Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides) Page 19

by Rita Hestand

  "And you?" Maggie asked.

  "I'll admit, I'm scared. But I love children." Sarah admitted.

  Ma chuckled softly, "You do go through the gates of hell, but it's all worth it."

  "What if I can't have children, Ma?" Sarah whispered in her ear. "I mean, some women just can't."

  "It's the worrying about it that causes that I think. Quit your fretting and enjoy the time you have with your husband. It'll come when God's ready." Ma assured her. "You are young Sarah you have plenty of years ahead of you. If it's God's will, you'll have a child. And if it isn't, you can take comfort in all your friends children. Tell me something is Luke worried about it?"

  "No he's always reassuring me, but I can see it in his eyes sometimes. It makes me sad." Sarah admitted. "It's the only thing he's ever asked me for."

  "Leave it to God, Sarah, sometimes he tests our faith." Ma told her.

  Sarah nodded, her brow knitting as though she was sincerely thinking about what Ma said. "Silly me, I'm a pastor's wife, I should know that."

  When they finished the dishes they joined the men and sat about the fire, talking, laughing and being together, it was a good time.

  It was getting late and the women packed up everything in the wagon and were saying their goodbyes, when suddenly Jo Ella let out a cry.

  "What's wrong dear?"

  "I think my water just broke."

  "Oh my, let's get her back inside. I'll get the bed ready for her." Nadine said with a sense of direction.

  "I'll boils some water, and get what we need." Maggie told them.

  Ma stood staring at Jo Ella, "It's your time, honey."

  "Oh Ma…" Jo Ella cried.

  The men saw them all standing a bout then bustling about. "What's going on," Harry asked.

  "Well honey, you're about to be a father." Jo Ella cried.

  "Are you serious?"

  Ma chuckled.

  Nadine laid a slicker down over the sheet and Maggie got the supplies ready. Sarah took out the blanket to put the baby in and told Harry to run fetch a basket to put the baby in.

  The men scattered toward the barn, all of them confused like chickens scattering about the yard.

  Jo Ella rested peacefully for a while, until the pains came and then she hollered loudly.

  The men went to the barn. All of them were nervous. Luke was the only one that remained half way sane. His wife wasn't pregnant so he had nothing to worry about, yet.

  The women were busy, Sarah sat by Jo Ella, holding her hand and telling her it would be alright.

  Jo Ella screamed so loud even the men could hear her.

  "Ma, how long is this going to take?" Jo Ella asked.

  "The first baby takes a while, usually, could be tomorrow sometime." Ma informed her.

  "Oh God, I can't survive this." Jo Ella sighed.

  "Sure you can. It's natural."

  Maggie and Nadine settled out after all was readied for her and the baby. Without thinking Maggie asked, "You got any sewing shears, Nadine."

  Jo Ella's eyes rounded on her. "You gonna take the shears to me?"

  "Not exactly, but we'll have to cut the cord, honey." Maggie told her.

  "I'm not ready for this," Jo Ella cried.

  Ma moved Sarah over and took her hand. "Yes you are, darlin'. You are as ready as you are gonna get. And when the baby comes all of this will fade into nothing. You are gonna be so happy and make me and Harry so happy. But right now, if you want to scream, go ahead."

  That was all the encouragement she needed, she let out a horrible scream and Harry nearly ran for the house, but Dakota and Gabe held him back. "Remember Harry, they go through the gates of hell."

  Luke nodded.

  "That's not your wife in there screaming."

  Gabe chuckled and wiped the sweat from his own brow, "No, but it won't be long before it is…"

  "Sorry, you are right." Harry fretted. "Why does it take so long?"

  "It won't be born until God is ready for it to be born. That's a fact." Luke told him.

  "I wish he'd make his mind up to be ready." Harry cried.

  "I've been around when a lot of babies here were born, and it can take a long time. It might be tomorrow before that baby comes." Luke told him.

  "Tomorrow? Are you kidding me?"

  "No, I'm not."

  "She can't endure that much pain!" Harry declared.

  "She's no different than any other woman, she'll endure it." Luke told him.

  "When your baby comes I want to be around to remind you of all you've said." Harry threatened.

  "You probably will be," Luke chuckled.

  On and on it went. The clock ticked slowly and Jo Ella was sweating, even though it was chilly in the room. Her pain was unbearable at times and she would scream so loud the walls seemed to vibrate.

  Nadine and Maggie stared at her and concern laced their faces. Was this what they would face soon?

  Sarah and Ma were calm. They were the only ones.

  "I'm going to make some coffee," Nadine told them.

  Maggie followed her. "I never figured on it being this bad, or this long."

  "When I lost my baby, I knew nothing. Felt nothing. But I reckon this next time it won't be as easy. Jo Ella is a strong woman most of the time."

  "Tell me about it. When you think of having a baby you think of how sweet they are and how precious. You don't think about laying in some bed, screaming your lungs out with pain." Maggie cried. "I wish I could help her."

  "Don't we all." Nadine shook her head.

  "If I scream that much, tell me to shut up." Nadine told Maggie.

  "I don't think I'll be telling you that." Maggie hugged her.

  "Maybe we should take this pot of coffee out to the boys, they got a stove out there they can set it on." Nadine told her.

  "Good idea. Let's go."

  "I'm with you." Nadine nodded.

  Maggie carried cups and cream and sugar while Nadine carried the pot. When they opened the barn door all the men rushed at them. "Is it here yet?"

  "No, we brought you boys some coffee, you'll have to light the stove and set it on that. We'll bring you some blankets and stuff too."

  "But when is the baby coming?" Harry asked turning white with fear.

  Nadine put her hand on Harry's hand, "Hon, it might be tomorrow before it gets here, Ma said she isn't even dilated yet."

  "But does it usually take this long?" Harry asked.

  "Yes, there's no telling how long it will take Harry, so prepare to sit and fret for a while. And get some rest, you will need it when the baby is born."

  "Should I go for the doctor?" Harry asked.

  "No, no use. Ma and I both have delivered babies Harry. Her pregnancy is not complicated. It just takes time for babies to be born that's all. Now quit worrying and drink some coffee and try to get some sleep."

  They all nodded.

  Maggie and Nadine went back inside. "He's a wreck." Maggie laughed.

  "Don't laugh, ours will be just as bad, I can tell you." Nadine chuckled.

  "You are probably right."

  Jo Ella continued to let out screams of terror, and her body was racked with pain. Ma checked her several times and she was certain it would be tomorrow before it was born.

  "Why don't you and Sarah go to the barn next and take the men some blankets and stuff." Nadine suggested, "We'll stay with her."

  "Okay, maybe we should."

  "I can tell you now, Harry's a wreck."

  "I can just imagine," Ma chuckled.

  The men took the blankets but Harry needed more assurance that all was going to be all right.

  "She's doing fine son. I'm sorry I never sat down and talked to you about the birth. But, it takes time to birth a baby. God's time. Don't fret son, she's healthy, and the labor is progressing, slowly, but progressing. So try to get some sleep." She chuckled.

  "As soon as it comes…let me know, Ma."

  "I will darling." She smiled.

  The men did m
anage to sleep, and it was way into the next day when a scream so loud shook the house. And Lucas Harold Jones was born, a big boy too.

  Ma took him in her arms and with Sarah's help they cleaned him up, then handed him back to Jo Ella. Jo Ella who looked like she'd been through a hurricane, smiled and cuddled her baby to her. "Isn't he the sweetest thing you've ever seen." She cooed at the baby.

  "Absolutely," Ma chuckled. "Now I gotta go tell the proud Papa."

  "He's got Jo's beautiful dark hair." Maggie smiled. Nadine stared with wonder.

  "He's gorgeous."

  "And quite big for a first baby." Sarah told them.

  Directly Harry came in to see his baby son. The girls left the room for a while so they could rejoice together.

  Jo Ella smiled up at Harry, "So what do you think of you son?"

  "I think he's something."

  "I named him Lucas Harold Jones." She announced proudly.

  "Lucas, I like that."

  "It was my daddy's name and Harold is for you." She told him.

  "He's so pink, and his skin is so soft," Harry held him in his arms proudly. "Can I take him out and show him to everyone?"

  "Of course," she smiled, "Just don't forget to bring him back when he's hungry."

  Harry stuck his finger out and the baby grabbed it, holding on for all he was worth.

  As he took him out in the front room, the others gathered around for a chance to hold him and stare.

  "Have mercy, he's a little thing," Gabe smiled.

  "Actually, he's rather big for a first baby," Ma chuckled, but to a man, I'm sure he looks tiny."

  "You mean some are even littler?"

  "Yes, some are. Some are bigger." Ma told them as each man got to hold him a second.

  Dakota smiled at the baby, "He has a strong grip."

  "Isn't that something?" Harry beamed.

  "You should be mighty proud, Harry." Luke told him.

  "Yes sir, that's the word for it." Harry told them.

  Maggie and Nadine had a turn at holding him and Sarah finally held him. A tear was in her eye but she blotted it away quickly. "He's the most precious thing…"

  Luke came up behind her. "Our time will come honey. We have to be patient."

  "I know. He's just so beautiful." Sarah cried.

  Ma took her in her arms and sighed. "Don't you fret."

  "I'm so happy for them, Ma." Sarah cried into her arms.

  When Harry carried the baby back into Jo Ella, she fed him and Harry just sat and stared. "What's wrong?" She asked him.

  "I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life," He cried and hugged them both.

  Later when Jo Ella was strong enough, they all went home. Nadine and Maggie stared after them. "He was so cute." Nadine cried.

  "Well, at least we know what we have to go through." Maggie chuckled drily.

  "Yeah, not looking forward to that. They say afterwards, you forget the pain. Wonder how that works." Nadine shrugged.

  "Lord only knows…

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Two days later Harry was back out to see them.

  "Harry," Nadine called as she saw him ride up, "Didn't expect to see you out here. Something wrong with the baby?""

  "No, nothing is wrong with the baby." Harry dismounted and hobbled his horse, his expression was tight and worrisome.

  "But something is wrong? Isn't it?" Nadine asked as she stared at his frustrated face.

  "'Fraid so, Nadine. Where's Gabe and Dakota?"

  "In the barn, I'll fix you some coffee."

  "No, I'm here on business Nadine." He fretted, looking toward the barn, his brows knitted so closely Nadine felt a strange sense of tension going up her spine.

  "Harry? She called as he started toward the barn.

  "Later Nadine," Harry waved at her.

  She stood watching him until he disappeared in the barn. Maggie came out and looked at her. "What's going on?"

  "I'm not sure, but I don't think it's good." Nadine mumbled under her breath.

  "What is it?" Maggie came to stand beside her.

  "Harry's here, on business he said." Nadine repeated lowly.

  "Should we go see?" Maggie asked alarmed at the expression on Nadine's face.

  "No, I don't think this is a pleasant trip, Maggie. We'll know soon enough."

  Maggie stared at the barn too.


  Gabe looked up from filing a horseshoe and saw Harry ambling toward him. It was the way he walked that had Gabe staring. Tension filled the air.

  "Well did you come for some leftover turkey?" Gabe laughed.

  Harry's brows knitted tightly, and the frown he offered him told Gabe this was no laughing matter. "No turkey."

  Gabe let the horse's leg rest and put down his file. "Sounds serious, what's wrong?"

  "Where's Dakota?" Harry asked keeping his lips tight, his back straight and his hands in a knot.

  "I'm back here in the back, mucking out this stall, what's up Harry?" Dakota came out and leaned on his pitchfork.

  "There's trouble, Dakota." Harry frowned, his boots scuffing against the soft hay.

  "Well come on Harry, spit it out, you got us both sweatin'." Gabe tried to make light of the situation.

  "There's been a murder." Harry expelled a long held breath.

  "The Indians?" Gabe questioned.

  "No, a white man." Harry spit it out like it was a poison on his tongue.

  "Murder!" Gabe and Dakota both chorused as they came closer.

  "'Fraid so." Harry stared at them for a moment.

  "Who?" They both asked at the same time.

  "Mr. Campbell."

  Dakota stared at him for a long moment. "What about him?"

  "He's dead, and…they found your knife in his belly." Harry said, shaking his head and staring at Dakota. "I don't want to do this, Dakota, but it's my job. I'm here on official business."

  "My knife?" Dakota turned his head in question "You found my knife?"

  "Yeah, I found it, I saw it myself." Harry told him and hung his head. "Couldn't quite believe it, but there it was."

  "But I didn't do it Harry, I've been here all along." Dakota said. "Gabe can tell you that."

  Harry nodded, and turned away, "Except when you went to see Little Bear."

  Dakota's flinched, "That was a week ago."

  "He's been dead about that long, the doc said. And he was found in the cabin you and Maggie used." Harry told him.

  "You don't think he really did it, do you?" Gabe turned on Harry with a sincere frown.

  Harry hung his head now. "Honestly?" he looked at both of them now. "No, I don't. But what I believe isn't important."

  "It is to me!" Dakota sighed aloud.

  "No, I don't believe it. Even with that knife jabbed hard into his belly, I don't. But for the life of me, I don't know how we can prove otherwise." Harry moved with frustration and disgust now, turning around then facing Gabe. "But we'll sure have to work to prove he didn't. You see Mrs. Campbell said you did it."

  "I don't believe this; you know he didn't do it."

  "For what reason, would I do such a thing?" Dakota asked. "I hardly knew the man."

  "She says you've been in love with her all along, that's why they fought so much. And supposedly, she's the reason you did it."

  Dakota stared steely eyed at Harry, then he glanced at Gabe, "She's crazy. Both of you know that's a lie. Maggie is the only woman I love. I would walk through fire for her. But that woman…"

  "Then we'll have to prove it." Harry told him.

  Gabe shook his head, "You know that woman is lying, Harry. Everyone knows how much Dakota loves Maggie. I know that for a fact."

  "Look Gabe, if I don't arrest him now, the army will. And you know what will happen then. I've got to take him in. He'll get a trial. Until then, we've got our work cut out for us. She sure wants us to think he did it." Harry announced.

  "He's right, if I don't go with him, they'll come get me. I've got to go."
r />   Harry moved toward him, "Look, we've got to use our heads now. This woman is trying to hang you for something I'm pretty sure she did. You could be caught now by the army. We've got work to do. We've got to find some kind of proof. Now I want you to think, how long has it been since you've been to the cabin?"

  "I never returned after Maggie and I left for the Indian camp. There was no need to. What's the cabin got to do with anything?"

  "That's where he was killed. Good. Now can you explain how your knife ended up in him?"

  "No, but I do know my knife was missing for some time."


  "Yeah, I told Maggie I couldn't find it, I keep it in a sheath and usually tucked into my boot. I could have left it in the cabin though. I never went there to look for it." Dakota told him. "I looked everywhere else."

  Harry nodded. "Okay, good. Now, we've got to make some changes to you Dakota."

  "What do you mean?" Dakota stared at him.

  "We've got to make you look white as best we can. Cut your hair, even though I know Maggie doesn't want it cut. It's for your own good. For now, you have to look like a white man."

  Gabe glanced at the two of them, "I can cut it."

  "Good. You'll have to dress like a white man too."

  Dakota nodded, "All right."

  "Let's get you in the house, and cut that hair and get you some clothes. Then I'll take you in." Harry told him.

  Dakota nodded. He looked up at both of them and with a weariness that marred his handsome face he frowned, "The women, they are going to be upset about this."

  "Yeah, well, we'll just have to handle this, and find some answers fast." Harry agreed. "I don't like this any better than you, Dakota. I know you didn't do it. But she's put blame on you and given the court a reason to believe you did. It's up to us to prove you didn't."

  "Don't you worry, God's on our side," Gabe told him.

  "I sure need him on my side." Dakota tried to laugh but it fell short.

  "At least in jail you will be safe!" Harry declared.

  Gabe and Dakota stared at him, "What do you mean safe?"

  "The town's all riled up about this, because she made such an impression on everyone. There is liable to be a riot to hang you. If worse comes to worse, I might have to call in the army. I don't want to do that. I think the people will listen to me. But you might as well know, there's going to be a lot of trouble stirred because of her and her mouth. She's told the whole town that you are madly in love with her and have been since she arrived. I'd bet my last dollar she did it, but I've got to find some proof, or you could hang, Dakota. And I won't let you hang, I'll turn you lose first, and you and Maggie can get the hell out of here. "


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