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Just One Taste (Kimani Romance)

Page 14

by Norfleet, Celeste O.

  “Daniel, I’m handling this,” he said, then disconnected the call and walked into the kitchen. Nikita looked up, seeing him enter. He smiled. She didn’t.

  * * *

  Nikita smiled with delight as she watched her students walk into the kitchen for the day’s cooking lesson. Ten eager faces instantly brightened her dismal day. She couldn’t believe that she actually considered canceling it. But she knew she’d disappoint the teens. They really looked forward to the lessons. In truth, she did, too. The cooking classes at the center always revitalized her. Today was no different.

  When everyone settled down the class began. She talked about various herbs and spices and how they interacted with each other and stimulated the taste buds. Her students smelled and some even tasted basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary. They also tested three types of mint leaves, pineapple orange, lemon and spearmint. Seeing the students try and figure out which was which was nonstop enjoyment.

  Afterward they browned ground beef then sautéed and sweated onions, peppers, herbs and tomato sauce over low heat to make a tomato base sauce. Then, with everything prepped and ready, the class stood at the counter assembling their lasagna rolls. Some added a creamy cheesy béchamel sauce, others omitted it. They assembled and rolled the stuffed al dente pasta, then placed them in foil pans and put them in the oven.

  Thirty minutes later the cooked lasagna rolls came out of the oven. While the pasta rolls cooled the students ate watermelon salad with fresh mint and feta cheese. They ate the rolls as they watched Nikita demonstrate making crepes. Although the class centered on inexpensive complete meals, she wanted the teens to experience something special each class. Today’s menu was inspired by her cottage garden fruits. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries took center stage in her dessert—summer fruit and mascarpone crepes.

  She gradually poured a ladle of thin batter into the pan and slowly rolled it around, coating the bottom. As she described the classic technique, she looked up seeing Mia enter the kitchen. She nodded and continued the process placing the pan back on the low flame then carefully flipped the crepe to cook the other side. A few seconds later she coaxed it out of the pan, added the berry mixture with a dollop of sweetened mascarpone. “Who wants to try one?” she asked.

  The students raised their hands excitedly. “Okay. Okay. Let’s make this democratic. Whoever was the last at the stove making the tomato and meat sauce will be first for crepes.”

  The students lined up with small paper plates and forks. After everyone was served a crepe they went back to their seats and continued eating. Nikita glanced up at Mia again as she walked over, rubbing the side of her baby bump.

  “Mmm, everything smells so good in here,” Mia said.

  “Come on over and grab a crepe.”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice,” Mia said. “Seriously, if you ever need a taste tester, I volunteer.”

  Nikita smiled then poured a ladle of batter into the bottom of the crepe pan. She swirled it around, coating the bottom. Then she repeated the action in another pan. Just as she was about to flip the first crepe over in the pan she looked up and saw Chase walk into the kitchen. She lost focus. The crepe flipped awkwardly and fell halfway out of the pan. It immediately began burning on the open fire.

  She quickly sat the pan down, grabbed a spatula and tongs and moved the unsightly crepe to the trash can. “Okay, let’s try that again,” she said as she grabbed the handle of the second pan. She swirled the crepe around a few times then with a firm grasp, jerked her wrist and flipped the crepe. This time when she flipped, the crepe turned over and fell back in the pan with elegant ease.

  The students applauded. She quickly filled the crepe with the fruit mixture, then added a dollop of mascarpone cheese, folded and gently placed it on a paper plate. She handed it to Mia, then looked up as Chase approached then stood beside her. The students instantly began talking and speculating.

  “Hello, Chase. Welcome back to Key West.”

  “Hello, Nikita. It’s good to be back.”

  “Would you like a crepe?” she asked.

  “No thanks, I’m not a big crepe fan,” he said.

  “They’re light, smooth and delicious,” Mia said.

  “I’m sure they are, but no thanks. I’ve eaten my share, believe me. I used to make crepes at my mother’s café years ago. We stuffed them with bananas and chocolate and just about everything else we could think of. I got to be pretty good at making them.”

  “Really, well, why don’t you show us your skills?”

  He smiled. “Nah, that’s okay. One chef in the kitchen is enough.”

  The murmuring grew louder as the students began to pay more attention to Nikita and Chase’s conversation. She placed another pan on the stove, then pushed the batter toward him. It was obvious he was up for the challenge. He removed his jacket, washed his hands, prepared his pan, and then began making his crepe.

  It was a disaster. He tossed a half-cooked crepe into the air and it fell apart midair. His second attempt was a failure, as well. He flipped the crepe and glanced away. It missed the pan and flopped on the countertop. Laughter buzzed around him as he made his next attempt. It was perfect, and then he put on a spectacular show. At one point he made two crepes simultaneously flipping them in unison, then overlapping the crepes into the other pan. The students applauded wildly and Nikita nodded her approval.

  The class had been over for the last twenty minutes, but the students stayed to talk to Chase. They gathered around asking questions about his travels and his business.

  Nikita cleared the kitchen as Mia walked back in. “Hey, Niki, almost done?” Mia asked, leaning back against the sink as Nikita worked.

  Nikita nodded. “Yep, I just finished. You ready to go?”

  But laughter cut off Mia’s answer. Both women turned, seeing Chase still taking center stage with the teens. “Looks like he’s charmed the teens, too,” Mia said as Nikita dried her hands.

  “What do you mean ‘too’?”

  “While you’ve been working nonstop, he’s been charming most of the citizens of Key West. Half the town’s totally in love with him. He could run for mayor and win without even trying.”

  “When did all that happen?” Nikita asked as she tossed the paper towel into the trash can.

  “Nikita, you need to get out of the kitchen more.”

  Nikita watched Chase as he interacted with the teens. They were mesmerized and seemed to hang on every word he spoke. A second later he turned around and smiled at her. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “He’s a natural with the kids, isn’t he?” Mia said. “I wonder if we could persuade him to be a guest speaker.”

  “Ask him. I’m sure he would.”

  “Well, it’s getting late and I’m beat. Stephen’s on his way,” she said, then walked over to where Chase was and told the teens that it was time to go. They gave a collective sigh of disappointment, then began moving toward the exit.

  Chase went over to where Nikita was gathering her things. “Great kids. Some of them remind me of myself at that age.”

  Nikita went to pull her backpack up on her shoulder, but Chase took it instead. When she picked up the bag of kitchen supplies, he took that from her, too. “Thanks.”

  Nikita led the way back to the front door. Mia was there and Stephen, her husband, had just walked up.

  Stephen kissed his wife, and then hugged his cousin. Mia introduced him to Chase and the two men shook hands, then chatted a few moments as Mia locked the door.

  Nikita waited with her. “So, to what did we owe that honor?” Mia asked.

  “What do you mean?” Nikita asked.

  “I mean Chase Buchanan of Titan Energy Corporation didn’t just happen to stop by the Teen Dream Center to flip a few crepes and hang out with a bunch of teenagers. He came to the center looki
ng for you.”

  “You know that I’m working for him as a private chef. He probably just wants to review the schedule.”

  Mia laughed. “Oh, please. Who do you expect to buy that?”

  “Fine, I have no idea what you’re talking about then.”

  “Yeah, I bet you don’t.” Mia smirked as Stephen and Chase walked over. The couple said good-night, then headed to their cars.

  “They’re a nice couple,” Chase said.

  “They’re the perfect couple,” Nikita said as they walked to her car parked down the block. “I’m impressed. You have a little talent in the kitchen.”

  He smiled. “I’m not just a pretty face,” he joked.

  “I’m glad you came back.”

  “Me, too. I missed you,” he said.


  “I did,” he assured her.

  “When do you want to continue the contract?” she asked as they reached her car and she opened the backseat. He deposited the bag and backpack in the car, then closed the door.

  “This evening, right now,” he told her.

  “What?” she said surprised. “I don’t have anything prepared.”

  “Then let me take you out to dinner.”

  “I’ll email you some menu suggestions tomorrow.”

  Chase closed his eyes and took a deep breath and held it. “Nikita, I want you. Do you want me?”

  Her heart went out to him. Every fiber in her being wanted to scream, “Yes, yes, take me now.” But she held back. “You know I do, but I can’t. I have to go. Good night, Chase.”

  He nodded. “Good night, Nikita.”

  He watched as she got into her car and drove away. As her red taillights disappeared around the corner, Chase turned, got in his car and headed back to the house. He pulled up in the driveway, got out and headed inside. Standing in the foyer, he looked around. The quiet stillness of the empty house was no surprise. It was just like his home in Alaska. Quiet. Still. Empty. He thought about Andre and his wife, Joanna, and then Stephen and Mia Morales. Seeing the joy in their faces made him want that happiness, too. He wanted it with Nikita.

  Chase turned around and walked back out to his car. As soon as he touched the door handle his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID. It was Daniel. He considered not answering, but then changed his mind. If he was going to do this, he was going to do this right. He answered. “Daniel.”

  “What’s going on with my property?”

  “We don’t need it.”


  “You heard me. I decided not to take it. We don’t need it. I’ve already contacted the Department, Senator Landis and the governor. I gave them my final assessment and assured them that the facility could be built without additional land. The Blackwell acquisition has given us plenty of land with which to continue this endeavor.”

  “That additional land could still be of value. I’m still going to pursue it.”

  “Then you can do it without me.”

  “What are you saying?” Daniel laughed. “Tell me this isn’t what I’m hearing,” Daniel said.

  Chase didn’t respond. “Damn, Chase. I hope this isn’t about the Coles woman, is it? I can’t believe you’re gonna turn your back on this family for a date. Yeah, I know all about the two of you hanging out. Oren told me. I’m surprised at you, Chase. I had such high hopes for you and your future at Titan. Now, I’m not so sure.”

  “I told you not to threaten me, Daniel.”

  “That wasn’t a threat. This is. I’m coming in tomorrow. I want that property’s deed in my hand by noon or…”

  “Or what?” Chase said.

  “Or I’m gonna have to make a very difficult decision.”

  “Why don’t I make it easier for you right now,” Chase said. “Consider this conversation my immediate resignation.”


  “You heard me. I’m out of Titan. I’ll finalize this with the board of directors.”

  “Whoa, now let’s not take this that far,” Daniel said.

  “It’s already done.”


  “Goodbye, Daniel.” He ended the call with a Cheshire cat smile, turned off his cell phone, got in his car and sped away. All of the sudden he was feeling great. Losing himself and being swept up in the passion of the moment wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was feeling what he was feeling when he thought about Nikita and their time together.

  Apparently, Jacob was right. Love did trump everything and Nikita Coles was the woman he couldn’t live without.

  He had one thing on his mind—getting back to her.

  Chapter 16

  It had been a long, exhausting day and as usual Nikita ended it by coming home alone. Though she had to go to work the next day, the last thing she felt like was sleep. She knew laying her head down and closing her eyes would only mean she’d be thinking about Chase. She turned on smooth jazz, showered and changed into shorts and a T-shirt, then walked into the sanctuary of her kitchen. She turned the lights on and looked around.

  This was the place that always comforted her. No matter what was going on in her life she always felt like coming home, going into her kitchen and creating something new. But tonight she just didn’t feel like it. Instead, she poured herself a glass of wine and then stepped out onto the balcony. The sultry heat of the night surrounded her in a cocoon of comfort. Still, she wrapped her arms around her body and held tight. This was the time of day when it all seemed so real. The quiet loneliness of the night fell heavily upon her heart.

  Falling in love with Chase wasn’t in her plan. She’d hoped but the reality of happily ever after wasn’t in the cards for her. She was okay with it. She had a career she loved and that was more than most could say. She was happy and if she’d never have someone to share her life with, she’d be okay. She smiled, thinking she could always do what her sister did with in vitro fertilization.

  She looked up at the crystal-clear sky. A billion stars shone down on her. Then out of the corner of her eye she saw a quick flash of light as it sped across the sky, and then disappeared into the far horizon. Like a child with a birthday cake and candles, she closed her eyes and made a wish.

  “Chase,” she whispered. The light breeze carried his name from her lips out into the night.

  Seconds later the doorbell rang. She turned, surprised by the sudden sound. Then she smiled, thinking her wish had come true. She hurried to the door and opened it excitedly. It wasn’t who she hoped it would be. It wasn’t Chase.

  Natalia and Mia stood smiling at her.

  “Hey, what are you guys doing here?” she asked, opening the door wider for her sister and cousin to enter.

  “Hi,” both Natalia and Mia said, hugging her as they walked in.

  Suddenly, Nikita worried. “Wait, what’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Nothing. Nothing. Everything’s fine. We’re just here to…” Mia began, then looked at Natalia.

  “Are you sure everything’s okay?”

  “Yes, Niki, of course,” Natalia said.

  “Where are the boys?” Nikita asked.

  “They’re hanging out with Stephen for a few hours.”

  “Okay, you guys want something to eat or drink?”

  They nodded. “Something to drink sounds good,” Mia said.

  Nikita turned to the kitchen. Mia and Natalia followed. “Okay, now, what’s going on with you two? It’s been a long time since we sat around having an all-night girl talk,” Nikita said. Just then the phone rang. “Wait a minute, let me get this,” she said, and picked up the phone. It was her sister Tatiana.

  “Tia, hey girl—perfect timing. You’ll never guess who’s—” Nikita stopped. She turned back to Natalia and Mia, suddenly realizing what was going on. H
er sister Tia was back in London with her new husband, but still she was in on this. “Tia, I’ll call you back.”

  “Niki, just because I’m not there with Mia and Natalia doesn’t mean I’m not with them,” Tatiana said. “Listen to Nat and Mia. Call me back later.”

  Nikita hung up the phone and looked at her sister and her cousin. “What is all this?” she asked.

  “We’re worried about you,” Natalia said, sitting at the island counter. Mia sat beside her. She nodded her agreement.

  “Me? Why? I’m fine,” Nikita said as she opened a cabinet and grabbed two glasses, then picked up the wine bottle on the counter. Then she stopped and looked at her sister and cousin and realized neither one could drink. “How about some peach iced tea instead?”

  They nodded. “We know that look, Niki,” Natalia began.

  “What look?”

  “You’re in love with Chase, aren’t you?” Mia said.

  Nikita stopped pouring iced tea and looked at the women. There was no use trying to fool them just like it was no use trying to fool herself. She was in love with Chase.

  “Is it that obvious?” she said as she sat down across from them.

  They nodded. Mia continued pouring the iced tea. “It started so simple and playful, like a game. It was just physical. It wasn’t supposed to get serious. You know after Reed, I absolutely refused to put my heart out there, but with Chase it was happening and I didn’t even realize it. It was all so easy and quick. What am I gonna do?”

  “Does he love you, too?” Natalia asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. He’s leaving.”

  “What do you mean he’s leaving?” Mia asked.

  “When?” Natalia added.

  “I don’t know, soon probably. I have a contract to be his personal chef for the next few days. I assume he’ll be leaving after that.”

  “He could decide to stay. David stayed,” Natalia said.

  “David loves you, so of course he stayed. Chase, I don’t know…”

  “I do,” Mia said. “I saw his face when he walked into the kitchen and saw you this evening. The man had love written all over him. Trust me. He’s in love with you, too, no mistake.”


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