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His to Punish (The Cleaners Book 2)

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by Doris O'Connor


  Copyright© 2016 Doris O’Connor

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-913-0

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  With thanks to the fabulous team at Evernight, in particular my editor Karyn.


  The Cleaners, 2

  Doris O’Connor

  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  Ty Mason pulled his earbuds out and flicked off his music, as he approached La Masquerade. He nodded toward Ace, one of his fellow Cleaners, on watch duty. Ever since things kicked off in a turf war with the Priestly gang, security had been tightened, and even though the club didn’t open until later that evening, they always had at least one man on alert at all times. Ty stretched to soothe muscles cramped by his five mile jog, and Ace rolled his eyes.

  “Better ways to get rid of your excess energy, man, than pounding the streets. I’d have thought pounding the fresh cunt in there right now would be far more enjoyable.”

  Ty flipped him the finger, and the other man laughed.

  “Just saying, man. You’ve been living like a monk since Ren hooked up with his bird. The guys are talking. It ain’t natural.”

  Ty gave a humorless laugh and wiped the sweat out of his eyes.

  “Just because some of us know how to keep it in our pants, doesn’t mean jack shit. Besides, maybe I’m just fed up with casual hookups. Can’t tell me even you cold hearted bastard don’t smile when you see the boss and his missus.”

  Ace shrugchapged and pulled a face.

  “She’s all right as far as bitches go, but there’s far too much pussy in this world for me to confine myself to just one bird. Just wouldn’t be fair, to keep my cock all to myself.”

  Ace winked, and Ty shook his head, hard pressed to contain his amusement. Instead he punched the other guy in the shoulder and pushed open the door to the club.

  “One of these days that ego of yours will make you trip up big time, and I, for one, look forward to witnessing it.” He threw the words over his shoulder, and Ace’s laughter followed him into the club. The man’s reply was cut off by a new dance track starting up, as the next wannabe dancer gyrated her wares in front of Huntly. The club owner did not look impressed, and who could blame him? This bird was far too skinny, and even though she tried to look alluring, her make-believe sex acts with the pole just looked awkward.

  “Enough, girl. Next!”

  Owen Huntly’s terse command stopped the girl.

  Turning his back on the spectacle playing out on stage, Ty approached the bar, where little Susie was stacking the drinks. She smiled when she spotted him approach, and Ty murmured his thanks, as Ren’s submissive passed over a sports bottle of ice cold water. He drank half of it and tipped the rest of it over his head. The cool liquid felt heavenly on his overheated skin, and when he opened his eyes again, it was to see Susie stare at him. With her mouth slightly open, heat rose in her cheeks when she noticed he’d caught her checking him out, and Ty smirked.

  That look would land her in hot water fast.

  Ren was nothing if not possessive over his woman, and sure enough the older man bristled.

  “When you’ve finished tripping up over your own tongue, pumpkin, you might notice my glass is empty.”

  “Sorry, Sir, I didn’t mean… Here.” She quickly refilled his glass and worried her bottom lip with her teeth. She couldn’t seem to help glancing shy looks at Ty’s chest, and Ren growled his disapproval.

  If that was possible her blush deepened, and chuckling, Ty sat down on the stool next to Ren.

  “I take it the auditions aren’t going too well then?” he asked.

  Ren reached across the counter to run a finger down Susie’s cheek, and the way the redhead leaned into Ren’s touch while mouthing another silent sorry made Ty feel as though he was intruding.

  Turning his back on the loved up couple, he watched the next dancer perform for Huntly instead. She was better, but Huntly stopped this woman, also, before her track was up.

  “Yeah, the boss is in a foul mood,” Ren said. “Think he’s looking for another Myrtle, and that’s nigh on impossible. The bitch was a lying, cheating cunt, but she sure could dance.”

  Ty nodded his agreement. The whole Myrtle episode had been regrettable and messy, to say the least, but it had brought Ren and Susie together. It had, however, left a big hole in the dancing girls. Huntly only employed the best, and had been looking for a replacement ever since.

  It didn’t look as though the owner of La Masquerade was having much luck replacing her today either. Ty let his gaze roam along the few remaining wannabes, and the skin on his neck prickled when he clocked the last one. Curves in all the right places, this one seemed nervous, and pissed off. She’d chosen an odd outfit for her dance. The blouse and pencil skirt were more suited for an interview at the office, even if they did hug her curves, and made a man salivate, imagining what she was hiding under there. The six inch stiletto sandals on her feet were sexy as fuck, however. The blonde wig she was wearing—and it had to be a wig—made a startling contrast to her flawless mocha skin. Tall and breathtakingly beautiful, it was the expression on her face that made Ty take the most notice. While her body was swaying in tune to the current track in that subconsciously fluid way only a born dancer could bring to the table, it was the sheer hatred burning in her almond shaped eyes which gave Ty pause for thought. Not aimed at him, but Ren and Susie. As far as Ty knew, there could be no reason for this, because she was definitely a new face. Ty would have remembered seeing her before. He nudged his boss and long-time friend.

  “That one might have potential?” He nodded toward the woman, whose gaze now connected with his. Her eyes widened, and Ty grinned. He was no stranger to women’s reaction to him, and he couldn’t deny the instant tightening in his groin at the knowledge that this cute piece of ass liked what she saw. Ace had been right in one assessment. It had been way too long since he got his dick wet. Besides, if this bird had some hidden agenda for being here, then getting her under him was a surefire way of getting to her secrets.

  If Ren knew her, he gave nothing away as he let his gaze roam over the girl.

  “Hmm, maybe. I’ll reserve judgment until I see her dance. She’ll do, I guess.”

  Ty had to laugh at the carefully phrased words, especially as he saw Susie frown and put her hands on her hips. Submissive she might be, but she was just as possessive of Ren as he was of her. Again, that general feeling of unease spread through Ty, not helped by seeing the woman’s now careful avoidance of looking toward the bar. Something was up, and he didn’t like it. And he certainly didn’t like the urge he had to go up there, and get close and personal. What was that about, for fuck’s sake? So she was pretty and just his type, didn’t mean a thing. Not if she presented an undetermined threat to those he cared about.

  He kept an eye on her, as the dancers in front of her did their piece and were summarily dismissed by Huntly. When, at long last, it was her turn Huntly sat forward in his seat, hands stapled in front of his face, and Ty, too, moved closer to the stage. Huntly glanced at him and smirk

  “What happened to you?” he asked.

  Without taking his eyes off the woman nervously smoothing non-existent creases out of her grey skirt, Ty shrugged.

  “Jogged here, that’s all and I needed to cool off.”

  Huntly shook his head and laughed.

  “We do have showers, you know.”

  “Yeah.” Ty smirked, and stepping closer to the woman who found the study of the stage floor most interesting all of a sudden, jumped up next to her. She flinched as he stepped right into her personal space and grasped her chin to make her look at him.

  “True, but I didn’t want to miss this.”

  He flashed the girl a smile and flicked the blonde strands hanging into her cleavage behind her shoulders.

  “Why the wig, sweetheart? The boss won’t stand for disguises, so I suggest you lose it.”

  She threw him a mutinous look from under her naturally long eyelashes, and Ty fought his growing erection. It would be too damn obvious in the low slung joggers he was wearing, but fuck.

  That look made him want to bend her over his knee and spank her insolent ass until it was glowing a nice shade of red, and she was begging him to fuck her.

  “That’s none of your business, mister, and if you don’t let go of me, I’ll be forced to put you on your butt. I’m here to audition, not to be manhandled by…” She wrenched her chin out his grasp, and Ty let her with a smirk. He did like his women feisty, and the way her toffee-colored eyes spat fire at him was a huge turn-on.

  “I’d like to see you try, sweet thing,” Ty said. A huff was his answer, and Ren’s laughter joined Huntly’s as Ty jumped back off the stage and sat down next to Owen. It would afford him a perfect view up her tight skirt once she started to dance, and something told him that this woman would blow their minds.

  Huntly seemed to have come to a similar conclusion, because he leaned back and smiled at the bristling woman.

  “Put your claws away, girl. While it would be most amusing to see you try and put Mason in his place, it wouldn’t end well … for you. You’re here to audition, you say, but you’re hardly dressed for it.”

  The woman on stage pushed her shoulders back, and dropped her hip, an action that reminded Ty instantly of Myrtle, and that itch on his neck returned tenfold, especially when she threw another murderous look toward Ren. Crossing his arms over his powerful chest, Ren quirked an eyebrow at her, and after murmuring something to Susie, the head of the Cleaners made his way toward them.

  “Do I know you from somewhere, girl?” At her hasty shake of her head, Ren ran a hand through his shoulder length hair, and he sighed. “Then I would appreciate you not giving me dagger looks, if you want to seek employment here. You’ll find attitude like yours is not appreciated around here.”

  “And who are you to tell me what to do?” Instead of being subdued, this woman appeared even angrier, as she continued to stare Ren down, and Ty shook his head in wry amusement.

  “His name is Ren, girl,” Huntly said. “And you’d do well to heed his words. Now, if you’re here to dance, then by all means, dance, or stop wasting my time. And lose the wig. I want to see the real you.”

  There was an edge of steel to Huntly’s words, and some of her bravado left the woman on stage. Ty groaned under his breath when she unclipped the wig and acres of dark, shiny hair tumbled halfway down her back. Fuck knew why she’d decided to hide it under that contraption, but the curly mass made him want to give into his original instinct.

  Come what may, he would claim this one, even if he had to kidnap her. After all, that plan worked out well enough for Ren.

  He glanced at his friend to see him sit down on the other side of Huntly, seemingly determined to give his input into this dancer.

  The girl in question nodded toward the sound station, which set her chosen dance track into motion, grasped the pole with both hands, closed her eyes … and Ty’s tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.

  “Hot damn.” Huntly’s murmured assessment of her dancing skills said it all. The sultry tones of Rihanna’s song, “Skin”, filled the air, and all three men sat entranced as she did things to the pole that should be illegal and probably were in some places. Her blouse came loose during her dance, exposing her toned, smooth abdomen, and a stunning butterfly tattoo down one side, as she hung upside down off the pole. Her skirt rode up, giving far too arousing glances of the tiny, purple, thong which covered her pussy, and Ty gave up all pretense of hiding his erection. By the time the song faded out, he was so hard he could pound concrete. She slithered to the floor to end in a split with her arms above her head and her head thrown back, an action that exposed the curve of her delicate neck where her pulse beat a staccato rhythm, and Ty groaned under his breath.

  Ren and Huntly seemed to be in a similar predicament, because Huntly adjusted himself, and Ren rose wordlessly, stalked over to Susie, and dragged her away out back. No doubt to fuck her brains out, the lucky bastard.

  “What’s your name, girl?” Huntly’s voice sounded hoarse, and Ty didn’t miss the brief look of triumph in the woman’s eyes, as she opened them and rose back to her feet. Oh, yeah, she fucking knew the power she exuded in her dance, and that made Ty want to … well, what he wanted to do would get him put up for an assault charge faster than you could say bad idea, but he wanted her.


  Jeanette tried to catch her breath, and not give away how much she’d enjoyed dancing like that. Who knew what a fucking turn-on it would be, however? The practice sessions she’d put in at the studio had not prepared her for the reality of dancing in front of three virile men. While every instinct screamed at her to scratch Ren’s eyes out, she couldn’t deny the man’s charisma. Just like his reputation foretold, he had a presence. Danger, aggression, and strength literally poured off him, and as for his dark haired second in command…

  Hells bells! The pictures had not done him justice, not when he was hot, sweaty, wet, and dressed in his running gear, stood in front of her. It had taken every ounce of willpower she’d had to not take a deep sniff of his far too arousing scent. Earthy, primal, with a hint of left over cologne, his very aura had wrapped itself around her, and far from thinking him a domineering asshole, she’d had to fight the urge to simply do as she was told.

  Which was a completely alien concept for her. Jeanette McArthur didn’t bow to any male not after having witnessed both her mum and little sister fall into that trap. It had turned her mother into a drunken crack addict, and as for her sister…

  The old hurt, which had been ripped wide open with recent events, made breathing even more difficult, and Jeanette forced herself to concentrate on what Owen Huntly was saying to her. He’d asked her a question, hadn’t he? She wanted, no, needed this job, if she was to accomplish what she had come here to do, and pissing off the influential owner of La Masquerade any more than she already had with her prickly attitude would not get her a job and the in she was looking for.

  “Jeanette … sir.” Belatedly she added that respectful title, and Ty Mason swore under his breath. Jeanette had to grab hold onto the pole, because seeing him adjusting what looked like a sizable erection in seeming reaction to her words, did strange things to her equilibrium. Not for the life of her would she give him the satisfaction to know that he was getting to her, but, judging by the sinful smirk which kicked up the corners of his mouth, he already knew. Damn it all to hell and back. This would just complicate things even further. Belatedly she realized she was still staring at his groin, and fighting the hot blush creeping up her neck, she wrenched her gaze away from Ty’s brooding presence and looked toward Huntly indeed.

  Seeming amusement crinkled up the corners of the club owner’s steel grey eyes. They lost most of their earlier frostiness as a result of that devastatingly charming smile, and against her better judgment Jeanette found herself smiling back at him. She didn’t have the immediate, visceral reaction to this man as she had to Ty Mason, but there was no denying that Owen Huntly was si
nfully attractive and charismatic in his own right.

  And deadly, don’t forget that. He’s a criminal. They all are, and you’ve entered the lions’ den.

  Her mother’s warning, given in one of her rare lucid moments, rang in Jeanette’s ears, and she forced her raging hormones back into submission. At least now she understood why her little sis had thrown away her promising career in the Royal Ballet to pursue her pole dancing. Even if she had followed a man and got tangled up in the criminal underbelly as a result.

  “Jeanette who, girl?” Huntly asked, and she swallowed hard as he leaned forward to study her.

  “Jeanette McArthur, sir.”

  Huntly’s eyes drew together in a frown, and he stapled his hands in front of his face again, while he leaned his elbows on his thighs. It was disconcerting to be under such close scrutiny, and when he smiled, seemingly having come to some form of conclusion, she pulled a much needed breath into her constricted lungs.

  “You remind me of someone. Well, your dancing does. She was classically trained. I am guessing you are, too?”

  This was dangerous territory to get into, because if Huntly drew the obvious conclusion, then lord only knew what he would do to her.

  Not trusting her voice to not give away how nervous she was, Jeanette simply nodded.

  “So, why are you not pursuing a career in that field, if you don’t mind me asking?” As politely phrased as that question was, Jeanette recognized the inherent threat. Lying would never do. Besides, she didn’t have to about this, at least.

  “I grew too tall, and I became a dance teacher instead, but it doesn’t pay well.”

  Huntly’s smile in answer didn’t reach his eyes, and a cold shiver ran down Jeanette’s spine as he let his gaze roam over her body in a leisurely appraisal that made her feel as though she was standing naked in front of him.


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