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Just One Taste (Kimani Romance)

Page 2

by Norfleet, Celeste O.

  “You’re a hit, darling.”

  “Or maybe they were just hungry.”

  “I don’t think so. It’s the food. They love it. They love you and you know they’re gonna want to meet you. They always do at these private dinner parties,” Darcy said as she walked over to the kitchen door to peek out into the dining room.

  “No thanks. I need to get this place cleaned up then get out of here. My alarm clock goes off in—” she paused to glance at her watch “—seven hours, and I need to be in bed for at least five of them. Besides, schmoozing with our clientele is your job, not mine.” Along with her other responsibilities, as business manager for her café, Darcy ran interference when it came to situations like this. She was responsible for dealing with café customers and catering clients. She had the personality for it and thankfully enjoyed doing it. “I just cook the food, remember?”

  “You do a hell of a lot more than that,” Darcy said, returning to the island across from Nikita who was drying and putting the pots and pans away. Since it was her brother’s home she knew where everything went. “See, case in point—look at these dinner plates. Rich people don’t eat everything on their plates. It’s some kind of rich rule. But look at this plate. I swear it looks like it’s been licked clean. See, even the design is eaten off.”

  Nikita laughed. Darcy was a character and she could always depend on her to lighten her mood.

  “Actually, Nikita, it might be a good idea to concede this one time and step out to get your accolades. I just peeked out in the dining room and the guest list is a who’s who in local and state politics. The mayor, a couple of city commissioners, a state congressman and two prominent attorneys are all out there, enjoying your food. Think of the future catering connections.”

  Nikita stopped what she was doing and looked at Darcy curiously. Darcy knew powerful people, so when she said major political players were in the dining room, you could bet she wasn’t mistaken.

  * * *

  Chase Buchanan smiled dutifully as those around him talked nonstop. The conversations centered mainly on Titan, the business, the product and its future endeavors in the south Florida area. In his presence, few spoke about anything else. Money and power had a way of doing that. And Titan Energy Corporation had money and power in abundance. Everybody wanted inside information like what was next for the multibillion-dollar corporation. Of course, he never disclosed anything. Still, catering to him was a necessity. Now he just expected it. When he called, they came, when he spoke they listened and when he said jump, they did.

  “They” being the wannabe rich and powerful who felt being in his presence gave them meager entrance to the club to which they so fervently wanted to belong. They were wrong, of course. Titan’s inner circle and the Buchanan family were close-knit and impossible to penetrate. The only way into the Titan family was through the Buchanan name.

  It wasn’t exactly arrogance that assured him of this. It was years of experience. He’d seen them come and go. Businessmen, politicians, women, all wanted to get close to him and gain entrance into the inner sanctum of Titan. The sad truth was they never had a chance. Birth or marriage was the only way in and the Buchanan men were known to be extremely selective.

  He looked around, taking in the faces smiling for his benefit. He’d been at this job long enough to know human nature and what made people tick. Sitting here now gave him the perfect opportunity to affirm the obvious. Politicians and businessmen were a staple in his life. Right now he was only half paying attention as they exalted Titan’s business and marketing proficiency. Since his arrival here this morning that was all he’d heard. After a while he’d stopped listening.

  He had every intention of ending this monotonous evening early, but as usual, politicians needing money wanted as much face time as possible. They talked and touted their egos and abilities like prized pigs at a country fair, each with one desperate goal—to please him and dig down as far into his deep pockets as they could. It was a pathetic show of grandeur, which usually bored him. As always, tonight he dealt with it with his usual placid expression.

  After all, he was a Buchanan. That meant being tolerant, composed and in control at all times. These ideologies were indoctrinated into him as far back as he could remember. He had taken that creed to the extreme.

  Thus, the interminable evening droned on well past eight and seemed to threaten to go even later. He played his part as always, nodding when appropriate, smiling when called for and even giving a knowledgeable sound bite when absolutely necessary. But tonight wasn’t about this meeting or these men sitting around the dining-room table ego-blasting themselves. It was ultimately about a woman in the kitchen who had something he wanted.

  The Titan Research and Development advance team had been here for the past seven months. They’d acquired the property on which to build the Titan research facility, but had unfortunately run into an eleventh-hour problem. He’d been called in to finish the job. This was what he did, his specialty. He smoothed rough edges and got projects completed, and then he moved on to the next job.

  “So, Chase,” Oren Davis, Key West’s top-rated Realtor and city appropriations commissioner, said with more zest then necessary, “is this really your first trip to Key West?”

  “Yes, it is,” Chase said.

  “What are your plans while you’re here in our fair city?”

  Chase smiled. Here we go—the inevitable money pitch. “I’m just passing through. I don’t intend to be here that long—just a few weeks. I’ll finish the job and move on.”

  “Yes, but you must have some downtime planned. The evenings and weekends, perhaps?” Oren queried.

  “I intend to be too busy working.”

  “Too busy working? Nonsense! No, no, we can’t have that, can we, boys?” he stated while looking around at the other men seated at the table now more interested in the dessert than the conversation. “While you’re here you should be entertained, perhaps see some of the delights of our beautiful city. I have the perfect companion for you.”

  Chase chuckled inside. He was wrong. This wasn’t a money pitch—it was a matrimony pitch. Neither of which he was interested in. “I’m sure I’ll be too busy, Mr. Davis,” he said, glancing over to the waiter who immediately disappeared into the kitchen area.

  “Well, we can’t have you here in the city all alone. Now, my daughter is available to take you around and of course she’ll take good care of you.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Davis, I’m sure I’ll get around just fine.”

  “No trouble at all. I’ll have my daughter stop by.”

  Chase’s associate, Kelvin Simmons, cleared his throat and pushed his chair back. “Chase, thank you. This was a delightful evening. I hadn’t realized how late it was getting. I’m afraid I’m going to have to push on.”

  Several of the other men at the table immediately followed suit. Moments later everyone was standing and extolling their gratitude to their host. The waiter came back in with a tray of wrapped desserts.

  Chase smiled as each man shook his hand while repeating their willingness to offer their services and giving him yet another business card for his growing pile. He played his part and smiled graciously. He was impatient by nature, but he’d long since learned to appear calm and interested. His mother referred to it as his aggressive Buchanan genes overruling her calmer recessive genes. So he learned to take his time in most things.

  Several of the men still mingled around, talking. Oren Davis made a point of standing by his side as each man passed, then he stepped up quickly. “Chase, perhaps you and I could speak privately.”


  “I understand you’re having trouble acquiring the last Blackwell property. As the top Realtor in this area, I’d be happy to lend my assistance and expertise.”

  “Titan has people who handle that.”

“Yes, of course, but I’d be happy to expedite any problems. Perhaps we can discuss this in greater detail when the others depart.”

  “Actually, I’m expecting a few phone calls later this evening.”

  “Of course, of course. Perhaps we can get together another time. I’ll have my office contact your associate and we’ll set up a time.”

  Chase nodded without being totally committed. His calm, unhurried facade was about to crack. He might appear relaxed but inside he was anxious to get this job done and get out of here. The tediousness of this production, although necessary, was frustrating. But now it was time to attend to the business he came here to do.

  From the corner of his eye he saw the waiter looking toward the kitchen. He turned, following the man’s line of vision, and saw her, Nikita Coles, peeking out the kitchen door. He knew his effect on women. They adored him instantly. But it appeared she didn’t smile as most women did upon seeing him. She just stared. Apparently, she wasn’t going to be like most women. A part of him liked that idea. Most times it was too easy. Everything he read about her showed that she was a strong woman with intense beliefs and a stubborn nature for a just cause. It had been a long time since he ran into any type of business opposition.

  He hoped she would be more of a challenge. He smiled. She didn’t.

  He nodded. She nodded. Perhaps she would be.

  Chapter 2

  Chase Buchanan. Of course his reputation preceded him. With men like Chase it usually did. Nikita had looked him up online before she got to her brother’s house—something she did all the time with a new client. She never went into a situation without knowing as much about as many of the major players as she could. And this was one of those times. It helped that he was recently in the local newspaper, so she didn’t have to look far.

  She found out that Chase was a powerhouse player in the oil business. He worked overseas mainly, which made her curious as to why he was here in Key West. Still nothing she could find specified exactly what kind of work he did.

  “Check it out,” Darcy told her. “He’s even got Oren Davis, the king of Key West real estate, out there. I bet he’s on the hunt for a husband for another one of his daughters.”

  “Yeah, maybe, but he’s also a city commissioner. That’s a lot of high-powered political backing out there,” Nikita said.

  Darcy ate another dessert. “You know that’s how things get done. It used to be the golf courses, but now it’s over dinner and drinks. Hey, maybe Buchanan’s going to run for local office.”

  Nikita shook her head. “Not likely. He’s a Buchanan and that means oil and money run through his body instead of blood. And that also means that whatever brings him here has everything to do with making more money.”

  “You know they’re buying up more land all over the city, too.”

  “Yeah, I know. I heard. Titan is going to take over the city pretty soon.”

  “Buchanans everywhere. Now wouldn’t that be nice.”

  Nikita shook her head. “You have a one-track mind.”

  Darcy nodded. “Well at least they’ll bring jobs to the area.”

  “Yeah, that’s true, but still. I can just imagine a huge oil refinery right in my backyard. Every time I go to the cottage I’m gonna see a big ugly monstrosity looming behind my garden.”

  “Maybe it’s not gonna be that bad,” Darcy said.

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “You can always sell it to them.”

  “I’m not that nice.”

  “Nikita, maybe you should. You can use that money to expand the café and make it exactly like you want it.”

  Nikita shook her head. “I’m not selling out to an oil company.”

  “Still, you don’t know what they’re gonna build.”

  “I guess I can always find out.”

  “How?” Darcy asked.

  “Simple. I’ll ask.”

  Darcy laughed. “Somehow I don’t think that’s gonna work. I can’t see Titan or the Buchanans opening up and telling you what their plans are. Maybe if you ask nicely,” Darcy said.

  “Hmm, maybe I will.”

  “I was joking, Nikita. We’re just going to have to wait and find out like everyone else.” She popped another dessert into her mouth. “Oh, man, these are so good,” she said, completely changing the subject. “You know I’d ask you for the recipe for these, but I know you won’t give it to me. So have you thought about putting together another cookbook like I suggested last week? It would be fantastic. I’ll even volunteer to be your taste tester. Hey, are you listening to me?”

  Nikita had stopped paying attention. She knew about Titan buying the Blackwell property near her cottage. But what Reed and his family did had nothing to do with her. She was still thinking about the impressive guest list and why they were all here in her brother’s home. “Yeah, I heard you, you want to taste test and I need to write another cookbook. I’ll think about it. In the meantime…” She walked over to the kitchen door and curiously peeked out into the dining room again. The guests were all standing around, talking and shaking hands. It looked as if the dinner party was indeed beginning to break up.

  Nikita watched as each guest shook hands and spoke briefly with a man standing in the dining room archway. He smiled graciously and motioned toward Russ standing beside him with the tray of wrapped desserts. The guests each took one of the packages, and then headed to the foyer. So that was Chase Buchanan, she presumed.

  Nikita could only see him in profile, but what she saw spiked her inner temperature. He was tall, easily over six feet, with a sleek, commanding build that made him stand out in a room. With firm, broad masculine shoulders, he seemed comfortably relaxed in the casual setting—commanding but not domineering. He had on a white shirt, a dark tie and a dark gray suit that was obviously tailored to fit him perfectly.

  His jaw was chiseled firm and the upward curve of his full lips was seductively sensual. He was clean-shaven with a creamy caramel complexion that looked smooth and touchable. He turned and smiled, speaking to a guest. His eyes were green and seemed to shine in guarded awareness. Nikita licked her lips as her thoughts wandered in another direction. It had been too long and the man had sexy written all over him. A warm sensation eased through her body. A man like that would know exactly how to please a woman. She smiled again.

  “That’s him, Chase Buchanan. Look at his eyes, they’re heavenly—green with golden specks,” Darcy whispered into her ear. “He’s got money, brains and he is gorgeous. Talk about a triple threat.”

  Nikita shrugged. “He’s okay, if you want that type. Bottom line, he’s just a man.”

  “Oh, please, darling. That’s not just a man standing out there. That’s the man. When’s the last time you saw a man that looked like that? He’s got it all. He’s sexy, handsome, rich—and intelligent. Everybody wants that type. Remember, it’s always about the sex.”

  Russ glanced in Nikita’s direction. Chase turned around, following his line of vision. Their eyes locked for a brief moment. Nikita’s stomach flinched and her heart jumped. His penetrating gaze held hers, then a slow easy smile curved his sexy full lips. It was as if he knew exactly what she’d been thinking. He nodded and she returned his gesture, then stepped back, closed the door and went back to the dishwasher.

  “That’s it? A nod? Nikita, the man is single as far as I know, gorgeous and rich,” Darcy said following close behind.

  “I don’t have time for drama,” Nikita said.

  “Darling, you need your engines revved up and he looks like just the man to do it repeatedly.” Darcy laughed at her own joke. “And who says he’s gonna be drama?”

  “Men like him are always drama.”

  “Well, if he’s drama, you need a nice big slice of it.”

  “No thanks.”

Darling, you need this. Trust me.”

  “What I need is to get out of here.”


  Nikita turned, seeing Russ come into the kitchen with the last of the coffee and dessert dishes. He set the tray on the counter. “Umm, Mr. Buchanan would like to make a suggestion.”

  “A suggestion? What kind of suggestion?” she asked, beginning to stack the dishwasher again.

  Russ, a college freshman working his way through school, looked around the kitchen, nervously stepping from foot to foot. “He thinks maybe if you’d add a bit more espresso to the ganache and some almond extract to the mousse, and then top the dessert with toasted almonds you’ll have an added texture and a richer layer of flavoring.”

  “He suggested what?” Nikita stopped, totally stunned.

  “Oh, crap,” Darcy muttered, then glanced over to Leroy, who was leaning against the sink chuckling and shaking his head. “Okay, Russ, thanks for relaying the message,” Darcy said quickly. “I’ll make sure to tell Mr. Buchanan that we’ll certainly consider his suggestion. In the meantime…”

  Russ nodded with relief as he loosened his tie, knowing his shift was over. “Actually, no,” Nikita said slowly, tensing with each word. Russ stopped. “Please go back out there and inform Mr. Buchanan that my desserts are perfect exactly as they are,” she said firmly. “I do not need, nor do I want, his input on my cooking.”

  Russ looked around again.

  “I have a better idea,” Darcy interjected. “Russ, why don’t you and Leroy just head on home. Nikita and I will finish up here.”

  Nikita looked at Darcy and immediately understood. She nodded at Leroy and Russ. “Good idea. Good night, guys. Drive safely. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  They nodded and quickly grabbed their things and left.

  Darcy turned to Nikita. “Are you okay?”


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