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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

Page 6

by Rita Hestand

  "Has he kissed you?"

  "Once." She admitted, not wanting to go into detail about the dreams.

  "Must have been a doozy."

  "It was. And Ma, I've been kissed before as you well know."

  "I guess this is where I give you motherly advice, huh?"

  "I'd say so." Maggie smiled.

  "I can't."

  Maggie looked at her strangely. "What do you mean you can't?"

  "For all accounts, he's a very decent man. No one, I mean absolutely no one has ever had an unkind word about him. Even the cowboys he put in line about you."

  "What cowboys?" Maggie looked shocked.

  "The ones he has to weed out of the saloon when they go popping off at the mouth how they'd like to have you and show you what a good time is. Honey, whether you know it or not, you are a sensation in this town. You fill every man's dreams, and fantasies. Dakota spends half his time protecting your honor."

  "I never knew." She gasped.

  "Almost every night in the saloon it goes on. Not to mention the jealousy the girls in the saloons show. Dakota is always there keeping the peace, so to speak. Defending you. Mr. Montgomery was wise to hire him. And he's getting his monies worth."

  "I never realized. I mean, I know he protects me at the theater and sees me home safely most of the time. But I never knew about the saloon, or the troubles he might go through on my behalf."

  "Listen honey, you became an overnight sensation at the Opera House. Your picture is everywhere. People come from small towns around here, just to hear you sing. And they come just to see you. You're getting quite a reputation and beings as though the Mayor himself took you on, even bigger. Dakota keeps them quiet. So I gotta respect the man. Because he truly seems to respect you. And so far, he's done a really good job of keeping you safe. But this kind of fame can lead to a lot of problems, and you need to be aware all the time."

  "Why, he never said a word about it. But he's said practically the same thing you are saying. He's always warning me." Maggie cried. "I had no idea anyone even gave me a second thought."

  "That's so like you. Most of the women in town are so jealous of you. The men, fantasize about you. But, honey, he's an Indian. Have you ever once considered that the two of you don't fit?"

  Maggie stared at her. "I don't care that he's an Indian. I see him as a man. I'm not the kind of person to judge by the skin. Just like Nadine, I love her. Why she once saved my life. How could I ever turn my back on that? It doesn't matter to me what color they are. If they are good people. And no one can put them down in front of me and get away with it. I'll love Nadine until I die. And Dakota…. well, he's a man to me, not an Indian. And I might add, he's one of the best men I've ever known. And I've known a lot."

  "No, maybe you can't and maybe that is good. But could you live like he does?"

  "What do you mean? How does he live?"

  "He lives with his tribe in the winter as they come back to this area. In tents, being an Indian. Could you live with them? Could you handle the ridicule of people with simple attitudes of hate?"

  Maggie shrugged. "I don't know. I honestly don't. But I guess if you loved someone enough, you could put up with anything."

  "Better be thinking on that, if you are gonna get involved with him."

  She was already involved. And that was the truth.

  She'd had six dreams so far, and every one of them better than the last, and she wasn't sure she could give them up. They fed her with an inner confidence as a woman, nourished her with love and kept her warm. But more than that, Dakota protected her and she was just now realizing how much.

  "Maybe he could change."

  "Or you could. You're seriously thinking of getting involved with him, aren't you?"

  "I don't know…" Maggie felt confused now. "I think maybe, I already am."

  Ma nodded.

  "When Richard kisses me, I see Dakota there, and feel his kisses and know that he's the one I want. And I know it's strange, but it's how I feel. I care about him, he's a good person."

  She hadn't thought passed the love making to a future with him, but her heart knew him intimately.

  "He's a good man. I believe that. But, he's Indian, too."

  "I'll think on it." She said, finishing her peach cobbler and taking the dishes to the sink and washing them.

  Maggie went upstairs some of her enthusiasm dampened by what Ma said. Could she live with Dakota? Could there be a future between them? Or would it just be fun in the bed with him? She wondered. What did she want? What did he want, he never said? Perhaps that was where she should start, by finding out what he wanted.

  She took off her clothes and went to bed. She was so tired, she slipped into her gown and tried to go to sleep. Could she even give up the dreams? And did he want a real future with her? She had no idea. But she did know he was interested. His kiss proved that.

  Her sleep was restless now.

  The next day at the Opera House she saw him once again. She smiled at him.

  She practiced forever with Simon and when it got dark Simon left, but she stayed for a while, playing at the piano. Dakota stood in a dark corner and watched her.

  "I guess if I went home, you could relax, couldn't you?"

  "I'm in no hurry. Take your time." He told her.

  She stood up and faced him, walking toward him. "I going to quit seeing the Mayor." She blurted.

  "Why?" He asked.

  "There are a lot of reasons. I don't like his parties, his politics. Nor him telling me who to like. I'm my own person."

  "Anything else?" He raised a brow in question.

  "Nor do I like his kisses."

  He nodded.

  "Guess those are good reasons."

  She looked away, as though frustrated with him. "I didn't know you were protecting me at the saloon too. I had no idea that your off time is spent defending my honor."

  His face turned serious now, and he came closer, but not in a threatening way. "You are a great singer. That means lots of people will either like you or hate you. But there will be both. The women will be jealous, and the men will all fantasize being your mate."

  "And what do you do?" She asked boldly, coming closer, noticing the glint in his eyes.

  "I protect."

  "I realize that, and I'm grateful. I always feel safe when I'm with you." She didn't know what gave her the courage to say it, but she needed answers. "Is that all?"

  "I am an Indian Miss Hilton, something you forget very easily."

  "I haven't forgotten. You won't let me. I'm sure of that." She came closer, "But is that all you are—my defender?"

  "Have you been drinking?" His frown shocked her.

  "No, but it's very good idea. Goodnight Dakota!" She moved away suddenly and walked to the door.

  He stood stone still and didn't move.

  A tear escaped down her cheek, but he never saw it.

  He cleared his throat, "Do you have a ride home?"

  "No, I'll walk." She answered, and opened the door.

  "Then I will see you get home safely."

  "It's all about the job, isn't it?" She glanced at him as they walked slowly down the street.

  "Yes ma'am, it is."

  "I guess I imagined everything else."

  He shrugged. "What else is there?"

  "Nothing, nothing at all." She said dully.

  Chapter Six

  She closed her eyes and she dreamed once more. She was getting ready for her performance, she was bathing in the creek not far down the road, and Dakota walked boldly to the edge of the water and stared out after her. She was nude and her clothes were too far to reach to cover herself. But something inside her didn't want to reach for cover. She had the urge to run into his arms.

  Funny but she had searched the area thoroughly before she got in and figured she'd have no company. But there he was, tall, handsome and so irresistible. The urge to be with him was so great she had to force herself not to act upon her inclinations.
br />   She didn't have to. He boldly walked into the water and up to her, his kiss was like fire that spread throughout her body. He stared for a long time as she stood proudly before him.

  "I knew you'd be here." He said like a whisper.

  "I knew you'd come." She barely uttered.

  His eyes went lower, taking in the perfectly formed breasts that stood out proudly before him. His appreciation was in his eyes, as he boldly assessed her.

  He still hadn't touched her yet.

  She drew breath, lifted her head proudly and waited.

  He shook his head, and that grin of his nearly did her in, "You are such a beauty."

  "I'm simply a woman." She said.

  "No, you are much more than that."

  "What do you mean?" she asked breathlessly.

  "You are my woman…" He whispered.

  There was his answer, bold, sweet, feeding her strength.

  Slowly, his head dipped low to kiss as his lips covered her nipple, first one then the other. She threw back her head and

  presented herself to him proudly. Her wet hair fell against her back. She was on tiptoes, but he lifted her bottom so she was flush against him. She felt his arousal. Her eyes closed as his lips surrounded the aroura of her nipples once more. Romancing each one, he massaged her with his hot tongue. The sensations sent signals to all parts of her body. She readied herself for him.

  His woman! Yes!

  She threw back her head and gave him leave. Her hair cascaded down her back like silken strings of gold. He smiled when he raised his head and saw the raw desire in her eyes. His hands threaded through her hair, as he brought her mouth to his, and their tongues danced to a music not yet played. Bringing her body up against his to mate as she wrapped her legs around his waist, he lifted his deerskin shirt and entered her immediately. Her body welcomed him and her muscles worked to bring him deeper inside of her. He groaned from the satisfaction. She gasped at the sheer joy of his taking her. She wrapped her arms around him and moaned with such open pleasure. It was a feverish coming together. Their eagerness to be one, clouded everything else. Yet, he moved slowly within her, as though each stroke had a hidden meaning, she leaned away, so his lips could touch her breasts again and while she moved against him seductively, her head fell back, as he kissed freely everywhere. Her body practically danced as they moved together in unison, he gave her such pleasure, she could not and would not stop him. She had come here this night, for this purpose, and he had met her here eager to fulfill her dreams now.

  When he brought her to orgasm she clutched him hard, her nails digging into his skin, marking him, but his response was an even deeper kiss, where his tongue mated with hers, and the orgasm lasted for long lingering moments. She whimpered, her breast seemed to swell her body molded to his, and her muscles worked to continue the rapture of their love making. Her head fell against his shoulders finally and she cuddled into him as they moved slowly, absorbing the moment, as they stared into each other's eyes. "You are mine," he whispered at her ear.

  "Yes!" She didn't fail to answer. She answered proudly.

  She awoke in a sweat, but the clear, penetrating memory of their lovemaking was still heavy on her mind. The pleasure he gave her, stunned her, as she'd never had such a lover before. She touched her lips, glanced at her breasts and moved her hands over herself, remembering him.

  It was a celebration she would covet. It was the perfect ending to her day. And from now on, she would not question it, but embrace it. Whether people or circumstances permitted their love, it did not matter. They were together, and she knew somehow they always would be. Whether it was dreams or reality, somehow they would be together.

  At that moment, she knew she was his. But did he?

  She sighed. Perhaps it was as Sarah said, some reaction from not having a sexual encounter in so long. Perhaps she was orchestrating it herself.

  Instead of fretting over her dreams, she embraced them and fully intended to enjoy them. After all, they were merely dreams, and kept her from facing the reality of a relationship with Dakota at this time. Especially since he didn't seem to share her dreams.

  She went about her work and life as though completely content now. She held her head high and proud, she was loved and that was all that mattered.

  Until one morning, she had attempted another bath in the creek and someone else lurked in the bushes. She hadn't seen anyone when she went in, and she wanted to get her bath and enjoy nature around her for just a bit.

  But the man came out of the bushes and stared at her.

  "What are you doing here, sir?" She shrieked when she turned about and saw him. She sank down into the water and tried to move away.

  He started for her, "I thought I seen you out here. I knew you was some kind of whore, bathing in the nude out here where anyone can see. Well, I ain't against having a little pleasure in the morning." He said coming closer now, wading into the water.

  She moved toward the other embankment.

  "Only whores bath in the nude." He told her.

  "Leave me alone, sir!" She shouted.

  "Well, you are just askin' fer it. And I aim to take you up on it. Come on honey. Come off that high horse and give old John a little lovin'." He snickered.

  "Get away from me!" She cried out, fear over taking her.

  "A woman like you! I ain't walkin' away from that!" He chuckled.

  "Please, please go away!" She shouted, tears streaming down her face now. Memories of something even more unpleasant surrounded her now and real tears poured down her cheeks.

  "Why honey, I just got here!" He laughed. "Ain't nobody around. Ain't nobody to see!"

  "You're wrong there," Dakota shouted just before he jumped him and pulled him to shore. He knocked him to the ground with his fists.

  Maggie stared at them and shivered with fright.

  Dakota had been right. She shouldn't be out here. But she so loved taking baths in the creek. She'd grown up that way, and it was an old habit, hard to break.

  Shame fell over her. She'd been a whore, once! But not now!

  Tears streamed down her face. She'd been trying to get rid of the image of herself as a whore, and had done well up until this day. Now she wondered. Another memory hit her that was harder to face and the tears poured freely now.

  Dakota turned to look at her.

  "It's all right now." He assured her. He turned to the man who was groaning on the ground. "Get up and get out of here and don't let me catch you lurking around Miss Hilton again.!"

  "All right! I just wanted to be friendly." He tried to excuse his actions.

  "That's no way to be friendly mister, now get out of here before I do something more to you." Dakota shouted. But on second thought, he grabbed the man by his collar, stood him up and made him face her. "Apologize to Miss Hilton."

  "I-I'm sorry!"

  "You won't' do it again."

  "And I won't do it again." He told her.

  "Now get out of here."

  The man nodded, grabbed his hat and left, without a backward look.

  Maggie was crying now, angry that she had encouraged such an act, scared it might happen again, and ashamed she hadn't listened to Dakota. And the memories were killing her. Memories she had stifled for years, haunted her now.

  He came out toward her. "Hey now, it's all right. He won't hurt you."

  She practically fell into his arms, unmindful of her nudity. "I’m so sorry. I should have listened to you." She felt the heat from his body, and it wrapped her in a comforting cocoon. This was not seduction, this was comfort, and she realized it and was thankful.

  He cuddled her to him, just holding her. He could easily have taken the advantage himself, but he didn't. He simply held her. His arms went around her, not touching her, just holding her and letting her cry. He was such a comfort and something told her in his arms, nothing would ever happen to her. He made her feel so safe. And the fact that he didn't grope her himself, or try anything, made her trust him.
  When she was cried out, she lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

  "Better now?" He whispered.

  "Yes," she stared into his eyes. "I'm sorry."

  "Good, you can get dressed now." He murmured.

  She nodded and moved toward the shore. She didn't ask him to turn away, but he did.

  She wrapped herself in her towel and ran to the bushes to put her clothes on.

  He finally came out of the water about the time she came out of the bushes.

  He walked her home in almost total silence.

  The intimacy they had just shared now shocked her. She had been naked, in his arms, and he hadn't so much as hinted such. She loved him even more now for that. For he instinctively had given her what she so needed at the time.

  When they came into Ma Jones yard she turned to look at him. "Thank you Dakota. Thank you very much. You were right. I grew up bathing in a creek, it's hard to stop doing things you are accustomed to. But I guess I'll have to give that up. It's just every now and then, I feel the need to be out there, one with nature, so to speak, can you understand that?"

  He smiled sympathetically and nodded.

  "Yes, I think you can." She stared at him a moment. "You make me feel so safe!"

  His look galvanized her.

  "Good day," he said in a whisper.

  "Good day Dakota." She smiled.

  When she went inside Ma saw her and stared, "Been to the creek again?" She asked.

  "Yes," her voice still shook.

  "What's wrong darlin'." She asked smiling and bringing her a cup of coffee to the table.

  "A man…tried to….at the creek!" She barely got the words out before she cried.

  Ma came over to her and wrapped her arms around her. "My God, what did you do?"

  "Dakota showed up, and took care of it. Then I came out of the water when he turned around, got dressed and he walked me home. I should have listened to him. He warned me." Maggie cried out. "Ma, he could have tried to take the advantage himself. But he simply let me cry on his shoulder. I'd trust him with my life any day. I feel so protected when I'm with him, as though nothing will ever hurt me again."


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