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Two Can Play ( #2)

Page 16

by Victoria Ashley

  I’ll have to be sure to thank Lynx later for sending his guys my way. Just another thing that’ll keep the business flowing and the shop growing. It’s their talent that matters to me, but their good looks are just a damn bonus that will draw more women in.

  The sound of the door pulls my attention from the guys and I turn to see a sexy female make her way to the front counter. I eavesdrop and hear Charlie ask her what she can do for her and hear Lynx’s name yet again so I make my way to introduce myself.

  “Hi, I’m Karma and this is my shop, how can I help you?” She looks a little nervous, but quickly shakes it off when she shakes my hand.

  “My name is Envy and Lynx told me you’re looking for some help here.” He really came through for me and it couldn’t be happening soon enough.

  “I need help desperately. What can you do?” I lean against the counter and watch her respond to me. She’s young, but I can tell she’s artistic by the way she’s dressed and all the work she’s showing off on her own canvas.

  “I have experience with piercing and thought maybe I’d see if I could do some time here and work towards what I really want to do, which is tattooing. I work for him at Club Royal, but he told me he’d work something out with you if you’re interested in letting me work here.” I smile instantly. We could use another girl in the house to even things out a bit, even if she’s fresh meat. If she took most of the piercings off my schedule, then I can handle the tattoos and things will definitely speed up for the shop.

  “When can you start?”

  “I can start tonight. Lynx thought you might want me to sit in on the live feed to help with the Q&A part of the show.” Her cool composure is an instant draw to me and if I’m this quickly attracted to her personality, the live viewers will respond well to her. I see what Lynx is doing here and I have to say I appreciate the hell out of it.

  “Can you be there by seven?” She smiles instantly and I feel great knowing I’m about to get some relief in here.

  “Lynx told me Blaze suggested I talk to you to start with. I’m so glad he thought of me.” There it is. Blaze floods my mind again. This time I can’t be frustrated because I needed this. And now I feel like I need to see him even more than I did when I walked through these doors.

  There are so many great things about this moment that should have me wanting to celebrate.

  But all I can think about is Blaze. I need this day to hurry the hell up . . .

  WALKING AWAY FROM HER SUCKED completely. But knowing she’ll be here tonight is making me less irritable and helping me keep my shit in check.

  “Jesus, you look like shit. Did you pull an all nighter or something?” Luca walks in while I’m pouring my sixth cup of coffee for the day.

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “Everything alright? You know I can kick someone’s ass if I need to.” He grabs the coffee pot and pours his own cup before he saunters to the other side of the bar.

  “I may hold you to that. There’s a fucker I need to visit today. Wouldn’t hurt having someone else there to drive my point home.”

  His eyes meet mine and everything that’s ever come between us disappears into the depths of nothing and I know right away that he’s in for anything I need. It’s how brothers are. I know he’s not the only one in this house that would do the same, so I decide to really make a fucking point.

  “How about in an hour, we take a road trip? I’ll get the guys together and we can parade our asses to his fucking shop in a convoy he’ll never forget. There’s an asshole I have an appointment with today.”

  He nods and takes a big drink of his coffee before he responds.

  “Let me get my hair pulled back and my mean face on. I’ll be ready for anything.” He walks out of the room and I hear Rome outside talking by the pool.

  I may as well drive my logic straight through that mother fucker’s head and take all the guys. He needs to know that if he even calls Karma, I’ll be so far up his ass, he’ll feel me yanking out his insides before I even get near him.

  “Hey Rome. I need all of you guys to help me make a run. Need to let a guy know I mean business and I may as well show him what he’s up against right away.”

  He looks over at me from his phone call and hangs up quickly.

  “I’m in, brother. When?”

  “An hour. Can you get all the other guys around? Luca already knows, but I need the rest. I need to call Lynx about a few things before I lose track of this entire fucking day.”

  “You got it.” I slip inside and make my way to the office. Lynx and I have been working on security at every location, including Karma’s shop. We’ve also been looking at people to bring in to the house for different jobs and I had to push him to get some artists in to help her. I just hope it will relieve some of her stress and let her enjoy life for a fucking minute.

  “Hey, Lynx. You’re always right on time, aren’t you?” I hit the speaker button and lean back in the chair.

  “You can’t run a business like this being late all the fucking time. Learn something from me and who knows what you’ll be able to do.”

  “I’m here too, fucker. Right on time. What’s on the agenda?” This is how we talk to each other. It’s a mutual pain in the ass respect that we have going and honestly, I owe him so much for giving me an opportunity to work for him. This company has made a huge change in my life and I can’t even imagine doing a desk job somewhere answering to some snooty fucking dick every day.

  “I sent those guys you suggested to K’Inked. Hopefully she’ll take them in. I have one in mind as well and I figure he’ll be in town next week. Also, Envy was excited when I gave her the go ahead. Let’s talk about another Alpha for the house. Have you had time to look at the guys I sent you?”

  I sit up and start thumbing through the names he sent over. I looked at them all but none of them stood out.

  “What if we changed it up a bit? How about I bring a girl into the house and we can tap into the men of the world? Who knows, we may end up with an entire house of women just to meet demands if it all goes well.”

  He’s silent for a few minutes and I know he knows it’s a great idea.

  “I like the idea, I’m just worried about dropping a female in a house full of Alphas. It can only be a disaster waiting to happen.”

  “I’ll lay down the law before she comes in,” I assure him. “They won’t choose pussy over money and they’ll know I’ll boot any of them who fuck up. You know it’s an entire audience we aren’t even reaching and this is our in.”

  “You’re right,” he responds after a few seconds. Can we set it up on a probationary period of thirty days and see what the numbers do and how the guys handle a female in the house?”

  “That was my plan.”

  “Look at you running this place without me. Maybe I need to think about being more silent and let you do this for awhile. I’ve been dying to take Rebel on a long trip and it may just be about time.”

  “Let me know when you leave. I’ve got this place.”

  “I heard you’ve been spending extra time with Karma . . . Anything you want to admit?” He’s fishing and for once I’m not going to try to deflect his questions about a female in my life.

  “I’d spend even more time if she’d stop thinking so much. But for now, we’re just having fun.”

  “I remember that shit all too well. Someone told me some important advice once. If she doesn’t come to you, take your ass to her and give her no choice.”

  I have to smile as he gives my own words back to me. That’s my plan, I’m just trying to let her get to the point where she’d actually be ready for me and what I want.

  “I’ll have to work on that.”

  He’s laughing before I can finish my sentence.

  “You’re the last one I thought would get all caught up. You sure you can stay in the house after all of this?”

  “I have no plans of leaving the house, so just count me in on any business that you need hand

  “If anything, you can always slow your call load a little and I’d love to seriously talk to you about taking an official position as house Alpha. Of course, I’d compensate you for all the shit you’ll handle that I won’t have to deal with. Think on it and we’ll talk about it next time.”

  “Don’t need to. I’m in.” I don’t hesitate to jump on this opportunity. It’ll only allow me to do what I’ve been enjoying, looking for business opportunities to expand this company.

  “Alright. I’ll talk numbers with you next time and consider yourself hired for the job. Just don’t let me down and I won’t have to put my foot in your ass.”

  “You couldn’t catch my ass.”

  He laughs even louder before he says his goodbyes and hangs up on me.

  That call went even better than I hoped and now I know the changes I’m about to make are going to only make this house better. He knows my ideas are phenomenal and have all worked. He’s always asked my opinion on things so this new job for me seems to be the perfect set up.

  I spend some more time looking at the pictures in front of me, focusing on the girls I had in mind. A few of the girls from Club Royal are in here and even a few from my hometown.

  The door opens and I watch Levi strut in and start talking. “Looks like I’m about to get in on some ass beatin’ action. Tell me who we’re fuckin’ up today!” He’s entirely too excited for this, but I have to say it makes me feel good to know he has my back like this.

  “Karma’s ex dickhead. He thinks he can rough up a woman, so he needs to be taught a lesson he won’t forget.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure to hand him his ass. Oh . . . damn. What are you looking at here?” He points to a few of the girls on my desk.

  “I’m looking to bring a female into the house.”

  He doesn’t let me continue before he’s lifting a few of the pictures from the desk. “Holy fuck. Get Envy in here. I’d pay to see her. Hot damn, that woman does it for me.” His excitement makes me laugh and I rip her pictures from out of his hand.

  “I’ll be making that decision and just so you know, it would make her off limits. House rules are about to change.”

  “Yeah, yeah. She deserves the kind of money this place can bring in though. I’d keep my distance to give her a chance like this. She’s a damn fine woman and runs that club like a fuckin’ pro.”

  “We need to get on the road if we’re going to get this done before we have to be back tonight. Will you see if the rest of the guys are ready?”

  “Sure will, boss.” I toss the pictures down and look at my phone. I was hoping for a text from Karma, but no such luck. Guess I’ll just have to wait until tonight to see her. “Let’s fuckin’ do this!” I step out onto the balcony and see them all ready and waiting for me in the main foyer. They’ve all put on the roughest clothes they own and they make me laugh at their ridiculous energy. “Well I wanted to scare him to death, not fuckin’ make him die laughing. Can we please work on our delivery here? How about you just follow my lead.”

  Nash and Knox both shake my hand when I get to the bottom of the stairs. “You know we can get fuckin brutal if needed. Just do your thing and know we’re right beside you.”

  I don’t want to waste any more of this day thinking about this fucker, so I lead the guys out the door.

  We all take our own trucks and the sounds of roaring engines soon rattle his fucking windows as we park all over the parking lot to his shop. Wicked Ink is on the door and I can see a chick with a buzz cut looking at us as we walk up.

  The guys follow closely as I open the door and pass by the front desk. I open every fucking door in the place until I find him. He almost shits himself when we all enter the tiny room.

  The young client of his moves quickly and we all step aside, letting her pass. She needs to get the fuck out of here anyway. “Go to K’Inked and ask for Karma, she’ll fix up that shitty tattoo for you.” I hear Luca stop the girl and I love what he says.

  “Call the police, Vicki.” He scrambles and yells over my shoulder. I see Nash take the phone from her, but can’t hear what he says as she backs away.

  I meet him against the wall and put my forearm on his throat. He chooses not to fight me, but I can see hate on his face. “What kind of piece of shit hits a woman?” He looks around the room frantically, only to find these guys wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire.

  “This is my final warning. You’re gonna stay the fuck away from Karma or I’ll be back and I promise you won’t have to worry about using that dick of yours again.” I hear shit crashing behind me, but don’t dare take my eyes off of him.

  “Do you fucking hear me?” I shove against him harder and wait for him to gasp out some sort of yes before I grip him by the shirt and toss him onto the floor. I look over my shoulder and see Luca, Levi, and Rome tearing the place up while Nash and Knox glare at the piece of shit at their feet.

  Nash adjusts his cowboy hat before he lifts him to his feet. He only continues to torment the asshole. “Do you know what happened to the last mother fucker I saw hit a woman?” He waits for Ryan to shake his head no, before he responds. “He had to go to the fuckin’ hospital to have a pitchfork removed from inside his ass. Think about that when you raise a hand and know we’re watching. If you so much as slap one on the ass during sex, we’ll know.” He squeezes Nash’s arm as he pushes even harder.

  Luca yells for Rome to move out and we all follow. We’re near the truck before I bust out laughing at Nash. “Dude. A fuckin’ pitchfork? You made my ass clench thinking about that.”

  He smiles as he steps up into his truck. “Nah. I’ve said it many times though. Seems to get my point across quite nicely.”

  “No shit!” Levi yells out before we all take off again.

  I add security to Karma’s house and shop on the way back to the Alpha House. I also call in a favor with one of our bouncers at Club Royal to see if he can dig up any dirt on Ryan and maybe get him taken in. He’s a filthy guy and I can only imagine the shit he’s done.

  Karma still hasn’t called or texted and even though I’ve wanted to reach out to her, I haven’t. I have an hour to get cleaned up before our live show tonight, so I move quickly through the house and don’t waste any time hitting the shower.

  Just knowing I’m about to see her excites me, even though I have no intentions of pushing anything with her.

  Before I can even step out of the shower, Alpha is busting in and standing on the wet shower floor, licking anything he can get to. “Shit, boy. Do you need water in your bowl?” He looks at me with his bulldog resting bitch face and I have to laugh at him. “Karma is about to be here. You need to work your damn magic with her. Put in a good word for me.” He walks slowly behind me as I continue to talk to him through the house.

  “What the fuck? Do you ever wear clothes?” Lynx walks through the back doors and starts in on me instantly. I look down at my towel and tug it loose, letting it hit the floor.

  “Is this better?”

  “Ah damn it, Blaze. Rebel is here and will be looking for me soon. Cover that fucker up.” My laughter echoes through the house as I wrap the towel around me once again.

  “Karma is coming soon, you ready for tonight’s show?”

  “Sure. I’m always ready for a show. Hell, just strap a camera to my dick and we’ll do an all day show.”

  “You’d love that shit. Finally, one of your ideas I can veto because I know it’ll be a disaster.” He sits on the bar stool and leans his elbows on the countertop. I can see stress in his face, and I’m not sure whether I should ask him about it, or just let him be.

  “You ok? Thought you had enough of this fucking place. I can always give you some stand by calls tonight.”

  “Fuck off with that nonsense. I’ll be out of here as soon as I can. Rebel came by to give Envy a few things.

  “How’s the committed life?” I have to ask because he looks anxious about something.

  “Best thing I ever di
d. Rebel is my life and I couldn’t be happier.”

  His instant smile makes me jealous. It would be nice to be there one day; who knows maybe Karma and I will get there eventually.

  I hear the sound of female voices coming toward the kitchen, so I don’t respond.

  Rebel, Envy, and Karma walk in and I catch Karma looking at me the second she steps through the door.

  She actually walks over to me and wraps her arms around me with a giant smile on her face. “Thank you boys for helping me get some talent in my shop. I feel like I can breathe a little.” She turns to Lynx right after she hugs me. She doesn’t give him the same up close treatment, but I do get to watch her ass as she talks to him.

  She’s obviously dressed to kill for the show and fuck my life if she didn’t succeed in making me crazy. Her ass cheeks are barely covered in her short shorts and her tits are on display in a tight, low cut t-shirt.

  Lynx and the other two girls walk out of the kitchen and she starts to follow them before I grab her hand to stall her.

  “Why are you in a towel?” Her eyes graze over my body and there’s only one thing to do at this point. I drop the towel again and see surprise wash over her face. My dick springs to action and I stand there and let her take me in. “Blaze, what the hell? Someone will see you.”

  “They’re used to seeing me walk around naked, pretty sure this is nothing new to all the guys in this house.”

  She reaches for the towel and wraps it around my waist. I smile at her attempt to do it without bumping into me.

  “Ok. Cover up. This isn’t for the world to see. If you want to do something like this, do it in your bedroom.”

  “Does that mean you’ll be in my room, because if not it’ll just be me and my dick in an empty room. Can’t say it has the same effect.”

  She starts laughing and I can see Karma is finally here in a playful mood and it looks like this night is going to go well if this is any indication.


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