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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

Page 14

by Rita Hestand

  "I wish people would just accept that we are married and we could live our lives as we do now. I wish so much for us."

  He turned her chin around to look into her eyes, "We knew this would not be easy, my love."

  "I just don't understand why people can't accept each other as they are." She cried. "I want to be with you always. No matter what it takes. Because living and being with you fills me with such happiness."

  He kissed her and she turned into his arms. It was a loving kiss, that stole her heart.

  He reached for a grape and put it to her lips. "You must eat so you don't get too weak."

  She ate it, then licked his fingers. He chuckled. "You are a sexy woman."

  "Am I?"

  "Very, and you know it."

  But it was the way she licked them that had him entering her again and thrusting himself inside her with a such gusto. She didn't mind, she loved the wildness about him. The untamed man.

  They made love easily, with moans and grunts and smiles on their faces. Together they reached a climax and sighed into each other's arms.

  They made love all through the morning, kissing, hugging, telling each other sweet things. It was a wonderful time together.

  "Can we come here often?" She asked.

  "Yes, but, we will have to come separate and at night."

  She nodded. "As long as we can be together." She sighed.

  It was morning and she knew they'd have to leave, but his hand lay on her breasts now and when he moved he cupped her there. She sighed and turned into him again.

  "I've got to leave, but I don't want to," she cried as his lips caressed her nipples, first one then the other. She let the sensations ripple through her body.

  "Tonight, come here tonight." He told her.

  "Yes," she cried aloud. "Oh yes!"

  "Be careful my love. You are precious as the white stones to me."

  "I'll be careful and you too."

  He nodded, and she got dressed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  For three months, they had managed to sneak away to their little cabin, no one seemed to notice. It wasn't ideal, but it was working. Winter had set in making it a chilly walk through the woods.

  And then one night as she was sneaking off, she heard a noise, like a rustling of leaves. She looked both direction, whirling around to try to find the source. When a rabbit ran out in front of her, she sighed aloud.

  "Thank God, it's only you, little fella." She cried aloud.

  But the eerie feeling of being followed stayed with her. The sensation of being watched followed her to the cabin.

  She waited and stopped.


  Probably just the rabbit. She no doubt scared him as much as he scared her.

  Anxious to be with Dakota, she went on to the cabin and locked the door, turning in time to see Dakota waiting for her. The sight of him made her heart quake. He wore nothing but his leather pants and mocassins, his chest was bare, and gleamed in the moonlight. She sighed with such happiness.

  "Was there any trouble?" He asked as he noticed her pale face.

  She shook her head, and glanced out the window. "Just a rabbit scaring me witless is all. I got this eerie feeling that someone was watching, but I shrugged it off. I'm probably just worried about it too much."

  Unspeakable flames of desire flickered between them as she turned to look at him. His chest glistened from the moonlight filtering from the back window. Her fingers already itched to touch him there. He looked primitive. Her lower belly ached for the fulfillment only he could give her. She wondered if every woman was always so instantly aroused by their husband.

  Her husband!

  She licked her lips.

  She looked out the window one last time. "I don't know. I thought I heard something, but I don't know. The only thing that moved was a rabbit, so maybe I'm just too keyed up tonight."

  "Then tonight we will depend on the moonlight, and not use a light. We will have the firelight to see by. He told her and looked out the window too.

  He could see nothing, but the feeling assailing Maggie had him worried. She wasn't easily spooked lately. He'd seen to that.

  "Maybe you shouldn’t have come tonight." He told her as he held her in his arms now. "But I'm very glad you did."

  But it was too late, she was on fire for him the moment her fingers splayed onto his chest and she touched his silky smooth flesh. She loved running her fingers over his chest. Her lips followed her hand and she suddenly drew his nipple taut with her lips. Her tongue laved him and she felt the small shiver that ran through him. She felt him jerk and the strong beat of his heart, as she tossed her dress away. She stared at his pants that did little to hide the building bulge. It excited her that he was as aroused as she. Her heart fluttered. She put her hand there, sighing with such satisfaction.

  "I've never wanted a man like I want you." She whispered.

  "You've missed me," He whispered, as he sought her lips.

  "Yes, oh yes…"

  "I fear for you coming here in the darkness, alone, unchaperoned. It is so dangerous. But it doesn't stop the desire to see you, be with you."

  "I had to come, I have something to tell you." She sat on the bed's edge, she began to undo her under things. He came to kneel before her. He'd become very proficient at taking her stockings off. He pulled a leg up and pulled her stocking off slowing, kissing the curve of her leg as he did so. She closed her eyes when his lips touched her. She leaned toward him, as her hands went over his beautiful black hair once more and she sighed with a slight shiver. "The sight of you ignites a fire in my belly, and touching you is such a pleasure." Her eyes following his chest down to his pants, and she smiled, "knowing you want me as much as I want you…"

  "I've been here thinking of how to please you. How I can turn you into a love Goddess." His eyes taking her all in as he had her naked now. She wore no slip, no corset but was naked except for her drawers which he slipped off easily. "You are such a beautiful woman. Your breasts stand full and pouting at me. The urge to touch you, grows inside me just looking at you stirs me to a full arousal."

  "You are like a fever in me too." She admitted.

  "Then I must put the fever out. But I might have to torch the flames first."

  "Now, here, right here. Love me." She cooed in his ear.

  No sooner had she spoken, then he opened his pants, slid them down, stepped out of them and his mocassins and he pushed her down gently to the bed, so all that was on the floor was their feet. He laid over her and after kissing her nipples, making them swell into his hands and mouth, his hand moved down her to open her. She spread her legs for him, wide so he could do as he pleased. He went back to his knees on the floor and stared at her beautiful womanhood. The way she lay, her womanhood stared blatantly at him, beckoning him to touch, kiss, and please her. She was hot, her skin almost purple there, she was so hot. He stared at her perfect body, seeing the dark secrets he knew so well, kissing the silk of her flesh on her inner thighs that quivered from his touches. Bolts of electricity sizzled around them. He rubbed his shaft over her legs and between her legs, she sighed with anticipation. He breathed softly against her, creating rivets of feather like touches on her skin. He sniffed her, and smiled. "A beautiful feast," he whispered just before his lips took her there, then nudging the core into his mouth and he gently stroked her there with delicious and tender strokes of his tongue, gently setting her afire.

  She'd had sex with many men, but no man loved her like this. No man was so tender with her, wanting to please her above himself. That was the difference in him than others, he wanted to please her. Her pleasure came before his. She began to move erotically against his mouth, her body in flames.

  She wiggled, and sighed and panted and her legs wrapped around his shoulders as she urged him in his quest. Giving herself up to him, she let him have his fill of her, glorying in the things he was doing to her. He kissed her everywhere, slowly, satisfying the needs within him to plea
se her. For long moments, he stroked her with his soft wet flick of his tongue. She moaned softly. "Such a pleasant torture," she murmured.

  "Such a beautiful feast…all for me…" He smiled.

  "Oh my love…" She cried as he kept stroking her. She didn't know how long she could hold back the orgasm.

  "You taste like honey, smell like jasmine, I love kissing you here. Your scent is now mine to remember always." he whispered as his hand went up to her breasts and his thumbs flicked gently there. Her body came to life as his tongue sought the sweetness of her once more. She was wet and burning for him to come inside her.

  She wreathed with the pleasures he gave. He went back down and kissed her there, long and lustful. He growled. She laughed with pleasure. "You’re a hungry beast tonight."

  "Always for my love…" He murmured.

  She urged her hips to his loving kisses as the deep dark void of an orgasm shattered inside her like millions of stars descending upon her. She moaned his name, and gloried in his taking of her.

  "No man has ever touched me like you do. And no man has ever set me on fire the way you do…" she cooed, as wave after wave of sensations engulfed. Her breathing became pants, her fingernails dug into his skin, and her nipples puckered.

  Heat radiated between them, as she sought him out with her hands in his hair, pulling, tugging, massaging him there and guiding him closer.

  "You're so incredibly gentle." She kissed his bulging arms as the storm of passion began to subside slowly. His tongue went inside her mouth and suckled hers.

  She lay limp, now soaking in the beauty of the moment. But his lips explored her inner thighs, and his hands massaged all the way to her feet. He massaged her feet, then put his mouth over her toe and sucked, she giggled.

  He came up to hold her in his arms. "Now tell me why you had to come…" He asked as his lips continued to caress her beautiful body. He rolled her over and his hands splayed playfully over her buttocks. Smooth and firm, but perfectly round, his mouth went down on her there, and she squirmed. His tongue licked and suddenly he took her there and she closed her muscles around him and worked him inside her until she could stand no more, and he climaxed almost violently inside her, but he pulled out and put himself against her letting his seed spill on top her buttocks.

  She felt the warmth of his orgasm and waited.

  He laid over her gently, his hands threading through hers, as he rested. She smiled.

  "I went to see the doctor today…I'm pregnant with your child, my love."

  His mouth opened, and he gently turned her over to look into her eyes. "Are you sure?" His eyes devoured her.

  "I'm sure, darling. I'm three months pregnant." She explained. "Are you pleased?"

  Cradling her against him he kissed her endlessly. "I cannot tell you how proud I am. This is wonderful news. But it is dangerous now…God knows how much I love you for this, but I also fear for you too."

  "I know…but you are happy, aren't you?" She asked looking into his shining eyes.

  "Nothing could please me more." He kissed her softly on the lips, a kiss that answered her question and made her smile. "But I have put you in so much danger. I fear for you and the baby, now." He cried holding her. "I wanted this more than life, but now that you are, I fear for you and the baby."

  She sighed into his arms now, "Don't fear, God's with us, darling. He blessed us with a child."

  "When will it come?" He asked as he nibbled at her nipples.

  "Early summer…." She said between kisses.

  He took her hands, put them over her head and held her there, captive, then he entered her gently. "I would never hurt our child, but I must love you for this. You have brought me such an intense joy."

  He gently thrust himself inside her warm nest and smiled as he felt her muscles welcoming him, his lips capturing hers over and over softly. It was the gentlest loving she ever knew and she would remember this moment for the rest of her life, she knew. He looked into her eyes as he made love to her in such a special way. The slow rocking of their bodies set her afire, but she gave into the pleasure of prolonging the moments.

  It seemed like forever, but it was a pleasant forever, when they finally climaxed together and rested. Sighing with such unbound pleasure.

  "You are my woman, my wife, and my love. And soon you will be the mother of my child. I will protect you with my life, love with my loins and cradle you always in my arms. Never forget that. I will never leave you now. We are as God commanded, one."

  It was a thrilling coming together and they bask in their deep abiding love for each other, their happiness spilling over it was so complete.

  For a while she had been so fearful of getting pregnant, but now that she was she could see where it completed them, made their love whole. With all her heart she wanted his child, and nothing would change that not even the hatred some had for their union.

  But then he heard a noise. He tensed like the fierce warrior he was. He shielded her body, tensing to listen.

  He raised up.

  "What is it?"

  "Shh…" He tiptoed toward the window and peeked out.

  When he came back to her, his face was a mask of worries. "Someone was out there."

  "Who?" she asked.

  "I do not know, but I heard footsteps." He told her. "The footsteps," he mused. "They were not heavy like a man."

  "Then someone knows we are here?"


  "Oh Dakota…what will we do?"

  "We will find another place." He told her. "Or if we have to, we will go away from here. I will not have you scorned or hurt in any way. I will protect you with my life. You'll be showing in another month or two, we don't have long to figure something out."

  He laid down once more and held her in his arms, but he didn't sleep he just held her close. Her pregnancy brought him such joy such fulfillment, but also a danger. His hands ever present at her breasts, his lips in her hair, he cradled her to him. Then he caressed her belly and smiled into her hair. She felt the smile as his lips kissed her temple. Keeping her safe. They whispered to each other through the night, kissing, touching, being together. His sweet love words filled her with such hope for the future. When she laid on her side to sleep, his lips suddenly trailed down the sensual curve of her back and his hand splayed over her buttocks once more. "You have lovely curves."

  His mouth moved toward her there. Kissing the roundness of her. She squirmed, as a he explored further, touching her core, he spread her legs there and kissed her gently. She moaned aloud.

  "There is no part of you, I do not love." He whispered, his breath tingling against her sensitive skin.

  "Have I hurt you tonight?" He asked running his arm around her and cradling one breasts with his hand.

  "No…" she sighed with a smile. "You could never hurt me. I've never known a man so gentle."

  "I will never hurt you, only love you. We delight in each other and that is not sin, it is love." He smiled and kissed her breast that seemed full and taut to his touch. Her breasts were so beautiful, full, luscious cushions for his head and soon for his baby's head. He smiled, and cradled her against him. "I love you with my life."


  Three days later, he was checking on the stage equipment when Mrs. Campbell came downstairs and stared at him from the doorway.

  He paused holding some cables in his hand when she eyed him through the soft glow of the lights.

  "Oh, I heard a noise and didn't know who it was," She said, licking her lips and moving provocatively about. Her voice was a purr. She stared at him now, frankly, openly. She was wearing her gown and robe and it wasn't closed. She walked right up to Dakota. As though she had that right. She moved provocatively around him.

  "I was just checking the equipment. Mr. Montgomery wants to be safe at all costs." He explained.

  "I don't think we've been properly introduced. My name is Ruby."

  "Dakota," he nodded.

  "I've never met a real Indian before,"
Her voice lowered and she looked him over like a hunk of meat.

  Dakota tensed. It wasn't the first time a woman had looked him over, and he never liked it. He preferred to be the predator.

  She walked around him, and her hand went to touch his back, "You are beautiful." She whispered. "I've never seen a man so beautiful. But then I've never seen a real live Indian before, either."

  "Shouldn't you be upstairs, with your husband?" He asked, his eyes darting to her as he moved away.

  "Like you are with Miss Maggie?" She asked.

  Now his expression turned cold and menacing. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Don't you? It's no use denying it. I saw with my own eyes. I followed her. To the cabin. I saw you making love through the window. You are a sinfully arrogant Indian. You know of course, I can destroy you…if I wish." She chuckled softly.

  He said nothing. Better to say nothing than to give her ammunition to destroy with. But she was definitely the enemy.

  "You have nothing to say?" She came closer.


  "Then maybe…we could be friends too!" She said her hands going to his chest. He wore an open vest and pants most times, and this was the wrong time, he realized.

  He looked down at her. She looked up and took his lips full on the mouth with a kiss that would have sent most men into a seduction. But again he was still, his lips did not move on hers.

  She pulled away.

  "You certainly kissed her better than that. You did a lot of things to her, and I wouldn't mind you practicing on me. Let's try it again." She cooed, and pulled his head down to hers. Again she tried to seduce him, but he held still.

  This time she pulled away and slapped him. "I could have you fired, hung if I wanted to. And her Miss high and mighty, she'll be singing in a saloon, if I have anything to do with it."

  "I pity you, Mrs. Campbell." He said with steel edged control.

  "Pity me, why?"

  "Because there is so much hate in your heart."

  She stared open mouthed, then laughed.

  "Are you going to tell me you love that little winch. Are you?"


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