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EVO Universe 1: The First

Page 36

by Kipjo Ewers

  She shrugged a bit disappointed, “The ruckus Dennison made screwed up our plans which was kind of disappointing because I really wanted the chance to roll around in your blood, but made it easier for us to get to the blood samples when you had it transported here like I knew you would. With communication and surveillance down you have no idea where we were or what we were doing, luck was also on our side as the late Ms. Barrett was apparently too scared shitless about what was going on to check our whereabouts. You apparently didn’t care either as it was clear you were going to leave without us…you didn’t even notice #1 leaving the deck when all hell broke loose…so after we killed everyone bringing the samples here save for the doctor, we injected ourselves with the blood…it bonded with us in a matter of minutes. Then all we have to do was help each other shove our vanadium carbon fiber blades under each of our ribcages and the virus just went to work …it hurt…a lot…but as you can see totally worth it…apparently because we’re already enhanced everything just works faster…which is just dandy.”

  “You have…no…idea…what…you…have…done…dead…dead man…” he uttered barely able to breathe as she applied more pressure to his throat.

  “You became a dead man when you made me stand powerless watching as that bitch kill #4,” #3 gritted her teeth, “By the way…I may have been screwing you, but I was in love with him…lucky for me I also love #1.”

  “We like keeping it in the family…” #1 shrugged.

  “You think you’re any different than the pieces of shit you send us to kill? You sit in your high priced suit never getting your hands bloodied while people like me go bathing in it willingly; changing the world as you reap the reward,” she bared her fangs at the Director unmasking her rage and hatred, “It’s not fair…and it’s going to change.”

  “That’s why we’re taking the blood, the good doctor who has nowhere to run!” She screamed for Dr. Zimmermann to hear, “and the child…we’re going to create a world where only the truly fit and worthy survives…”

  #3 crushed and snapped the Director’s neck with her right bare hand before dropping him to the floor.

  “A world where we crush people like you…underneath our heels,” she stomped on his skull crushing it like a melon while caving in the floor underneath her.

  Some blood splattered up on her as an insane grin appeared on her face. She then looked up at Agent Slater with the little girl; Slater taking the hint that he was no match for the duo held his hands up with his gun dangling from his thumb and slowly backed away from the child.

  “I don’t want any part of this,” swallowed Agent Slater, “You can take the little brat and…”

  Before he can finish his sentence the ground exploded behind him as a hand grabbed him by the back of the neck and flung him like a ragdoll several feet at great speed hitting the top entranceway of the helipad, he fell hitting the concrete in a painful and awkward way. The little girl quietly turned looking up to see her mother standing tall with her dreadlocks covering her face which forced #3 and #1 to back up a bit taking defensive stances now. The metal ports on her bodysuit either melted off or absorbed into her body revealing not a mark on her where the Iridium spike syringes pierced her.

  As Agent Slater weakly attempted to struggle to his feet, Mark finally showed up pulling out his side arm that he acquired and lit him up with two shots to the chest and one to the skull thus ending Agent Slater.

  “I told you…no one points a gun at me and gets away with it…,” Mark said fulfilling his promise.

  “You’re late….” Sophia said not looking at him.

  “Yeah well…place is a rat’s maze…had to get past the rats…” he explained.

  “Take my daughter and go…,” she ordered him.

  “What about…?” he motioned to the remaining D.E.A.D #1 and #3.

  “Don’t worry about them,” she said with no hesitation, “They belong to me now…go…”

  Mark nodded as he picked the little girl up. Without even knowing him she putted her arms around his neck resting her head on his shoulder which took his aback for a second, he speed walked off the helipad back whence he came from. The little girl raised her head a bit watching Sophia who continued to stare #3 and #1 down. Armitage found the emergency stairs he originally came through taking them back downstairs hoping they lead all the way to the bottom and out.

  “One down…one more to go…” Sophia addressed #3.

  “There’s two of us bitch, much stronger than when you first came here,” #3 warned her, “And if you chose to fight with us, we’re only going to get stronger…so why don’t we just call this even…I took something from you…you took something from me…walk away, and let bygones be bygones…what do you say?”

  “Things will never be even between us, and you’ll never be stronger…than me…” Sophia informed her.

  “Cocky little slash aren’t ya,” cackled #3 mocking her, “What are you, over nine thousand now?!”

  “You know in the movies… in the final scene…when the good guy and bad guy fight,” asked Sophia with her eyes closed, ”Bad guy gets the upper hand during most of the fight…but the good guy finds a way in the last minute to win…”

  “This ain’t a movie…” #3 scowled reminding her.

  Sophia finally opened her eyes to reveal them no longer normal at all; it appeared as if her irises and pupils were completely gone as her eyes glowed a deep blue color from the raw energy surging behind them, “You’re so damn right about that…”

  Before they could even react she was face to face with #3, only a trail of red, white and black with blue energy signature from her eyes revealed how she got from point “a” to point “b”; she was now doing what John Wesley Shipp needed special effects to do.

  In one motion, she grabbed D.E.A.D # 3 by the front of her bodysuit hoisting her into the air. With a spin, she flung her effortlessly into the helicopter sending her and it through an unscathed portion of the circular glass of the helipad, revealing a still cowering Dr. Zimmermann almost crushed. A stunned D.E.A.D # 1 reacted too slow as Sophia zipped now standing before him with her hand inches from his face as a blue ball of pure energy charged in the palm of her hand the size of a baseball and equal to the intensity within her eyes. It was like falling into the deadly charm of a cobra.

  “Now…you die…,”are the final words #1 heard from her.

  The sound of the blast was almost pure white noise, while the blast radius of the energy forming in her palm went from the size of a baseball to the height and width of a freight train. It engulfed everything in its path including #1 and his screams. The blast tore through the facility and the mountain escaping to the outside where it went god knows where before dissipating; not even ashes was left of #1; while two other explosions rocked the facility.


  One was the helicopter falling to its destruction taking out any and everything in its path in the process, which were several more levels of the facility not touched by Sophia.

  The other was #3 hurled at a velocity equivalent to a railgun, sending her out the side of the mountain like a missile projectile into the Oregon air.

  She screamed her lungs out while throwing a couple of curse words in as she fell like a meteorite into the forest of the Sky Lakes Wilderness hitting with a thunderous impact of a wrecking ball destroying several ancient trees in the area while creating several human size craters before finally stopping. As she tried to rise, she collapsed onto her knees battered and bloodied, her regenerative healing not working fast enough to repair the damage done.

  As she tried to fight to her feet once again, she heard the sound of a sonic boom exploding out of the mountain. She beheld the sight of an airborne Sophia flying out of the hole she created while blasting #1 to atoms, it was clearly not one of her regular super leaps as she hovered in midair due to the energy she was dispersing at the bottom of her feet.

  She soared down to where #3 landed stopping again hovering i
n mid-air, she then slowly lowered herself to Earth sending dirt and debris flying everywhere as a battered and enraged #3 stood still defiant. When she was low enough to the ground, she dispersed the energy, which gave her flight landing gently on the ground so that she could stand toe to toe with the last of the D.E.A.D.

  “How…?” #3 demanded to know in disbelief at what she saw even though she had seen everything.

  “The energy from the reactor that was being used to kill me...somehow it siphoned into me like a charger to a car battery,” Sophia confirmed, “Apparently my body likes it. So much, it involuntarily blew me out of the pod taking half the mountain to get to the reactor, which was below me. Cells just went to town taking the rest of the energy. That’s why there was no fall out…as for now being the “fastest woman live” and the “up up and away” I forgot to mention that I also have the ability to not only remember, but physically duplicate moves from anyone or thing I’ve ever seen in my life real or unreal, … movies…television…video games…just with a thought.”

  “If you think you can scare me…?” #3 bared her teeth trembling with a mixture of rage and fear.

  “I don’t really give a shit if you’re afraid of me or not,” Sophia laughed cutting her off without a care in the world, “I just know I’m going to beat you to death with my bare hands….”

  “Fuck…,” was #3’s verbal answer to everything.

  Before she could finish her vulgar sentence, a calm and cold Sophia for the second time was already in her face, “No…fuck you…”

  And just as D.E.A.D # 3 was not prepared to be flung through the facility like a pillow, she was not prepared for the lightning straight right punch to the chest that propelled her once again through the forest shattering more trees as she came crashing back down at the foot of Mount McLoughlin by the now abandoned security wall.

  As she fought to her feet again fighting to breathe after that cannon shot punch, she saw a red, white and black blur coming at her with a speed that was literally uprooting trees. She barely covered up to defend as she was hit with a punch backed by a Mach 15 sonic boom knocking her through the security wall back into the facility obliterating everything in her path, and almost sending her out the other side of the mountain.

  The impact ignited an array of explosions and caused a section of the facility to come down on itself with debris and smoke raining down everywhere some of it burying #3.

  It was clear Sophia wanted to keep this battle at the mountain so no one else got hurt.

  D.E.A.D # 3 managed break free of the rubble that fell on her as she clutched her chest spitting up blood, the fact that she was still up meant she was regenerating, but her body couldn’t keep up with the damage Sophia was dealing to her. The last punch felt as if she shattered her arms, it was also pretty clear that Sophia was also pulling her punches, she could have probably punched her head off if she wanted to.

  She apparently wanted to drag this now one-sided fight out and make #3 suffer as she promised.

  #3 would not go quietly into the night, as Sophia walked through the smoke and rubble coming for her, #3 snatched up the largest slab of concrete debris that had to weigh at least nearly eight tons. She swung for the hills hoping to knock Sophia into the next town or at least stagger her, but the slab just shattered on impact like glass hitting a tank.

  “You wanna try again?” Sophia asked taunting her.

  #3 growled taking what was left of the debris in her hands and waffled Sophia’s skull with it like something out of a wrestling show, but that piece just crumbled on impact against the immovable force.

  She then took what was left of the debris that was now half her body and launched it with all of her might directly into Sophia’s face. It was like hitting her with soft newly fallen snow. Now covered in dirt, rubble, dust, and debris an unscathed Sophia opened her glowing blue piercing eyes to look into the soul of #3.

  “Fuck you…” was the only answer that came from #3’s quivering lips.

  “You said that already,” Sophia sighed, “Such a limited vocabulary you have...”

  “So what now huh? This the reckoning?” #3 threw her hands up in ranting frustration, “Vengeance served cold and all that shit? You finally get your “Kill Bill” moment? Well then come on!”

  “No…” Sophia said flat out to her.

  “No?! What the fuck do you mean…“no”?” #3 demanded not loving being the one now toyed with.

  “I’m not going to kill you for what you did to my husband…or for what you’ve done to me,” Sophia calmly explained to her, “I’m going to kill you because you came after my daughter…that…is the only reason…why you die today…”

  #3 bowed her head and started to giggle as blood drooled from her mouth down the front of her bodysuit, her giggle turned into a maniacal laugh as she wiped tears from her eyes with her forearm. No one would know if tears were of fear or insanity. She became silent again; she let out a growl and rushed Sophia with all her might kicking up dust behind her, until a vicious boot to the gut by a much faster female titan upended her. Sophia did not stop there as she grabbed the front of her hair and knocked the taste out of her mouth with a thunderous right sending a couple of teeth flying. As she spun around, Sophia met her with another bone crushing right executing what could described as a “flash step” moving to the opposite side of her within milliseconds in order to greet her once again with another freight train of a punch.

  #3 was near out on her feet after Sophia two brutal hits. She however was not finished with her yet as she caught her from falling, shoved her backwards, and proceeded to unleash an attack on her with moves straight out of a fighting video game…literally.

  The former neurosurgeon who had not taken even a Tao Bo class in her life was taking the highly trained death squad assassin to school. She remembered and pulled from the countless kung fu movies she watched, and the weekend video game marathons she had with her husband while in college. That coupled with her unbelievable speed and strength made her an unstoppable combatant.

  Sophia at this point was toying with her as she leaped into the air faking her with a 360-degree roundhouse kick setting her up for 360-degree legsweep sending her into a tailspin, but before #3 could hit the ground, Sophia would clobber her with an explosive spinning backhand fist swiping her out of mid-air. The force of the hit sent her crashing through several walls shaking the facility once again.


  Elsewhere in the facility, Mark staggered cradling Sophia’s daughter as he tried to make his way out almost nearing the bottom of the base.

  “Sweet baby Jesus…I’m too old of this shit…” he groaned to himself.

  Out of nowhere, Mark damn near had a heart attack as the screeching Spider Monkey belonging to the late Director Rosen jumped on top of him almost making him fall down the stairs. He was about to grab the animal and fling it away when Sophia’s daughter took the monkey in her arms cradling it as it clung onto her.

  “You better be the last surprise in this goddamn place,” Mark shot the monkey named Cornelius a dirty look as he continued his way down the stairs.


  Back at the fight, as #3 staggered to her feet, Dennison the flying scud missile slammed right into her taking her for a ride. She took pleasure in putting her through additional wall after wall until they came exploding into the quad of the complex that was behind the now destroyed security wall.

  Sophia was not done with her yet as she angled her trajectory dragging #3’s body across the hard concrete creating a shallow trench. Satisfied that she probably took half of #3’s skin off her back she then quickly took her up into the air, before spinning into a nosedive aiming for a rather large armored personnel vehicle below them. #3 fought to break free from Sophia’s iron grip with her own strength, but it was all for naught as the strongest of the two with the ability to achieve flight drilled them into the vehicle.

  The brutal impact ignited the diesel w
ithin the vehicle causing an explosion sending flaming shrapnel everywhere. Some of it hit a nearby fuel supply causing a devastating chain reaction of explosions, which took out almost every vehicle in the vicinity and another part of the facility.


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