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The Paladin's Message

Page 4

by Richard Crofton

  He waited patiently until she calmed down and sat herself back up. When her breathing regulated, she picked up the cup and gulped down the water thirstily in a matter of seconds. He sat Indian style and rested his chin on his hands as she picked up the plate and began to cut the charred, crispy meat with difficulty. Each stroke with the knife sent aching pulses from her wrist. The morsels went down with horrible effort, and only returned her thirst, so after finishing half of the steak, she moved on to the potatoes, which were unsatisfyingly undercooked. “So who do you work for?” she asked quietly.

  “You’re not wrong about me,” he answered. Then he laughed with amusement; “Not this time anyway. I do want to kill you. Nothing would please me more than watching you die slowly after hours of torturing you. But unfortunately I’m not allowed. So yeah, I’m someone’s bitch… for now anyway. Working for them… they’re my ticket to what I want.”

  “Which is what?”

  Sonny spoke more quietly, as if he were revealing a secret. “All the world’s a stage, babe. But not for me. Once I’ve finished my role, when I learn everything they have to offer, the world will be my playground. Its men and women merely puppets.”

  Megan looked up from her plate. “What do you mean? Who’s they?”

  Sonny only smiled sadistically. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  “But what do I have to do with any of… whatever this is? You said I was just an assignment, but I don’t understand what’s going on. Why me? Why am I an assignment? What’s so special about me?”

  Sonny rose from his sitting position and went to retrieve Megan’s toilet bucket. “That’s the real question, isn’t it?”

  Megan put her head down. She realized she would only get so much information from her captor, but never enough that would help alleviate her confusion or lack of understanding. He would never give her what she sought; the answer to what the hell was going on.

  “Trust me Meg,” Sonny continued. “It’s probably better that you don’t know, not that I feel like telling you anyway.”

  “Can you tell me how long you’re going to keep me here?”

  “Until they’re ready for you.”

  Megan looked up at him. He was headed toward the door with her toilet bucket. “Ready for what?” she asked desperately. He didn’t answer, but began whistling a playful tune. “Sonny!” she cried.

  Sonny stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. “Yes dear?”

  She saw the look in his eyes again. The utter glee and pleasure from her own torment, but she could no longer play the tough girl. Megan could not hold back the fear in her heart that was beginning to grow again. “What are they going to do to me?” she almost whispered.

  He said nothing. Still that smile that was making her sick at this point. “God,” she cried, “please… just answer me!”

  Sonny slowly moved toward her, and crouched down in front of her. “God?” he laughed. “Praying to God won’t help, babe. Even for a good Catholic girl like you.” He stood up again and slowly started toward the exit again. “Maybe you should pray to your dead slut mother… not that it’ll do you much good.”

  Before she even realized her own actions, Megan gripped the steak knife in her hand tightly, jumped to her feet, and charged him, tears of rage swelling in her eyes, with the blade pointed toward her captor’s back. She was at the point of thrusting it deep into him, with the intention of stabbing at him repeatedly, letting all her anger, fear, and even hatred of this monster who deceived her, pierce him until his very soul, if he even had a soul, was torn to shreds.

  But the monster spun around with that incredible speed that defied reality, caught her by the wrist holding the weapon. Immediately he bent it back, now her other hand was wrenched with more pain than the first, and drove his right fist hard into her stomach. The knife fell, and so did she. With the wind knocked out of her, Megan gasped for air before she had even collapsed in front of him.

  Sonny laughed terribly. He bent down and picked up the knife. His laughter continued as Megan finally found her breath again, and vomited on the floor. “Looks like I touched a nerve,” Sonny taunted as he chuckled harshly. “But really Megan, you could have at least made it more challenging. That was too easy! How am I gonna get my kicks if that’s the best you can give me?” He stopped laughing and let out a simple sigh. “I guess I’ll just have to find someone else who can satisfy my needs. A friend of yours, maybe…”

  Through her torturous pain, Megan managed to look up to see Sonny’s eyes light up delightfully. “Say,” he thought aloud amusingly, “I just had a wonderful idea.” He looked down at her with passionate, fearful malice. “Don’t wait up for me, hon. Gonna be awhile.”

  He began whistling again as he left the room and shut the door behind him. Megan could hear nothing else but the eerie echo of his whistled tune from outside, slowly dwindling farther away, until nothing but cold silence kept her company in the dimness of her prison of dirt and stone.

  Chapter VI

  Sonny parked his Chevy Blazer in the parking lot of a shopping center of the outlets, about a mile from his intended destination. The stores in the center had all closed for the night, but he had parked outside of a 24/7 diner to avoid suspicion or the annoyance of finding the Blazer to have been towed. He wanted time to walk, not because he was cautious to keep his vehicle from being spotted at the scene of any crime he might wish to commit, caution was not his style, but more so because he wanted time to think, and to focus. He was learning skills that brought him such a sensation, and though he was advised that patience would be required before he could master them, he was still eager to test them out. After being allowed to watch Diana demonstrate a sample of her power for him late last week, he had become reenergized with desire and lust for the same.

  Diana had wanted to remind him of what benefits he was receiving, and would continue to receive as long as he remained cooperative to their cause, and watching her conduct her work had more than satisfied him. Even after several days, he still remembered every detail of that night, and savored every bit of that memory.


  She surprised him at his apartment near Millersville University. It was just a temporary dwelling which helped him fit his role; by now agents of their underground organization had cleared out his things and had left no trace of his ever living there, or even attending the university. He kept only what he needed with him in a hotel located roughly twenty-five miles west of the county, where he would enjoy an extended stay until his superiors relocated him and his belongings wherever his next assignment would be. There he would infiltrate the life of some other unsuspecting young lady, one of the future sacrifices of the Dark Year, work his irresistible charm on her, and gain her trust, and her love, until it would be her turn.

  When Diana knocked on his door several days ago, she was wearing her business attire, yet still dressed in a provocative way, and held such a seductive mannerism that surpassed his own charms. Sonny did not hide his lust for her, but was able to contain himself. He could have any woman he wanted, he was sure. He had enjoyed many women, both younger and older, whether of her own free will or forcibly, however the cards lay, and he was smart enough to suspect that Diana was being sweet on him presently just to placate his ego… to keep him loyal.

  Still, she was not just another woman. He wanted her more than any other woman he had made love to, or had raped and murdered. Perhaps it was the fact that he couldn’t seduce her, or take her by force. Perhaps it was her power that interested him, or the fact that she was as ruthless as he was; two kindred spirits. But he felt he was drawn to her mostly because, of all the women he had been with, she was the only one who wasn’t beneath him. The rest were just simple toys. Playthings to discard when he grew bored with them. This woman however, was his equal.

  It was early morning when Diana arrived. Though she was fully dressed for work, Sonny had recently finished an intense workout, and was donned in nothing but gym shorts. He was drinking a
protein shake as he answered the door.

  Diana eyed him up and down with a lustful smile on her luscious lips. “What a body you have there, young man,” she teased.

  “Likewise,” he replied, inviting her in and closing his apartment door. “Did anyone see you come here?”

  “Does it matter? Are you afraid someone might want to watch us? Or is that a turn on for you?”

  “No,” Sonny dismissed. “I don’t care either way. I was thinking of your own reputation… Dr. Palmer.”

  “Oh, such a sweet boy,” she spoke with perkiness. “But you needn’t worry about me. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.” She moved close to him and gently ran her fingernails down his rock-hard abs. “Mmmm, I usually like my men hot and sweaty. Whatever have you been doing before I got here?”

  “Exercising. Every morning.”

  “Of course,” she smiled. “You need to keep your body as perfect as it is. My big, strong Olympian.” Sonny moved in closer and leaned down to plant his lips on hers, ready and willing to welcome her own advances, but she put her hand up to his mouth and stopped him in his tracks. “No-no,” she said. “I said I usually like my men hot and sweaty. But darling, you stink. You need a shower.”

  Sonny gazed into her entrancing green eyes for a moment, then stepped back from her and finished the last of his shake. “So why are you here, Diana? I’m assuming you haven’t come to sell me your left-over goodies from the church bake sale.”

  Diana sat on a loveseat in Sonny’s small living room and leaned back in a relaxed manner. She crossed her legs, and allowed her skirt to slide upward a bit, exposing her long, silky legs. “Paul and Stephen are worried about you, dear,” she began. “They’ve come to believe that you’re a bit dissatisfied with your current position within the Agency. Apparently, you’ve made some comments recently.”

  “So?” Sonny shrugged. “Does free speech no longer apply to me as an agent? I say a few things and now they think I’m gonna go rogue or something?”

  “Of course not, honey,” Diana spoke sweetly, kicking her high heels off and rubbing her feet gently as if they were sore. Her bare feet with red toenails added to her sexy disposition, and Sonny eyed them hungrily. “They’re just concerned, but I know you better. You’re frustrated, but I know how important you are. The Agency would be lost without you. You’re already fast, and so incredibly strong. And I can see how powerful you’ll become.”

  “Maybe the rest of them don’t see it,” Sonny suggested. “Or maybe they’re afraid I might become more powerful than any of them.”

  “Maybe they are,” she played along.

  “So maybe they’re holding me back.” Sonny’s voice displayed bitterness as he spoke.

  Diana smiled assuredly. “Oh, don’t you worry about that, lover. I’ll never let them do that.” She rose from the loveseat and approached him again, placing her graceful fingers on his bulging chest. “I’ll see that you’re not cheated of the bright future you have with us.”

  Sonny gave her a skeptical look. “And why would you do that for me?”

  “Because,” she said, lowering her voice and tracing her long nails up and down his exposed torso, “I’m like you. For the longest time, my colleagues misunderstood me too. They felt I was reckless at times, and they feared my potential. But I worked my way to the very high position I hold now, because I knew how to play the game. Even now though, many of them are wary of me. They both adore and fear me.” Her voice lowered even more to a whisper. “But I’ll have you to protect me, because I’m investing in your future. I’ll make sure you get everything you want, and when you’re at the top, when you’re head of the Primary Circle, I’ll be there with you… pleasing you. As long as you continue to please me.”

  Sonny’s eyes became distant as he allowed himself to imagine the future he wanted; with the world as his playground, where he made the rules and broke them as he wished, where he could break anything and anyone, just for the sheer thrill of it.

  Diana stood on her toes and leaned forward, placing her lips very close to Sonny’s ear. “Our relationship will be mutually beneficial, darling. You take care of me; I’ll take care of you.” She lowered herself again and looked up into his dreaming eyes. “Can you trust me and remain patient until then? Or do you need more convincing?”

  “More convincing would be nice,” he answered slowly.

  “Then take a shower and get dressed. Today I’m taking you on a field trip.”

  Sonny did as she said, and within twenty minutes they were out the door. She gave him the keys to her Mercedes, letting him drive. After she told him to take them to her workplace, they said little along the way; Sonny was focused on driving the sports car at high speeds while Diana focused on her hand, which she had slid into his khakis and used to fondle him.

  When they entered her office building, where Diana currently practiced psychiatric counseling for numerous clients, she informed him that he would be watching her work today, and that he would be hiding in the closet of her office. By the end of the day, she had said, he would be in for a special treat.

  Sonny remained in the roomy closet space, with the door slightly ajar so he could easily watch Diana provide counseling to her clients without their being aware of his presence. Many of the sessions throughout the day had left him with nothing but an overwhelming case of boredom. Clients would lie on the comfortable sofa and talk about their problems with the woman they knew as Dr. Palmer. One middle aged man spoke of his struggle to overcome a gambling problem, another plump woman cried about her inability to stay away from junk food, and a thin, sickly looking man of about thirty years went on about how, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find the will power necessary to refrain from using recreational drugs.

  With each case, Diana used hypnosis on her clients near the end of the session. She would have them sit up, take their hands in her own, and talk them down slowly to a subconscious level, in which they stared into space with eyes half-mast; Diana’s voice was as soothing as the rolling waves of the ocean on a calm, summer evening.

  Near the end of the hypnotic sessions, Diana would ask each client, “Do you truly, in your heart, wish to better yourself, wish to stop (whatever the client’s vice was)?” When each subject had answered yes, she would help them by offering strong, suggestive ideas that their flaws were not enjoyable, not needed, that they were repulsive to them, and when she brought them back to full consciousness, they would feel revived and ready to begin their lives with a newfound hope of recovering from their addictions. Of course, she would also convince them that they would need several more sessions of therapy before they would be completely cured. True, she was skilled enough to have helped them thoroughly in just one hour of counseling, but the money was not obtained from offering an immediate cure, only from treatment. Not that she needed her clients’ money, Sonny knew. She, like many others who were part of the Agency, had used her abilities for limitless self-gain. But even an immeasurable fortune could grow higher.

  Then came George. Diana had told Sonny to pay particularly close attention to her session with him. He was a tall, fit man in his forties; a successful business man and investor. He wore gray dress slacks with a blue, buttoned-down, collared shirt and a pin-striped tie. Though Sonny did not know, George used to carry himself with a commanding presence and an air of confidence. He was once a fit, tan, rather attractive man who had kept himself well-groomed and in shape because he wanted to appeal to the opposite sex as best he could in his middle age. Though he was happily married and had a wonderful daughter that he couldn’t be prouder of, he had begun a life of infidelity due to an apparent mid-life crisis.

  Now, as George entered the office, the man that Sonny observed was pale with dark circles under his faded hazel eyes that seemed empty and lost. Diana had told Sonny that George first came to her out of guilt, convincing himself that he was a sexaholic, that he was merely suffering from a disease, and that he needed help. During his first session with
her, she put him under and had him reveal, in detail, a few of his lustful, secret ventures with young, bartending college girls, his former secretary, and a few of his employees’ wives. His eyes in their subconscious state had watered with tears as he confessed his incidents of adultery, wishing he could stop so he could be a better husband to his loving wife, and so he could look his daughter in the face again without an overwhelming sense of guilt.

  But when Dr. Palmer had first asked him if he truly, in his heart, wished to better himself, wished to stop cheating on his wife, from his heart, in his trance, George said “No.”

  Since then, Diana had him schedule weekly visits with her. Each time she had asked him the same question. Each time, while under her hypnosis, he had answered in the negative. And Diana would start to enter his mind in his sleep-like state. She would break him down, little by little, twisting, pulling, manipulating him in ways that made him slowly lose himself. And after each session, he would care less and less about other women, about his job, his wife, his daughter, even himself. The only thing she strengthened within him was the need to come back to her office every week for more therapy. And he would do so diligently; he was always on time to his appointments, and he would always enter, immediately sitting on the sofa, and reaching his hands willingly for Diana to take them and bring him under.

  On the surface, George still functioned as a business and family man. His coworkers, friends and family noticed nothing too worrisome other than that he appeared distracted or fatigued. His wife dismissed any concerns she may have had, convincing herself and others that he was only dealing with stress at the workplace and needed his space. George on the other hand, on a conscious level, was completely oblivious to any changes or differences in his own behavior.

  When George sat down on the day that Sonny observed from the closet, his features suggested the shell of a man who was only minutely more whole than a mindless zombie. “Let me take your hands,” Diana said to him, and he complied immediately. “Now close your eyes, and listen only to me. Nothing else exists but my voice…” It did not take her long to use her lulling tone and bring him into his familiar hypnotic trance.


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