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Escape (Jack Forge, Lost Marine Book 3)

Page 10

by James David Victor

Jack sat on the medical bunk, his wounds and abrasions dressed. Clean sheets and the familiar hum of the Scorpio’s systems brought a relaxed sensation that he had not felt in too long a time.

  The medical drone drew blood while a doctor flipped through the holofile at the end of the bunk.

  “You’re in good shape, all things considered,” the doctor said. “I’m going to be releasing you in a few hours. Do you have anyone you need to contact before…”

  Jack knew what was waiting, and he had no idea how he was going to explain the days since the evacuation. He was sure Fleet Intelligence would want to know every last detail.

  “How’s Sam?” Jack asked.

  The doctor deactivated the holofile. He avoided Jack’s stare.

  “I’m not at liberty to discuss the subject.”

  “The patient, you mean,” Jack said, sitting forward.

  The drone gently pressed Jack back to his bunk.

  The doctor hesitated on his way to the closed med-bay exit.

  “Your friend is well. The tests on his arm are…”

  “What?” Jack pushed the medical drone aside.

  “Proving difficult.”

  The med-bay exit opened. In walked two Fleet Intelligence enforcers followed by Agent Mallet. She pushed the doctor out of the med-bay and closed the door. She stepped over to Jack.

  “You ready to begin?”

  Jack swung his legs over the side of the bed.

  “Let’s get this over with.”

  Jack felt the deck under his feet. He was home, and he had a feeling that he was in as much danger as ever.

  Thank You For Reading

  Jack and Sam have found the fleet, but they are far from safe. With an overwhelming force on their tail, can they save humanity again?

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  The next story in the series is called New Enemy. Jack and the Fleet find out there are worse things out in the black of space than Devex warriors.

  Order New Enemy here:

  And if you would like to know about the events that led to Jack and Sam being stranded in space, check out the Jack Forge, Fleet Marine series where Jack goes from unwilling Marine to savior of humanity.

  Get Recruit, Book 1 in the series:

  Or get the whole Jack Forge, Fleet Marine series:

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