Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides) Page 20

by Rita Hestand

  Harry stopped, turned and looked at Dakota. "In fact, you might be safer if you and Maggie left the area now. Is there somewhere you can go? I would need you to hide out until I find some evidence to clear you of the murder."

  "I don't understand; you'd let me escape?" Dakota stared at his friend.

  Harry firmed his lips, "With you gone, it would give me time to try to find some evidence, me and Gabe and Luke. With the three of us, we're bound to find something. It might take us a while, we'd have to make it look as though we were going after you and then finally we gave up. If I take you in, I won't have enough time, I'm sure of that."

  "But you're a lawman, why would you do that?" Dakota would not see his friend in trouble.

  "Because above everything Dakota, I believe in the truth. And the truth shall set you free." He smiled. "I know for a fact you are crazy in love with Maggie. You'd have to be to take as many chances as you have to be with her. And she's having your baby, and I know how happy you are about that. And you've been married by a Shaman and a preacher. No man would go through all of that without a powerful love. But why do you think Mrs. Campbell is pinning it on you?"

  "I don't know. The night she came on to me, she was jealous of Maggie, and thought me frivolous enough to want her too. Her husband knew what she was doing. He said he'd take care of her and he never bothered me again with it. I never spoke to either one of them again. Maybe…" He paused. "Maybe you should talk to Mr. Montgomery. Maybe he knows something."

  "Mr. Montgomery, yeah, you are right he might know something. I'll try to get a hold of him." Harry looked at them both.

  "We could go into the hills a long way from here and stay in a cave I know of." Dakota told him. "The only thing we'd have to worry about is a bothersome bear that might want his home back." Dakota smirked.

  "All right, but one thing, no one can visit you until I am ready to prove your innocence. You'll be alone, the two of you. You'll have to stay hid. Understand?"

  "I do." Dakota nodded.

  "All right, then do as I say, cut your hair, so no one will identify you if you should stumble upon anyone. Dress like a white and take plenty of provisions with you. Stay until I contact you. Let's go inside and draw up a map, so I'll be able to find you when it's time."

  Dakota agreed.

  The three of them went inside and the women stared at them for some kind of explanation.

  Harry looked at Maggie, "I'm sorry Maggie, but you and Dakota are going to have to hide out for a while." Harry began explaining everything to them and Gabe went to get his scissors to cut his hair. In an hour, he had him looking almost like a regular cowboy.

  Maggie was shaking from all the news.

  "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" She asked Harry.

  "Look, this lady, Mrs. Campbell is the one accusing Dakota of killing her husband. She's got a big mouth and she's out for his blood. For a while, the town will believe her, but if we give it enough time, she might hang herself. It'll give us all time to find some evidence to the contrary. If I take him to jail the army is liable to get involved. It's safer for the two of you this way. And I'm really sorry you got to go through this." Harry told her. "Especially in your condition, Maggie."

  "Thanks Harry, thanks for believing in him?" Maggie kissed his cheek. "I don't know why she hates Dakota so…. unless…"

  "Unless what?" Harry probed.

  "Dakota rejected her that night she came up to him. I'm sure that was like some slap in the face. And we all know that they fought all the time. Harry you were witness to that."

  "I can testify to that, yes. But we're going to need some solid evidence. She's stirring the town up with her mouth. You just stay low until I'll get a hold of you when we've found something." Harry winked.

  "And if you don't find anything?" Maggie asked.

  He stared at the two of them now, as Dakota was holding Maggie against him, protectively.

  "It could mean you have to find a new home. I hate to think it, but, it depends on what or if we find something to disprove it."

  Dakota looked Harry in the eye, "My friend I am sorry to put this on your shoulders."

  "It can't be helped. If anyone saw me ride out here, I'll tell them I was talking to Gabe to see if he knew where Dakota was. All the time I'm looking for clues, I'm gonna look as though I'm against Dakota, but you two know I'm not. We'll find something…I just don't know how long it's going to take or how long you'll have to live like an escaped criminal."

  Maggie smiled and nodded, then looked at her new husband who she could have mistaken for a common cowboy. "You look good. Not any different than a seasoned cowboy."

  Dakota smiled, "I didn't think you wanted me to cut my hair."

  "I didn't, but…I gotta admit, you're quite the cowboy."

  He went to hold her to him again. For the one thing he realized was that Maggie believed him all along. She never once questioned, she knew. He loved her even more for that.

  Nadine talked to her about anything else she might need to take with her. She made her up a small supply of bandages and medicine, they took all the food they could carry and all the bedding supplies, two canteens and his guns.

  "I'll be back before your baby comes," Maggie assured her.

  "Don't you worry about me, you two just take care of yourselves."

  "We will." Maggie smiled.

  They packed up everything they could carry and told Nadine and Gabe they hoped to see them soon. Harry watched them ride away to the north.

  Harry turned to look at Gabe, "We've got a lot of work to do my friend."

  Gabe nodded, "We sure do. Let me know what you want me to do, and I'll do it. You know, I am surprised you didn't take him to jail."

  "That's what I started out to do. But then, I'm really concerned the army will stick their nose in this and that could cause even more problems for them. Indians don't do well in jail, even Dakota. Besides, with him sitting there, the army could walk in any time and see him and arrest him themselves. I don't want them getting a hold of him, because they are as big a threat to him and Maggie as a hangman's knot."

  "You're probably right about that."

  "I sure hope she will be okay, with the baby and all." Nadine fussed.

  "Dakota won't let anything happen to Maggie," Gabe assured her. "He's crazy about that woman. He'd risk his life to save her, of that I'm sure."

  Nadine smiled. "You're right honey." She kissed his cheek and went inside.

  Harry and Gabe stood on the porch watching them leave.

  "Right now, you can help me round up a posse, we gotta go to the south of here and try to find Dakota."

  Gabe smiled, "All right."

  Gabe went inside to Nadine. She was putting an apron on and tying it. "This sure is a mess."

  "I know, but we'll get it straightened out." He kissed Nadine goodbye and told her he'd be back as soon as he could. Nadine nodded. "You boys take care and hurry home." She smiled as she followed Gabe to the porch once more.

  Harry tipped his hat to her and they mounted up to leave.

  Nadine stood on the porch for a long time, as a tear slipped down her cheek. There was always something stirring the pot.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The trip to the cave was a long and tedious trip for Maggie. She was sore from not riding in a while, and tired and it was so cold. She rubbed her hands together. Dakota knew the cave was somewhere in these hills and he searched it out. When he thought he spotted it, he dismounted, as he went inside, he told her to stay out, in case it was inhabited. When it was empty he came out and smiled. He realized this would be a safe home for them until they could do better. He hated having her here and pregnant, but he didn't want to leave her either. He couldn't leave her ever. She meant too much to him.

  "This will be our new home." He said flatly extending his hand about.

  She dismounted and looked about the cave, it was big and roomy and she knew they could make it out here. Then she turned to look at the
dejected look on his face. "Don't worry my love, Harry and the others will find something to clear you of this."

  "I have faith that they will do their best. I just can't understand why she set me up like this. I barely knew either one of them."

  Maggie smiled and cuddled against him, "Women don't deal with logic, but emotions. I'm sure she killed him and made it look as though you did it. But I've been thinking, she must have planned this some time ago. She must have been in that cabin and found your knife and decided to make it look as though you did it so she wouldn't have to go to jail for it."

  "That's a reasonable assumption, yes." He looked at her. "How are you feeling, my love?"

  "Cold, and sore." She sighed.

  "I will build a fire and bring in the supplies. For now, we have food. Later I will have to hunt for it." He told her.

  "I guess we'll get the hang of it soon." She glanced about.

  His mind was working though, "We will need to gather water too. There is a creek not far, but I will have to go and fetch it up."

  "We've got enough in our canteens for tonight, wait until tomorrow," she suggested.

  He nodded.

  "I will build you a stove and an oven, so you can cook more easily." He told her.

  She nodded and followed him to the horses and they unloaded their supplies, then brought the horses inside the cave. Dakota rounded up plenty of firewood, and food for the horses before he settled in for the night. He put the horse in the back of the cave, so it wouldn't stink the cave up where they were.

  With the horses inside, they would have to clean it out daily, but he would take care of those chores.

  She smiled, "You really do look like a regular cowboy now."

  "That is a good thing for now."

  "Yes my love. I'm so glad we are together. When Harry told us, my first thought was that you would leave me." She cried.

  "I would never leave you. You are my life." He kissed her tenderly.

  She prepared them supper and they talked long into the night, then they spread their blankets and laid down beside each other.

  Knowing she was in some pain from riding so long, he took out some Aloe Vera from his saddle bag split it, He had wrapped it in paper to keep it for just such time, then he spread her legs so he could doctor her. His eyes glazed over as he parted her legs and stared at her there. "So beautiful." He murmured. His hand was gentle, caressing her as he doctored her. She enjoyed his touch.

  His hands were so soft as he touched her and rubbed the juice from the plant on her thighs. Occasionally his finger darted upward to her love nest, where he touched and teased her. "You are such a beautiful woman," he said as he stared at her body. "Your skin is smooth and creamy white except there, where it is warm pinks and reds. Such a beauty."

  "Will you think that when I'm old and ugly?" She asked with a slight smile.

  "You will never be ugly to me, and yes, I will think I have the most beautiful wife." He smiled and kissed her tenderly. He lifted her skirt and stared at her. "I want you naked and in my arms."

  "Oh Dakota, yes…" she whimpered. "I have to tell you, I kind of like this place, so secluded from the world outside, and a chance for you and I to enjoy each other without anyone intruding."

  "What do you have on your mind, woman?" He smiled playfully at her.

  She chuckled, "Let's get rid of our clothes and I'll show you."

  They chucked their clothes and lay together, his hand going to her belly to caress his unborn child. "A woman with child is so beautiful."

  "Do you want a girl or boy." She asked.

  "If I were a warrior I would say a boy. But a little girl that looked like you would be heaven too. As long as it is healthy, I do not care. I will raise the child to know so many things about nature and this world. I will teach."

  "And will you punish them?"

  "I will be a firm father, but never mean, never hurtful." He vowed. "I am so proud you are with child. It fills me with such an abiding love."

  "In a few months you won't be saying I’m beautiful, I'll be big and round." She kissed his moist lips.

  "I will always say that." He circled her belly with his finger, then his hands traveled to caress her thatch of golden hair, and he buried his face in her love nest, kissing and laving her. His tongue sought the clitoris and gently he made love to it. She squirmed beneath him, thrusting her hips so his mouth could take her all in. For long torturing moments he teased her there, making her pleasure double with sensations sweeping through her taut body as he caressed her very core. He moved slowly over her now, knowing how he thrilled her. His tongue explored her dark secrets there, as he licked and wet her good. She gave herself up to the exquisite orgasm he brought her to so quickly as he continued to pleasure her. His tongue made her throb, with needs. Her hands dug into his silky hair, pulling, thrashing, as her hips came to him like an offering. He'd been so gentle, so caring of her thighs, and yet so thorough with his love making it was such a loving as she would remember forever. He kissed her sweet belly and rubbed her gently. His finger slid between her legs again and he kept her hot and wet, and wanting. The way he touched her so softly, stroking gently, it made her heat ups so quickly. She shuddered with an exquisite orgasm, and collapsed in his arms. She slept for a short while, then cuddled into his arms again. Being free to be naked with him thrilled her, as they could touch at their leisure.

  "You are the man of my dreams," She came into his arms and kissed his nipples until they hardened, then she went to make love to his shaft, caressing him with her soft warm lips. Her tongue flicked against him, and he squirmed. "You have the tongue of a teasing viper, hot, sweet and tempting."

  She smiled as her lips licked him like a sweet candy. He moaned the pleasure she gave him. She slowly slid her mouth over his hard shaft, glorying in his eagerness. No longer could his hands reach her love nest, but they claimed her hair as he ran his fingers through it, pulling, tugging, needing. She learned by his groans just how to suck and lick and tug at him. She teased his manhood until he was exploding. He rode the tide of love with her until he too felt the powerful orgasm she created. She tickled him with her tongue and tiny burst of his powerful climax sent him over the edge, offering himself to her lovely lips. He closed his eyes and saw the stars of heaven. He moaned her name over and over.

  "I've never wanted to stay in bed with a woman all day, but you tempt me to insanity. You are so uninhibited, so free to love."

  She smiled, "And you have me wet between the legs every day, sometimes just looking at you, does that to me. You are like a hunger, I want you all the time. I've heard it's common with some newlyweds, but I think we are slaves to it."

  "It is a good time in our life to be together. We are young, in love and just married. It is a time to spend together, rejoicing in our love for each other." He smiled. "I'm not ashamed to love you."

  "Oh Dakota, it's heaven being in your arms, and the way you make love with your tongue, makes me wild for you. It is a way to make love without hurting our baby."

  "And you, you never once thought that woman was telling the truth, did you? I was so proud that you never doubted me."

  "No my love. I know how much you love me. I know our love is pure and good. And no woman like that can ever come between us. I'm like a cat, I would scratch her eyes out, if she tried."

  He chuckled. "You could only be my woman, no one else's. We are as God intended, one!" He smiled moments later as he relaxed and pulled her to him once more. He fit her against him perfectly and held her there all night long. His hand lay at her belly, caressing it as he held her close. "It is nice to be alone and love as we wish, when we wish, and as long as we wish. To be naked and gaze upon each other at our leisure."

  "I'm so happy with you," she cooed in his ear. "And I’m also very glad you like making love to me. It would tear me apart if you ever rejected me."

  "I will always want you." He kissed her lips now, and they were lost in each other for a long time, kissing, touc
hing, looking at each other, and knowing each other. To tickle each other, to kiss, to hold, to be together and free.

  Exhaustion finally claimed them and they slept in each other's arms. Dawn woke them, and they lay entwined.

  "I think I’m going to like it here," he smiled and looked down at her.

  "Are we sinful for wanting each other so much?" She asked.

  "To love is not sin…" he told her and kissed the soft pink petal of her breasts. "God made you this beautiful for a reason."

  "I'm glad you find me beautiful, as I find you the same," she smiled as his laving sent such thrills through her body. Her nails raked his shoulders, as he slid inside her and took her once more, but very gently. He had learned to enjoy taking it slow and easy with no rush to his lovemaking. He spread her legs wide, so he would not hurt her thighs. She moved herself seductively against him, enticing him to go deeper, as they mated. She loved him even more for being so gentle yet loving her so thoroughly.

  After a tempting each other as long as possible, they climaxed together, like a high tide and warm sand coming together, they rode the waves of their love for long lingering moments. And with smiles of contentment on their faces, they faced a new day.

  She started to get dressed, but he shook his head. "You need no clothes with just me."

  "You want me to run around naked," She laughed.

  "To look at you is my pleasure," he said his eyes raking her with such desire.

  "I've never done such a thing," she giggled.

  "I think I will dress, except at night, when we sleep together, I will lay with you naked every night and every morning." She promised.


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