoying each other, they woke the next morning, hungry again to not waste a moment together.

  "We should get breakfast," Tanya said, not wanting to move from her place in his arms in bed.

  David laughed softly and sadly. "I can't think about food right now. I have to get ready to leave you, and I really don't want to."

  As tempting as it was - the fleeting thought to somehow prevent him from going - Tanya stood up and invited him to shower with her, and they made the most of every minute until it was time for both of them to check out.

  Tanya left her bags with the concierge, as she wasn't flying until much later that night and wanted to stay in Anaheim as long as possible, and walked with David out to where the bus would stop to pick him up and take him to the airport. They stood together, holding each other, kissing, and looking at each other.

  "Thank you for coming up to me that day," Tanya said, wanting to make sure he understood how much he had come to mean to her in the short time they
had known each other.

  "I will see you in a few weeks, I promise," he said to her, determined to make that a reality. He didn't care how much it would cost to get there - he knew he would have to be near her, and the sooner the better. He could see tears in her eyes and it impassioned him greatly. Where had she come from, to sweep in and make such a huge impact on him so easily and so quickly?

  The bus pulled in and he unwillingly pulled himself away from her, kissing her before getting on the bus. It took all of his strength not to break down himself as he took a seat in the window near where she was standing, and waved to her, seeing her visibly crying too. Then the bus moved and they exchanged one last wave and were soon out of sight from one another.

  David sat back in the seat, letting the tears finally run. It was all such an unexpected thing to have happened to him that he wondered if he hadn't found himself in some odd dream. This was hard, he thought to himself - spending this time with someone and then having to say goodbye, was really hard! As soon as he got home he would look at options for getting to New Zealand, but he knew that he had to make sure to prioritise his work projects too, knowing that people had been working and making decisions without him for the past three weeks. He pulled out his work ideas notebook and decided to use the time from now till he got home to try hard to refocus on his business.

  After the bus had left, Tanya had wandered down to the Downtown Disney area and looked through shops, and then seeing that she still had so many hours until she had to catch a bus to the airport herself, decided to spend the money to go back into the park. It wasn't the same without him beside her, but there were still so many things that they hadn't had time to do the previous day, and once she started working through the remainder of attractions, her spirits lifted and she was engulfed in child-like joy once again.


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