Two Can Play ( #2)

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Two Can Play ( #2) Page 6

by Victoria Ashley

  “Are we meeting in your office this time?” She starts to walk out of the kitchen, leaving the two of us watching her ass as she walks.

  “Let’s meet outside by the pool.” Lynx stands and before I have the chance to stop them from going out there with Rome, Luca stops them.

  “Rome is taking a call out there right now. You might want to pick somewhere else.”

  Karma stops quickly and turns, looking flushed. “Jesus, this house is insane. How do you even live here?”

  Her question is aimed at Lynx, who quickly replies as he walks out of the room with her.

  “I don’t anymore, but it’s not that bad. It’s business mostly and the money more than makes up for any issues any of us have.”

  I stare at Luca and watch him take in my facial expression before he starts laughing.

  We share a silent exchange before Lynx yells from the stairs. “Blaze. Luca . . . why don’t you join us for this meeting.”

  “Let me guess, you’ve called shotgun on her.” Luca gives me a look like he already knows the shotgun rule is in play. This is something we’ve always done. If one of us has any depth of feeling toward a girl, we say shotgun and the other one stays away. I actually think he started it when we were like twelve and both had our eyes on some little blonde in our class.

  He can pick up what I’m feeling about Karma even though I don’t want it out there. Fuck. This is that bad part about having a twin, you never really get any privacy.

  “You can say that.” His laughter echoes around me as we hit the main foyer and is still going when I lead us up the stairs.

  “My brother has been whipped by the pussy fairy. I’ve been waiting on this day.”

  “Shhhh. What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m not whipped.” I turn to quiet him before his damn deep voice carries through the house. A roaring deep voice is about the only characteristic that we both got from our asshole father.

  We step through the office door and I stand off to the side of Lynx’s desk and Luca takes the other.

  “Alright. What I’ve been thinking, Karma I’d like to offer you a room to do work in a few nights a week and stream out the live feed to clients who want to view. Of course, this would have to be approved by the person getting the work done. Hell, we could even offer them their work for free if it all pays out like I’m expecting.”

  “What kind of split are you thinking?” She instantly responds and I can see she’s curious about what he has to say.

  “We can split evenly, but if any of my guys are in the room we’ll need to split an equal share with them because it’ll be because they’re getting work done that the viewer count would be through the roof.” She looks at me just as he finishes and doesn’t give a hint of what she’s thinking in the look on her face.

  “I’m not sure this is a good move for my shop, Lynx. You’ll have to give me a few days to think on it.” She sits confidently across from him while she talks business and I’m a dick for thinking she’s sexy as fuck for the way she’s conducting business with Lynx.

  I watch Lynx lean back in his chair and cross his arms while he takes in her response.

  “What’s to think about? It’s exposure and other than the releases from clients that you’d need to obtain, it should be a no brainer.”

  She matches his demeanor and sits back against the back of her chair, crossing her sexy legs in that skirt that now has my attention.

  Her leg tattoo is partially hidden and yet again I feel myself frustrated that I haven’t had the time to properly see all of the art her body carries.

  She’s fucking gorgeous and it’s been a long ass time since a woman has gotten to me like she has. Maybe even the first time.

  Fuck, I need to get my hands on her again soon. Soon as in before she leaves this fucking house.

  I CAN FEEL BLAZE WATCHING me closely, so I purposely tease him. Lynx is all business and I can’t even deal with the way Blaze’s twin was staring me down in the kitchen.

  It’s not fair to have two of them in the world and if I hadn’t always wanted to mess with a set of twins, I fucking do now.

  I need to stop thinking like this. I’m fighting the urge to squirm in my chair with this much sexiness around me.

  “I can appreciate that. Think on it and get back with me. I know we can work well together to hit a new audience for us and in the process have them rolling in to your shop for work.” Lynx sounds confident that this is the right move, but I don’t know yet. I might need more information to convince me. I start to think about the increase in business so far with the small amount of promoting we’ve done and know my problem will be not having enough artists to handle the load.

  “I’ll need to confirm a few new artists before I can even consider taking on something like this.”

  Lynx leans forward on his desk and begins to work on his computer.

  “I have a few guys in mind that would do well for your shop. I’ll see if they’re interested in moving and send them your way.”

  I watch Blaze move around behind Lynx before he begins talking. “You know we could do the live feed to more than one caller, that would maximize profits for her call and easily make Karma and the house a shit ton of money. We wouldn’t have any sexual acts through that feed, but they’d get to see live piercings of anything we set up and of course we could run a special tattoo night. It could be like one night a week until we see if it works well.”

  He surprises me with his insight and I like what he’s suggesting. My interest is definitely piqued now. “Hell, we could just do a trial run this week to see if any of the viewers are interested in tapping in to something like that before we lock into anything on either side of this agreement.” Blaze’s business side comes out and he honestly surprises me with it. Hell, even his posture has changed. It’s like he’s morphed into some CEO or something as he takes over the room with his personality.

  I really do love what he’s saying. It gives me a chance to see how I like it before I commit to new artists and such a change for my shop.

  “Is this your way of getting me inside this house again?” I have to tease him and make him stop acting like a boss. Honestly, it’s getting to me in more ways than one. He smiles as I give him hell. “Let me guess, you’ll offer up your room for me to do my trial night.”

  “Hell, I’ll offer my body for you to work on that first night. Can you imagine the callers that would want to see you work on me?” Blaze looks so proud of his suggestion before Luca begins to speak.

  “How about we add the twin aspect to this lil’ show? If you want viewers, bust that shit out and watch it rain fucking dollar signs all around us.” Luca surprises the entire room when he begins to speak.

  I catch Blaze’s death glare in his direction, but notice Luca isn’t even looking Blaze’s way. He’s looking at my tits.

  “I like the thought of it raining cash, hell we need to make this as successful as we can for as long as we can, because we all know this isn’t something we can all do ’til we retire. No one wants to see a shriveled old dick on the screen.” Lynx stands to pace behind the desk a few times.

  “I’m not sure how your dick is looking, but I’m pretty sure I’m good for let’s say . . . the rest of my fucking life. This cock will never shrivel. I’ll make sure of that shit.” Blaze finally comes around to the conversation again and I can see the fun side of him resurface even if it’s something he’s forcing himself to do.

  This is exactly what I didn’t want. I don’t want him getting too attached to the idea of me. He’s feeling territorial and that’s when I’m known to step. I don’t need someone to think they own me like a piece of fucking property. I had enough of that when I was with Ryan.

  I take care of myself and when it comes to men, I won’t be tied down to another one. No matter how damn sexy he is.

  “Let’s set it up for later this week then. I’ll have Rebel put out an advertisement and get some callers on board.” Lynx looks to Blaze. “Looks like you�
�ll be the test dummy on this shit so you can push and get some of your viewers involved. Jump on the Alpha’s Facebook page and promote the fuck out of it. I’ll have Rebel send out a mass email to the subscriber list and we’ll just see what happens.”

  I stand up and look around the room, taking in the masculinity around me. Most women wouldn’t even be able to handle being in this room right now without jumping on one of them. Me . . . I’m a little stronger . . . even with Blaze looking at me like he is. “Boys . . .” I smirk at Blaze as his eyes follow me to the door. “We’ll be in touch. I’ve got some other dicks to pierce for some strippers a town over. Lucky me.”

  Luca begins walking as if he’s going to approach me, but Blaze is quick to snap his arm out and stop him. “Better slow your fucking roll, bro.” He gives Luca a hard look and then follows me out the door as if he’s going with me.

  I stop and turn around when he keeps following me. “What are you doing?”

  “Going with you to make sure these dicks don’t get out of line. You came here alone to a damn house with ten horny ass guys and asked us all to whip our dicks out. The Alpha House is under a lot more control than these wild ass strippers you’re about to go see.”

  As much as I don’t want him thinking that I need him to protect me, he’s right about this one. I’ve met a few of these male entertainers before; every single one of them thought I was going to fuck one of them before the night was over.

  “Fine. You can come but just stay back. I can handle my damn self, Blaze.”

  “I’m out!” he yells down the hall. “I’ll help set Luca’s work station up when I get back. Let’s go.” He doesn’t even wait for a reply, before he grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs with him.

  I smile and shake my head as he runs over to the car and holds the door open for me. “So damn smooth, aren’t you, Blaze?”

  He shrugs and proudly lifts a brow, while watching me get in the vehicle. “Fuck yes I am. I’ll follow you.”

  I start the car and wait for Blaze to pull his truck around and follow me to the strip club.

  This should be interesting . . .

  HE PULLS UP BEHIND ME and immediately jumps out to help me with my equipment case.

  “Well this shit should be interesting. It’s not as if I don’t see enough dick as it is. The things I do for a fine as hell woman.”

  I look him over as he opens the back door to let us in. “Would you mind holding, while I pierce?” I tease, just to see how far I can push him ’til he pushes back. It’s a little game we play and I’ve honestly missed it when we aren’t after each other like this.

  “Well damn. Keep looking at me like that, and I’ll hold anything you want as long as I get to take you to my bed after and remind you what a real cock looks like.”

  A blonde guy who has to be in his late forties greets us and takes us back to a room where his guys are waiting. There are only six of them so I hope this goes quickly.

  They’re all standing around, half-naked, most of them looking as if they just woke up for the day. Guess they had a late ass night.

  “The name is Hale,” the older guy speaks. “I’ll be in my office if you need me for anything. The guys will tell you what they want. Evan is my main guy so I’ll let him take over.” He points to Even. “I got some work to take care of.”

  “Sounds good,” I say before he walks away.

  Having Blaze’s eyes on me isn’t going to make this the slightest bit comfortable, knowing that he’s probably thinking about ripping every one of these stripper’s dicks off because I’m touching them.

  He tries to play it off, but by the way he keeps cracking his neck, and intimating the other guys, I know he’s disliking this set up.

  After my equipment is set up, Blaze pulls out a stool and sits back, but stays close enough to let the guys know that he’s here.

  I point to their main entertainer Evan. “You first. Drop your pants and tell me what you want.”

  He gives me a look, showing me what he’s thinking, but Blaze’s evil glare wipes the smug look right off his face. I can see why Blaze is watching him extra careful, because this guy is the definition of pretty: long blonde hair, tall and lean with just the right amount of muscle. He’s definitely the best looking guy in the room other than Blaze.

  “Whatever you think works. You’re in charge,” he finally says. “Give me something the women will love.”

  “Give him something small. You want to still be able to see his dick behind the metal.” Blaze lifts a brow in concern and pulls out a protein bar when Evan drops his pants. He takes a bite and laughs around it, as if we can’t hear him.

  His dick is average size, but of course Blaze just has to open his big mouth and show his displeasure.

  “Fuck off. It’s cold in here. There’s nothing small about my dick.” He sits up and looks at me as I let out a small laugh. “Trust me. I’ve never had a complaint, babe.”

  I place my hand on his shoulder and push him back down, trying to keep my composure. “Ignore him. His dick is larger than the average human so everything looks small to him.”

  I catch Blaze smirk from me having just admitted it out loud. Hopefully he’ll calm the hell down now that I’ve announced that he’s superior to most.


  He seems to quiet down after that. He’s actually letting me do my job without pissing these guys off any more than he already has.

  Yeah, most of them are smaller than the men at the Alpha House, but still average and nothing to be ashamed of.

  All except for the last guy. I even have to keep myself from laughing and asking how the hell he’s even in this line of business.

  He has a good looking face and a decent body, but seriously. I feel bad for the guy. Maybe he stuffs his underwear.

  I wait for Blaze to say something, but he keeps his mouth closed, until right after I get done and the poor guy stands up to pull his pants back up.

  “I have no words,” Blaze mumbles. “No fucking words.”

  I shoot him a glare and mouth for him to shut up before he makes me lose business.

  Luckily, Hale walks into the room and calls his guys away before anything can be exchanged between the guys and Blaze.

  Music is coming from the next room now, so my guess is that these guys will be dancing any minute now and maybe even showing off their new piercings. I know they show more than they’re supposed to at these clubs. It’s no secret.

  I glare at Blaze with my most pissed off look and he just smiles. I pop one of the gloves against my wrist before I remove them both, never looking away from him. He has to know he crossed lines with these guys.

  As soon as we get outside to my car, I place my hand over Blaze’s mouth and get in his face. “What the hell! You could’ve just lost me business in there. You can’t say that kind of shit to my clients, just like you have to accept all of yours equally. They pay my fucking bills, Blaze. Not cool.”

  He takes this opportunity to bite my hand and pick me up as if this is some kind of fun game. “I call out what I see.” He smiles against my lips. “They call those guys entertainment. I could’ve said a whole lot more. Trust me. I have jokes for days.”

  I slide down his thick body and walk him backwards, until he’s pressed against his truck. Then I grab his dick and squeeze it. “Good thing you didn’t.” I press my lips against his neck, before running them up to stop below his ear. “It might’ve been a long time before I’d touch this beautiful thing again. Remember that for next time.” I remove my hand with haste to prove a point.

  “You sure about that?” he asks with confidence.

  “Positive. I have a lot of restraint when it’s necessary.”

  Smiling in satisfaction from the look on Blaze’s face, I walk away and jump into my car, taking off before Blaze can try to follow me.

  I don’t know if I can handle any more of his sexy ass today . . .

  I’VE OFFICIALLY LOST MY MIND. Tonight is the live feed with Karm
a and I guess my twin brother will be making his first appearance.

  The sales for it have surpassed what we thought possible and I’m not sure if it’s because people want to see me lose my shit about another piercing, or if they’re excited about meeting Luca.

  I have to admit they seem to love me in this industry and I can imagine that they’re all foaming at the mouth to get a glimpse of him too. It’s been interesting growing up with a twin and I’m sure this house will prove to be the same.

  We’ve had our times of loving the twin thing and then despised it at others. He was so much like me that I honestly wanted to kick his ass for it. I guess we can thank our older brother for throwing us into the party scene at an early age.

  He was always the life of the party and someone we both looked up to. Then when he went into the military we continued his legacy by both being the life of the party.

  I can’t tell you how many women we’ve been through or how many of them wanted us at the same time. It’s most women’s fantasy so you can say I’ve been admired and targeted since a young age.

  Karma’s little comment isn’t going to fly with me though. We’ve never fucked a woman at the same time and I don’t plan to start, especially with her. No fucking way am I sharing her. Hell, I can’t even get her to last as long as I need her to so I can get over the urge to fuck her, just like I easily did with all the others before her.

  The way I look at it, it’s my job to thoroughly exhaust her, so what would be the purpose of having my brother there? To actually sword fight my way into one of her tight holes, because there’s no doubt that’s what we’d both be focused on.

  Besides that, he’s my fucking brother. I don’t need that shit in my bed. My dick has always been more than enough for the women I’ve been with. Hell, I don’t even fit all the way in most.

  I’ve heard the screams of pleasure from his women over the years, I can only imagine that he’s just as blessed in that department and will want to run the show just like I do.

  It would only be a battle for power and that shit doesn’t even sound appealing against him.


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