Two Can Play ( #2)

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Two Can Play ( #2) Page 7

by Victoria Ashley

  I decide to call Karma to prepare myself for what she has lined up for tonight’s show. It seems like it’ll be a short one, but who knows what all will go down once you get the three of us behind the camera. I can only imagine the comedy side of this will be obvious to all of those watching.

  “Hey,” I say when she picks up. “What time will you be here to set up? I’ve cleared my room for you to use tonight and also had my callers moved back so I can help keep it entertaining.”

  She laughs into the phone and the sound goes straight through me. Fuck, it’s so sexy.

  “I’m headed there now. I have to set up the table and all of my equipment beforehand. I thought I could do that before I get ready, if that’s alright. Then I’ll come back when it’s time to go live.”

  I’m excited to hear that she’s coming early. To be honest, she’s been on my mind since yesterday when I was with her for the strippers’ piercings. She’s actually been on my mind since the Black Tie party, but who’s counting.

  “Sounds great. I’ll see you when you get here.” I end the call and smirk.

  She had to have heard the enthusiasm in my voice, but I don’t care. I’ve never tried to hide what she does to me. There’s no point in trying.

  “You ready for this? After tonight you’ll officially have some fucking competition in this house.” Luca walks into the kitchen with his towel around his waist, barely holding up. His wet hair is slicked back from an obvious swim and he tracks in water as he walks around me.

  “Did you even dry off before you dripped your way into the house?” He begins to laugh when Alpha starts to lick up his puddles.

  “I just need a water and I’m headed back out there. You should really work on that tan of yours before tonight’s show. I’m gonna show you up if you don’t.”

  I look down at my stomach and compare it to his. He’s just a little darker than I am.

  “You’re funny as hell. Do you not realize that I’m doing just fine in this industry without your competition to push me?”

  He turns and looks at me before he makes it to the door.

  “I didn’t say you needed a boost. Just thought you’d want to take in some sun with your fucking twin, but never mind.” He walks out the door, shutting it hard behind him and I instantly feel bad for being shitty lately.

  I haven’t exactly been real welcoming to Luca so far. He sealed the deal on that with his damn reaction to Karma, knowing that I’m interested in her. I know she’s a soft spot for me, but I don’t intend to ruin a relationship with my brother over it.

  I grab two beers and pop the tops off of them before I slide the door open and step out. He’s already in the pool again lying on a blue floating mattress, looking as if he doesn’t have a care in the fucking world. He’s always been good at being the happy one that doesn’t let shit get to him.

  Stepping next to the water, I lean over and hand him one of the bottles.

  “Get ready asshole, me and my big dick will be getting in the pool.”

  His laughter echoes across the water and I can see the reflection of myself in his glasses as he sits up.

  “Thanks for the warning. Wouldn’t want to get a surprise like that and be thrown clear out of the fucking pool. You know, since we’re twins and all I have no idea what you’re packin’.”

  I slide my glasses off the collar of my t-shirt and put them on my face.

  Tossing my shirt and shorts to the side, I walk to the stairs of the pool in my lime green tiny swim shorts. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this house, be prepared to swim at all times.

  I spread out on the other large mattress and let the sun begin to do its thing. The music in the background makes for a relaxing moment and I embrace the silence, until he begins to talk.

  “So. About this girl. How off limits is she?”

  “Very.” I close my eyes and wait for his next poke at me.

  “I can tell and to be honest, it was fun riling you up the other day. Just know I’d never even cross that line, but that doesn’t mean I won’t torture you a little before.”

  He downs his beer and leaves the pool to get more, no doubt tracking in more water as he does. This time he brings two beers a piece, tossing mine at me before he gets in.

  I down my first one and open the next while he gets situated again.

  “How are you gonna handle her piercing me tonight?” He’s watching my reaction and I can honestly say it won’t bother me if I know he’s not going to attempt to make it any more than it needs to be during the show.

  “I’ll be fine. She does it for a living.” The words come out of my mouth, but I’m not even sure if I believe them my damn self.

  “It’ll be interesting doing all of this with a large audience for my first time. I’ve watched a few of your promotional teases to try and figure out how all of this will work for me, not that any of those reassured me any. I just hope I’m cut out for this.”

  “Get through the first night, then get that fucking pay check . . . Then all of your doubts will disappear. I fucking promise.” I continue to try to make him understand the benefits of this industry. “The one and only reason that I do this is the easy money that rolls in unlike any other job I’ve ever heard of, even stripping. This is a safer atmosphere and one where I get to pretty much be my own boss and set my own hours. This will be a fucking dream job for you, brother.”

  “I’m sure the pussy is just a bonus.” His deep laughter is interrupted by the door sliding open and Karma strolling out looking sexier than ever.

  “Let’s just say that some of it is a bonus and some of it you just can’t ever unsee. You have to make them all feel special on the other side of that camera, but only take the ones that do it for ya to your bedroom.”

  I take in Karma’s full body as she stands at the edge of the pool, looking down at us. “You look hot as fuck.” I can’t resist saying what I’m thinking when it comes to her. My dick is twitching thinking about sliding her straps off her shoulders and letting that tiny little dress fall to the ground around her tall heels.

  “This would be one hell of a promotional picture for this house. The two of you laid out like this. Damn sexy, boys,” she says with a grin.

  “The view I’m looking at is much better. Damn fuckin’ sexy, woman. Why don’t you climb on and we can give this mattress a test ride.” She smirks as I pat my hand beside me.

  “In your dreams, Blaze.”

  “Do you have any idea how fucked up my dreams are with you? I hope to fuck you actually do meet me there one day.”

  The sun shines around her and I can see the outline of her body through the material. Her legs stand parted and the temptation to move to her and slide my hands up those sexy legs is almost too much.

  I let my eyes brush over her tattoos and further my pull toward her standing there. “Why don’t you meet me upstairs and let me see all those tattoos you’re hiding under that dress.”

  “It isn’t my fault you didn’t pay closer attention when you had the chance. Now help me get this station set up so we can do this show tonight.” Her feistiness only makes things worse and I can feel my sexual frustration sky rocket as she walks away, swaying those sexy hips like she always does.

  My brother’s laughter gets louder and the smile on my face grows while I step out of the pool and prepare myself to be in a room with her.

  We will fuck again and I will trace every one of those fucking tattoos. The only question is when.

  TONIGHT WILL BE INSANE AND I honestly can’t wait to get this part of my marketing started. It’s something new for me and the best part is I haven’t had to invest a shit ton into this to test it out.

  Blaze’s room is all set up at the Alpha House and all I have to do is show up soon and get this started and somehow resist Blaze’s constant attempts to get to me. If he only knew how much he affects me, he’d never leave me alone.

  Rebel told me the sales for the show have been phenomenal and I know we’re about to sh
are some great cash flow. I’m genuinely excited for this idea now. This will help me get my shop ready for the growth I’ve been wanting to have. Money has really been all I’ve needed to make great things happen with my shop.

  “Alright, are you sure you don’t want me there to help hold one of those dicks? You know a girl would take one for the team just this one time.” Charlie has been joking about this whole thing since I told her the idea. She loves it, just thinks it’s crazy that the guys from the Alpha House will be doing something like it. She had a point that they can’t be truly doing this for the money. That should be the one thing they’re not lacking. I guess Blaze is doing this to truly help me get my show the initial viewers I need to make it a weekly one.

  He’s definitely got a lot of qualities I find myself enjoying.

  These guys are no doubt more attractive than most of the men we see come in the shop, but that doesn’t matter to me. I’ll work on any person, but the viewers will want people that look like these guys. I’m not an idiot. Sex sells, and these guys are both the definition of hot as hell sex.

  In my line of work most of it is done behind depth and meaning. If it’s not that, they are simply wanting to be a canvas to be displayed for the world to appreciate. I can relate to both. All of my tattoos mean something to me and reflect something of my past.

  “I bet you would take one for the team.” I tease her back and pick up the extra gun I needed as backup for tonight.

  “I’ll take the long haired one. I know you have a thing for Blaze anyway.” She causes me to stop in my tracks and question her.

  “What makes you think so?”

  “A blind person would feel the shift in the air and know you two are near each other. It’s like one of those instant heavy feelings of chemistry in the air.”

  My laughter interrupts her from going on any further. I’m not sure I want to hear what else she is sure of about Blaze and I. She might just read through me even further and see shit I’m not ready to acknowledge.

  “Are you sure it isn’t his confidence lingering over everyone as he takes over the room? A man like Blaze is capable of many things.”

  “I’m positive,” she says with a grin. “You can deny it all you want, but you have it bad for that guy.”

  I don’t deny it, but I also don’t confirm it. It’s better to just walk away from Charlie in a battle like this.

  “See you tomorrow. I need to get back to the house before they go live without me. That definitely wouldn’t be good for business.”

  “Get him pierced where it really counts then, if you’re gonna be riding that. I know he’s only laddered . . . he needs that G-spot tingler,” she yells at me as I walk out the door, and I won’t turn around and tell her that the guy doesn’t need any help in that department at all.

  He can hit the perfect spot without any added jewelry to the tip. He’s proved that more times than once.

  Fuck me. I need to stop thinking about the details of his dick and be professional for this show. I hope he doesn’t say things to make me blush, but knowing him, he will. And that says a lot about his mouth, because I don’t blush. He just has a way of making it happen over and over. I need to be prepared for when he does so I don’t give him a real look at how I feel about what he says to me.

  I think about all the possibilities that could come out of his mouth during this and it’s almost so much that I want to turn around and go home. He’s a complete smart ass and that’s one of the reasons he’s so popular, so he’ll have to be in true character tonight. The Blaze behind the camera is even more bold than the one I’ve been dealing with and that terrifies me just a little.

  Plus Luca will be trying to get noticed over the large personality that is Blaze, so who knows what he’ll say or do to make himself more popular to the viewers. The two of them together will be a damn powerhouse.

  “What in the hell have I gotten myself into?” I can’t hold my thoughts in any longer as I park in what seems like a truck dealership. The Alpha men all love their toys and they have the money to splurge on things like that, so I don’t blame them, but damn can they not get the largest meanest trucks out there?

  I see Blaze walking toward me before I can even get out of my car. He can probably guess that I’m unsure as hell about all of this, which would explain his smile on his face as he gets closer.

  “It’s about time to let people watch you stroke my dick. Who would’ve thought we’d be making porn so early in our relationship?” That mouth of his. Damn that mouth.

  “I’m not stroking your dick on camera. And there is no relationship. We have to keep this professional when it comes to my feeds. I don’t need assholes thinking they can come to my shop for some fucked up sex crap. The bell on the door would never stop dinging.”

  “I agree, but what would this be if I didn’t come on to you? It’s what I do.” He wraps his arms around me before I’m able to reach in for the last box of my stuff.

  “You need to stop looking so fucking sexy. Those have to be the shortest jean shorts I’ve seen in my life and your tits in that tank top are just begging me to dive in. Tell me, Karma, how am I supposed to keep my hands off of you when you look like this?” He runs his hands over my ass when I bend over.

  I close my eyes with the feel of his hands on me again. This man knows how to make me feel like I’m the sexiest woman alive. I’m sure it’s a trait he’s learned gets him paid very well.

  “Blaze. You have to stop doing this.” I stand quickly before he has the chance to touch me where there’d be no turning back.

  “What’s the fun in that?” He runs his hands over my back and pulls me closer with his hands full of my ass. I really have no choice but to wrap my arms around his waist and melt into him. Well, maybe I had a choice, but my body didn’t think so.

  “We have less than fifteen minutes before we go live. As much as I’d love to skip the whole show, we’d piss off a shit ton of people who are looking forward to you torturing me on camera.”

  He steps away and pulls the box out of my car before he leads us into the back door of the house. I watch his ass as he takes the stairs. I can tell he knows I’m watching by the way he laughs.

  “Luca will be up in a minute, but I figured you could start with me. We’ll open it up for any questions to start with and let you work on me. He can direct the questions during that, then when it’s his turn, we’ll switch.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” We work side by side getting the last of my equipment in place and just before it’s time to go live, Luca walks in with a huge ass grin.

  “Hell yeah. Let’s get this party started.” He claps his hands and then rubs them together in excitement.

  Smiling at Luca with confidence, Blaze turns on the camera and starts the show.

  “Hello everyone. Welcome to our first ever live feed with Karma from the K’inked House. She has agreed to team up with the Alpha House and we plan to give you one night a week where we bring in her clients and let you pay to watch. As the show goes on tonight, be sure to blast any questions our way and we’ll do our best to answer.” Blaze isn’t the least bit shy in front of the camera and it shows one hundred percent.

  “Also, it is with great pleasure that I get to introduce you all to my twin brother Luca, who is officially joining the Alpha House. His client roster will fill up fast, so once the show is over tonight, if you’re interested in seeing more of this beast, make an appointment to see what he has to offer.”

  I can see the comments and questions rolling in and an overwhelming feeling instantly consumes me as I read a few.

  I’m not one to love a crowd, where it seems like Blaze handles it perfectly. It’s extremely sexy and I’m going to enjoy watching him handle himself.

  Luca lets out a deep, sexy laugh as he leans into the computer and skims through the questions. “No, I won’t be stroking my dick tonight on camera, but I promise to give you a fan-fucking-tastic show if you book a call with me after this.” His eyes widen
as he looks to answer the next question. “And yes my cock is just as good as Blaze’s.” He winks. “Again, you can see for yourself when you book with me.”

  Blaze nods at Luca to continue and introduce himself.

  “Hi everyone, I’m Luca as you’ve just figured out. Don’t judge me based on this guy. He likes to pretend he’s hot shit, but I know him personally.” Blaze turns to interrupt Luca, causing him to laugh before he continues. “No really, he’s a great guy and I’ll be honest, the idea of being on camera scares the shit out of me where he thrives on it. So don’t be harsh on me if I suck at all of this tonight.”

  I watch so many comments roll on about how there’s no way he can be terrible with his looks. Some are calling him daddy, where as others are just simply welcoming him to the house.

  Blaze smirks as comments begin rolling in about how good Blaze is and how they’ve been waiting for weeks to get another show with him. Ignoring the comments, he begins talking. “So tonight, Luca and I are both getting pierced, but in future shows, Karma will be doing some tattoos and pulling in some of the other Alpha guys as well as her own clients to show you some of the detail that goes into her work.”

  “I’ve decided I’ll just add one more bar, since I already have three dick piercings. Luca, what are you here for?”

  “I’m in for the Apa or whatever she decides would be the best with the one I already have.” I haven’t even spoken yet and I know I need to get their attention quick to make this all successful and keep them coming back for more. I feel the urge to push away any reservations and come out blaring with a personality that’ll sell, so that’s what I do.

  “Alright viewers, maybe we need to see this before we can make a decision; pants off, boys,” I demand and feel a rush of relief when I seem to say it all with confidence. Now it’s time to work and do what I could do in my sleep. I’ll just add a cocky mouth to it all and be feisty. If nothing else, I know it’ll get to Blaze in a way that wouldn’t bother me one bit.

  And finally I’m in my element.


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